2015. január 31., szombat


Jan Assmann: Exodus. Die Revolution der Alten Welt. München, Beck

Jean-Claude Margueron: Mari: Capital of Northern Mesopotamia in the Third Millennium. The archaeology of Tell Hariri on the Euphrates. Oxford

Tasha Vorderstrasse - Tanya Treptow (eds.): A Cosmopolitan City: Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Old Cairo. Oriental Institute Museum Publications 38. Chicago, The Oriental Institute (szabadon letölthető)

C. Lebrun: Présence et pouvoir hittites à Ougarit. Les cas des DUMU.LUGAL. Louvain, Peeters

Thomas E. Levy, Mohammad Najjar, Erez Ben-Yosef: New Insights into the Iron Age Archaeology of Edom, Southern Jordan. University of New Mexico Press

Christopher B. Hays: Hidden Riches: A Sourcebook for the Comparative Study of the Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near East. Westminster

Angelika Lohwasser (ed.): Skarabäen des 1. Jahrtausends. Ein Workshop in Münster am 27. Oktober 2012. OBO 269. Fribourg

Marjo Korpel, Johannes de Moor: Adam, Eve, and the Devil. A New Beginning. Sheffield

2015. január 30., péntek


Megjelent a N.A.B.U. legújabb füzete (2014/4), sok érdekességgel, és persze magyar szerzővel is ;-) Innen lehet letölteni és olvasgatni.

2015. január 28., szerda

Pre-doktori / doktori állás egyiptológusoknak Bécsben

Bécsben, a  Beyond Politics: Material Culture in Second Intermediate Period Egypt and Nubia c. projekthez végzett egyiptológusokat keresnek. Február 28. a jelentkezési határidő; további részletek itt.

2015. január 26., hétfő


Workshop: Impacts on Transportation - costs, politics, and archaeological evidence
17.-18.04.2015, Bonn, Germany

Since prehistory commodities were carried from one place to another as part of commercial exchange, or in means of raw material supply for the community. The way in which they were brought to their destination was dependent upon several issues. 

Three aspects of transport shall be discussed in greater detail to further our understanding of influential factors and to enlighten the transfer of immaterial goods that might accompany exchanged commodities.

Main aspects dealt with in the workshop are: 

Cost estimation
These charges play a decisive role in the analysis of economic networks. They are relevant to determining location factors of production facilities and to estimating the value of commodities for a society. It is supposed that costs of transport are dependent on at least five factors: distance, topography, surface consistency (water, wood land, swampland, desert etc.), the type and form of goods to (e.g. weight, size, fragility), and the mode of transport available.

Political influence
The objective of the second session is to motivate an interdisciplinary discussion on the effects of political changes on transport in Europe. The main focus will be on the transport of large-scale commodities, such as wood, and whether its organisational structure changes according to political shifts. This includes topics such as what rearrangements result in local, regional, and supra-regional trade, and if there are any variations in the generated costs. Or does everything remain unchanged? Additional papers may also concern the impact of large-scale construction projects and restrictions on the flow of these goods. 

Immaterial goods
The last session engages with the transfer of knowledge in terms of technologies, customs, and ideologies. Knowledge can be transmitted from one place to another in a limited period or be handed down through time. Likewise, some phenomena seem to occur independently from one another at different places at the same time or at the same places in different periods. What factors cause the adaptation of knowledge? For discussing this purpose, case studies are welcome that illustrate one or more circumstances leading to the same result and vice versa.

The general aim of the workshop is to highlight different aspects of transportation and parameters that have impact on it. At the same time it aims to address what immaterial commodities are – deliberately intended or not – transferred and why. 

The organizing committee invites young researchers, doctoral and master candidates to participate in the workshop to be held in Bonn. The committee is formed by doctoral candidates of the DFG research training groups “Archaeology of Pre-Modern Economies” and “Value and Equivalence”.

Please send abstracts from any archaeologically related discipline in English (about 200 words) and a short CV to the organizing committee by 31.01.2015. We wish for active involvement in the discussions following the papers at the end of each session.

The organizers encourage alternative presentation modes (e.g. 6-minutes-talk / pecha-kucha presentations); standard papers of max. 20 minutes length are also accepted.

No fees are required for participation. 

Contact: ImpactsOnTransportation@gmail.com
Anne-Birte Binder (Value and Equivalence, Frankfurt)
Tobias Gutmann (Archaeology of Pre-Modern Economies, Bonn)
Julia Weidemüller (Archaeology of Pre-Modern Economies, Bonn)

2015. január 25., vasárnap

Még néhány cikk innen-onnan

Origini 36 (2014)
  • Mitchell S Rothman: Kura-Araxes Culture Areas and the Late 4th and Early 3rd Millennia BC Pottery from Veli Sevin's Survey in Malatya and Elaziğ, Turkey
  • Maria Carmela Gatto: Cultural Entanglement at the Dawn of the Egyptian History: A View From the Nile First Cataract Region
  • Geoff Emberling: Pastoral States: Toward a Comparative Archaeology of Early Kush

  • Klaus Wagensonner, On an alternative way of capturing RTI images with the camera dome. 2015/1.
  • Strahil V. Panayotov and Kostadin Kissiov, An administrative tablet from Puzriš-Dagān in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. 2015/2.
  • Klaus Wagensonner, Turning the Laws of Ur-Namma. 2015/3.

2015. január 24., szombat

Cikkek innen-onnan

Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila, Ilkka Lindstedt, Robert Rollinger, Raija Mattila (Hgg.): Case Studies in Transmission. Intellectual Heritage of the Ancient and Mediaeval Near East (IHAMNE) 1. Münster, Ugarit, 2014 

A tartalomból:

Assyro-Arabica: Mesopotamian Literary Influence on the Arabs (Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila)

Coining Continuity? Hellenistic Legacy in the Coinage of Arsakid Iran and the Greco-Bactrian Kingdom (ca. 250 to First Century BCE) (Matthias Hoernes)

Homer and the Ancient Near East: Some Considerations on Intercultural Affairs (Robert Rollinger)

Cultural Encounters between Rome and the East: The Role of Trade (Kai Ruffing)

The Microcosm-Macrocosm Analogy in Mesopotamian and Mediaeval Arabic History of Science (Saana Svärd & Inka Nokso-Koivisto)

2015. január 23., péntek

Semitica et Classica 7 (2014)

A tartalomból:

Alice Mouton, Terre divinisée et autres « génies » de l’Anatolie hittite

Valérie Matoian & Aurélie Carbillet; « Miroirs, mes beaux miroirs... » ou Un instrument de toilette peu attesté à Ugarit

Pierre Bordreuil†, À propos du culte des ancêtres au Levant au IIe millénaire : quelques données ougaritiques

Jimmy Daccache, Milkyaton et Rašap : une relation stratégique

Khaled Meliti, Milqart à Carthage et la politique barcide

Mounir Arbach, Yathaʿʾamar Watar fils de Yakrubmalik, mukarrib de Sabaʾ et le synchronisme sabeo-assyrien sous Sargon II (722-705 av. J.-C.)

Mounir Arbach & Irene Rossi, Kamna, une cité prospère du Jawf du Yémen au VIIIe-VIe siècle avant J.-C.

Françoise Briquel, Jimmy Daccache & Robert Hawley, Notes d’épigraphie phénicienne. 1

Ibrahim Sadaqah & Sultan A. Maani, New North Arabian “Hismaic” Thamudic Inscriptions from Badiyh al-Ġarah in Macan, Southern Jordan. 2

François Bron, Une nouvelle dédicace sabéenne au dieu Taʾlab  provenant du jabal ʿAdan

Alessia Prioletta, Nouvelles inscriptions maʿīniques de Kamna au Musée militaire de Sanʿāʾ

François Bron, Vaisselle de la cour des rois de Hadramawt et autres objets inscrits dans la collection Shlomo Moussaieff

Bérénice Lagarce, La divinité au Proche-Orient et en Égypte aux IIIe et IIe millénaires avant J.-C. : étude comparative

2015. január 22., csütörtök

Cikkek innen-onnan

Guy D. Middleton: Telling Stories: The Mycenaean Origins of the Philistines. Oxford Journal of Archaeology 34/1 (2015).

Parsa Daneshmand - Meysam Abdoli: A New King of Susa and Anshan. CDLB 2015/1.

Liptay Éva: Oroszlánból macska. Basztet kultusza a líbiai korban. Ókor 13/3 (2014)

2015. január 21., szerda

Call for papers: Heroic Narratives and the Reshaping of History

Koppenhágában 2015. jún. 11-12 között Heroic Narratives and the Reshaping of History címmel konferenciát szerveznek. 
Részletek a felhívás szövegéből:

One of the most influential factors for preserving and propagating a collective identity is narrative traditions, especially the stories people relate when that identity is vulnerable. Through storytelling, people can construct fashion and interpret their world. They can confront their past and their contemporary situations and envision their future and by which means this future will come about.

Inspired by Eric Selbin’s model of the ‘Literature of Resistance’, the conference aims to discuss the possible narrative strategies by which Myth, Memory, and Mimesis are used as tools for shaping a collective identity. Here, myth signifies the body of stories through which a certain group of people relate their history, while collective memory refers to a movement within a cultural discourse that continuously combines and fuses the present and the past, fulfilling a social function in the cultural web in which it is integrated. Mimesis refers to a certain group’s inspiration by another – ancestors, contemporaries, or people in distant places and times – in making fundamental and transformational changes in their society.

Together, myth, memory, and mimesis are powerful aspects of historical narrativity, especially when those seeking change integrate cultural symbols, heroes, and myths into the semantics of a heroic narrative in an attempt to exercise cultural dominance and legitimacy.

It is our goal to bring together specialists from a wide range of disciplines who are working on literature and collective identity in the ancient and medieval world. The conference will offer an international platform for researchers, including doctoral students, to present their research to an international and diverse audience. We believe that such collaboration will stimulate discussion on strategies for historical narrative, and enable us to share ideas, and place the conference themes in the widest possible context.
The deadline for submitting an abstract for a proposed talk is 01 March 2015. Please limit the abstract to 300 words max. The proposals should take the following questions into consideration: 

Myth, memory, and mimesis as narrative tools in the heroic tale(s)

If such tools are not evident, which narrative tools are utilized to express a collective memory and identity in the text(s)?

What is the socio-political context that the narrative is addressing/reacting to?

What is the collective memory and identity expressed in the text?

How is it similar to/different from actual historical evidence?

Are there parallels to the text’s narrative tool(s) in other sources (i.e. mimesis/adaptation/copying)?

If so, what particular aspect of the narrative tool(s) made it applicable/adaptable in the text and why?

Each presentation is assigned a maximum of 30 minutes with an additional 10 minutes for Q&A.

Szászánida előadások

Dr. Matteo Compareti olasz iranista, a University of California Berkeley (USA) kutatója 2015. február 10.-én, 11.-én és 12.-én (kedd-szerda-csütörtök) három előadást fog tartani a Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem Bölcsészettudományi Karán, a Reviczky utca 4.-ben, a Díszteremben (100-as terem).

A téma a szászánida kori Irán és Közép-Ázsia vallástörténete, régészete lesz.

Az előadások angolul hangzanak el. A három előadás címei az alábbiak lesznek:

1. On the representation of Simurgh and Xwarenah in ancient Iranian arts (február 10. kedd, 16.00 Díszterem)

2. The Sino-Sogdian monuments: questions of adoption and adaptation (február 11. szerda,18.00, Díszterem)

3. The representation of Zoroastrian divinities on the column capitals at Taq-i Bustan (február 12. csütörtök, 18.00, Díszterem)

2015. január 20., kedd

Online papirusz-kiállítás

Leidenben, a papirológiai intézet alapításának 80. évfordulója alkalmából online galéria nyílt az ottani papiruszokból. Ezen a linken lehet őket nézegetni.

2015. január 19., hétfő

Call for papers: ASOR

CALL FOR PAPERS: ASOR Member-Organized Session:

The First Intermediate Period

American Schools of Oriental Research, Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, The InterContinental Buckhead Atlanta Hotel, November 18-21, 2015

Session Organizers:
Thomas Schneider (The University of British Columbia)
Felix Höflmayer (The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago)

The so-called First Intermediate Period of ancient Egypt continues to be one of the most controversially discussed periods of ancient Egyptian history. Gaps in the evidence available for historiographical reconstruction, the uncertainty about how to interpret a variety of textual sources, and new material evidence have as much led to widely different views as have modern paradigmatic shifts. In consequence, the FIP has been described variously as a time of calamity, or to the contrary, a time of cultural innovation. Diverse economic, political and environmental scenarios have been adduced to explain the end of the Old Kingdom and the genesis of the First Intermediate Period, a transition accordingly labeled a collapse, a decline, a revolution, or more vaguely, a time of crisis. This session will attempt to shed new light on this period and to suggest future ways of interpreting it in a more coherent way, including the new archaeological evidence from the current excavation of Tell Edfu (the first complete sequence of First Intermediate Period settlement layers at one significant urban site of ancient Egypt) as well as economic, social, historical, literary and historiographical approaches.

Interested speakers will need to submit a title and abstract
(max. 200 words)  by February 15, 2015.

További részletek ezen a linken.

2015. január 15., csütörtök

On Forms and Functions: Studies in Ancient Egyptian Grammar

E. Grossman, S. Polis, A. Stauder, J. Winand (szerk.): On Forms and Functions: Studies in Ancient Egyptian Grammar, LingAeg StudMon 15, Hamburg 2014

A tartalomból:

Mark Collier, Antiphrastic Questions with ı͗st and ı͗s in Late Egyptian

Todd Gillen, Ramesside Registers of Égyptien de Tradition: The Medinet Habu inscriptions

E. Grossman, G. Lescuyer, S. Polis, Contexts and Inferences: The grammaticalization of the Later Egyptian Allative Future  

M. Müller, Expressing Necessity in Sahidic Coptic 

E. Oréal, Noun Phrase Syntax and Definiteness Marking: A new explanation for the morphology of Earlier Egyptian participles 

S. Polis, A. Stauder, The Verb ı͗b and the Construction ı͗b=f r sḏm: On modal semantics, graphemic contrasts, and gradience in grammar 

S. Uljas, On Earlier Egyptian Control Constructions 

P. Vernus, La non représentation segmentale du (premier) participant direct (« sujet ») et la notion de ø 

D. A. Werning, Uninflected Relative Verb Forms as Converbs and Verbal Rhemes: The two schemes of the Emphatic Construction as a detached adjectival phrase construction and as a truncated Balanced Sentence 

J. Winand, When and meets with 

2015. január 14., szerda

Ásatós hírek

Tell el-Hebuában egy mindeddig ismeretlen (ám annál nagyobb) erőd maradványaira bukkantak amely. Leírás és képek itt és itt.

2015. január 12., hétfő

Januári ÓT


Az Ókortudományi Társaság
2015. január 16-án pénteken du. 5:00 órakor tartandó 
felolvasó ülésére, amelynek programja: 

Bajnok Dániel,
Aischinés és a "philanthróp" Philippos


Kalla Gábor,
Népcsoportok, nyelvek, államalakulatok Északkelet-Mezopotámiában.
Az új kurd identitás ókori keleti gyökerei

című előadásai.

Helye: Az ELTE Bölcsészettudományi Kara  F épületének Kerényi Terme
Budapest, VIII. ker. Múzeum körút 4/F, magasföldszint

2015. január 11., vasárnap

Revue d'Assyriologie 108 (2014)

A tartalomból:

J. Keetman, Bilingualismus in Sumer. Zum Gebrauch des Akkadischen und Sumerischen in der Verwaltungspraxis des Reiches von Akkad unter Naram-Sujen und Šar-kali-šarri

A. Cavigneaux, M. Jaques, Textes et sceaux-cylindres de collections diverses

J. Lauinger, Witnessing at Old Babylonian Alalah: A New Level VII Witness List from the Koç University Excavations at Tell Atchana/Alalah

F. Vukosavovic, The Laws of Hazor and the ANE Parallels

A. A. Fadhil, Die neuen spätaltbabylonischen Briefe des 'königlichen Barbiers‘ aus Sippar

J. Tavernier, What's in a Name: Hallušu, Hallutaš or Hallutuš?

S. Fink, Gilgameš und Uršanabi

M. Sandowicz, R. Tarasewicz, Court of Assize at Neo-Babylonian Apšu

P. Matthiae, Notes et études éblaïtes, I : Le semeion de Hiérapolis dans l'Ébla paléosyrienne

D. Charpin, Chroniques bibliographiques, 15. Le royaume d'Uruk et le pays d'Apum, deux voisins de Babylone vaincus par Samsu-iluna

L. Marti, Chroniques bibliographiques, 16. Les hémérologies mésopotamiennes

2015. január 10., szombat


People on the move
Framework, Means, and Impact of Mobility across the East Mediterranean Region in the 8th to 6th c. BCE

3–6 August 2015
Landgut Castelen (near CH-Basel)
Römerstiftung Dr. René Clavel
Giebenacherstrasse 9
4302 Augst BL

CALL FOR PAPERS: deadline 15 March 2015
We cordially invite proposals from junior as well as senior researchers. 
WEBSITE: https://aegyptologie.unibas.ch/forschung/tagungen/people-on-the-move/
CONTACT: peopleonthemove@unibas.ch

In the wake of the Kushite, Neo-Assyrian, Neo-Babylonian and early Achaemenid expansions to the East Mediterranean, cross-regional mobility of people and commodities increased significantly. This mobility not only affects the actual people who were leaving their homeland, its social community and the security of their cultural background for longer or even permanent stays abroad. It has also major impact on the communities left behind and those receiving the travelers on a visit or for long-term residence. During the workshop we will primarily discuss the following three aspects:

Section I is dedicated to issues enabling or impeding routes and modes of travel. 
Why were which routes and means of transport preferable to others? Which preparations are necessary? Who or which factors decided whether to leave or to stay? How were necessary stopovers organized? 

Section II will focus on the act of traveling and the travelers. 
Which motivations for traveling can be discerned? Is long-term emigration the aim or the result of traveling? Which routes were used? What could happen during the trip? Which kind of reception would one expect? 

Section III addresses the social implications both for the community from which people leave/emigrate and to which they move/travel/immigrate. How did communities cope with the loss of specialists or of comparatively large percentages of their inhabitants? How were travelers housed? How did this effect the receiving private or institutional households? How did local 'foreign' communities deal with the enhancement of their numbers? How did the decision to integrate oneself into their community or to keep one's distance effect these 'foreign' communities, the local society as a whole, and the policy towards 'foreigners'?

The geographical range covers the Great Area of the East Mediterranean Region including modern-day Greece, Turkey, Eastern Libya and Egypt as well as the East Mediterranean islands and the area between the eastern Mediterranean coast and the Zagros mountains. 

Papers and posters dealing with cross-regional travels and addressing combinations of natural, economic, administrative, political or personal issues are especially welcome. For a preliminary schedule visit the workshop website.

We cordially invite proposals from junior as well as senior researchers. 
Please submit an abstract of no more than 300 words to peopleonthemove@unibas.ch by 15 March 2015. 
Only complete proposals including
- name and affiliation of the author
- an indication whether the abstract is for a poster or a paper
- the title
- the abstract 
will be considered.
Applicants will be informed about their submission status by 29 March 2015.

Successful papers are allotted 20mins followed by 40mins discussion. There will be an extended poster session starting the workshop as well as extensive discussion sessions, both in small groups and in plenum. For a preliminary schedule visit the workshop website.

The workshop language will be English.

The registration fee will be CHF 30,-. 
Details regarding registration will be posted on the workshop website by 15 February 2015. Registration will start on 13 April 2015. 
Please be aware that space at the conference venue is limited. 

Please note that we are not organizing travel or housing arrangements.
There is a small number of beds at walking distance to the conference venue (Augst/Kaiseraugst). The train ride from Basel SBB takes 11mins, from Rheinfelden SBB 11mins, and from Pratteln 3mins to Kaiseraugst Station (10 mins walk to venue). The daily starting time of the workshop matches the time tables of the trains.
A list of hotels recommended by the venue administrators will be posted on the workshop website.

The coffee breaks will be organized at the workshop venue and are covered by the registration fees. For a list of nearby restaurants check the workshop website.

We will be awarding a small number of on-site accommodation (shared double-rooms & shared bathrooms for CHF 15,–/night & person including breakfast) for participants, partly on a competitive and partly on a financial need basis. You will be required to participate throughout the workshop. In order to be considered, you must include your CV (max. 1 page), an abstract of your paper/poster in application and – if applicable – evidence of need for financial support (e.g. a letter by your host institution testifying that you do not receive a bursary/award for your studies) to peopleonthemove@unibas.ch by 15 March 2015. 

The publication of the workshop proceedings is planned in co-operation with a peer-reviewed journal. Details will be posted in due course on the workshop website.

2015. január 8., csütörtök

Állás fiatal egyiptológusoknak

Mégpedig Berlinben, a következő projekthez: „Strukturen und Transformationen des Wortschatzes der ägyptischen Sprache. Text und Wissenskultur im alten Ägypten“. Részletes pályázati kiírás ezen a linken.

2015. január 7., szerda

Ásatós hírek

Abuszírban egy eddig ismeretlen királynő: "Hentkávesz III" sírját találta meg az ott dolgozó cseh misszió, Niuszerré király idejéből. További információ és képek ezen a linken.


Stefan Jakob Wimmer, Georg Gafus (eds.): "Vom Leben umfangen". Ägypten, das Alte Testament und das Gespräch der Religionen. Gedenkschrift für Manfred Görg. Ägypten und das Alte Testament 80. Münster

A tartalomból (az Ägypten und Alter Orient fejezet tanulmányai közül):

Burkard, Günter: Ostrakon Berlin P 10844 Hymnus und Gebet an Amun aus der Feder des Nekropolenschreibers Hori

Grimm-Stadelmann, Isabel: Der Skarabäus als Therapeutikum. Zur Überlieferungsgeschichte altägyptischer Traditionen in den frühbyzantinischen medizinischen Handbüchern

Hofmann, Beate und Elwert, Frederik: Heka und Maat. Netzwerkanalyse als Instrument ägyptologischer Bedeutungsanalyse

Hübner, Ulrich: Versteinerte Zeugen von Hiobs Krankheit

Kessler, Dieter: Zur Rekontextualisierung des Skarabäus im Neuen Reich

Kolta, Kamal Sabri: Ei, Hase und Frosch Symbole für Leben und Auferstehung bei Altägyptern und Kopten

Luft, Ulrich. Polytheism. Experience in Ancient Egypt

Maeir, Aren M.: The Rephaim in Iron Age Philistia Evidence of a multi-generational family?

Morenz, Ludwig D.: Vergessen? Zur ägyptischen (Vor-)Geschichte der Lotophagen

Pusch, Edgar B.: Der Leiter einer Handelsmission aus Sidon in Pi-Ramesse?

Rabehl, Silvia M.: Und er schaut heraus … Zum Konzept der Motivauswahl in der Grabanlage des Amenemhet (BH 2) aus Beni Hassan

Schipper, Bernd U.: Ein ägyptischer Beleg für die „Goldene Regel“

Schlüter, Katrin und Arnulf: Die Neupräsentation einiger Fremdvölkerfliesen im Ägyptischen Museum München

Schneider, Thomas: The Name and Identity of Poimandres in the First Treatise of the Corpus Hermeticum

Schoske, Sylvia: Staatstragend. Fragmente eines Salblöffels

Schulz, Regine und Eberle, Andrea: Ein „fliegendes Blatt“

Streck, Michael P.: The Beginning of the Babylonian Epic of Creation

Timm, Stefan: Ein Beleg für die Strafe der Steinigung aus Ugarit

Uehlinger, Christoph: Ninhursaĝa oder „Große Mutter“? Eine ikonographisch-ikonologische Skizze zu einem Phänomen der longue durée

van der Veen, Peter G. und Zwickel, Wolfgang: Die neue Israel-Inschrift und ihre historischen Implikationen

Verbovsek, Alexandra: „As blind as a Harper!“ Der Topos „Sänger zur Harfe“ im kulturellen Vergleich

Weippert, Manfred: Der Wald von Labʾu

Wimmer, Stefan Jakob: Ein Siegel des Schafaniden Michaja

Worschech, Udo: Untersuchungen zu Moab und seinen Orten in ägyptischen Quellen

2015. január 6., kedd

Az Acta Antiqua felhívása


Tisztelt Tagtársak!

Az MTA BTK által felügyelt és az Akadémiai Kiadó által megjelentetett nemzetközi ókortudományi folyóirat egyik fontos feladata, hogy segítse a magyar kutatók tudományos eredményeinek külföldi megismertetését. A folyóirat évente 26 szerzői ív terjedelemben jelenik meg mintegy 480 oldalon (4 füzetben). A beérkezett tanulmányok publikálásáról két szakértő kutató bírálata alapján (a bírálati eljárás anonim) születik végleges döntés, ami óhatatlanul szükséges a folyóirat színvonalának megőrzéséhez. 2014. áprilisától új szerkesztőség vette át a folyóirat megjelenése körüli teendőket, amelynek legelső feladata az volt, hogy a folyóirat egyéves lemaradását behozza. Ezt a célt az elmúlt hónapok munkája révén sikerült elérni: jelenleg a teljes 2014-es évfolyam anyaga együtt van, és már a 2015-ös évfolyam kapacitása is le van kötve tanulmányokra. Mindezek azzal a reménnyel bíztatnak, hogy a 2016-os évtől kezdődően a folyóirat számai az előzetesen kigondolt menetrend szerint évente négy alkalommal fognak megjelenni (március, június, szeptember és december 1-jén). Ez egyben azt is jelenti, hogy jelenleg már a 2014-es és 2015-ös évfolyamokon is túl kell tekinteni. Ennek értelmében arra kérem a tisztelt tagtársakat, az Acta Antiqua régi vagy reménybeli szerzőit, hogy kéziratukat a tervezett megjelenés előtt fél évvel juttassák el a folyóirat e-mailcímére, mivel nagyjából ennyi idő kell ahhoz, hogy a tanulmányok a szakmai és nyelvi ellenőrzés, majd szerkesztés után megjelenhessenek. Aki tehát a 2016-os év első füzetében szeretné megjelenni látni tanulmányát, 2015. augusztus 31-éig küldje meg számunkra a tanulmányát. (Recenziót, ismertetést három hónappal korábban is elég eljuttatni.)
Arra is mindenképpen föl kívánom hívni a figyelmet, hogy a jövőben szeretnénk több tematikus számot is megjelentetni. Arról, hogy milyen témák köré csoportosulnak majd az egyes füzetek, a jövő év során adunk majd tájékoztatást. Ugyanakkor igyekszünk megkönnyíteni az itthon tartott nemzetközi konferenciák anyagának publikálását is, így szívesen veszünk minden ezirányú megkeresést.

A sikeres együttműködésben bízva
Takács László dr. habil.
Budapest, 2014. december 13.

2015. január 5., hétfő

Tudománytörténet (holland szemszögből)

Akit érdekel a tudománytörténet (mint mondjuk engem), az biztosan örül, hogy a neves leideni(-isztambuli) NINO 75. éves születésnapja kapcsán megjelent egy kötet, amely a holland ókori keleti-egyiptológiai kutatás történetét foglalja össze (valamint tartalmaz egy kitekintést a most is folyó ásatásokra). Igaz, hollandul, de németül tudóknak ez nem fog problémát jelenti, a honlapjukon egyébként egy kis részletet le is lehet tölteni, így mindenki tesztelheti magának. 

O.E. Kaper - J.G. Dercksen (eds.): Waar de geschiedenis begon. Nederlanders in de ban van spijkerschrift, hiërogliefen en aardewerk. Uitgave naar aanleiding van het 75-jarig bestaan van het Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, 1939-2014. Leiden

A tartalom:

I. Nederlanders in het oude Nabije Oosten en Egypte: Mensen en objecten

Carolien van Zoest en Sebastiaan Berntsen, 75 jaar NINO: Geschiedenis van het Instituut in hoofdlijnen

Marten Stol, De assyriologie in Nederland

Olaf E. Kaper, De geschiedenis van de egyptologie aan Nederlandse universiteiten

Theo van den Hout, “Jong, maar... belangrijk”: Korte geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Hethitologie

Lucas Petit, Oud en verzameld: Nederlandse collecties uit het Nabije Oosten

Hans D. Schneider, Egyptische oudheden in Nederlandse musea

II. Nederlanders in het oude Nabije Oosten en Egypte: Onderzoek

Jan Gerrit Dercksen, Handelaars van vóór de Zijderoute: De Assyrische kooplieden in Anatolië en de studie van het Oudassyrisch in Nederland

Diederik Meijer, Modern Nederlands onderzoek in het Nabije Oosten: Selenkahiye en Tell Hammam al-Turkman

Olivier Nieuwenhuyse, Graven voor het water komt

Bleda S. Düring, Over de oorsprong van oorlog in het oude Nabije Oosten

Wilfred H. van Soldt, Een nieuw hoofdstuk in de geschiedenis van Noord-Irak: Een dynastie van koningen in Tell Satu Qala

Klaas R. Veenhof, Oudbabylonische brieven als bron van recht

Gerrit van der Kooij, “Palestijnse Oudheidkunde”: Archeologisch onderzoek in Jordanië en Palestina-Westbank, 1960-2014

Rob Demarée, Leiden – Deir el-Medina v.v.

Jacques van der Vliet, De bisschop en de dood: Een middeleeuwse grafkelder in Dongola (Soedan)

III. Lopende Nederlandse opgravingen in Egypte en het Nabije Oosten

Jesper Eidem, De cirkel gesloten: Het koninkrijk van Sjamsji-Adad

Fokke Gerritsen, Klei wordt aardewerk en melk wordt yoghurt: Neolithische innovaties te Barcın Höyük

Jacob Roodenberg & Songül Alpaslan Roodenberg, Neolithische bewoning van het oostelijke Marmara-gebied in Noordwest-Anatolië

Peter M.M.G. Akkermans en Harmen O. Huigens, De archeologie van de Zwarte Woestijn: Jebel Qurma in Noordoost-Jordanië

René T.J. Cappers, Graanteelt in Romeins Egypte: Nieuwe inzichten op basis van onderzoek aan plantenresten uit Karanis (Fajoem; Egypte)

Jacobus van Dijk, Het tempeldomein van de Egyptische godin Moet in Karnak

Olaf E. Kaper, Tempels, papyri en lemen huizen: Nederlands onderzoek in de oase Dachla

Maarten J. Raven, Eenheid in verscheidenheid: Veertig jaar opgraven in het Nieuwerijks grafveld van Sakkara

2015. január 4., vasárnap


European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) 2015 Meeting
Glasgow, 2-5 September 2015
Session Theme: Reconfiguring Identities

Phrygian identities, identifying Phrygia (Session ID RI24)

Catherine M. Draycott, Durham University/University of Liverpool
Yasemin Özarslan, Koç University
Prof. Hakan Sivas, Anadolu Üniversitesi

Over the past few decades the archaeology of Phrygia has seen important new developments. Explorations at Gordion, identified as the central seat of the Iron Age Kingdom of Phrygia have readjusted the stratigraphy, showing overlaps of Hittite and Phrygian period occupation, and dramatically moving the heyday of the site back to the 9th century BC.  Surveys at the same site are expanding understanding of the site’s limits and later occupation, while those in the Phrygian Highlands to the West have discovered new monuments from various periods. The discovery of Phrygian inscriptions and new sculptures at the site of Kerkenes Dağ east of the Kızılırmak River (the ancient Halys) has expanded the territory thought to have been occupied by Phrygian speaking groups.

Although new discoveries have been rich, however, so far there has been little overall consideration of approaches to Phrygia and Phrygian culture as larger concepts. Usually considered to be immigrants from the Balkans, who entered Anatolia at around the turn of the first millennium BC, this origin ‘myth’ sets up notions of ethnic purity and cultural contiguity that continue to inform Phrygian archaeology. Are Phrygians a ‘pure’ race? How does one identify ‘Phrygians’ and define ‘Phrygian culture’? Is it consistent and stable or does it change over time and space? How are definitions of Phrygia and Phrygians entangled with modern notions of national and ethnic identity?

This session invites speakers (established, early career and graduate students) to collectively address these and related questions. Papers may address theoretical approaches and problems in the identification and definition of ‘Phrygia’ and ‘Phrygians’; the concept of pan-Phrygian culture; and/or regional variations particular to local conditions, which nuance the term ‘Phrygian’.

Interested presenters should submit proposals for 20 minute-long papers online through the EAA website.

The language of the session is English. Please contact the organisers if you would like help with presenting in English.

The deadline for the online submissions is 16 February 2015.  Due to the online method of submission, late proposals unfortunately cannot be accepted.  

Notification of acceptance of papers will be on 10 April.  

Further information about the EAA 2015 Meeting can be found on the website.

2015. január 3., szombat


Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 2/4 (2014)

“Urban Animal Economies in Bronze and Iron Age Anatolia” (Nimrod Marom, Canan Çakırlar)

“Provisioning an Urban Center under Foreign Occupation: Zooarchaeological Insights into the Hittite Presence in Late Fourteenth-Century BCE Alalakh” (Canan Çakırlar et al.)

“The Rise of Cattle Cultures in Bronze Age Anatolia” (Benjamin S. Arbuckle)

 “Incorporation into the Neo-Assyrian Empire from the Perspective of the Faunal Remains from Zincirli Höyük, Turkey” (Nimrod Marom, Virginia R. Herrmann)

“Small but Varied: The Role of Rural Settlements in the Diversification of Subsistence Practices as Evidenced in the Upper Tigris River Area (Southeastern Turkey) during the Second and First Millennia BCE” (Rémi Berthon)

2015. január 2., péntek

AuOr 32/2 (2014)

A tartalomból:

Mª Dolores Casero Chamorro, “Y (re)construí el templo desde la cima hasta los cimientos”: La política edilicia en el reinado de Tukulti-Ninurta I.

Salvador Costa-Llerda, Iconographic motifs of orientation on the columns of the second court at Medinet Habu

Lluís Feliu, A New Edition of NISABA 15/2 668

Nathan J. Ford, Notes on Some Recently Published Magic Bowls in the Schøyen Collection and Two New Parallels

Mª Antonia García Martínez, Astronomical Function of the 59-Hole Boards in the Lunar-Solar Synchronism

Erika Marsal, The Beginnings of Sumerology (I). From Early First Sketches to a First Complete Grammar

Scott B. Noegel,Kirtu’s Allusive Dream

Carmen A. Pardo Barrionuevo, La sociedad rural fenicia occidental en el I milenio a.C

Jordi Vidal, El Enuma elish y la guerra civil española. Aproximación a la figura de Joan Rovira Orlandis

Stefan Bojowald, Etymologische Kleinigkeiten I: das ägyptische Wort „ỉšf“ „Hefe“

Gregorio del Olmo Lete, Glosas ugaríticas V: teratomancia y el río Tigris. La conexión acadia. A propósito de KTU 1.103:1y 1.100:63-64

2015. január 1., csütörtök


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