2014. november 30., vasárnap


Historische Sprachforschung 125 (2012) [2014] (!) (Fs. Heinrich Hettrich)

A tartalomból:

Alexandra Daues: Zum Bedeutungsspektrum von heth. kuwapi

H.Craig Melchert: Dative-Locative Objects of Infinitives in Anatolian

Norbert Oettinger: Die Herkunft des hethitischen Infinitivs aus syntaktischer Sicht

Elisabeth Rieken: Der Nom.-Akk. Pl. n. auf -i im Hethitischen: Zu den Mechanismen der Ausbreitung von Kongruenzsystemen

2014. november 29., szombat


9th International RCAC Annual Symposium
9. Uluslararası ANAMED Yıllık Sempozyumu

Crossroads – Konya Plain from Prehistory to the Byzantine Period
Kavşaklar – Prehistorik Çağ’dan Bizans Dönemine Konya Ovası

06 – 07.12.2014

Saturday 6/12 Cumartesi

9.00-9.30 Registration and Coffee / Kayıt ve Kahve İkramı

9.30-10.15 Welcoming Remarks / Açılış
Buket Coşkuner (RCAC / ANAMED)
Çiğdem Maner (Koç University / Koç Üniversitesi)

Session 1: Origins of Connections - 1. Oturum: Bağlantıların Temeli
Chair/Oturum Başkanı: Mihriban Özbaşaran (Istanbul University, Istanbul / İstanbul Üniversitesi, İstanbul)

10.15-10.45 Mehmet Özdoğan (Istanbul University, Istanbul / İstanbul Üniversitesi, İstanbul)
The Konya Plain: Outlook for Correlating the Eastern and Western Parts of the Anatolian Peninsula Anadolu Yarımadası’nın Doğu ve Batı Kesimleri Arasındaki Kültürel İlişkilendirme Açısından Konya Ovası

10.45-11.00 Coffee Break / Kahve Arası

11.00-11.30 Hükmü Orhan (Selçuk University, Konya / Selçuk Üniversitesi, Konya)
Importance of Geology in the Settlements in the Konya Region in Prehistoric and Historical Periods Tarih Öncesi ve Sonrası Dönemlerde Konya Bölgesindeki Yerleşimlerde Jeolojinin Önemi 

11.30-12.00 Douglas Baird (University of Liverpool, Liverpool / Liverpool Üniversitesi, Liverpool)
Connected Communities; the Southwest Konya Basin in Prehistory
İlişkili Topluluklar; Prehistorik Çağ’da Konya’nın Güneybatı Havzası 

12.00-12.30 Emma Baysal (The British Institute at Ankara, Ankara / İngiliz Arkeoloji Enstitüsü, Ankara)
Tracing the Konya Plain’s Earliest Connections: What Beads Can Tell Us 
Konya Ovası’nın En Erken Bağlantılarının İzinde: Boncukların Bize Söyleyebildikleri

12.30-14.00 Lunch / Öğle Arası

Session 2: Links: Connecting the Konya Plain with the Vicinity - 2. Oturum: Bağlantılar: Konya Ovası’nın Çevresi ile İlişkileri
Chair/Oturum Başkanı: Andreas Schachner (DAI)

14.00-14.30 Gojko Barjamovic (Harvard University, Cambridge, U.S. / Harvard Üniversitesi, Cambridge, ABD)
The Rise and Demise of the Wild West: Silver, Markets and Routes in Central Western Anatolia 2400-1500 BCE
Vahşi Batı’nın Yükselişi ve Batışı: Batı Orta Anadolu’da Gümüş, Pazarlar ve Yollar (M.Ö. 2400-1500) 

14.30-15.00 Çiğdem Maner (Koç University, Istanbul / Koç Üniversitesi, İstanbul)
Networks and Interconnections in the Ereğli Region during the Bronze and Iron Ages
Ereğli Bölgesi’nde Tunç ve Demir Çağları’nda Bağlantılar ve Ağlar

15.00-15.20 Coffee Break / Kahve Arası

15.20-15.50 Zsolt Simon (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest / Macar Fen Bilimleri Akademisi, Budapeşte)
The Origins of Lycaonia
Lykaonia’nın Kökeni 

15.50-16.20 Turgut Saner – Batu Bayülgen (Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul / İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul)
Description of the Mountain Fortress near Zenonopolis – Isauria
Zenonopolis – Isauria Yakınlarındaki Dağ Tahkimatı

16.20-17.00 Summary and Discussion / Özet ve Tartışma

Sunday 7/12 Pazar

Session 3: Crossroads - 3. Oturum: Kavşaklar
Chair/Oturum Başkanı: Aksel Tibet (IFEA)

10.00-10.30 Yalçın Kamış (Gazi University, Ankara / Gazi Üniversitesi, Ankara)
A View from the North to the Konya Plain During the Early Bronze Age: Acemhöyük
İlk Tunç Çağı'nda Konya Ovası’na Kuzeyden Bir Bakış: Acemhöyük

10.30-11.00 Lorenzo d’Alfonso (ISAW New York University, New York / ISAW New York Üniversitesi, New York)
East of Konya: Routes, Crossroads and the Political Landscape of the Eastern Konya Plain in the Second and First Millenniums BCE
Konya’nın Doğusu: M.Ö. 2. ve 1. Binde Konya Ovası’nın Doğusundaki Yollar, Kavşaklar ve Siyasi Peyzaj

11.00-11.20 Coffee Break / Kahve Arası

11.20-11.50 Selim F. Adalı (Bilkent University, Ankara / Bilkent Üniversitesi, Ankara)
Barbarians at the Gates: The Cimmerian Occupation of Ereğli (Cybistra) and Its Aftermath 
Barbarlar Kapıya Dayandı! Kimmerler’in Ereğli (Kybistra) İstilası ve Sonrası

11.50-12.20 Sercan Yandım Aydın (Hacettepe University, Ankara / Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara)
Sannabadae Monastery: Asceticism in Phrygia and Lykaonia; Acts and Concerns of Bishop Amphilochius of Iconium
Sannabadae Manastırı: Frigya ve Lakonia Münzeviliği; Iconium Piskoposu Amphilochius'un İcraatları

12.20-13.30 Lunch / Öğle Arası

Session 4: Networks: Roads and Settlements - 4. Oturum: Bağlantılar: Yollar ve Yerleşimler
Chair/Oturum Başkanı: Suzan Yalman (Koç University / Koç Üniversitesi)

13.30-14.00 Yiğit Erbil (Hacettepe University, Ankara / Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara)
The Importance of Beyşehir in the Hittite Period
Hitit Dönemi'nde Beyşehir'in Önemi

14.00-14.30 Hasan Bahar (Selçuk University, Konya / Selçuk Üniversitesi, Konya)
Some Remarks about Networks in the Konya Region during the Iron Age
Demir Çağı’nda Konya Çevresi Ulaşım Ağı Üzerine Bazı Tespitler

14.30-15.00 Osman Doğanay (Aksaray University, Aksaray / Aksaray Üniversitesi, Aksaray)
Road networks from Isaruria (Zengibar Castle) to central Anatolia and the Mediterranean Coast
Isaura'dan (Zengibar Kalesi) Orta Anadolu ve Akdeniz Kıyılarına Ulaşan Antik Yol Ağları

15.00-15.20 Coffee Break / Kahve Arası

15.20-15.50 Mustafa Hamdi Sayar (Istanbul University, Istanbul / İstanbul Üniversitesi, İstanbul)
Road Networks and their Settlements in Lycaonia and Isauria during the Roman Empire
Lykaonia ve Isauria Bölgelerinde Roma İmparatorluk Devri Yol Ağları ve Yol Üzerindeki Yerleşimler

15.50-16.20 Inge Uytterhoeven (Koç University, Istanbul / Koç Üniversitesi, İstanbul)
‘I settled colonies in Africa (…) Asia, Syria, Gallia and Pisidia’. Ancient Iconium within the Broader Network of Roman Colonies and Roads in Asia Minor
‘Afrika (...) Asya, Suriye, Galya ve Pisidya'da Koloniler Kurdum.' Anadolu'daki Roma Kolonileri ve Yol Ağları Bağlamında Antik İconium

16.20-17.00 General Discussion and Closing Remarks / Genel Tartışma ve Kapanış

Each paper will be followed by 10 minutes of discussion.
Her sunumun ardından 10 dakika tartışma yapılacaktır.

The symposium is open to the public and simultaneous English and Turkish translation will be provided.
Sempozyum genel katılıma açıktır. İngilizce ve Türkçe simultane çeviri yapılacaktır.

2014. november 27., csütörtök

Call for Papers: Demon Things

Részletek a felhívás szövegéből:

Demon Things: Ancient Egyptian Manifestations of Liminal Entities, 21-24 March, 2016 at Swansea University and The Egypt Centre, Wales, UK

This international conference explores the range and variation of liminal entities the Ancient Egyptians believed capable of harm and help from the Predynastic through the Coptic periods. While previous demonological conferences focussed on issues related to definitions, we invite scholars to discuss the
manifestations of demons through iconography, objects, or textual descriptions. Scholars are encouraged to present their findings in the hopes that the conference will provide a creative venue for spotting links and patterns. By converging different areas of research a fuller picture of these multi-faceted entities may emerge. 

A sample of speakers so far includes:

Hans Fischer-Elfert
Panagiotis Kousoulis
Rita Lucarelli
Robert Ritner
Kasia Szpakowska
Az absztraktokat a fenti linken olvasható emailcímre kell elküldeni, 2015. március 1-ig. 

2014. november 26., szerda

Ásatási hírek

A III. Thotmesz templomának feltárásán dolgozó spanyol misszió a templom alatt két középbirodalmi sírt talált. Az egyikben ráadásul egy épen megmaradt koporsó is volt, benne épen megmaradt múmiával, akin ráadásul még ezüst és arany ékszerek is voltak. 
Angol nyelvű híradás itt, spanyol nyelvű (képekkel és videókkal) itt és itt.

Konferencia-felhívás fiatal kutatóknak

“Disasters & Catastrophes: Navigating Periods of Crisis and Transition in Anatolia, the Mediterranean and the Near East”

Koç University Archaeology & History of Art Graduate Research Symposium

Koç University’s department of Archaeology and History of Art (ARHA) is pleased to announce “Disasters & Catastrophes: Navigating Periods of Crisis and Transition in Anatolia, the Mediterranean and Near East,” its third annual Graduate Student Research Symposium, on April 25, 2015 in Istanbul, Turkey.

As archaeologists, historians, and cultural heritage scholars, we look to historical moments of catastrophe as signifiers of radical change, with periods of transition marking the complicated and intersecting evolution of cultural, political, religious and environmental influence over time.  Such events shape current topographies, mould collective memories and in some cases inform regional and national identities. In these pivotal periods of instability, exigency, and crisis followed by aftermath and recovery, we can learn much about the dynamics of societies and the range of historical factors underpinning them.

This symposium seeks to encourage a diverse range of perspectives and disciplines concerned with a span of subjects, areas and periods of research as they relate to the topic of disaster and crisis, both natural and human-instigated. 

Students of archaeology, art history, history, cultural heritage, and museum studies may present research related to Anatolia and its neighboring regions, including the Mediterranean, Aegean, the Levant and the Ancient Near East, from the earliest prehistory through Bronze and Iron Ages, Classical, Byzantine, Ottoman periods and into the contemporary. 

Subjects could include (but are not limited to): climate change, civilization collapse, war, drought/famine, natural disasters like earthquakes & volcano eruptions, fire, urban crises or transformations, political upheaval, civil unrest, disaster preparedness in heritage, etc., as well as periods of transition and recovery. 

All graduate students are encouraged to apply, including:
Masters students
PhD students at any stage

Applicants should submit a 250-word abstract by January 23rd, 2015 to arhasymposium@gmail.com

For other questions contact arhasymposium@gmail.com or visit http://www.facebook.com/ARHAsymposium.

“Felaketler ve Yıkımlar: Anadolu, Akdeniz ve Yakın Doğu’da Kriz ve Geçiş Dönemleri”

Koç Üniversitesi Arkeoloji ve Sanat Tarihi Lisansüstü Araştırma Sempozyumu
25 Nisan 2015, İstanbul, Türkiye

Tüm lisansüstü öğrencileri başvuruya davetlidir. Adaylar 23 Ocak 2015 tarihine kadar 250 kelimelik özeti arhasymposium@gmail.com adresine göndermelidirler.

Sorularınız için Facebook sayfamızı ziyaret edebilirsiniz: http://www.facebook.com/ARHAsymposium

Arkeoloji, sanat tarihi, tarih, kültürel miras, ve müze çalışmaları öğrencileri, Anadolu ve komşu bölgeleri Akdeniz, Ege, Doğu Akdeniz ve Yakın Doğu ile ilişkili çalışmalarını sunabileceklerdir. Sempozyum antik dönemden günümüze kadar geniş bir dönemi kapsayacaktır.

Aşağıdakilerle sınırlı olmamak üzere örnek bazı konular: İklim değişiklikleri, medeniyetlerin yıkılışı, savaş, kıtlık/açlık, deprem ya da yanardağ patlaması gibi doğal felaketler, yangın, kentsel krizler ya da dönüşümler, politik devrimler, sivil ayaklanmalar, kültürel miras alanında felaketlere hazırlık ve daha fazlası… Ayrıca geçiş ve toparlanma dönemleri de konular içerisinde yer alabilir.

2014. november 24., hétfő


Cultural & Material Contacts in the Ancient Near East: Movements of People, Objects and Ideas
Torino, 1-2 December 2014

Sala Principi d'Acaja, Palazzo del Rettorato
Universita' degli Studi di Torino, Via Verdi 8

1 December
9.30-9.55 Violetta Cordani: “Cui prodest? Iron Exchange in Anatolia in the Old Assyrian Period”
9.55-10.20 Noemi Borrelli: “As Fragile as Glass. Textual evidence and historical perspective for the use of glass in 2nd millennium Mesopotamia
10.20-10.45 Anna Lanaro: “Connectivity and Theory: How Cultural Interconnections Took Place in the Levantine Artistic Tradition of the LBA”

11.15-11.40 Marco De Pietri: “Relationships between Egypt and Karkemish during the 2nd millennium BC: a brief overview”
11.40-12.05 Bernhard Schneider: “Some remarks on objects from the Kassite period found within the Ekur temple of Nippur”
12.05-12.30 Giulia Scazzosi - Angelo Di Michele: “Trade and Specialized Craft Production in Late 2nd Millennium BC Mesopotamian Temples”

14.00-14.25 Maria Young: “When Love Goes Bad: Repercussions of Diplomatic Marriages”
14.25-14.50 Federico Manuelli: “What remains when contact breaks off? Survival of knowledge and techniques in material culture from the peripheral regions of the Hittite Empire after its dissolution: some case-studies”

15.10-15.35 Florian Lippke: "Seals, Situlae, Bowls and Orthostats. The material basis of iconographic transfer in the Southern Levant (1st Mill. BCE) and beyond"
15.35-16.00 Luigi Malatacca: “Movements of Fibers, Dyes and Textiles in First Millennium B.C. Babylonia (Neo- and Late-Babylonian Periods)”

16.30-17.05 Luisa Bonadies: “Cultural exchange in the stone jars production in the First Millennium B.C.E”
17.05-17.30 Andrea Squitieri: “Egypt and the Levant during the Iron Age and Persian period: political and cultural connections”
17.30-17.55 Petra Creamer: “A Comparison of Resinous Artifacts in the Ancient Near East”

2 December

9.15 - 9.40 Nathan Morello: “I opened the sealed port of Egypt”. Trade in Neo-Assyrian royal ideology”
9.40-10.05 Sureshkumar Muthukumaran: “Crop movements between the Middle East and India in the first millennium BC”
10.05-10.30 Ádám Vér - Zoltán Csabai: “Iron in the Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian Written Sources”

11.15-11.40 Alessandro Poggio: "Impressions of power :'Greco-Persian' seals in perspective"
11.40-12.05 Giulio Maresca: “Notes on Eastern Iran during the post-Achaemenid period: the reappraisal of the data from the Italian excavations at Qal‛a-ye Sam (Iran, Sistan)”
12.05-12.30 Claudia Romagnuolo: “Peoples at the service of Darius I (522-486 B.C.). Comparing the data from royal inscriptions and administrative tablets”

14.00-14.25 Maja Rzeplińska: “Terracotta riders - a powerful image that lasted through dynasties”
14.25-14.50 Ségolène de Pontbriand: “At the convergence of Hellenistic, Parthian and Roman architectures: Governor Lysias’ Residence in Europos-Dura (Syria)”
14.50-15.15 Aleksandra Kubiak: “Some reflections on the continuity and change of Mesopotamian religious traditions in Parto-Roman Palmyra and Hatra”

15.45-16.10 Rocco Palermo: “Pots as Fingerprints. Theoretical Frameworks, Cultural Horizons and Case Studies from Seleucid-Parthian Mesopotamia”
16.10-16.35 Mahdokht Farjamirad: “Burial customs during the Seleuco-Parthian period of Iran; Greek or local culture?”

Poster session (13.30-14.00)
Ilaria Bucci: “Pictorial Graffiti from Hatra: Some Unpublished Documents from the Iraq Museum of Baghdad”
Enrico Marcato: “Nny dy ḥṭrʼ: the characterisation of the goddess Nannay in the pantheon of Hatra, as to
epigraphic evidence”
Fabiana Raiano: Pottery from Kojtepa (Samarkand area) : Results from excavtion activities of Uzbek-Italian Archeological Mission in Uzbekistan
Melanie Wasmuth: Being ‘foreign’ in an ancient multi-cultural society: the case of the ‘Egyptians’ in early Iron Age Mesopotamia
Giulia Tucci: New kingdom and southern Levant: Egyptian finds in coastal sites during the Late Bronze Age
Valentina Oselini: Traces of Elamite and Mitanni culture in the Hamrin Basin: High-quality pottery in the Kassite contexts of Tell Yelkhi
Alessandra Cellerino et al.: A decorated gold jug from Nimrud Tomb III

2014. november 19., szerda


Szakmai elfoglaltságaink miatt a blog négynapos szünetet tart. Jövő héten folytatjuk.

WZKM 104 (2014)

A tartalomból:

Stefan Bojowald: Über die Wörter für „Kamm“ im Ägyptischen

Zsombor Földi: Cuneiform Texts in the Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Part IV: A New Text from Dūr-Abī-ēšuh

Johannes Hackl: Keilschrifttexte im Kunsthistorischen Museum Wien, Teil III:  Eine frühaltbabylonische Geschäftsurkunde

Eric L. Cripps: Money and Prices in the Ur III Economy of Umma

Mark Geller and Mark Ronan: Friberg’s Remarkable Collection of Babylonian Mathematical Texts

A recenziós részből pedig felhívnám a figyelmet H. Satzinger recenziójára Hasznos Andrea könyvéről.

2014. november 18., kedd


H. Craig Melchert, Elisabeth Rieken, Thomas Steer (eds.): Munus amicitiae. Norbert Oettinger a collegis et amicis dicatum. Ann Arbor, New York, Beech Stave Press

A tartalomból:

Harry A. Hoffner, Jr., On the Possessive Address in Hittite

Michael Janda, Wiedergutmachung in den hethitischen Gesetzen: arnuz(z)i

Alwin Kloekhorst and Alexander M. Lubotsky, Hittite nai-, ne-, Sanskrit ni-, and the PIE Verbal Root *(s)neh1-

Michael Georg Maier, Zur (Ent-)Wicklung der Wickelgamasche: die Etymologie von hethitisch šarkuwant- ‚gestiefelt, beschuht‘

Hartmut Matthäus, Ägypten und die Ägäis am Beginn des 1. Jahrtausends vor Christus

H. Craig Melchert, Hittite nakku(wa)- ‘(spirits of) the dead’

Massimo Poetto, Dall’appellativo all’idionimo nella glittografia luviogeroglifica. Il caso di ‘Donna’

Elisabeth Rieken and David Sasseville, Social Status as a Semantic Category of Anatolian: The Case of PIE *-wo-

Johann Tischler, Die Partikel hethitisch -z, luwisch -ti

Calvert Watkins †, Notes on Hittite, Greek, and Indo-European Poetics

Kazuhiko Yoshida, The Thematic Vowel *e/o in Hittite Verbs

2014. november 17., hétfő

L'hittitologie aujourd'hui

5èmes Rencontres de l’IFEA

Études sur l’Anatolie hittite et néo-hittite à l’occasion du centenaire de la naissance d’Emmanuel Laroche

Istanbul, 21-22 Nov. 2014

The meeting will be held at Koç University RCAC Auditorium İstiklal Caddesi 181 Merkez Han 34433 Beyoğlu 


Friday 21 November 2014

9:00-9:20 Registration and welcoming
9:20-9:30 Introduction by Jean-Françoise Pérouse (IFEA director) and Alice Mouton
9:30-9:45 Introduction by Laroche’s family

9:45-10:05 Stefano de Martino (Trieste): The Diffusion of the Hurrian Language in Hittite Anatolia

10:05-10:25 Susanne Görke (Mainz): Hurrian Studies after Emmanuel Laroche

10:25-10:45 Elisabeth Rieken (Marburg): Ergativity, Agentivity, Individuation? Agreement Patterns of Collective Nouns in Hittite

10:45-11:00 Discussion
11:00-11:15 coffee break

11:15-11:35 Ilya Yakubovich (Moscow - Marburg): The Luwian Title of the Great King

11:35-11:55 Heiner Eichner (Wien): Der Fortgang der lykischen Studien nach Emmanuel Laroche: einige instruktive Beispiele

11:55-12:15 Recai Tekoğlu (İzmir): Old and Newly discovered Lycian Inscriptions from Tlos

12:15-1230 Discussion
12:30-14:00 Lunch break

14:00-14:20 Massimo Poetto (Bari): Hieroglyphica

14:20-14:40 Aygül Süel (Ankara): Ortaköy-Şapinuva Mühürleri Üzerinde Çalışmalar

14:40-15:00 Rukiye Akdoğan (Adana): Yayınlanmamış Bazı Bo Tabletlerine Yeni Duplikat ve Paralel Metinler

15:00-15h15 Discussion
15:20-15:50 Coffee break

15:30-15:50 Ian Rutherford (Reading): Purification by Puppy:A Case of Anatolian Influence on Greek Religion

15:50-16:10 Alice Mouton (Ivry sur Seine - Paris): The Individual and his Body in Hittite Anatolia: A New Project

16:10-16:30 Manfred Hutter (Bonn): Kubaba, the Phrygian Matar and their Consort: Fusing in Sardes to Shape the Goddess Kybele

16:30-16:45 Discussion

Saturday 22 november 2014

9:00-9:30 Reception and Coffee

9:30-9:50 Willemijn Waal (Leiden): A New Interpretation of the Hittite Expression šarā ar-and its Implications for Hittite Record Management

9:50-10:10 Zsolt Simon (Budapest): The Northern Border of Tabal

10:10-10:30 Massimo Forlanini (Milan): Le rôle de Purušḫanda dans l’histoire hittite

10:30-10:50 David Hawkins (SOAS): Laroche and the Seals of Meskene/Emar

10:50-11:05 Discussion
11:05-11:20 Coffee break

11:20-11:40 Max Gander (Zürich): A Heretic View on the Location of Arzawa and the Arzawa Lands

11:40-12:00 Éric Jean (Çorum): La présence française en Cilicie au lendemain de la Première Guerre Mondiale et son impact sur la recherche archéologique

12:00-12:15 Discussion
12:15-14:30 Lunch break

14:30-14:50 Yiğit Erbil (Ankara): Preliminary Results of the Fasıllar Survey

14:50-15:10 Andreas Schachner (İstanbul): The Relation between the Hittite Capital-City Hattusha and its Empire

15:10-15:30 Françoise Laroche & Dominique Beyer (Strasbourg): Zeyve-Höyük-Porsuk, une fouille française dans le Bas-Pays hittite

15:30-15:45 Discussion
15:45-16:00 Coffee break

16:00-16:20 Aslıhan Yener (İstanbul): Hittite Great Priest Pilukatuha and Late Bronze Age Ritual Spaces at Alalakh

16:20-16:40 Belkıs Dinçol (İstanbul): The New Anatolian Hieroglyphic Seal Impressions from Tell Atchana / Alalakh and Alacahöyük with a tablet fragment from Alacahöyük

16:40-17:00 Elif Denel (Ankara): Transformation of Royal Space at Iron Age Tell Tayinat

17:00-17:15 Discussion

2014. november 16., vasárnap

Előadások itt-ott

Egedi Barbara
Határozottan dialektusfüggő: a kopt nyelvjárások névelő-rendszerei

Mikor: november 19., 12.05-12.40
Hol: Nyelvelmélet és dialektológia (PPKE BTK Sophianum 204, 1068 Mikszáth tér 1) [teljes program és absztraktok erre]


Esztári Réka & Vér Ádám
Dániel könyve és az ókori Kelet

Mikor: november 18., 13.00-13.30
Hol: Dániel könyve (Sapientia Szerzetesi Hittudományi Főiskola Díszterem, Piarista köz 1) [teljes program erre]

2014. november 15., szombat

PhD pozíció Koppenhágában

Részletek a kiírás szövegéből:

The Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, invites applications for a 3-year PhD position in Egyptology to be filled by 1 March 2015 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position is opened in the framework of the research project “The Economy and Infrastructure of Tomb Construction in the Egyptian New Kingdom" (...)

The project seeks to analyse large-scale construction projects as a way of modelling socio-economic behaviour, as well as to elucidate the ancient history of some of the most famous monuments of New Kingdom Egypt. By collecting, translating and contextualising administrative documents produced during the building of private and royal tombs, including unpublished hieratic papyri and ostraca, the project aims to link the written evidence with the better-known archaeology of the monuments themselves.

It is expected that the successful applicant will have sound philological skills (including a good command of Middle and Late Egyptian, as well as demonstrable training in the hieratic script) and preferably experience of working with hieratic documents. Archaeological experience is desirable as the position will entail some fieldwork at Thebes and Saqqara.

Application deadline: 6 January, 2015 at 23.59 (CET)

Novemberi ÓT

Az Ókortudományi Társaság november havi rendes felolvasó ülésének programja:

Liptai Éva
Akhmimi temetkezések — ókori vagy modern újrafelhasználás?

Geréby György
“A császár teológiai álhajának fodrásza?” Euszebiosz politikai teológiája.

Helye: ELTE BTK Kari Tanácsterem, Múzeum körút 4/A, magasföldszint
Időpont: november 21. (péntek), 17.00.

2014. november 14., péntek

Konferencia az ókori orvosi nyelvről

Orvosi nyelv az ókorban

Tudományos rendezvény az ókori keleti és a görög orvosi nyelvről az MTA Nyelv- és Irodalomtudományok Osztálya, az Orvosi Tudományok Osztálya, a PPKE BTK Mezopotámiai orvosi szövegek kutatócsoport, a Magyar Orvosi Nyelv című folyóirat és az Európai Nőgyógyászati Rák Akadémia szervezésében

Időpont: 2014. november 28.
Helyszín: MTA Székház

A program:

9.00–9.15 | Bősze Péter: Gondolatok az egyetemes orvosi nyelvről

Mezopotámiai orvoslás
9.15–9.45 | Bácskay András (PPKE): A „gyógyító kezelés” (bult.u) fogalma a mezopotámiai orvosi szövegekben
9.45–10.15 | Esztári Réka (PPKE): A női bajok terminológiája az ókori Mezopotámiai orvosi szövegekben

Egyiptomi orvoslás
11.45–12.15 | Győry Hedvig (Szépművészeti Múzeum): Egyiptomi orvosi szövegek

Zsidó orvoslás
12.15–12.45 | Fröhlich Ida (PPKE): Félelem, szorongás (pah. ad) az ókori zsidó forrásokban

Görög orvoslás
13.15–13.45 | Gradvohl Edina (SOTE): Delphys, hystera, métra. Hol lakik a magzat?
13.45–14.15 | Németh György (ELTE): Mivel gondolkodunk, mivel érzünk? Ez frenetikus!

Kínai orvoslás
14.15–14.45 | Fődi Attila: Farmakognózia az ősi Kínában gyógyszerkönyvi példák alapján

Zárszó | Bácskay András

A részvétel ingyenes, de a szervezők előzetes jelentkezést kérnek Bácskay Andrásnál (bacskay.andras at btk.ppke.hu)

2014. november 13., csütörtök


Dezső Tamás és Kalla Gábor Kirkukban, a pesmergák között tett látogatásáról készült feljegyzés olvasható ezen a linken, itt pedig a hozzátartozó képanyag tekinthető meg.

2014. november 12., szerda

Posztdok-hely Koppenhágában

Részletek a kiírás szövegéből:

The Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Denmark, invites applications for a 3-year postdoctoral position in Egyptology to be filled by 02/2015 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position is opened in the framework of the research project “The Economy and Infrastructure of Tomb Construction in the Egyptian New Kingdom” (...)

Job content
The work encompasses both philology (e.g. the transcription and translation of published and unpublished papyri, ostraca and inscriptions) and broader historical and theoretical study. The project also seeks to integrate the textual data with the archaeology of the monuments, and to that end the successful applicant will be expected to undertake short periods of fieldwork in Egypt.
The position consists of 2 years full-time research and 12 months of full-time teaching, although the exact distribution of this within the time-frame of the project is flexible.

A jelentkezési határidő: december 5. 

2014. november 11., kedd

Vallástörténeti workshop

A Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem Bölcsészet- és Társadalomtudományi Kar
Vallástörténeti Kutatócsoport

tisztelettel meghívja Önt

a 2014 november 21-én megrendezésre kerülő

Vallástörténeti Workshopra,

melynek témája:

Szent szövegek és rituálék: hagyomány és újítás

Helyszín: Párbeszéd Háza, 1085 Budapest, Horánszky utca 20, 102-es terem


10.00  Megnyitó
1010–1045: Kalla Gábor (ELTE BTK): A szakrális topográfia mint kulturális emlékezeti forma
1045–1120: Dávid Nóra (PPKE BTK):A rituális épületek szerepe az ókori zsidóságban 

1135–1210: Irsay-Nagy Balázs (ELTE BTK): Az Amduat keletkezése. Egy óegyiptomi vallásos kompozíció eredete
1210–1245: Kamrada G. Dolores (PPKE BTK):Jövendölés a bibliai hőshagyományban 
1245–1320: Kozák Dániel (ELTE BTK): Augustus és a római császárkultusz textuális megalapozása

1415–1450: Esztári Réka (PPKE BTK): „Írás a falon” – Dániel 5:25 a mezopotámiai ómen-irodalom tükrében
1450–1525: Fröhlich Ida (PPKE BTK): Exodus – Hagyomány és újítás a Jubileumok könyvében
1525–1600: Dobos Károly Dániel (PPKE BTK): „Szűnjék meg, és legyen elfelejtve a nem élő Isten...” – Zsidó liturgikus szövegek kora újkori paródiái a zsidó-keresztény polémia eszközeiként

1615–1650: Sárközy Miklós (KRE BTK): Egy vallás a zoroasztrianizmus és az iszlám között – A khurramiyya  a koraiszlámkori Iránban
1650–1725: Gelle Zsóka (ME BTK): A buddhista eszkatológia alaptörténetéről és a hozzá kapcsolódó tibeti próféciákról
1725–1800: A. Gergely András (MTA TK-PTI): Emlékezetközösség, szakralitás, hagyománykonzerválás

Az előadások absztraktjai megtekinthetőek a www.vallastortenet.hu webhely „Hírek” menüpontjában menüpontjában (folyamatosan frissül)

2014. november 10., hétfő

WdO 44/2 (2014)

A tartalomból:

Albrecht Greule: Sakralsprachen auf der Spur 

Elisabeth Rieken: Sprachliche Merkmale religiöser Textsorten im Hethitischen 

Paola Dardano: »Halte (dein) Ohr geneigt und höre mir zu!«: Zur hethitischen Phraseologie der Kommunikation zwischen Menschen und Göttern 

Anne Löhnert: Was reden die da? Sumerisch und Emesal zwischen Alltag und Sakralität 

Manuel Ceccarelli: Das Wort Enlils 

Stefano Seminara: Als sich Götter und Menschen miteinander unterhielten … 

Sebastian Graetz: Heiliges Buch – heilige Sprache? 

Andreas Gipper: Vertikales Übersetzen. Vom translatorischen Umgang mit Sakralsprache 

Daniel Schwemer: ‘Form follows function’? Rhetoric and Poetic Language in First Millennium Akkadian Incantations

Franca Pecchioli Daddi: Messengers of the Gods: NIN.DINGIR and Teteshapi 

Charles Steitler: Sakralsprache gelöst vom ursprünglichen Kontext? Das Beispiel einer Tafel des hethitischen Monatsfestes

2014. november 6., csütörtök

Még több cikk innen-onnan

Adam W. Schneider - Selim F. Adali: "No harvest was reaped": demographic and climatic factors in the decline of the Neo-Assyrian Empire. Climatic Change 127 (2014) [letölthető]

Droß-Krüpe, Kerstin (ed.): Textile Trading and Distribution in Antiquity - Textilhandel und -distribution in der Antike. Philippika - Altertumswissenschaftliche Abhandlungen / Contributions to the Study of Ancient World Cultures. Wiesbaden

  • Cécile Michel: The Assyrian Textile Trade in Anatolia (19th century BCE)
  • Agnès Garcia-Ventura: Weaving in Ur III Mesopotamia: Women's Work?
  • David R. A. Lumb: Textile Traditions of Northwest Syria during the Early Iron Age

Richard Dumbrill (ed.): ICONEA 2011. Proceedings of the International Conference of Near Eastern Archaeomusicology held at Senate House, University of London, December 1, 2 and 3 2011. London

  • Ricardo Eichmann: Extant lutes from the New Kingdom and the Coptic Period of Ancient Egypt
  • Dagmar Krejčí - Peter Zamarovský: An unusual depiction of a lutenist in Rekhmire's tomb at Sheikh Abd el-Qurna
  • Margaux Bousquet: A small lute from Susa and its reconstruction
  • Richard Dumbrill: Organology and philology of an Urukean lute (?)
  • Theo J.H. Krispijn: The acceptance of pop music in Mesopotamia: The Mesopotamia lute of the Second Millennium B.C. and its socio-cultural context

Ancient West & East 13 (2014)

  • B. Gökçe - K. Işık: Horses and Horse-Breeding in the Urartian Civilisation
  • N. Gourova: What Did Ancient Greeks Mean by the 'Cimmerian Bosporus'?

2014. november 5., szerda

Cikkek innen-onnan

Zsombor Földi - Ronan Head: Two Tablets from the Johns Hopkins University Collection. CDLB 2014: 4.

Tel Aviv 41/2

  • Jerusalem's Population in Antiquity: A Minimalist View (Hillel Geva)
  • Goose Keeping, Elite Emulation and Egyptianized Feasting at Late Bronze Lachish (Ido Koch)
  • New Observations on the Siloam Water System: Tunnels VI and VIII (Asher Grossberg)
  • On Population Groups in the Documents from the Time of the First Sealand Dynasty (Ran Zadok)

N.A.B.U. 2014/3 (magyar szerzővel)

2014. november 4., kedd

Könyvajánló (egyiptológia)

M.-C.Bruwier, W. C. A. Quertinmont (szerk.), "La Description de l'Egypte” de Jean-Jacques Rifaud (1813-1826). Connaissance de l'Égypte ancienne, 16. Safran Publishers

M. Choat, I. Gardner (szerk.) A Coptic Handbook of Ritual Power, The Macquarie Papyri, vol. 1, Brepols

M. Michel, Les mathématiques de l'Égypte ancienne. Numération, métrologie, arithmétique, géométrie et autres problèmes. Connaissance de l'Égypte ancienne, 12.  Safran Publisher

Christina Riggs, Ancient Egyptian Art and Architecture: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press

Rogério Sousa (szerk), Body, Cosmos and Eternity: New Trends of Research on Iconography and Symbolism of Ancient Egyptian Coffins. Archaeopress Egyptology 3. Archaeopress

2014. november 3., hétfő


Az Eötvös József Collegium Orientalisztika Műhelye ismét meghirdeti a „Közel, s Távol” Orientalisztika Konferenciát, amelyet hatodszor rendeznek meg majd 2015. március 5–8. között a Collegiumban. A rendezvény fő témája ezúttal: „Kelet-kutatás Keleten és Nyugaton”, de minden más kutatási téma bemutatását is örömmel várják az orientalisztika tárgyköréből. 

A rendezvény célja, hogy az orientalisztikával elhivatottan foglalkozó hallgatóknak lehetőséget biztosítson egy, az érdeklődésük középpontjában álló témában folytatott kutatás eredményeinek bemutatására. A konferencián bármely egyetem bármely szakának hallgatói részt vehetnek. Az előadások időtartama 20 perc. Az előadásokból konferenciakötet megjelentetését tervezik.

Jelentkezni lehet e-mailben, az előadás címével és egy rövid (maximum 6 soros) ismertetővel, melyet az e-mail mellékleteként kell eljuttatni a megadott címre. Jelentkezési határidő: 2015. január 12. Hivatalos felhívás erre.

2014. november 2., vasárnap


Markham J. Geller: Melothesia in Babylonia: Medicine, Magic, and Astrology in the Ancient Near East. STMAC 2. Boston - Berlin

J. Ambers et al.: Looted, Recovered, Returned: Antiquities from Afghanistan. Oxford

Nicholas Postgate: The Land of Assur and the Yoke of Assur: Studies on Assyria 1971-2005. Oxford

Michael Kozuh: The Sacrificial Economy: Assessors, Contractors, and Thieves in the Management of Sacrificial Sheep at the Eanna Temple of Uruk (ca. 625–520 B.C.)EANEC 2. Winona Lake

Kristine Garroway: Children in the Ancient Near Eastern Household. EANEC 3. Winona Lake

Mari, ni Est, ni Ouest. Supplément Syria II. Beyrouth

Marian H. Feldman: Communities of Style. Portable Luxury Arts, Identity, and Collective Memory in the Iron Age Levant. Chicago

Carl W. Blegen: Personal and Archaeological Narratives. Lockwood

Jean-Louis Huot: L’E.babbar de Larsa aux IIe et Ier millénaires (Fouilles de 1974 à 1985)Beyrouth

Gary M. Beckman: The babilili-Ritual from Hattusa. MC 19. Winona Lake

Pieter Gert van der Veen: The Final Phase of Iron Age II in Judah, Ammon, and Edom.
A Study of Provenanced Official Seals and Bullae as Chronological Markers. AOAT 415. Münster

Catherine Breniquet - Cécile Michel (eds.): Wool Economy in the Ancient Near East and the Aegean: From the Beginnings of Sheep Husbandry to Institutional Textile Industry. Oxford

Rony Feingold: Engraved on Stone. Mesopotamian Cylinder Seals and Seal Inscriptions in the Old Babylonian PeriodGorgias Press

2014. november 1., szombat


Salvatore Gaspa, Alessandro Greco, Daniele Morandi Bonacossi, Simonetta Ponchia and Robert Rollinger (eds.): From Source to History: Studies on Ancient Near Eastern Worlds and Beyond. Dedicated to Giovanni Battista Lanfranchi on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday on June 23, 2014. AOAT 412. Münster

A tartalom:

Tzvi Abusch: Notes on the History of Composition of Two Incantations 

Sanna Aro: The Relief on the Slab NKL 2 at Karatepe-Azatiwataya: Neo-Assyrian Impact in Cilicia?

Ariel M. Bagg: Hezekiah’s Jerusalem: Nineveh in Judah? 

Nicoletta Bellotto: I contratti palāhum ad Emar 

Reinhold Bichler: Semiramis and her Rivals. An Essay 

Maria Giovanna Biga: The Marriage of an Eblaite Princess with the King of Dulu 

Olivier Casabonne: Karmylessos : une Lycie chimérique ? 

Eleonora Cussini: Predial Servitudes and Easements in Aramaic Documents of Sale

Rocío Da Riva: Assyrians and Assyrian Influence in Babylonia (626–539 BCE) 

Stefano de Martino: The Hurrian “Song of Release”: an Up-to-Date Overview 

Elena di Filippo Balestrazz: Il mostro “anguipede” e il “dio in battello” nelle stele felsinee. Una proposta di lettura 

Betina Faist: The Ordeal in the Neo-Assyrian Legal Procedure 

Frederick Mario Fales: The Two Dynasties of Assyria 

Sebastian Fink: Sardanapal – Ein Hedonist aus Mesopotamien? 

Massimo Forlanini: The Survival of Dynastic Traditions of Bronze Age Anatolia During the Transition to the Iron Age: the Case of Halpa-šulubi and the Historical Connections Between Išuwa and Milidia 

Salvatore Gaspa: Golden Appliqués in Assyrian Textiles: an Interdisciplinary Approach to the Neo-Assyrian Evidence and Some Remarks on the Use of Dress Decorations in the Periphery of the Empire in Later Times 

Alessandro Greco: The Art of Propaganda in Aegean Iconography: When Art Must Be Sung 

Bruno Jacobs: Historische Aussagen in den Achämenideninschriften im Licht sich wandelnder Legitimationsstrategien 

Martin Lang: Assyrien im 7. Jahrhundert und die Literarische Produktion in der Levante und der Ägäis 

Mario Liverani: The King and His Audience 

Paolo Matthiae: Image, Ideology, and Politics: a Historical Consideration of the Message of Neo-Assyrian Reliefs

Raija Mattila: The Chief of Trade and the Chief Tailor – New Eponyms During the Reign of Assurbanipal 

Mischa Meier: Feuer über Konstantinopel: vom Umgang mit einem Nicht-Ereignis 

Clelia Mora: Symbols of Power in the Kingdom of Karkamiš (13th–12th Centuries BC) 

Daniele Morandi Bonacossi: River Navigation and Transport in Northern Assyria. The Stone Quay-walls of the Rivers Gomel and Al-khazir in the Navkur Plain, Iraqi Kurdistan 

Antonio Panaino: Daniel the “Magus” and the Magi of Bethlehem

Simo Parpola: Mount Niṣir and the Foundations of the Assyrian Church 

Francesco Pomponio: Alcune considerazioni sul cosiddetto periodo di Isin-Larsa 

Simonetta Ponchia: The Neo-Assyrian Adê Protocol and the Administration of the Empire 

Beate Pongratz-Leisten: Bad Kings in the Literary History of Mesopotamia and the Interface between Law, Divination, and Religion 

Claudia Posani: La diffusione del culto di Kubaba in epoca neo‒assira 

Daniel Potts: Guriania, γουράνιoι and the Gūrān 

Karen Radner: Zagros Spice Mills: the Simurrean and the Hašimur Grindstones 

Julian Reade – Irving Finkel: Between Carchemish and Pasargadae: Recent Iranian Discoveries at Rabat

Robert Rollinger: Aornos and the Mountains of the East: the Assyrian Kings and Alexander the Great 

Kai Ruffing: Der Reichtum Babyloniens 

Paolo Scarpi: La divina auctoritas di Ermete Trismegisto: per una nuova religione di tolleranza 

Gebhard J. Selz: Plant Metaphors: on the Plant of Rejuvenation 

Christopher J. Tuplin: From Arshama to Alexander. Reflections on Persian Responses to Attack 

Erik van Dongen: The Extent and Interactions of the Phrygian Kingdom 

Lorenzo Verderame: A Glimpse into the Activities of Experts (Ummânu) at the Assyrian Royal Court 

Josef Wiesehöfer: Alfred von Gutschmid und Eberhard Schrader: eine Kontroverse 

Anne-Maria Wittke: Überlegungen zur Lage von Pteria 

Stefan Zawadzki: Depicting Hostile Rulers in the Neo-Assyrian Royal Inscriptions