2015. augusztus 10., hétfő

AuOr 33/1 (2015)

Megszakítjuk adásunkat (khm, szünetünket), mert megjelent az Aula Orientalis legújabb kötete, benne magyar szerző tanulmányával:

Daniel Arnaud, Une cosmogonie lydienne en langue  babylonienne: BM 74329

Barbara Böck, Shaping Texts and Text Genres: On the Drug Lore of Babylonian Practitioners of Medicine

Stefan Bojowald, Neue Beispiele für den ägyptischen Ausfall von „3“ zu Beginn des Wortes

Augusto Gayubas, Warfare and Social Change in Non-State Societies  of the Predynastic Nile Valley

Ignacio Máquez Rowe, Water of labour? A Note on the Story of  ‘Sin and the Cow'

Josep Padró, Grabados rupestres inéditos de Masmas Baja Nubia (Egipto)

Jeremiah Peterson, An Archive of Simple Ledgers Featuring the e2 um-mi-a(k), House of the Master,” at Old Babylonian Nippur: The Daily Rosters f a Scribal School?

Juan Piquero, Micénico pa-ra-ku-we y telas pa-ra-ku-ja: una nueva etimología en el contexto del Oriente Próximo

Andreij Sideltsev, Syntax of Hittite mān “if / when”

Krisztián Simkó, Emery abrasive in the lapidary craft of the Ur III period?Some further remarks on the stone ú-na4-gug and its Old Babylonian counterpart

Wilfred G.E. Watson, La lengua y la historia de los hurritas y de los urarteos:cuarta bibliografía complementaria

Gregorio del Olmo Lete, Glosas Ugarítica VI: Ug. /ṣ-d/, “¿salir a la caza de” o “danzar”?

2015. augusztus 1., szombat

Nyári szünet

Blogunk aug. 1. és aug. 20. között nyári szünetet tart. Persze attól még lehet, hogy posztolunk valamit, de alapvetően nem. Minden Kedves Olvasónknak kellemes nyaralást kívánunk!

2015. július 23., csütörtök

Doktori, posztdoktori helyek Münchenben

Ismét a Graduate School Distant Worldsben: 8 doktori és 2 posztdoktori helyet hirdettek.

Kadmos 53 (2014)

A tartalomból:

A ‘new old reading’ of the Lycian inscription TL 42
Adiego, Ignasi-Xavier

From the predicaments of grammatology to the origin of the Lydian (and other) scripts
Rizza, Alfredo

I limiti della regolarità grafematica: alcuni esempi dall’anatolico
Giusfredi, Federico

2015. július 22., szerda

Anatolian Studies 65 (2015)

A tartalomból:

New perspectives on stone bead technology at Bronze Age Troy (Geoffrey Ludvik et al.)

A Hittite treaty tablet from Oylum Höyük in southeastern Turkey and the location of Ḫaššu(wa) (Ahmet Ünal)

Phoenician and Luwian in Early Iron Age Cilicia (Ilya Yakubovich)

Addendum to ‘Phoenician and Luwian in Early Iron Age Cilicia’ by Ilya Yakubovich (J.D. Hawkins)

Adanawa or Ahhiyawa? Reply to the addendum by J.D. Hawkins (Ilya Yakubovich)

Two new inscribed Storm-god stelae from Arsuz (İskenderun): ARSUZ 1 and 2 (Belkıs Dinçol et al.)

A goddess among Storm-gods. The stele of Tavşantepe and the landscape monuments of southern Cappadocia (Anna Lanaro)

‘Heroa’ and the city. Kuprlli’s new architecture and the making of the ‘Lycian acropolis’ of Xanthus in the early Classical period (Catherine M. Draycott)

2015. július 21., kedd

Current Research of the Hungarian Archaeological Mission in Thebes

Egy nagyon fontos kiadvány jelent meg: a Publications of the Office of the Hungarian Cultural Counsellor sorozat első kötete, Current Research of the Hungarian Archaeological Mission in Thebes címmel, mely kötetet a magyar egyiptomi régészeti kutatások aktuális eredményei bemutatásának szenteltek. A sorozat szerkesztője Kovács Renáta, a kairói magyar kulturális tanácsos.

A tartalom:

2015. július 13., hétfő

Új magyar egyiptológia blog

Egy új blog indult, Egyiptológia címmel, amelynek célja, hogy "hogy az érdeklődő nagyközönséggel megismertessük a hazai egyiptológia történetét, hagyományait, tevékenységét, életét, eredményeit, valamint beszámoljunk az éppen aktuális eseményekről, kiadványokról." A blog szerzői az ELTE BTK tanszék oktatói és hallgatói közül kerülnek ki. Ezen a linken lehet olvasgatni.

2015. július 2., csütörtök

Doktori ösztöndíj (asszíriológia)

PhD position in Assyriology

1.0 fte (full-time), 4 years
Specialization in Neo-Babylonian
Faculty of Humanities, VU Amsterdam
Vacancy number: 15177
Application deadline: 16 July 2015

The research project “Paying for All the Kings’ Horses and All the King’s Men: A Fiscal History of the Achaemenid Empire”, funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), conducted under the leadership of Kristin Kleber is seeking to fill a PhD position in September 2015. The project aims to investigate taxation and administration in the Achaemenid Empire. Currently one PhD candidate (Mark Tamerus) works on the Elamite texts from Persepolis. The prospective PhD candidate will share the work on Babylonian archives with K. Kleber and an additional post-doctoral scholar who is to join the project from 2016 on for two years (a job advertisement will follow in due time). 

Job description
The PhD candidate will independently read and analyze published (often only in cuneiform) and unpublished texts from Neo-Babylonian private archives and write a dissertation on taxation (types, basis for taxation), administration and the spending of tax money in Babylonia during the Persian period. He or she will collect all quantitative information but will also work qualitatively by conducting an analysis of the underlying administrative structures. The candidate will get the chance to travel to collections of cuneiform tablets to make collations and possibly transliterations of new texts. 
The candidate will furthermore present a work-in-progress paper on a meeting of the Neo-Babylonian Network Initiative and a scientific paper at the project’s international workshop in 2018. The latter will be published in conference proceedings. 

According to the new PhD regulations of VU University all PhD candidates are required to take 30 ECTS of education during the four-year position. Some of these study points can be acquired through regular courses in Akkadian, project-meetings, presentations at the Neo-Babylonian Network workshop and a course in reading and copying original cuneiform tablets. The candidate may be asked to teach one course per year during his/her second and third year or to contribute in knowledge transfer to a general public (e.g. by giving a presentation for a wider audience or writing and posting information for a general public on the project’s website which is currently under construction). 

The prospective PhD candidate: 
• has an MA in Assyriology (or a comparable Ancient Studies degree with a specialization on the Ancient Near East) at hand by 31 August 2015; 
• has acquired knowledge on Neo-Babylonian archival studies during his/her previous education; 
• is able to place texts and data into their historical context; 
• is able to write a dissertation and papers in good scholarly English; 
• has evident communicative and organisational skills. 
Familiarity with Neo-Babylonian texts is essential for this position. Applicants are requested to mention courses they took or papers they wrote on Neo-Babylonian topics during their BA and MA-education. It will be appreciated if the BA-thesis, a larger term paper or the MA-thesis on a Neo-Babylonian topic is submitted along with the letter of application (max. two pages), a transcript (list of courses and grades), and a CV. 

Other relevant details
PhD candidates at Dutch Universities are employees and receive the full benefits that the institution offers its personnel. The initial employment contract will have the duration of one year. After a positive evaluation the contract will be prolonged for three years. The contract will end on 31 August 2019. 

The salary will be in accordance with university regulations for academic personnel in education. It ranges from € 2125 gross per month in the first year up to € 2717 in the fourth (salary scale 85). The project is seeking to fill the vacancy as of 1 September 2015. 

Information and application
For additional information you can contact Dr. K. Kleber via e-mail. 
Applicants are requested to write a letter in which they describe their abilities and their motivation, accompanied by their curriculum vitae, a transcript (list of courses and grades), and a written sample on a Neo-Babylonian topic. Applications should be sent attached to an e-mail to k.kleber at vu.nl until 16 July 2015. The letter of application can be addressed to: 

Dr. K. Kleber 
VU University Amsterdam 
Faculty of Humanities 
De Boelelaan 1105 
1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Any other correspondence in response to this advertisement will not be dealt with.

2015. július 1., szerda

Az Isba'l-felirathoz

A tegnapi bejegyzésben olvashatóak voltak a legújabb és természetesen a médiumok által is felkap(at)ott Khirbet Qeiyafa-i szöveget közlő dolgozat adatai. Aki a felirat valódi jelentőségének és kontextusának rövid, de annál megbízhatóbb értékelésére vágyik, az olvassa el Christopher Rollston blogbejegyzését erre.

2015. június 30., kedd

BASOR 373 (2015)

A tartalomból:

Late Helladic to Middle Geometric Aegean and Contemporary Cypriot Chronologies: A Radiocarbon View from the Levant (Alexander Fantalkin, Israel Finkelstein and Eli Piasetzky)

A Moabite-Inscribed Statue Fragment from Kerak: Egyptian Parallels (Heather Dana Davis Parker and Ashley Fiutko Arico)

From Byblos to Vapheio: Fenestrated Axes between the Aegean and the Levant (Assaf Yasur-Landau)

Pottery and Society in Iron Age Philistia: Feasting, Identity, Economy, and Gender (Avraham Faust)

The ʾIšbaʿal Inscription from Khirbet Qeiyafa (Yosef Garfinkel, Mitka R. Golub, Haggai Misgav and Saar Ganor)

Imported Cypriot Pottery in Twelfth-Century B.C. Ashkelon (Daniel M. Master, Penelope A. Mountjoy and Hans Mommsen)

A füzet egy ideig szabadon letölthető ezen a linken (nyilván az igencsak médiaképes új Khirbet Qeiyafa-i felirat miatt).

2015. június 29., hétfő

Óasszír ösztöndíj

Faculty/Department: Humanities/Seminar/Institute: 
SFB 950 "Manuskriptkulturen in Asien, Afrika und Europa"

Pending funding, Universität Hamburg invites applications for a Research Associate for a subproject of "SFB 950 "Manuskriptkulturen in Asien, Afrika und Europa" in accordance with § 28 (3) of Hamburg's Higher Education Act (HmbHG*). The positions commence as soon as possible.

It is remunerated at the salary level TV-L E 13 and calls for 65% of the regular weekly work hours.

The short-term nature of this contract is based upon § 2 of the Academic Short-Term Labor Contract Act (WissZeitVG). The term is fixed to 30.06.2019.

The University aims to increase the number of women in research and teaching and explicitly encourages women to apply. Equally qualified female applicants will receive preference in accordance with Hamburg's Higher Education Act (HmbHG).

Duties include academic services in the project named above. Research associates can also pursue independent research and further academic qualifications.

Area(s) of Responsibility:
Subproject C11: "Private Archives as a Source of Literacy in Old Assyrian Society"

A university degree in a relevant subject.

Severely disabled applicants will receive preference over equally qualified non-disabled applicants.

For further information, please contact Dr. Cécile Michel (cecile.michel@mae.cnrs.fr) or consult our website at http://www.manuscript-cultures.uni-hamburg.de/Projekte_p2.html or http://www.manuscript-cultures.uni-hamburg.de/Projekte_p2_e.html.

Applications should include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and copies of degree certificate(s).

 The application deadline is 15.07.2015. Please send applications to: Dr. Cécile Michel, .

 * Hamburg Higher Education Act
 ** Full-time positions currently comprise 39 hours per week. *******

2015. június 28., vasárnap

JANER 14 (2014)

A tartalomból:

Issue 1

The Identity and Function of Ugaritic Shaʿtiqatu: A Divinely Made Apotropaic Figure (Theodore J. Lewis)

Grieving with the Moon: Pantheon and Politics in The Lunar Eclipse (John Z. Wee)

Priests, Pollution and the Demonic: Evaluating Impurity in the Hebrew Bible in Light of Assyro-Babylonian (Isabel Cranz)

The Semantics of Purity in the Ancient Near East: Lexical Meaning as a Projection of Embodied Experience (Yitzhaq Feder)

The Tree of Life in Ancient Egypt and the Book of Proverbs (William R. Osborne)

Issue 2

Aštata: A Case of Hittite Imperial Religious Policy (Alfonso Archi)

The Material Culture of Hittite ‘God-drinking’ (Y. Heffron)

2015. június 23., kedd

Call for papers

Liége-ben Time and Space in Ancient Egypt címmel konferenciát rendeznek 2016. jún. 9-11 között.
Részletek a kiírás szövegéből:

The objective of this conference will be to treat the interactions between space and time in a more systematic way and to put into perspective the points already considered in former studies. It will aim to give a general overview of the status quaestionis, take stock of the situation of the current researches and open up new prospects for further researches. A better knowing of the Egyptians’ conception of space and time, of the way they made them interact with each other will enable us to understand ever more deeply the several aspects of this culture. This is the reason why this conference will have a strong interdisciplinary dimension. It will be organised around four main axes: linguistics, philology, iconography and beliefs.
For these four axes, the following themes have been selected:

lexicon and metaphors ; iconicity
philology, narratology
texts from the ideology vs. texts from the vernacular : time and space of the gods vs. time and space of the humans
figurative representations
religious and funerary beliefs

Az absztraktok beküldési határideje október 15. 

2015. június 19., péntek

Ösztöndíj Heidelbergbe

Részlet a kiírás szövegéből:

Az Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem és a Heidelbergi Egyetem kétoldalú megállapodása alapján Egyetemünk nemzetközi ügyekért felelős rektorhelyettese kiírta az ELTE Rektori Kabinet Nemzetközi Iroda által koordinált ösztöndíjat, melynek keretében 2 db 5 hónapos ösztöndíjat lehet elnyerni a Heidelbergi Egyetemre, a 2015/2016-os tanév tavaszi vagy őszi féléveire. A pályázat benyújtási határideje: 2015. június 23.

2015. június 17., szerda

Distant Worlds Journal

Elindult a müncheni doktori iskola (Distant Worlds: Munich Graduate School for Ancient Studies) újonnan induló online folyóirata, amely tárt karokkal várja a karrierjük elején álló kutatók cikkeit. További részletek ezen a linken.

2015. június 14., vasárnap

Studia Eblaitica 1 (2015)

A new journal called "Studia Eblaitica" is due to appear in a few days, published by Harrassowitz Verlag of Wiesbaden

The aim of this new international journal is to contribute to developing the study of the interpretation and understanding of the ancient cultures of Syria, remaining as open as possible to the different methodologies and problems that characterize present-day research.

Thanks to the generous policy of international collaboration pursued by the cultural authorities of the Syrian Arab Republic, the increase in archaeological research in Syria, particularly from the 1970s on, opened up a series of new perspectives on the study of ancient Syria. The discovery of the Royal Archives of Ebla was decisive in this renaissance, as well as the role that Ebla played in establishing the very foundations of cultural development in ancient Syria.

This project originates at a time of serious crisis for Syria, whose plight does not even spare the country’s magnificent, thousand-year-old cultural heritage. It is also intended as the strongest of hopes for a not-too-distant future of peace, prosperity, harmony and justice for the whole of the Syrian people.

From the contents:


Agnese Vacca, Before the Royal Palace G. The Stratigraphic and Pottery Sequence of the West Unit of the Central Complex: The Building G5

Licia Romano, The Queen and the Veil. A Note about the Eblaic Votive Plaque

Marta D’Andrea and Agnese Vacca, The Northern and Southern Levant during the Late Early Bronze Age: A Reappraisal of the “Syrian Connection”

Paolo Matthiae, Cult Architecture at Ebla between Early Bronze IVA and Middle Bronze I: Continuity and Innovation in the Formative Phase of a Great Tradition. An Evaluation

Frances Pinnock, From Ebla to Guzana: The Image of Power in Syria between the Bronze and Iron Ages

Luca Peyronel, The “Outer Town” of Ebla during the Old Syrian Period. A Preliminary Analysis of the Off-Site Survey 2010

Sara Pizzimenti, A Hare in the Land of Lions. Analysis and Interpretation of the Leporid Symbol in the Old Syrian Glyptic

Andrea Polcaro, The Bone Talisman and the Ideology of Ancestors in Old Syrian Ebla: Tradition and Innovation in the Royal Funerary Ritual Iconography

Short Notes

Marta D’Andrea, Preliminary Notes on Some EB IVB Painted Simple Ware Shards from Ebla

Paolo Matthiae, Another Old Syrian Cylinder with Rashap’s Iconography
Paolo Matthiae, The Old Akkadian Lion-Dragon and Water at Ebla

Paolo Matthiae, Ishtar’s Beard and the Ishtar Eblaitu’s Licentious Image

Luca Peyronel, A Long-Barrel Carnelian Bead from Ebla. A New Evidence for Long-Distance Contacts b
between the Indus Valley and the Near East

Luca Peyronel, Bronze Balance Pan from the Southern Palace at Ebla

2015. június 9., kedd

Cikkek innen-onnan

(Magyar szerzőkkel!)

Takayoshi Oshima: BLMJ 2700: A Neo-Babylonian Cylinder Seal with a Mythological Battle: A Question on the Identity of the Four-Winged God on Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian Seals. BLER 2015/1.

James J. Weingartner: Michael C. Astour: A Biographical Essay. Itt.

Eric Morvillez (ed.): Paradeisos. Genèse et métamorphose de la notion de paradis dans l’Antiquité (Actes du colloque tenu à Avignon, Palais des Papes, printemps 2009). Paris

  • Brigitte Lion: Les jardins des rois néo-assyriens
  • Christophe Benech, Rémy Boucharlat: Organisation spatiale du parc de Pasargades

M.-Fr. Boussac et al. (ed.): 25 siècles de bain collectif en Orient. Proche-Orient, Égypte et péninsule Arabique. Actes du colloque de Damas, 2009. Beyrouth - Le Caire

  • B. Muller - A. Cavigneaux - J.-C. Margueron: Avant les bains collectifs : eau, hygiène et rites au Proche-Orient ancien (IVe-Ier millénaire av. J.-C.)

Bo Isaksson - Maria Persson (eds.): Clause Combining in Semitic: The Circumstantial Clause and Beyond. Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 96. Wiesbaden

  • Jan Retsö: The Problem of Circumstantial Clause Combining (CCC) in Sabaean Clause Combining in East Semitic
  • Eran Cohen: Circumstantial Clause Combining in Old Babylonian Akkadian

Géza Xeravits (ed.): Religion and Female Body in Ancient Judaism and Its Environments. Berlin

  • Ádám Vér - Réka Esztári: The Voices of Ištar: Prophetesses and Female Ecstatics in the Neo-Assyrian Empire

2015. június 8., hétfő

Könyv a görög-mezopotámiai irodalmi kapcsolatokról

Mint az ismeretes, számos és elég szélsőséges vélemény fogalmazódott meg a mezopotámiai irodalomnak és kultúrának a görög irodalomra és kultúrára tett hatásáról. Most úgy tűnik, egy újabb fontos munka jelent meg e téren, amely ráadásul elődeinél jóval kritikusabbnak tűnik. Én a magam részéről alig várom, hogy olvashassam:

Christopher Metcalf: The Gods Rich in Praise. Early Greek and Mesopotamian Religious Poetry. Oxford Classical Monographs. Oxford.

2015. június 7., vasárnap

Konferencia-felhívás: Religous Convergence in the Ancient Mediterranean

Religious Convergence in the Ancient Mediterranean

Sponsors: Whitaker Foundation, Society for Ancient Mediterranean Religions

When: June 23-26, 2016
Where: Villa Whitaker, Palermo, Sicily

Historical and cultural studies over the last two decades have embraced a range of models and foci for exploring distinct communities at points of cultural and geographic convergence, including network models, complexity studies, colonial encounters, middle ground, frontiers, ethnicity studies, center-periphery, empire theory, and the articulation of "alien" identity within a complex urban setting. Geographic and cultural points of convergence offer exceptional insight not only into ritual studies and the exploration of ritual as mediating and adaptive space, but also for identity construction and the connectivity that enables economic and political advantage. This international conference brings together scholars in religion, archaeology, philology, and history to explore case studies and theoretical models of converging religions.

Convergence may be explored along any of five broad trajectories:

1.   Geographic: How do rituals and religious narratives respond to and impact geospatial boundaries such as shorelines, mountains, and rivers? Is there a difference between geographic and political/cultural boundaries or other forms of human-constructed space (the urban and the rural, the monumental and the mundane)?  

2.   Social structures: How do rituals negotiate the differentiation between state-sponsored and private expression, between elite and nonelite, or between the professional-artisan, scribe, warrior, athlete-and the lay? Are such boundaries modern figments or ancient realities; what are their archaeological, epigraphic, and ideological signatures?  

3.   Assymetricality: How does religion respond to pressures from above and below? How are different forms of assymetricality articulated in written and material expressions of ritual and belief? Examples may include ritual in colonial contexts-imposition versus emulation-and urban cults accessible to both elites and commoners alike.

4.   Imaginary boundaries: How do powerful cultural tropes such as mythic genealogies, divine interventions, heroic legends, or numinous landscapes inform ritual action as it responds to the "other" both within and at the edge of the "realm"? 

5.   Socioeconomic: How are engagements between those at the top and at the bottom of socioeconomic power informed by ritual practice: does ritualized empowerment of the lower class reinforce or mitigate social boundaries? How might the religion of merchants and travelers facilitate or problematize their interactions in the wider Mediterranean world?

Other, related, topics will also be considered. We welcome submissions by those working on new methodologies.

Deadline for paper submission: September 15, 2015. Send paper title and brief abstract to: submissions@palermo2016.net.

Organizers: Sandra Blakely, Emory University, Billie Jean Collins, Emory University, Lela Urquhart, Georgia State University, Sebastiano Tusa, Soprintendenza del Mare, Regione Siciliana

More information is available online at http://www.palermo2016.net

2015. június 6., szombat

Labor in the Ancient World

Piotr Steinkeller, Michael Hudson (eds.): Labor in the Ancient World. ISLET-Verlag

A tartalomból:

Introduction. Labor in the Early States: An Early Mesopotamian Perspective (Piotr Steinkeller)

Home and Work in Early Bronze Age Mesopotamia: “Ration Lists” and “Private Houses” at Tell Beydar/Nadaba (Walther Sallaberger, Alexander Pruß)

The Employment of Labor on National Building Projects in the Ur III Period (Piotr Steinkeller)

Building Larsa: Labor Value, Scale and Scope-of-Economy in Ancient Mesopotamia (Seth Richardson)

Hired Labor in the Neo-Assyrian Empire (Karen Radner)

Labor in Babylonia in the First Millennium BC (Michael Jursa)

Labor and the Pyramids. The Heit el-Ghurab “Workers Town” at Giza (Mark Lehner)

Problems of Authority, Compulsion, and Compensation in Ancient Egyptian Labor Practices (Ogden Goelet)

2015. június 5., péntek


Harald Maier-Metz: Entlassungsgrund: Pazifismus. Albrecht Götze, der Fall Gumbel und die Marburger Universität 1930–1946. Academia Marburgensis 13. Marburg

C. Roche-Hawley - R. Hawley (éd.): Devins et lettrés dans l’orbite de Babylone: travaux réalisés dans le cadre du projet ANR Mespériph 2007-2011. Paris

Karen Focke: Der Garten in neusumerischer Zeit. AOAT 53. Münster

Rita Dolce: “Perdere la testa”. Aspetti e valori della decapitazione nel Vicino Oriente Antico. Studi Archeologici 3. Espera

Jack M. Sasson: From the Mari Archives. An Anthology of Old Babylonian Letters. Winona Lake

Jacob Lauinger: Following the Man of Yamhad. Settlement and Territory at Old Babylonian Alalah. CHANE 75. Leiden - Boston

F. Baffi, R. Fiorentino and L. Peyronel (eds.): Tell Tuqan and Regional Perspectives. Cultural Developments in Inner Syria from the Early Bronze Age to the Persian/Hellenistic Period. Proceedings of the International Conference May 15th – 17th 2013 Lecce. Galatina-Lecce

Irving Finkel, Jonathan Taylor: Cuneiform. London

R. F. Docter, Ridha Boussoffara, Pieter Ter Keurs: Carthage: Fact and Myth. Oxford

Elisabeth Rieken: Einführung in die hethitische Sprache und Schrift. 2., aktualisierte Auflage. Münster

J. Elayi, A.G. Elayi: Arwad, cité phénicienne du nord. Gabalda

Juan Luis Montero Fenollós: Asirios en el Medio Éufrates. La cerámica medioasria de Tell Qabr Abu al-'Atiq en su contexto histórico-arqueológico. Zaragoza

Juan Luis Montero Fenollós (ed.): Redonner vie aux Mésopotamiens. Mélanges offerts à Jean-Claude Margueron à l'occasion de son 80e anniversaire. Zaragoza

Tzvi Abusch: The Witchcraft Series Maqlû. Atlanta

2015. június 4., csütörtök

SAAB 21 (2013-2014)

Frederick Mario Fales, Editorial: Twenty Volumes of Neo-Assyrian Studies Later …

Bettina Faist, Die Keilschrifttafeln aus Samʾal (Zincirli)

John MacGinnis – M. Willis Monroe, Recent Texts from Ziyaret Tepe

Gianni Marchesi, Notes on an Alleged Bull Statuette from Assur

Simonetta Ponchia, Hermeneutical Strategies and Innovative Interpretation in Assyro-Babylonian Texts: the Case of Erra and Išum

Sebastian Fink, How Gilgameš Became a Two-thirds God: It Was the Ferryman

Jamie Novotny, The Royal Inscriptions of Sennacherib: an At-a-glance Akkadian Glossary of the RINAP 3 Corpus

2015. június 3., szerda

Konferencia- és publikácós felhívás: Liminal Spaces

Call for Papers for Workshop  ‘Liminal Spaces – Transitions between Land, Sea & Sky in the Ancient Near East’  to be held at BANEA Annual Conference  6-8th January 2016,  University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Lampeter 

This workshop will explore transitional zones between land, sea and sky, focussing in particular on the concept of liminality or liminal spaces. The aim of the workshop will be to consider liminal zones from the perspective of vision and visuality – seeing beyond what is immediately visible – together with the cognitive aspects through which the visual experience can be interpreted. Thus, papers relating to visual imagery or visual interpretation of such transitional zones will be especially welcomed. 

This workshop will comprise a series of papers, followed by a round-table discussion. Depending on the papers submitted and the ensuing discussion, we hope to publish the proceedings of this workshop. The workshop theme might incorporate topics such as terrestrial structures v cosmic prototypes; numinous intersections – gateways between heaven and earth; liminal zones as inclusionary/exclusionary boundaries; and symbolic or mythological journeys or transitions through liminal spaces to ‘places of no-return’. Multi-disciplinary approaches to the theme will be favourably viewed, as too will comparative temporal or cross-cultural submissions.  

The presentations will be given in English and should not exceed 20 minutes, to allow time for questions. Please submit a provisional title, plus an abstract of no more than 500 words, together with your name, academic affiliation, and contact details by the workshop submission deadline of 30th September 2015 to C.Hart at banea2016.org.

Prospective speakers will be notified of the decision of the Workshop Co-ordinator by 31st October 2015.  For further enquiries regarding this workshop, please contact Co-ordinator Cheryl Hart at C.Hart at banea2016.org 


Call for Contributions for Edited Volume  ‘Liminal Spaces – Transitions between Land, Sea & Sky in the Ancient Near East’.
In association with the workshop of the same name to be held at BANEA Conference 2016, this edited volume will explore transitional zones between land, sea and sky, focussing in particular on the concept of liminality or liminal spaces.  

Papers arising from the workshop at BANEA 2016 will be peer-reviewed for publication after the conference; however, in order to make this volume a more comprehensive study of liminal spaces in the ancient Near East, I am also putting out a Call for Contributions for abstracts for potential papers from scholars who may be unable to attend the conference.  

This volume will aim, in particular, to consider liminal zones from the perspective of vision and visuality– seeing beyond what is immediately visible – together with the cognitive aspects through which the visual experience can be interpreted. Thus, papers relating to visual imagery or visual interpretation of such transitional zones will be especially welcomed.   

The theme of ‘Liminal Spaces – Transitions between Land, Sea and Sky in the Ancient Near East’ might incorporate topics such as terrestrial structures v cosmic prototypes; numinous intersections – gateways between heaven and earth; liminal zones as inclusionary/exclusionary boundaries; and symbolic or mythological journeys or transitions through liminal spaces to ‘places of no-return’. Multi-disciplinary approaches to the theme will be favourably viewed, as too will comparative temporal or cross-cultural submissions.  

Publication has now been confirmed by a leading academic publisher. 

The published papers will, preferably, be written in English, although those in French or German will be considered. The word count, inclusive of references, should not exceed 10,000 words, except by prior agreement. Publication guidelines will follow later.  

In line with the terms of submission for the workshop, please submit a provisional title, plus an abstract of no more than 500 words, together with your name, academic affiliation, and contact details by the submission deadline of 30th September 2015 to C.Hart@banea2016.org. 

Please clearly state whether your abstract is to be considered for presentation in the workshop plus publication, or for publication alone. 

The authors of chosen papers will be notified of the decision of the Workshop Co-ordinator by 31st October 2015. 
For further enquiries regarding the workshop and the edited volume, please contact Coordinator Cheryl Hart at C.Hart at banea2016.org 

2015. június 2., kedd

The Aegean and the Levant at the Turn of the Bronze and Iron Ages II.

The University of Warsaw is pleased to invite to attend the workshop:

The Aegean and the Levant at the Turn of the Bronze and Iron Ages. 
Workshop II
Warsaw, 11-12 June 2015
Venue: University of Warsaw Library, Dobra 56/66, room 315  


Thursday 11 June 2015


Łukasz Niesiołowski-Spanò (UW), Greetings and opening remarks.

Svetlana Burlak (Moscow State University), On the typology of linguistic contacts

Dariusz Piwowarczyk (Jagiellonian University, Kraków), Chronology and dating of linguistic corpora

Rafał Rosół (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań), Early Semitic loanwords in Greek and phonetic irregularities

Ilya Yakubovich, (Russian State University for the Humanities), Greek loanwords in early Semitic and Anatolian languages


Paola Dardano (University of Siena), Semitic influences in Anatolian languages

Zsolt Simon (University of München), Anatolian influences in Greek

Wilfred Watson (University of Newcastle), Anatolian influences in Semitic languages

Friday, 12 June 2015                                    


Piotr Taracha (University of Warsaw), Approaches to Mycenaean-Hittite Interconnections

Marek Węcowski (University of Warsaw), Homer, archaeology, and evolutionary models in early Greek history

Ann Killebrew (Penn State), Interactions and Interconnections between Cyprus and the Southern Levant during the Iron I


David Ben-Shlomo (Hebrew University), Pottery and Terracottas in Philistia during the Early Iron Age: Aspects of Change and Continuity

Peter Fischer (University of Gothenburg), Iron Age I at Tell Abu al-Kharaz, Jordan Valley: Philistine and Other Influences

Becky Martin (Boston University), Orientalizing Art in Greece: Rethinking the Social Function of the Kouros


Anna Juras (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań), Marcin Grynberg (Polish Academiy of Sciences), aDNA studies and historical reconstructions

Łukasz Pospieszny (Polish Academiy of Sciences), Isotop studies and historical reconstructions

2015. június 1., hétfő


15th Anniversary of Alalakh Excavations
New Hatay Archaeology Museum, June 10-12, 2015
Hatay Arkeoloji Müzesi, Haziran 10-12, 2015

Workshop Day I. Wednesday, June 10, 2015 

9:45-10:00 Aslıhan Yener: Alalakh in the Past, Atchana in the Present: Situating Site and City / Geçmişte Alalah, Bugün Aççana: Höyük ve Şehri Konumlandırmak

10:00-10:20 Murat Akar: The Physical Dimensions of Ancient Alalakh: Stratigraphy and Architecture / Antik Alalah’ın Fiziksel Boyutları: Stratigrafi ve Mimari

10:20-10:40 Mara Horowitz: Chronology, Sequence, and Society: Approaches to the Temporal Dimensions of Alalakh / Kronoloji, Sıralama ve Toplum: Alalah’ın Geçici Boyutlarına Dair Yaklaşımlar

Session 1: Textual Records/ Yazılı Kaynaklar

11:00-11:20 Jacob Lauinger: The Jurisdiction of Legal Transactions at Middle Bronze Age Alalah / Orta Tunç Çağında Alalah’ta Yasal Kayıtların Yetki Sınırı

11:20-11:40 Belkis Dinҫol, Hasan Peker: The Corpus of Alalakh Seals: New Interpretations in the Light of Old and New Finds / Alalah Mühür Külliyatı: Eski ve Yeni Bulgular Işığında Yeni Yorumlar

11:40-12:00 Hasan Peker: New Interpretations in the Light of the Tuthaliya- Ašnuhepa sealing from    Alalakh / Alalah Tuthaliya- Ašnuhepa Mühür Baskısının Işığında Yeni Yorumlar

12:00-12:20 Eva von Dassow: Language and Fluid Frontiers in the Age of Idrimi / İdrimi Dönemi’nde Dil ve Değişken Sınırlar

12:20-12:40 Alfonso Archi: Linguistic and Political Borders in the Period of Ebla / Ebla Dönemi’nde Dil Bilimi ve Politik Sınırlar

Session 2: Comparative Material Culture / Karşılaştırmalı Eserler Kültürü

13:40-14:00 David Hawkins: The Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions of the Amuq / Amik’in Hieroglif Luvice Yazıtları

14:00-14:20 Constance von Ruden: Reconsidering the Alalakh Paintings within their Levantine Context / Alalah Fresklerini Doğu Akdeniz Bağlamında Yeniden Ele Almak

14:20-14:40 Güzel Öztürk: Relations between Alalakh and Kültepe in the Light of Assyrian Trading Colony Period Seals / Asur Ticaret Kolonileri Çağına Ait Mühürler Işığında Alalah-Kültepe İlişkileri

14:40-15:00 Aslıhan Yener: Symbolic Messaging and Weapons: Incised Signs on Bronze / Sembolik Mesajlar ve Silahlar: Tunç Üzerine Kazınmış İşaretler

Session 3: Ceramic Studies / Seramik Çalışmaları 

15:20-15:40 Mara Horowitz: New Cultural Features in the Late Bronze I Ceramics of Alalakh: The Case of the Plate / Alalah Geç Tunç Çağı I Seramiklerinde Yeni Özellikler: Tabak Konusu

15:40-16:00 Müge Bulu: Interregional Trends in the Middle Bronze Age: The Case of Syro-Cilician Ware     in the Context of Recent Excavations at Tell Atchana/Ancient Alalakh / Orta Tunç Çağı’nda Bölgeler Arası Eğilimler: Aççana Höyük, antik Alalah’ta Yeni Arkeolojik Kazılar Bağlamında Suriye-Kilikya Malları Konusu

16:00-16:20 Robert B. Koehl: Alalakh and the Aegean: Five Centuries of Shifting but Enduring Contacts / Alalah ve Ege: Beş Yüzyıllık Değişken ama Kalıcı Temaslar

16:20-16:40 Marina Pucci: Iron Age Local Pottery at Alalakh: Continuity in Eating and Cooking Traditions / Alalah’ta Demir Çağı Yerel Çanak Çömleği: Yeme ve Pişirme Geleneklerindeki Süreklilik

16:40-17:00 Mariacarmela Montesanto: Iron Age Aegeanizing Pottery at Alalakh: Changes and Continuity in Local Production/ Alalah’ta Demir Çağı Egeleşen Çanak Çömleği: Yerel Üretimde Değişim ve Süreklilik

Workshop Day II. Thursday June 11, 2015

Session 1: Alalakh and its Neighbors I: Anatolia/ Alalah ve Komşuları I: Anadolu 

9:00-9:20 Mirko Novák: Sirkeli and Alalakh: A New Regional Chronology for Cilicia and its Correlation to Alalakh and the Amuq Sequence/ Sirkeli ve Alalah: Kilikya için Bölgesel Yeni Bir Kronoloji ve Alalah ve Amik ile Bağlantıları

9:20-9:40 Atilla Engin: Oylum Höyük and Alalakh: Cultural Relations in the Second Millennium BC / Oylum Höyük ve Alalah: İkinci Binyılda Kültürel İlişkiler

9:40-10:00 Fikri Kulakoğlu: Looking beyond the Taurus: Alalakh in the Amuq seen from Kanesh / Torosların Ötesine Bakmak: Kaneş’ten Amik’teki Alalah’ı Görmek

10:00-10:20 Eric Jean: The 'Hilani': a Late Bronze Age Amuq-Cilician Architectural Tradition? / ‘Hilani’: Geç Tunç Çağı Amik-Kilikya’da Bir Mimari Gelenek?

Session 2: Alalakh and its Neighbors II: SE Anatolia and Syria/ Alalah ve Komşuları II: Güneydoğu Anadolu ve Suriye 

11:00-11:20 Valerie Matoian: Ugarit and Alalakh in the Late Bronze Age / Geç Tunç Çağı’nda Ugarit ve Alalah

11:20-11:40 Stefania Mazzoni: Tell Afis and its Plain: A Route to the Amuq and the Mediterranean / Tell Afis ve   Civarı: Amik ve Akdeniz’e Bir Yol

11:40-12:00 Kimiyoshi Matsumura: A Glass Production Center in Central Anatolia? Büklükale in Relation to Alalakh and Mesopotamia / Orta Anadolu’da bir Cam Üretim Merkezi? Büklükale’nin Alalah ve Mezopotamya İlişkileri

12:00-12:20 Pascal Butterlin: A World of Palaces: The View from Mari. Latest Results from the 2005-2010 Excavations in the Great Palace at Mari / Saraylar Dünyası: Mari’den Görünüm. 2005-2010 Mari Büyük Saray Kazıları Sonuçları

12:20-12:40 Nicolo Marchetti: Karkemish and Alalakh in the 2nd millennium BC: An Archaeological             Overview / İkinci Binyıl’da Karkamış ve Alalah: Arkeolojik Bir Genel Bakış

Session 3: Scientific Investigations at Alalakh/ Alalah’ta Bilimsel İncelemeler

13:40-14:00 Magda Pieniazek: Beads on the Crossroads: Preliminary Remarks on the Jewelry from Alalakh / Kavşaklardaki Boncuklar: Alalah Kuyumları Üzerine Ön İzlenimler

14:00-14:20 Gonca Dardeniz: “When you set up the foundation of a kiln to make glass…”: Evidence of Glass Production at Alalakh / “Cam Yapmak İçin Bir Fırın Kurduğunuzda…”: Alalah’ta Cam Üretimine Dair Kanıtlar

14:20-14:40 Michael Johnson: Iron of the Furnace: Contextualizing Evidence of Iron Manufacture at Alalakh / Fırının Demiri: Alalah Demir Üretimini Anlamlandıran Bulgular

14:40-15:00 Emre Kuruçayırlı: Insights into Copper Metallurgy at Alalakh: Evidence from Compositional and Isotope Analysis / Alalah Bakır Metalurjisini Anlamak: Bileşim ve İzotop Analizlerinden Kanıtlar

Session 4: Interdisciplinary studies at Alalakh/ Alalah’ta Disiplinler Arası Çalışmalar 

15:20-15:40 Rula Shafiq: Come and Hear My Story--The ‘Well Lady’ of Alalakh / Gel ve Hikayemi Dinle: Alalah’ta ‘Kuyunun Hanımı’

15:40-16:00 Gökçe Bike Yazıcıoğlu: Remarks on Cultural Pluralism at Kültepe/Kanesh and Tell Atchana/Alalakh Based on Mortuary Customs and Strontium Isotope Analysis of Kültepe Graves / Kültepe Mezarlarında Ölü Gömme Gelenekleri ve Stronsiyum İzotop Analizlerine Dayanarak Kültepe/Kaneş ve Aççana Höyük/Alalah Arasındaki Kültürel Çoğulculuk Üzerine Değerlendirmeler

16:00-16:20 Bülent Arıkan: The Mid- and Late Holocene Climate Changes in the Amuq Plain: The Application of the Macrophysical Climate Model / Amik Ovası’nda Orta ve Geç Holosen İklim Değişiklikleri: Makrofiziksel İklim Modelinin Uygulanması

16:20-16:40 Sıla Votruba, Cansu Yıldırım: Alalakh's Overseas Networks in the Light of Archaeometric Analysis of its Mycenaean Pottery / Miken Seramiklerinin Arkeometrik Analizi Işığında Alalah’ın Denizaşırı Bağlantıları

16:40-17:00 Ekin Kozal, Sinem Hacıosmanoğlu, Pınar Gutsuz, Mustafa Kibaroğlu, Gürsel Sunal: Archaeological and Archaeometric Analysis of Cypriot Pottery from Alalakh / Alalah Kıbrıs Seramiklerinin Arkeolojik ve Arkeometrik Analizi

17:00-17:20 Morena Stefanova: The Case of Egyptian imagery at Alalakh: Transmission, Agency and Interconnections / Alalah’ta Mısır Betimlemeleri Konusu: Aktarım, Aracılar ve  Karşılıklı Bağlantılar

Workshop Day III. Friday June 12, 2015

Session 1: Interdisciplinary studies at Alalakh and its Neighbors/ Alalah ve Komşularında Disiplinler Arası Çalışmalar

9:00-9:20 Federico Manuelli: The Dawn and Demise of Imperial Impact – Models of Interaction between Late Bronze Age Powers and Their Peripheral Territories: Tell Atchana and Arslantepe: A Comparative Analysis / İmparatorluk Etkisinin Doğuşu ve Batışı-Geç Tunç Çağı Güçleri ve Çevresel Hakimiyet Bölgeleri: Aççana Höyük ve Arslantepe: Bir Karşılaştırmalı Analiz

9:20-9:40 Tim Harrison: Tell Atchana and Tell Tayinat in Space and Time / Uzayda ve Zamanda Aççana        Höyük ve Tayinat Höyük

9:40-10:00 Tara Ingman: GIS Modeling and Mortuary Practices at Tell Atchana, Ancient Alalakh / Aççana Höyük, Antik Alalah’ta CBS Modellemesi ve Ölü Gömme Uygulamaları

10:00-10:20 Alan Greaves, Megan Hammond: Archaeomagnetism and Archaeology / Arkeomanyetizma ve Arkeoloji

10:20-10:40 Elizabeth Healey: Obsidian Use in the Bronze Age: Evidence from Alalakh and Contemporary Sites / Tunç Çağı Obsidyen Kullanımı: Alalah ve Çağdaşı Yerleşkeler

11:00-11:20 John Healey: Keldağ, the Sacred Mountain of Ugarit and Alalakh / Ugarit ve Alalah’ın Kutsal Dağı, Keldağ

2015. május 28., csütörtök

JCS 67 (2015)

Frances Pinnock: The King’s Standard from Ebla Palace G.

Laurent Colonna d’Istria, Dominique Beyer: Erra-kibrī, ŠABRA d’Iddin-ilum et ses collègues.

Ilan Peled: A New Manuscript of the Lament for Eridu.

Jeremiah Peterson: An Adab Composition of Nergal/Meslamtaea at Lagaš and Ĝirsu for Šulgi.

Jaan Puhvel: Discharge of Duty: Hittite /šahhan luzzi/

Benjamin W. Fortson IV: An Illicit Hittite–Latin Affair.

Yigal Bloch, Wayne Horowitz: Urahubullu XXII: The Standard Recension.

John Marriott, Karen Radner: Sustaining the Assyrian Army among Friends and Enemies in 714 BCE

Jamie Novotny: New Proposed Chronological Sequence and Dates of Composition of Esarhaddon’s Babylon Inscriptions.

Samuel Mirelman: Birds, Balaĝs, and Snakes (K.4206+).

J. M. Steele: A Late Babylonian Compendium of Calendrical and Stellar Astrology.

John Z. Wee: Discovery of the Zodiac Man in Cuneiform.

2015. május 22., péntek

Orientalia 83/2 (2014)

A tartalomból:

Karkemish 2011-2013
A. Dinçol et al.: A stele by Suhi I from Karkemish

G. Bitelli - F. Girardi - V. A. Girelli: Digital enhancement of the 3D scan of Suhi I’s stele from Karkemish

A. Dinçol - B. Dinçol - H. Peker: An Anatolian Hieroglyphic Cylinder Seal from the Hilani at Karkemish

G. Marchesi: Epigraphic Materials of Karkemish from the Middle Bronze Age

N. Marchetti - H. Peker: A Stele from Gürçay near Karkemish

H. Peker: A Funerary Stele from Yunus (Karkemish)

S. Pizzimenti: Three Glyptic Documents from Karkemish

M. Zecchi: A Note on Two Egyptian Seal Impressions from Karkemish

A. Roccati: Dating Pthahhotep’s Maxims (Note Letterarie VI)

J. Bauer: Der Göttername d(nin–)/asˇbar/

2015. május 21., csütörtök

Karen Radner-interjú

Az érdeklődők ezen a linken meghallgathatnak egy majd' háromnegyedórás beszélgetést a Deutschlandradioban Karen Radnerrel, az egyik legjobb ókori keletessel.

2015. május 20., szerda

Vincent Rondot előadása

A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Filozófiai és Történettudományok Osztálya

tisztelettel meghívja Önt

Vincent Rondot
(a Louvre Egyiptomi Gyűjteményének igazgatója)

Pharaonic Gods in Hellenic Disguise. Roman Egypt's "Pagan Icons" in Paris, Cairo, Oxford and Other Museums

címmel tartandó előadására

Az eőadás ideje: 2015. június 12. (péntek) 14.00 óra

Az előadás helye: MTA Székház, Kisterem (1051 Budapest, Széchenyi István tér 9. II. emelet)