2010. október 31., vasárnap

A list of Iron Age Luwian inscriptions since CHLI

The starting point of any Hieroglyphic Luwian research is the monumental corpus of the Iron Age Luwian inscriptions edited by J. D. Hawkins. Fortunately, however, there is a constant flow of new inscriptions, thus every scholar involved in this period and/or language has to compile his/her own list of the inscriptions published (or partly published) since the publication of the corpus (actually, since its submission). This is my version, please feel free to use it and comment. Note that this list does not include further discussions, only the text editions (except the case of inscriptions of disputed date, see §9) and (some of) their improvements. This list will be continuously updated (last modified: 10/08/2023, I'm very grateful to Rostislav Oreshko, Hasan Peker, and Massimo Poetto for providing additional information).

0. General works

Payne, Annick (2012): Iron Age Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions. Atlanta

1. Tabal
İVRİZ 2 (cf. also CHLI X.46, p. 526 & pl. 300)
  • Dinçol, Belkıs (1994): New archaeological and epigraphical finds from Ivriz: a preliminary report. Tel Aviv 21: 117-128. [preliminary report only]
  • Poetto, Massimo (2002): Intorno al pittogramma luvio geroglifico 197. Sprache und Kultur 3: 98-99. (Fs. Gregor Giorgadze) [on §§ 3, 7, 8]
  • Dinçol, Ali M. - Dinçol, Belkıs - Poetto, Massimo - Röllig, Wolfgang (forthcoming): [the definitive edition]

  • Poetto, Massimo (2002): A New Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscription from Ereğli. In: Matthias Fritz – Susanne Zeilfelder (Hg.): Novalis Indogermanica. Festschrift für Günter Neumann zum 80. Geburtstag. Graz, 397-405.

  • Akdoğan, Rukiye – Hawkins, J. David (2007-2008): Kırşehir-Yassıhöyük’ten ele geçen luvi hiyeroglif yazılı kurşun levha. Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi’nin Yıllığı 2007-2008: 7-14. = The Kırşehir Letter: a New Hieroglyphic Luwian Text on a Lead Strip. In: Aygül Süel (ed.): VII. Uluslararası Hititoloji Kongresi Bildirileri, Çorum 25-31 Ağustos 2008. Acts of the VIIth International Congress of Hittitology, Çorum, August 25-31, 2008. Ankara, 2010, 1-16.

  • Weeden, Mark (2013): A Probable Join to the "Kırşehir Letter". Anatolian Archaeological Studies 18: 15-17.
  • Weeden, Mark (2017): YH150318: a Pot-sherd Inscribed with Hieroglyphs. Anatolian Archaeological Studies 20: 13-15.
  • Simon, Zsolt (2017): Zum Gefäßfragment mit hieroglyphen-luwischen Zeichen aus Yassıhöyük. Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires 2017/4: 182-183 (Nr. 103).

  • Şenyurt, S. Yücel (2010): Ovaören-Göstesin geç hitit/luwi hiyeroglif yazıtı. In: Şevket Dönmez (ed.): Veysel Donbaz'a Sunulan Yazılar. DUB.SAR É.DUB.BA.A. Studies Presented in Honour of Veysel Donbaz. Istanbul, 262-268.

  • Taş, İlknur - Weeden, Mark (2011): ISTANBUL 2: a hieroglyphic fragment from Tabal in the Haluk Perk Collection. Anatolian Studies 61: 55-60.

  • Hawkins, J. David - Akdoğan, Rukiye (2011): A Stele from Gemerek. TÜBA-AR 14: 313-315.
  • Ünal, Ahmet (2015): Yeni Bir Geç Hitit Steli ve Hiyeroglif Yazıt. Aktüel Arkeoloji 45 (Mayıs - Haziran 2015): 54-57.
  • Özcan, Ali - Yiğit, Turgut (2014): A New Late Hittite Stone Workshop and Artifacts at Kuşçu-Boyacı. Altorientalische Forschungen 41: 63-79.
  • Goedegebuure, Petra - van den Hout, Theo - Osborne, James - Massa, Michele - Bachhuber, Christoph - Şahin, Fatma (2020): TÜRKMEN-KARAHÖYÜK 1: a new Hieroglyphic Luwian inscription from Great King Hartapu, son of Mursili, conqueror of Phrygia. Anatolian Studies 70: 29-43.
  • to be published by P. Goedegebuure & A. Matessi

2. Karkamiš

Coming soon: the fragments published by Hasan Peker, Texts from Karkemish I. Bologna, 2016

  • Hawkins, J. David (2010): A unique Hieroglyphic Luwian document. In: Yoram Cohen – Amir Gilan – Jared L. Miller (eds.): Pax Hethitica. Studies on the Hittites and their Neighbours in Honour of Itamar Singer. StBoT 51. Wiesbaden, 183-190.
  • Poetto, Massimo (2010): Un nuovo verbo luvio-geroglifico: zapa-, e la sua correlazione al luvio cuneiforme zapp(a)-. In: Ronald Kim et al. (eds.): Ex Anatolia lux. Anatolian and Indo-European Studies in Honor of Craig Melchert on the Occasion of His Sixty-Fifth Birthday. Ann Arbor, 296-302. [transcription, translation, picture]
  • Sertok, Kemal – Kulakoğlu, Fikri – Squadrone, F. Flomena (2008): Şaraga Höyük salvage excavations. In: Hartmut Kühne – Rainer M. Czichon – Florian Janoscha Kreppner (eds.): Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (29 March – 3 April 2004, Freie Universität, Berlin) 2. Social and Cultural Transformation: The Archaeology of Transitional Periods and Dark Ages. Excavation Reports. Wiesbaden, 411-417. [414: preliminary report, 417 Fig. 16 picture]
  • Sasseville, David - Yakubovich, Ilya (2016): The Luwian inscription ŞARAGA: an improved edition. N.A.B.U. 2016/1: 32-35 (Nr. 19).

KARKAMISH X (stele of Suhi I)

  • Dinçol, Ali - Dinçol, Belkis - Hawkins, J. David - Marchetti, Nicolo' - Peker, Hasan (2014): A stele by Suhi I from Karkemish. Orientalia 83: 143-153.
  • preliminary reports: Dincol, Ali - Dincol, Belkis - Hawkins, David - Peker, Hasan (2012): A New Inscribed Stela from Karkemish: At the Origins of the Suhi-Katuwa Dynasty. NEA 75: 145; Dinçol, Ali - Dinçol, Belkis - Hawkins, J. David - Marchetti, Nicolo' - Peker, Hasan (2014): A New Stele from Karkemish: At the Origins of the Suhi-Katuwa Dynasty. In: Nicolo' Marchetti (ed.): Karkemish. An Ancient Capital on the EuphratesOrientlab 2. Bologna, 127-131.
  • Peker, Hasan (2014): A Funerary Stele from Yunus (Karkemish). Orientalia 83: 189-193.
  • Marchetti, Nicolo' - Peker, Hasan (2014): A New Anatolian Hieroglyphic Inscription from Gürçay (Karkemish). Orientalia 83: 182-188.
KARKAMISH fragments
  • Peker, Hasan (forthcoming): Anatolian Hieroglyphic Funerary Stelae and Stelae Fragments from New Excavations at Karkemish. To be published in the proceedings of Sacred landscapes of the Hittites and Luwians. International Conference, Università degli studi di Firenze (6-8 February 2014)
  • Peker, Hasan (forthcoming): Some Anatolian Hieroglyphic Fragments from the 2012-2013 Seasons at Karkemish. Orientalia.
  • to A11a & A12: Peker, Hasan - Weeden, Mark (2014): Some Anatolian Hieroglyphic Fragments from the 2011 Season at Karkemish. In: Nicolo' Marchetti (ed.): KarkemishAn Ancient Capital on the EuphratesOrientlab 2. Bologna, 132-135.
  • Peker, Hasan - Weeden, Mark (2014): Some Anatolian Hieroglyphic Fragments from the 2011 Season at Karkemish. In: Nicolo' Marchetti (ed.): Karkemish. An Ancient Capital on the Euphrates. Orientlab 2. Bologna, 132-135.
  • Hawkins, J. David - Tosun, Kazım - Akdoğan, Rukiye: A New Hieroglyphic Luwian Stele in Adana Museum. Höyük 6 (2013) 1-13.
  • to be published by Hasan Peker and Nicolo' Marchetti, preliminary reports: Marchetti, N. - Peker, H.: A Stele of Kubaba from Afsin. A King of Karkemish in the Region of Malatya. Actual Archaeology 2015/15 (Autumn): 4; Peker, H. - Marchetti, N.: Tanrıca Kubaba’nın Kayıp Yüzü. Kahramanmaraş Afşin’den Bir Geç Hitit Stel Parçası. Aktüel Arkeoloji 2015/48 (Kasım – Aralık) 26; id.: Tanrıca Kubaba yüzüne kavuştu. Tarih 18 (Kasım 2015) 16.
  • Poetto, Massimo (2021-2022) [2023]: An Inscribed Hieroglyphic Luwian Stele from Karamelik (Kilis Provence, Turkey). News from the Lands of the Hittites 5-6:107-116.
KH.15.0.690 + KARKAMIŠ A31 + KARKAMIŠ A30b1-3
  • Marchetti, Nicolò - Peker, Hasan (2018): The Stele of Kubaba by Kamani and the Kings of Karkemish in the 9th Century BC. ZA 108: 81-99.
  • Hasan Peker: A New Funerary Stele from Karkemish and New Values for Some Anatolian Hieroglyphic Signs. Belleten 87/309 (2023) 357-383.

3. Cilicia
  • İpek, İsmet – Tosun, Kazim A. – Tekoğlu, Recai – Lemaire, André (2000): La bilingue royale louvito-phénicienne de Çineköy. CRAIBL 2000: 961-1006.
  • Yakubovich, Ilya (2015): Phoenician and Luwian in Early Iron Age Cilicia. AnSt 65: 35-53.
  • Hawkins, David (2017): The Ending of the Çineköy Inscription. In: Yağmur Heffron - Adam Stone - Martin Worthington (eds.): At the Dawn of History. Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Honour of J. N. Postgate. Winona Lake, Eisenbrauns, 211-216.

  • Kaufman, Stephen A. (2007): The Phoenician Inscription of the INCIRLI Trilingual: A Tentative Reconstruction and Translation. Maarav 14/2: 7-26. [the edition of the Phoenician part]

4. Commagene
  • Poetto, Massimo (2010): L'iscrizione luvio-geroglifica ANCOZ 5(A) rivista e completata. Hethitica 16: 131-138 (Gs. Neu)

  • Poetto, Massimo (2004): Un frammento inedito in luvio geroglifico da Ancoz. Or 73: 469-471 (= Alfonso Archi - Franca Pecchioli Daddi (a cura di): Studi di Ittitologia in onore di Onofrio Carruba)

  • Poetto, Massimo (2010): Un nuovo frammento in luvio geroglifico da Ancoz (ANCOZ 12). In: Itamar Singer (ed.): ipamati kistamati pari tumatimis. Luwian and Hittite studies presented to J. David Hawkins on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Tel Aviv, 188-192.
ANCOZ 13, ANCOZ fragment 1-3 (ANCOZ fragment +? ANCOZ 9), SAMSAT fragment 11
  • Bilgin, Tayfun - Özçiriş, Muzaffer (2021): Unpublished Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions from Adıyaman Museum. JAOS 141: 767-777.
  • Simon, Zsolt (2014): Das Fragment einer hieroglyphen-luwischen Inschrift (KÂHTA 1). Mit einem Exkurs zu der kommagenischen Herrscherliste. In: Engelbert Winter (ed.): Kult und Herrschaft am Euphrat. Dolichener und Kommagenische Forschungen VI. Asia Minor Studien 73. Bonn, 247-254.

  • Simon, Zsolt (2014): Das Fragment einer syro-hethitischen Votivstele vom Dülük Baba Tepesi I. Die Inschrift (DÜLÜK BABA TEPESİ 1). In: Engelbert Winter (ed.): Kult und Herrschaft am Euphrat. Dolichener und Kommagenische Forschungen VI. Asia Minor Studien 73. Bonn, 17-22.
  • Poetto, Massimo (2016): Yet Again DINGIRSassa. N.A.B.U. 2016/1: 35-40 (Nr. 20).
SAMSAT fragment 12 & ANCOZ fragment 4
  • Bilgin, Tayfun - Özçiriş, Muzaffer (2021): Hieroglyphic Luwian Fragments from Commagene. N.A.B.U. 2021/4: 261-262
5. Maraş


  • Denizhanoğulları, Ahmet - Güriçin, Mehmet - Peker, Hasan (2018): Kahramanmaraş'tan Hiyeroglif Luvice Yeni Bir Stel: MARAŞ 17. TÜBA-AR 22: 57-61.
  • Peker, Hasan (2022): A Bull Statue with Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscription (MARAŞ 16) in Kahramanmaraş Museum and the Chronology of the Late Hittite Kingdom of Gurgum. Gephyra 24: 1-10.

6. Tell Ahmar
  • Intilia, A. (2012): TELL AHMAR 5: One Inscription or Two? In: Paola Cotticelli Kurras et al. (eds.): Interferenze linguistiche e contatti culturali in Anatolia tra II e I millennio a. C. Studi in onore di Onofrio Carruba in occasione del suo 80° compleanno. StMed 24. Genova, 173-190.

  • Hawkins, J. David (2006): The Inscription. In: Guy Bunnens: A New Luwian Stele and the Cult of the Storm-God at Til Barsib-Masuwari. Tell Ahmar II. LouvainParis – Dudley/MA, 11-32.

  • Galter, Hannes D. (2004): Militärgrenze und Euphrathandel. Der sozio-ökonomische Hintergrund der Trilinguen von Arslan Tash. In: Robert Rollinger - Christoph Ulph (eds.): Commerce and Monetary Systems in the Ancient World. Means of Transmission and Cultural Interaction. Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Symposium of the Assyrian and Babylonian Intellectual Heritage Project. Held in Innsbruck, Austria, October 3rd - 8th, 2002. Stuttgart, 444-450 [preliminary report]
  • Dillo, Martien (2016): The unpublished hieroglyphic Luwian inscription ARSLANTAŞ 2: a duplicate version comparable with the situation of ARSUZ 1 and 2. N.A.B.U. 2016/1: 27-30 (Nr. 17) [additional information]

7. Amuq – Aleppo = W/Palastin(i)
ALEPPO 4, 5, 6, 7
  • Hawkins, J. David (2011): The inscriptions of the Aleppo Temple. AnSt 61: 35-54.
ARSUZ 1 & 2
  • Dinçol, Belkıs - Dinçol, Ali - Hawkins, J. David - Peker, Hasan - Öztan, Aliye - Çelik, Ömer (2015): Two new inscribed Storm God wtelae from Arsuz (Iskenderun) ARSUZ 1 and 2. AnSt 65: 59-77.
  • Oreshko, Rostislav (2015): Once again on the reading of Hieroglyphic Luwian sign *429: the evidence of the newly published ARSUZ inscriptions. N.A.B.U. 2015/3: 123-125 (Nr. 74).
  • Hawkins, J. David (2016): Adana(wa) vs. Ahhiyawa: a rejoinder to R. Oreshko, N.A.B.U. 2015/3 (74). N.A.B.U. 2016/1: 26-27 (Nr. 16).
  • Dillo, Martien (2016): The location and erection of the Storm-god stelae from Arsuz: deciphering the unreadable Luwian city name in Cilicia as the port of Urassa/i. BiOr 73/1-2. Forthcoming.
  • Dinçol, Ali - Dinçol, Belkıs - Hawkins, J. David - Peker, Hasan (2014): A New Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscription from Hatay. Anatolica 40: 61-70.

  • "Suppiluliuma Statue", to be published by M. Weeden and T. Harrison.
TELL TAYINAT fragments TT2463 + TT 2713
  • Weeden, Mark (2015): The Land of Walastin at Tell Tayinat. NABU 2015/2: 65-66 (Nr. 44).
TELL TAYINAT fragments
  • Unpublished

8. Hama
  • Gonnet, Hatice (2010): Une stèle hiéroglyphique louvite à Tall Štīb. In: Pierre-Louis Gatier – Bernard Geyer – Marie-Odile Rousset (eds.): Entre nomades et sédentaires. Prospections en Syrie du Nord et en Jordanie du Sud. Lyon, 97-99.
  • Payne, Annick (2012): Iron Age Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions. Atlanta, 61.

9. Malatya
  • Meltem Doğan-Alparslan - Metin Alparslan (2011): Kahramanmaraş/Tanır'da Bulunan Luwi Hiyeroglifli Bir Yazıt: Önrapor. TÜBA-AR 14: 317-322 (cf. Meltem Alparslan: Kahramanmaraş'ta Bulunan Yeni Geç Hitit Dönemi Hiyeroglifli Yazıtı. Arkeolojık Kazı ve Araştırmalar Toplantısı. Istanbul, 4 April 2011).
  • Meltem Dogan-Alparslan - Metin Alparslan (2013): A New Luwian Rock Inscription from Kahramanmaraş. In: Alice Mouton - Ian Rutherford - Ilya Yakubovich (eds.): Luwian IdentitiesCultureLanguage and Religion Between Anatolia and the Aegean. CHANE 64. Leiden - Boston, 215-232.
ŞIRZI (new collation)
  • Dillo, Martien (2013): The Name of the Author of ŞIRZI: A Text Collation. BiOr 70: cols. 332-360.
  • Mora, Clelia (2013): Seals and Seal Impressions 7. A Carved Slab/Orthostat (Inv. 2038) with Hieroglyphic-Luwian Inscription. In: Federico Manuelli: Arslantepe Late Bronze Age. Hittite Influence and Local Traditions in an Eastern Anatolian Community. Arslantepe IX. Roma, 272-274.
  • Meltem Doğan-Alparslan - Ali Çifçi (2023): A New Hieroglyphic Rock Inscription from Afşin in the Province of Kahramanmaraş. Paper presented at the XIIth International Congress of Hittitology. Istanbul, 6 September 2023.
10. Sam'al

  • Virginia R. Herrmann - Theo van den Hout - Ahmet Beyazlar (2016): A New Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscription from Pancarlı Höyük: Language and Power in Early Iron Age Sam'al -Y'DY. JNES 75: 53-70.
  • unpublished
  • unpublished
11. Region of Urfa

  • unpublished, but see Poetto, Massimo (2015): DINGIRSassa. In: Andreas Müller-Karpe - Elisabeth Rieken - Walter Sommerfeld (eds.): Saeculum. Gedenkschrift für Heinrich Otten anlässlich seines 100. Geburtstags. StBoT 58. Wiesbaden, 181-187.
  • Poetto, Massimo (2014): Hieroglyphica. Paper presented at L'hittitologie aujourd'hui. Études sur l'Anatolie hittite et néo-hittite à l'occasion du centenaire de la naissance d'Emmauel Laroche. Istanbul, 21 November 2014. To appear in the proceedings of the conference.


  • Çelik, Bahattin (2005): A New Stele Base of the Late Hittite Period from Siverek-Şanlıurfa. Anadolu / Anatolia 28: 17-24 [reporting]

12. Unclassified

  • Herda, Alexander - Hawkins, J. David - Peltz, U. (forthcoming): Luwian Hieroglyphic from Miletos on an Inscribed Northern Syrian Horse Frontlet of the Ninth Century BCE from the Athena Sanctuary in Miletos.
13. Date disputed
    ANKARA bowl
    • Hawkins, J. David (1997): A Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscription on a Silver Bowl in the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, Ankara. Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi 1996 Yıllığı, 7-24 (reprinted with addenda: A Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscription on a Silver Bowl. Studia Troica 15 (2005) 193-204).

    See the following contributions:
    • Mora, Clelia (2007): Three Metal Bowls. In: Metin Alparslan et al. (eds.): VitaBelkıs Dinçol ve Ali Dinçol'a ArmağanFestschrift in Honor of Belkıs Dinçol and Ali Dinçol. İstanbul, 515-521.
    • Yakubovich, Ilya (2008): Hittite-Luvian Bilingualism and the Development of Anatolian Hieroglyphs. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana 4: 9-36.
    • Simon Zsolt (2009): Die ANKARA-Silberschale und das Ende des hethitischen Reiches. ZA 99: 247-269.
    • Durnford, S. P. B. (2010): How old was the Ankara Silver Bowl when its inscriptions were added? AnSt 60: 51-70.
    • Bolatti Guzzo, Natalia - Marazzi, Massimiliano (2010): Note di geroglifico anatolico. In: Jörg Klinger - Elisabeth Rieken - Christel Rüster (Hg.): Investigationes AnatolicaeGedenkschrift für Erich Neu. StBoT 52. Wiesbaden, 11-28.
    • Woudhuizen, Fred C. (2011): Selected Luwian Hieroglyphic TextsThe Extended Version. IBS 141. Innsbruck, 110-112.
    • Freu, Jacques (2010-2011) [2012]: Le vase d'argent du Musée des Civilisations Anatoliennes d'Ankara et la fin de l'Empire hittite. Talanta 42-43: 185-192.
    • Giusfredi, Federico (2013): Further Considerations on the Ankara Silver Bowl. In: L. Feliu - J. Llop - A. Millet Alba - J. Sanmartín (eds.): Time and History in the Ancient Near EastProceedings of the 56th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale at Barcelona26-30 July 2010. Winona Lake, 665-679.
    • Woudhuizen, Fred (2017): The Ankara Silver Bowl. Ancient West & East 16: 271-290.
    • Fahri Işık - Mahir Atıcı - Recai Tekoğlu (2011): Die nachhethitische Königsstele von Karakuyu beim Karabel-Pass. Zur kulturellen Kontinuität vom bronzezeitlichen Mira zum eisenzeitlichen Ionia. In: Elmar Schwertheim (Hg.): Studien zum antiken Kleinasien VII. Asia Minor Studien 66. Münster, 1-33.

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