2013. február 28., csütörtök

Februári könyvajánló / February book news

M. Sigrist – T. Ozaki, Administrative Ur III Texts in the British Museum 1-2Periodic Publications on Ancient Civilizations 5. Changchun, The  Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations

I. Baglioni (ed.), Monstra 1 (Egitto, Vicino Oriente Antico, Area Storico-Comparativa). Costruzione e percezione delle entità ibride e mostruose nel Mediterraneo antico. 2013.

Ph. J. Turner, Seth – A Misrepresented God in the Ancient Egyptian Pantheon?. BAR S2473. Oxford

G. Frame, The Archive of Mušēzib-Marduk Son of Kiribtu and Descendant of Sîn-nāṣirA Landowner and Property Developer at Uruk in the Seventh Century BCBabylonische Archive 5. Dresden

R. Klemm - D. Klemm, Gold and Gold Mining in Ancient Egypt and Nubia. Geoarchaeology of the Ancient Gold Mining Sites in the Egyptian and Sudanese Eastern Deserts2013

D. B. Weisberg, Leaders and Legacies in Assyriology and Bible: The Collected Studies of David B. Weisberg. Winona Lake

C. Sauvage, Routes maritimes et systèmes d’échanges internationaux au Bronze récent en Méditerranée orientaleLyon

W.S. van Egmond - W.H. van Soldt (eds.), Theory and Practice of Knowledge Transfer. Studies in School Education in the Ancient Near East and BeyondPapers read at a Symposium in Leiden, 17-19 December 2008PIHANS 121. Leiden

M. E. Aubet: Commerce and Colonization in the Ancient Near East. Cambridge

H. Neumann (ed.), Wissenskultur im Alten Orient. Weltanschauung, Wissenschaften, Techniken, Technologien. 4. Internationales Colloquium der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft 20.-22. Februar 2002, MünsterColloquien der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft 4. Wiesbaden

S. R. Hauser, Status, Tod und Ritual. Stadt- und Sozialstruktur Assurs in neuassyrischer Zeit. Wiesbaden

H. Weiss,  Seven Generations Since the Fall of AkkadStudia Chaburensia 3. Wiesbaden

P. Pfälzner et al. (ed.), (Re-)Constructing Funerary Rituals in the Ancient Near East. Proceedings of the First International Symposium of the Tübingen Post-Graduate School “Symbols of the Dead” in May 2009Qatna Studien Supplementa 1. Wiesbaden

2013. február 26., kedd

Folyóiratok Birminghamből

A birminghami egyiptológiai tanszék új online folyóiratot indít (Birmingham Egyptology Journal), ahová max. 12.000 szavas cikkekkel lehet jelentkezni.
Egy másik birminghami folyóirat, a Rosetta: Papers of the Institute of Archaeology and Antiquity at the University of Birmingham szintúgy cikkek beküldésére buzdítja azon doktoranduszokat, kutatókat,  akik régészeti témával foglalkoznak, legyenek akár egyiptológusok, asszíriológusok, bizantinológusok, stb.. A beküldési határidő: 2013. március 31.

2013. február 25., hétfő

Origini 34 (2012): Arslantepe - Malatya

Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche - Prehistory and protohistory of ancient civilizations 34 (2012)

Fifty years of excavations and researches at Arslantepe/Malatya (Turkey): A contribution to the study of the earliest centralised societies

(Proceedings of the International Conference held in Rome on 5-7 December, 2011 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Sapienza University expedition at Arslantepe)

A tartalomból:

1.The development of social complexity in the Late Chalcolithic (5th and 4th Millennia BC)
1.1. Arslantepe in the 5th and 4th millennia

Fourth Millennium Arslantepe: The development of a centralised society without urbanisation (Marcella Frangipane)

At the roots of the Late Chalcolithic society in the Anatolian Euphrates Valley (Francesca Balossi Restelli)

Pottery production and use at Arslantepe between periods VII and VIA. Evidence for social and economic change (Maria Bianca D’Anna, Paolo Guarino)

Interregional interaction at Arslantepe: The glyptic evidence of Level VII (Holly Pittman)

Looking to the West: The Late Chalcolithic Red-Black Ware of the Upper Euphrates Region (Hülya Çalışkan Akgül)

Meat Consumption and sheep/goat exploitation in centralised and non-centralised economies at Arslantepe, Anatolia (Giovanni Siracusano, Laszlo Bartosiewicz)

1.2. Late Chalcolithic developments in other regions of the Near East

The development of indigenous social complexity in Late Chalcolithic Upper Mesopotamia in the 5th-4th millennia BC. An initial assessment (Gil J. Stein)

Politics of food in early Mesopotamian centralized societies (Susan Pollock)

Early administration at Arslantepe and Tell Brak (Ancient Nagar) (Joan Oates)

Les charactéristique de l'espace monumental dans le monde Urukéen: de la métropole aux colonies (Pascal Butterlin)

Late Chalcolithic craft traditions at the north-eastern 'periphery' of Mesopotamia: Potters vs. smiths in the Southern Caucasus (Barbara Helwing)

The Chalcolithic period in Central Anatolia Aksaray-Niğde Region  (Sevil Gülçur)

2. Arslantepe in the Early Bronze Age: Far-reaching change and the rise of new societies

The collapse of the 4th millennium centralised system at Arslantepe and the far-reachng changes in the 3rd millennium societies (Marcella Frangipane)

Bridging the frontiers: pastoral groups in the Upper Euphrates region in the early third millennium BCE (Giulio Palumbi)

Vessels, tools and space use at Arslantepe in Period VI B2. Everyday life in an EB I village (Paola Piccione, Cristina Lemorini)

The population replacement at Arslantepe: Reflections on human remains (Yılmaz Selim Erdal)

Changes in textile production at Arslantepe during the 4th and 3rd millennia BCE (Romina Laurito)

3. On the margins of empires: Malatya and the Hittite world

Arslantepe in the Neo-Hittite period (Mario Liverani)

The topography and architecture at Arslantepe during the second and first millennia BC: Reconsidering more than 100 years of researches (Corrado Alvaro)

A view from the East. Arslantepe and the Central Anatolian world during the Late Bronze and Iron Ages: Interactions and local development (Federico Manuelli)

Malatya and Isuwa in Hittite texts: new elements of discussion (Stefano de Martino)

Anatolia after the end of the Hittite Empire: new evidence from Southern Cappadocia (Clelia Mora, Lorenzo d’Alfonso)

Uşakli Höyük: A Hittite site in Central Anatolia (Stefania Mazzoni)

The texts from Tell Afis: Evidence from the periphery of the Hittite Empire (Alfonso Archi)

4. Environment and Society. Environmentel conditions, agriculture and technology in the Malatya plain

Geoarchaeological investigations at Arslantepe. Questions, research strategy, preliminary results, and potentials (Stefan Dreibrodt et al.)

Archaeobotanical research at Arslantpe. Traditional approach and new challenges (Laura Sadori, Alessia Masi)

Building materials and construction techniques at Arslantepe. Results of an interdisciplinary study (G. Liberotti, R. Quaresima)

2013. február 24., vasárnap

Iranica Antiqua 48 (2013)

A tartalomból:

A. Devillers, Did the Arabian Oryx Occur in Iran?

P. Calmeyer, Zwischen Hunden und Löwen

O. Oudbashi et al., Archaeometallurgical Studies on the Bronze Vessels from 'Sangtarashan', Luristan, W-Iran

S. Kroll, Hasanlu Period III. Annotations and Corrections

A. Ü. Erdem, Potters' Marks in Urartu on the Basis of New Evidence from Ayanis Fortress

A. Zournatzi, The Median Logos of Herodotus and the Persians' Legitimate Rule of Asia

U. Ellerbrock, Religiöse Ikonographie auf parthischen Münzen. Der Einfluss politisch-gesellschaftlicher Veränderungen auf das Bild der Göttin Tyche im Partischem Reich

B. Overlaet, And Man Created God? Kings, Priests and Gods on Sasanian Investiture Reliefs

E. Petac - A. Ionescu, Some Sassanian Silver Coins Discovered at Axiopolis (Cernavodă, Constanţa County, Romania)

J. K. Choksy, Sailors, Soldiers, Priests, and Merchants. Reappraising Iran’s Early Connections to Ceylon

2013. február 23., szombat

Lady Wallis Budge Junior Research Fellowship in Egyptology (Oxford)

University College invites applications for the Lady Wallis Budge Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in Egyptology, tenable for a period of three years from 1 September 2013. The Fellowship will be awarded within any area of Egyptology.

Junior Research Fellowships are intended to provide opportunities for outstanding academics at the beginning of their careers. Univ has at any time between 8 and 10 JRFs in any of the subjects in which it has Fellows and Lecturers, several of which are funded by Old Members of the College. JRFs play an important part in the intellectual and social lives of the College. Further details about the research of current Fellows can be found here.

The primary criterion for appointment will be research excellence. Candidates must have a strong educational record; be approaching the end of their doctoral research or have recently begun post-doctoral study; have research expertise as demonstrated by publications, or demonstrate promise of such achievement; and have a coherent plan of research for the duration of the fellowship.

The primary duty of the post is to carry out research.  While the College is careful to protect the research time of its JRFs, the College will use its best efforts to provide access to a limited amount of teaching, in the interest of the Fellow’s career development, and the Fellow may be able to participate in related academic activities of the College, such as undergraduate admissions or schools liaison work, for which additional remuneration will be offered.

Candidates must be confident that they will have obtained their doctorates by the start of their appointment.  Conversely, this position is not intended for those who have already held another stipendiary Junior Research Fellowship or equivalent (such as a Career Development Fellowship), or for those who obtained their doctorates more than two years prior to the application date.

The current stipend for a Junior Research Fellow not in receipt of other emoluments is £20,361 per annum (at current levels). This sum will normally be reduced by the annual salary support received from any other funding body or other source (other than payment for piecemeal teaching), with a minimum stipend payable by the College of £2,500. The Fellow will be offered free meals and free accommodation in a College flat if available, or a housing allowance in lieu (currently £5,054 p.a.).  Fellows will also be offered shared study space in College.  The Fellow will receive an academic allowance (currently £1,925), an entertainment allowance (currently £177), membership of USS and private health insurance.

Selected candidates may be asked to submit written work, which may be one or two published or submitted articles, or all or part of their thesis. Applicants should indicate on their application forms which material they propose to submit, if invited to do so, but should not at this stage submit any written work.

Applications should be sent to Ms Verity Pavitt, Academic Services Manager, University College, Oxford, OX1 4BH (fax +44 (0)1865 276790; e-mail recruitment  at univ.ox.ac.uk) by 12 noon on Thursday 4 April 2013, and should include:

A completed application form
A recruitment monitoring form (this form is used for monitoring purposes only and will not be seen by any member of the selection committee)
Applicants should also arrange for their three referees to send their references to the Academic Services Manager by the same date.

2013. február 22., péntek

JEA 98 (2012)

A Journal of Egyptian Archeology 98 (2012) számának tartalomjegyzéke online elérhető

A tartalomból: 

Kemp, B.: Tell el-Amarna 2011-12

Graham, A., Strutt, K. D., Hunter, M. A., Jones, S., Masson, A., Millet, M., Pennington, B. T.: Theban Harbours and Waterscape Survey

Shaw, I.: The Gurob Harem Palace Project, Spring 2012

Meyer, M. De; Dils, P.: Fowl for the Governor: The Tomb of Governor Djehutinakht IV or V at Dayr al-Barsha Reinvestigated, I. Architecture and Archeology

Davies, V.: The Treatment of Foreigners in Seti's Battle Reliefs

Janseln-Winkeln, K.: Zu Sprache und Datierung des Amduat

Mark, S.: The Abydos BG10 Boat and Implications for standardisation, Innovation, and Timber  Conservation in early Dynastic Boat-building

Mekawy Ouda, A. M.: The Canopic Box of  Ns-aA-rwd (BM EA 8539)

Smith, H. S., Davies, S.:  The "Pewenhor" Documents from the Sacred Anima Necropolis at North Saqqara

Zamacona, C. G.: Im.y-wr.t (aA) n p.t and tA-wr (aA)  n tA in the Solar Circuit: Data from the Coffin Texts

Broekman, G. P. F.: The Theban High-Priestly Succession in the First Half of the Twenty-First Dynasty

Ebeid, M.: A New Demotic Private Letter from Hermopolis 

Stevenson, A.: The A-Group Cemeterey at Tunqala West 

von Lieven, A.: Book of the Dead, Book of the Living: BD Spells at Temple Texts

Hsu, S-W.: The Development of Ancient Egyptian Royal Inscriptions

2013. február 21., csütörtök

Konferenciafelhívás: II. Ókori történeti földrajz

A Pécsi Tudományegyetem Történettudományi Intézetének Ókortörténeti Tanszéke és az Ókori Gazdaságtörténeti Kutatócsoport rendezésében 2013. október 4-én kerül sor a II. Ókori Történeti Földrajz Konferenciára, melynek témája ezúttal az


kapcsolata az ókorban. Mindazon kutatók (egyetemi oktatók, doktori fokozattal rendelkező független kutatók, PhD-hallgatók) jelentkezését várják, akik az Ókori Kelet, Egyiptom, a klasszikus antikvitás vagy a késő-ókor (Bizánc) szakterületén munkálkodnak, és érdeklődésre számot tartó kutatási eredményük van a következő kérdésekben:

- történeti ökológia,
- elméleti gazdaságtörténet,
- gazdaságtörténeti források elemzése,
- gazdaságföldrajz,
- környezeti régészet,
- tájrégészeti kutatások
- stb.

A konferencián max. 20 perces előadásokra lesz lehetőség, amit 10 perces vita követ. Kérik, hogy a jelentkezők az előadás címével együtt max. 200 szavas összefoglalót küldjenek az okor kukac pte pont hu e-mail címre legkésőbb 2013. április 1-ig. A konferencia szervezői fenntartják a jogot arra, hogy a beküldött összefoglalók alapján megválogassák az előadókat, ill. felkérjenek szekcióvezetőket. (Nagy létszámú jelentkező esetén szekciókat fognak alakítani.) A konferencia várható helyszíne a Pécsi Tudományegyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kara lesz.

A tavalyelőtti konferencia válogatott előadásai az Ókor XI. évf. 1. számában jelentek meg.  Idén valamennyi előadást publikálni tervezik. Ezért a magyar nyelvű előadásokat, ill. az azok alapján készült tanulmányokat 2013. október 31-ig kérik leadni, azért, hogy némi szerkesztést követően az Ókorban és/vagy az ISSN és ISBN számmal ellátott Specimina Electronica Antiquitatis – Libri (SEA-L) honlapon közzétehessék; az előadások idegen nyelvű változatait pedig 2013. november 30-ig kérik leadni, mivel azokat az Ancient Near Eastern and Mediterranean Studies (ANEMS) sorozatában szeretnék publikálni.

2013. február 18., hétfő

Letölthető könyvek

Újabb online elérhető könyvek az Oriental Institute honlapjáról. 

Teeter, E. - Emberling, G.: The Ancient Near East in the Time of Tutankhamun: A Self-guided Tour. Geoff Emberling and Emily Teeter (2006)

Ancient Nubia. Oriental Institute Museum (2006)

Carswell, J.: Artists in Egypt (1920-1935) (1991)

 The Oriental Institute Museum: Highlights from the Collection. Oriental Institute Museum. (1989)

Krek, M.: Catalogue of Arabic Manuscripts in the Oriental Institute of Chicago (1961)

Kraeling, C. H: - Richert, S.:  Iranian Art at the Oriental Institute Museum of the University of Chicago (1951)

The Oriental Institute Handbook and Museum Guide. Oriental Institute Museum (1941)

2013. február 17., vasárnap

AoF 39/1 (2012)

Hittite Cult Inventories – Part Two: The Dating of the Texts and the Alleged ‘Cult Reorganization’ of Tudhaliya IV (Michele Cammarosano)

Aziru, Servant of Three Masters? (Elena Devecchi)

The Akkadian Medical Text KUB 37.1 (Federico Giusfredi)

PA-NI DINGIR-LIM GIŠDAG-TI (sic) = tar-ša-an-zi-pí pé-ra-an? Randnotizen zu CTH 652 (Detlev Groddek)

Ma-na-aḫ-pi-/ir-/ja = Mn-ḫpr-r‘ (Rolf Krauss)

Des chiffres et des digues: à propos de deux textes présargoniques de Ĝirsu et d’une notation numérique inhabituelle (Camille Lecompte)

The Development of the Middle Assyrian Provinces (Jaume Llop-Raduà)

The Placement and Chronological Sequence of the Stelae from Assur (Werner Nahm)

Hethitisch kuwapi UL, kattan išhaššarwahh- und KUB 21.38 Vs. 14’ (Elisabeth Rieken und David Sasseville)

Gedanken zur Datierung, Entwicklung und Funktion der hethitischen Kunst (Andreas Schachner)

Where is the Land of Sura of the Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscription KARKAMIŠ A4b and Why Were Cappadocians Called Syrians by Greeks? (Zsolt Simon)

2013. február 16., szombat

RCAC Mini-Symposia 2013

RCAC Fellows' Mini-Symposia / ANAMED Bursiyerlerinin Mini-Sempozyumları 2013

(Koç University Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations)
(Koç Üniversitesi Anadolu Medeniyetleri Araştırma Merkezi)

01/03 (16.00) Kingdoms and Empires in Transition
Commentator: Aslı Özyar

Federico Manuelli: Hittites at the Euphrates Border. Empire-Building and Local Resistance in a Frontier Area: Archaeological Evidence of Cultural Relations and Integration Processes

Geoffrey Summers: Phrygians East of the Kizilirmak: The Evidence for Migration

19/04 (16.00) Out of the Shadows: Illuminating Identities and Connectivity in Anatolia from the Bronze Age to the Byzantine Empire
Commentator: Carolyn Aslan

Michele Massa: Silent Witnesses. An Attempt to Define Local Identities in Pre-Literate Early Bronze Age Anatolia.

D. Sıla Votruba: Sui generis. Indigenous Cultures of Western Anatolia and Their Interactions with Neighboring Regions During the Late Bronze Age.

Catherine M. Draycott: Lighting up Early Classical Lycia. Its Profile and Connections in the Period of the Greco-Persian Wars, 500-450 BC.

All talks will be in English. Abstracts in Turkish will be available before talks.

RCAC İstiklal Caddesi 181, Merkez Han. Beyoğlu - İstanbul
For a full program click here.

2013. február 15., péntek

Könyvek Törökországból / Books from Turkey

Meltem Dogan-Alparslan: Hitit Kralı II. Muwatalli: Kişiliği ve İcraatı (Filolojik Belgeler Işığında). Studia ad Orientem Antiquum 1. Türk Eskicag Bilimler Enstitüsü - Ege Yayınları, İstanbul, 2012

Muhibbe Darga: Anadolu'da Kadın. On Bin Yıldır Eş, Anne, Tüccar, Kraliçe. Yapı Kredi Yayınlar, İstanbul, 2013

Olivier Henry (ed.): 4th Century Karia. Defining a Karian Identity under the Hekatomnids. Varia Anatolica XXVII. Istanbul - Paris, IFEA -­ De Boccard, 2012

Catherine Marro (ed.): After the Ubaid. Interpreting change from the Caucasus to Mesopotamia at the Dawn of Urban Civilization (4500-­3500 BC). Varia Anatolica XXVII. Istanbul - Paris, IFEA - De Boccard, 2012

2013. február 14., csütörtök

Előadás az ELTE-n

Az ELTE BTK Egyiptológia Tanszék és a CEU Medievisztika Tanszék  tisztelettel meghívja Önt 

2013. március 4-én hétfőn 14 órára 

Raffaella Cribiore (New York University)


Literary Texts from Roman Trimithis 
(Dakhla Oasis, Egypt)

ELTE BTK Budapest, VIII. ker. Múzeum krt. 4/B épület félemelet 172-es előadó

The Egyptology Department of Eötvös Loránd University  and the Medieval Studies Department of Central European University cordially invite you to a lecture by 

Raffaella Cribiore (New York University)

 Literary Texts from Roman Trimithis 
(Dakhla Oasis, Egypt)

On Monday 4 March at 2 pm
Lecture Hall 172
ELTE BTK, Budapest, VIIIth district , Múzeum krt. 4/B.

An archaeological mission (based at New York University) is excavating the site of Amheida, the ancient Trimithis, in the Western part of the Dakhla Oasis in the western desert of Egypt. During the Roman Period the settlement flourished; it was abandoned around the end of the 4th or the beginning of the 5th century. One of the three areas of excavation to date has been a fourth-century private residence and the buildings surrounding it. This house belonged to an upper-class family, that of the councilor Serenos. Adjacent to it there was a school of higher education of at least three rooms dating to the second quarter of the fourth century. At a later time, Serenos annexed it. The house was rich in mythological paintings and in one of the rooms a graffito with a verse from Euripides was found. In the school, where benches were built everywhere, literary texts were written on the walls: epigrams exhorting students to ascend the hill of rhetoric, verses from Homer’s Odyssey, and a composition based on a text from Plutarch. These texts written are a further proof that teaching and learning took place there and confirm that they belong to the only building so far discovered from antiquity that was certainly a school and showed educational activities.

2013. február 13., szerda

Történelem az ókorban - Előadássorozat az ELTE-n

Az ELTE BTK Ókortudományi Intézet négy éve minden tavaszi félévben előadássorozatot szervez saját hallgatóinak és minden érdeklődőnek. Az eddigi témák: “A város az ókorban”, “Tárgyak az ókorból”, “Etnikai identitás az ókorban”, “Nemi szerepek az ókorban”.

Ebben az évben az előadássorozat témája: “Történelem az ókorban”. Az előadássorozat az kívánja bemutatni, hogy az ókori kultúrák milyen viszonyt alakítottak ki a múlttal és/vagy saját múltjukkal. Néhány az előadássorozat által tárgyalandó kérdésekből:

Létezett-e történelem abban az értelemben, ahogy ezt a fogalmat napjainkban értelmezzük? Mi különbözteti meg a történelmet bizonyos múltbéli események vagy eseménysorozatok elbeszélésétől, és mit gondoltak erről a kérdésről a különböző ókori civilizációk? Milyen szövegtípusokban foglalkoztak múltbeli eseményekkel, és ezeknek a szövegeknek mi lehetett az eredeti kontextusuk? Milyen szellemi háttérből származnak a görög történetírók munkái? Mi volt a célja a múlttal való foglalkozásnak a különböző társadalmakban? A múlttal való foglalkozás intézményei az ókorban.

Helyszín: ELTE BTK 1088 Bp., Múzeum krt. 4, Gólyavár, B terem.
Időpont: csütörtökönként 16-17:30.

Sajnos blogunkat érintő előadás nagyon kevés lesz, csak a félév végén (a teljes listához klikk ide):

április 25: Raczky Pál: “Tér-idő dimenziók az őskorban”
május 2: Kalla Gábor: “Mit tudtak a régmúltról Mezopotámiában?”
május 9: Zólyomi Gábor:  “Lugal-zageszi váza felirata és uralkodásának ‘története’”
május 16: Török László “Hérodotosz Núbiában”

2013. február 11., hétfő

Fs. Porten

A. F. Botta (ed.): In the Shadow of Bezalel. Aramaic, Biblical, and Ancient Near Eastern. Studies in Honor of Bezalel Porten. CHANE 60. Leiden, Brill, 2012

A tartalomból:

Aramaic Studies / Elephantine

Chapter 3: Three Additional Aramaic-Egyptian Parallel Legal Terms/Formulae (Alejandro F. Botta)

Chapter 4: The Career of Some Elephantine and Murašu Scribes and Witnesses (Eleonora Cussini)

Chapter 5: Phoenician and Aramaic Inscriptions from Abusir (Jan Dušek - Jana Mynářová)

Chapter 10: Le Dialecte Araméen de L'inscription De Kuttamuwa  (Zencirli, Viiie S. Av. N. È.) (Andre Lemaire)

Chapter 14: Die „Festung“ von Elephantine in der Spätzeit – Anmerkungen zum archäologischen Befund (Cornelius von Pilgrim)

Biblical Studies

Chapter 17: Revisiting the Date of King Josiah's Death (Dan’el Kahn)

Ancient Near Eastern Studies

Chapter 23: The Role of the Governor in Persian Imperial Administration (Lisbeth S. Fried)

Chapter 24: Emar and the Elephantine Papyri (Andrew D. Gross)

Chapter 25: Setting Another Tablet Right: the Ugaritic Text RS 2.[031] (Dennis Pardee)

Chapter 26: Ad Nomen Argumenta: Personal Names as Pejorative Puns in Ancient Texts (Christopher A. Rollston)

Chapter 27: The Archive of Šamaš-Šarra-Uṣur from Calah (Ran Zadok)

Chapter 28: Der ägyptische Name der Juden (Karl-Theodor Zauzich)

2013. február 10., vasárnap

Vegyes cikkek / Articles from everywhere

O. W. Muscarella: Deconstructing the Destruction of King Midas' Gordion. Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia 18/2 (2012) 377-390.

M. Novák - S. Rutishauser: Eine neue Chronologie des 3. Jahrtausends v. Chr. Ergebnisse der ARCANE Final Conference. Antike Welt 2013/1: 70-73 (letölthető; itt pedig a hozzátartozó kronológiai táblázat külön is)

E. Galili - N. Gale - B.Rosen: A Late Bronze Age Shipwreck with a Metal Cargo from Hishuley Carmel, Israel. Journal of Nautical Archaeology 42/1 (2013) 2–23.

G. Zisa: Sofferenza, malessere e disgrazia. Metafore del dolore e senso del male nell'opera paleo-babilonese "Un uomo e il suo dio": un approccio interdisciplinare. Historiae 9 (2012)

F. de Backer: Le casque bombé à cimier dans les tactiques de combat néo-assyriennes. Historiae 9 (2012).

N. F. Miller: Symbols of Fertility and Abundance in the Royal Cemetery at Ur, Iraq. AJA 117 (2013) 127-133. (letölthető)

2013. február 9., szombat

TT 184

A TT 184-es thébai sírban Fábián Zoltán vezetésével február 4-én megkezdődött az idei ásatási szezon. A tavalyi évhez hasonlóan idén is vezetnek ásatási naplót. Az érdeklődők továbbá a Facebookon is követhetik őket (az oldal regisztráció nélkül is megtekinthető).

2013. február 8., péntek

Doktori ösztöndíj Berlinbe / PhD Fellowship to Berlin

Doctoral Stipends / Doctoral Fellowships

Excellence Cluster 264
“Topoi – The Formation and Transformation of Space and Knowledge in Ancient Civilizations”

with funding from the Excellence Initiative at the Freie Universität Berlin and the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, is announcing 9 doctoral stipends to begin on October 1, 2013.

Receipt of a doctoral stipend is connected with admission to the Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies (BerGSAS) of the Berliner Antike-Kolleg and participation on one of the following programs:

Ancient Languages and Texts
History of Ancient Science
Landscape Archaeology and Architecture

Applicants specializing in ancient studies and related disciplines are invited to apply.

In addition, the BerGSAS doctoral programs 'Ancient Languages and Texts', 'History of Ancient Science', 'Landscape Archaeology and Architecture', and - newly established - 'Languages and Cultures of the Silk Road' announce a number of PhD fellowships (no stipend included). Applicants are invited to apply with project proposals.

More information on the doctoral stipends and fellowships, and the requisite application materials is available at www.topoi.org and www.berliner-antike-kolleg.org

Applications deadline: Please email a completed application by May 15, 2013 to application at topoi.org. Further questions may also be sent to Carmen Marcks-Jacobs (carmen.marcks at rz.hu-berlin.de).

2013. február 7., csütörtök

Konferencia: Translation and Bilingualism in ANE texts

A Workshop on Translation and Bilingualism in Ancient Near Eastern texts

Sponsored by the Lorne Thyssen Research Fund at Wolfson College, Oxford, and the London Centre for the Ancient Near East

Dates: Thursday, 14 March to Saturday, 16 March 2013
Place: Wolfson College, Oxford, in the Buttery on Thursday afternoon, in the Haldane Room on Friday and Saturday

Provisional Programme

Thursday March 14th

2pm Introduction by Stephanie Dalley and Jacob Dahl

2.30 Jon Taylor (British Museum) “Hidden voices and twisted tongues: the Mesopotamian lexical list tradition”

3.30 Mark Weeden (SOAS) “The Gilgamesh fragments from Hattusa: translation, paraphrase or an entirely different composition?”

4.30 tea

5.00 Wouter Henkelman (Paris) “Recent work on the Elamite version of the Bisitun inscription”

6.00 summing up

Friday March 15th

9.00 Marwan Kilani (Oxford) “The Astarte Papyrus : an Egyptian version of the confrontation between the Storm God and the Sea.” (Ugaritic and Egyptian)

10.00 Klaus Wagensonner (Oxford) “Lugal-e. Exploiting Ninurta's Deeds: A look on transmission and translation of a Sumerian mythological text”

11.00 coffee

11.30 Martin Worthington (Cambridge) “Gilgamesh Narratives, Sumerian and Akkadian”

12.30 lunch

2.00 Jana Matuszak (Tübingen) “How to deal with old-fashioned proverbs? Old Babylonian editions of the Early Dynastic Proverb Collection 1”

3.00 Ilya Yakubovich (Marburg) “The Çineköy inscription” (Luwian and Phoenician)

4.00 tea

4.30 Christopher Metcalf (SOAS and Oxford) “A trilingual Storm-god text from Hattusa” (Sumerian, Akkadian, Hittite)

5.30 summing up

Saturday March 16th

9.00 Bert van der Spek (Amsterdam) “Berossus as Babylonian interpreter of Babylonian Civilization for a Greek audience”

10.00 Luigi Prada (Oxford) “Translating an ancient Egyptian best seller in Roman Egypt: The Greek version of the Legend of Tefnut”

11.00 coffee

11.30 closing discussion

There will be a small catering charge, at a subsidised price in the region of £15-£21.50, for participants other than the speakers. Thanks to the generosity of the London Centre for the Ancient Near East, extra subsidies will be available to students. Please be sure to email Selena Wisnom (selena.wisnom at orinst.ox.ac.uk) by March 1st if you wish to attend.

2013. február 6., szerda

(Főképp) anatóliai tanulmányok / (Mainly) Anatolian studies

Natalia Bolatti-Guzzo - Silvia Festuccia - Massimiliano Marazzi (eds.): Centro mediterraneo preclassico. Studi e ricerche III. Studi vari di egeistica, anatolistica e del mondo mediterraneo. Napoli, 2012

A tartalomból:

Günter Neumann: System und Ausbau der hethitischen Hieroglyphenschrift. Traduzione e note critiche a cura di Natalia Bolatti-Guzzo e Massimiliano Marazzi

Paola Dardano: Il vento, i piedi e i calzari: i messaggeri degli dei nei miti ittiti e nei poemi omerici

Silvia Festuccia: The Bronze Age moulds from the Levant: typology and materials

Rita Francia: La struttura ‘poetica’ degli exempla ittiti nel “canto della liberazione”

Federico Giusfredi: Note di lessico e di cultura “scribale” ittita e luvia.

Clelia Mora – Matteo Vigo: Attività femminili a Hattuša: la testimonianza dei testi di inventario e degli archivi di cretulae

2013. február 5., kedd

Ásatási blogok

Leiden Excavations in the New Kingdom necropolis at Saqqara

Proyecto Djehuty (spanyol)

Proyecto Qubbet el-Hawa  (spanyol)

Joint Expedition to Malqata

Theban Harbours and Waterscapes Survey (THaWS) 

És emlékeztetőül: a blogon korábban már közzétettük a (Re)productive Traditions in Ancient Egypt c. konferencia felhívását. A konferenciára a napokban (egészen pontosan holnaptól, febr. 6-tól péntekig, február 9-ig) kerül sor. A részletes program (magyar előadóval!) erről a linkről letölthető.   

2013. február 4., hétfő

Líbia és sziklarajzok / Rock Art in Libya and Egypt

Minthogy ez egy olyan kötet, amelynek tartalma (ti. Líbia, valamint egyiptomi sziklarajzok) többeket is érdekelhet, néhány cikkre belőle külön is felhívom a figyelmet:

Huyge D., Van Noten F. & Swinne D. (eds): The Signs of Which Times? Chronological and Palaeoenvironmental Issues in the Rock Art of Northern Africa. Brussels, Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences, 2012

A tartalomból:

P. Bahn - North Africa’s Place in Rock Art Research

M. Guagnin - From Savanna to Desert: Rock Art and the Environment in the Wadi al-Hayat (Libya)

A. & A.-M. Van Albada - Eléments intéressant la chronologie relative des gravures rupestres du Plateau du Messak au Fezzan (Libye)

A. Zerboni - Rock Art in the Central Sahara (SW Libya): A Geo-archaeological and Palaeoenvironmental Perspective

F. Förster et al. - The ‘Cave of Beasts’ (Gilf Kebir, SW Egypt) and its Chronological and Cultural Affiliation: Approaches and Preliminary Results of the Wadi Sura Project

A. Zboray - A Revision of the Identified Prehistoric Rock Art Styles of the Central Libyan Desert (Eastern Sahara) and their Relative Chronology

D. Huyge et al. - Premiers témoignages d’un art rupestre pléistocène en Afrique du Nord: confirmation de l’âge des petroglyphs de Qurta (Egypte) par datation OSL de leur couverture sédimentaire

L. Lippiello & M. Gatto - Intrasite Chronology and Palaeoenvironmental Reconstruction at Khor Abu Subeira South 1 (Aswan,Egypt)

S. Hendrickx et al. - Iconographic and Palaeographic Elements Dating a Late Dynasty 0 Rock Art Site at Nag el-Hamdulab

F. Hardtke - Rock Art around Settlements: The Boats & Fauna at Hierakonpolis, Egypt

F. Lankester - Dating the Petroglyphs of Egypt’s Central Eastern Desert

2013. február 3., vasárnap

Münsteri konferenciahírek

Két figyelemreméltó, februárban megrendezésre kerülő konferencia, linkekkel a programhoz (ráadásul mindkettő Münsterben, néhány nap különbséggel, így oda is lehet költözni):

Kulturelle, sprachliche und wirtschaftliche Beziehungen zwischen der nördlichen Levante und Phönizien-Palästina
Wissenschaftliche Tagung, Münster 13.-15. Februar 2013

Forschungsstelle Asia Minor im Seminar für Alte Geschichte der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster
25.02.2013-26.02.2013, Münster, Liudgerhaus

2013. február 2., szombat

Colloquium Anatolicum 11 (2013)

A tartalomból:

Ökse, A. Tuba: Ilısu Barajı Etki Alanında Kalan Salat Tepe Kazıları Işığında Yukarı Dicle Havzası’nın Orta Tunç Çağı

Schachner, Andreas: Orta Anadolu’da Coğrafya ve Ekonomi: Hititlerin Bıçak Sırtındaki İmparatorluğu

Günel, Sevinç: Menderes Bölgesinde MÖ 2. Binyıl Kenti: Çine-Tepecik

Konyar, Erkan et al.: Excavations at the Mound of Van Fortress - 2011

Mouton, Alice: Le rituel d’Allī d’Arzawa contre un ensorcellement (CTH 402): texte et contexte

Özkan, Süleyman: Hitit Kenti HARzivana’nın Yeri Hakkında

Soysal, Oğuz: Kantuzzili: “Genç” Tuthaliya İçin Kral Naibi ?

Woudhuizen, Fred C.: Lycian Forms of the Enclitic Pronoun of the 3rd Person: An Overview of the Relevant Data

2013. február 1., péntek

Current Research in Egyptology XIV

Idén Cambridge-ben, március 19-22 között rendezik meg a Current Research in Egyptology konferenciát. A program és az absztraktok (magyar résztvevővel!) a rendezvény honlapjáról már letölthetőek.