2013. október 31., csütörtök

Októberi könyvajánló

Jared L. Miller: Royal Hittite Instructions and Related Administrative Texts. Atlanta

Gian Pietro Basello - Adriano V. Rossi: Dariosh Studies II. Persepolis and its Settlements: Territorial System and Ideology in the Achaemenid State. Napoli

François Desset: Premières écritures iraniennes. Les systèmes proto-élamite et élamite linéaire. Napoli

Rocío da Riva: The Inscriptions of Nabopolassar, Amel-Marduk and NeriglissarStudies in Ancient Near Eastern Records 3. DeGruyter

Brian A. Brown - Marian H. Feldman: Critical Approaches to Ancient Near Eastern Art. DeGruyter

Yoram Cohen: Wisdom from the Late Bronze Age. Atlanta

Anton Schoors: The Kingdoms of Israel and Judah in the Eighth and Seventh Centuries B.C.E. Atlanta

Richard Dumbrill: Rediscovering the Silver Lyre of Ur. ICONEA

N.N. (ed.): Monstra 1 (Egitto, Vicino Oriente Antico, Area Storico-Comparativa). Costruzione e percezione delle entità ibride e mostruose nel Mediterraneo antico. Roma

Vybarr Cregan-Reid: Discovering GilgameshManchester

V. Matoïan & M. Al-Maqdissi (eds). Etudes ougaritiques IIIRas Shamra - Ougarit 21. Leuven

W. G. Lambert: Babylonian Creation MythsMesopotamian Civilizations 16. Winona Lake

Simonetta Ponchia - Mikko Luukko: The Standard Babylonian Myth of Nergal and EreshkigalState Archives of Assyria Cuneiform Texts 8. Winona Lake

Takayoshi Oshima: The Babylonian TheodicyState Archives of Assyria Cuneiform Texts 9. Winona Lake

Ephraim Stern: The Material Culture of the Northern Sea Peoples in IsraelStudies in the Archaeology and History of the Levant 5. Winona Lake

Giuseppe Minunno: Ritual Employs of Birds in Ancient Syria-Palestine. AOAT 412. Münster

Jonathan S. Greer: Dinner at Dan. Biblical and Archaeological Evidence for Sacred Feasts at Iron Age II Tel Dan and Their Significance. CHANE 66. Leiden

Poul Kjaerum - Flemming Hojlund: Failaka/Dilmun 3: The Bronze Age Architecture. Aarhus

Hadi Ghantous: The Elisah-Hazael Paradigm and the Kingdom of Israel: The Politics of God in Ancient Syria-Palestine. Bristol

Barbara Böck: The Healing Goddess Gula. Towards an Understanding of Ancient Babylonian Medicine. CHANE 67. Leiden

Stefan Zawadzki: Neo-Babylonian Documents from Sippar Pertaining to the Cult. Poznan

2013. október 30., szerda

SAAB 19 (2011-2012)

J. Novotny, The Royal Inscriptions of Tiglath-Pileser III and Shalmaneser V: An At-a-glance Akkadian Glossary of the RINAP 1 Corpus

J. Novotny, The Royal Inscriptions of Esarhaddon: An At-a-glance Akkadian Glossary of the RINAP 4 Corpus

E. Cancik-Kirschbaum, J. Cale Johnson, Middle Assyrian Calendrics

N. M. May, The Comeback of talīmu: A Case of the Invention of A Word-meaning by Neo-Assyrian Scribes

F. De Backer, Scale-Armours in the Neo-Assyrian Period: A Survey

N. Gillmann, Les bas-reliefs neo-assyriens : une nouvelle tentative d’interpretation

N. Morello, Public and Private Archives from Fort Shalmaneser

S. Zawadzki, Ummān-manda Revisited

S. Gaspa, A Bibliography of Neo-Assyrian Studies (2007–2012)

2013. október 29., kedd

Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, no. 188 (2014)

Benaissa, A.: From Souis to Spania: The Name Change of an Oxyrhynchite Village 

Beresford, A.: Hellenica Oxyrhynchia, Col. XIII, 1–7: Ismenias and the Athenian Democratic Exiles 

Berkes, L.: Schreibübungen mit einem Psalm-Zitat: Neues aus der Verwaltung des Fayums im 8. Jh.

Breternitz, S.-E.: Tintenklassifizirung als Mittel der Zuordnung von Papyrusfragmenten: Eine neue restauratorische Methode, durchgeführt am koptischen Kodex P. Köln Inv. 3221

Buraselis, K.: Contributions to Rebuilding Thebes: The Old and a New Fragment of IG VII 2419 ≈ Sylloge 337 

Schenke, G.: Neue Fragmente des Kölner Kodex 3221: Textzuwachs am koptischen Testament Iob

2013. október 28., hétfő

Tel Aviv 40/2 (2013)

A tartalomból:

Climate and the Late Bronze Collapse: New Evidence from the Southern Levant (Dafna Langgut, Israel Finkelstein, Thomas Litt)

Judah's Expansion in Historical Context (Omer Sergi)

The Kingdom of Judah in the 9th Century BCE: Text Analysis versus Archaeological Research (Nadav Na’aman)

The Introduction of Domestic Camels to the Southern Levant: Evidence from the Aravah Valley (Lidar Sapir-Hen, Erez Ben-Yosef)

2013. október 27., vasárnap

JNES 72/2 (2013)

A tartalomból:

Ancient Hebrew מעצד and עצד in the Gezer Calendar (Aaron Koller)

The Sole Royal Ornament, Priestess of Hathor, iAm-Hqt (Danijela Stefanović)

Keeping it in the Family: Property Concerns in Eighth Century a.d. Thebes (Jennifer Cromwell)

Religion, Empire, and the Spectre of Orientalism: A Recent Controversy in Achaemenid Studies (Bruce Lincoln)

On mār awīlim in the Old Babylonian Law Collections (Martha T. Roth)

2013. október 26., szombat


Maarav 18 = Anselm C. Hagedorn (ed.): Law and Diplomacy in the Ancient Near East and the Mediterranean World: The Raymond Westbrook Memorial Volume

A tartalomból:

Anselm C. Hagedorn, “How Far Does a Legal Koine Extend? Remarks on Raymond Westbrook’s ‘Common Law’ in the Mediterranean”

Ronan Head, “Amarna Messengers and the Politics of Feasting”

Victor Avigdor Hurowitz, “What Was Codex Hammurabi, and What Did It Become?”

John W. Welch and Clifford B. Parkinson, “Adding Evidence of Ancient Near Eastern Influence on the Roman Twelve Tables”

2013. október 25., péntek

Call for Papers: Money and Cult - The Role of the Temple in Ancient Economy

The Irish Society for the Study of the Ancient Near East


“Money and Cult”
The Role of the Temple in the Ancient Economy
23 - 25 May 2014
Dublin, Ireland

As major social and administrative institutions, often with substantial assets, temples played an important role within the economies of the Ancient Near East. Not only were resources diverted to them for building and cultic use, but many temples also played a role in the creation of wealth and the employment of various strata of society, from priests to scribes to slaves. Similarly, kings both patronised temples and used them as convenient sources of revenue. The interactions between religious needs and economic practicalities were complex and varied significantly over time and location. We therefore invite papers which examine the intertwined roles of cult and economy in the Ancient Near East.

Papers which explore a wide-range of economic aspects of temple cults or the cultic ramifications of economic realities are expected. Appropriate topics include building programmes, educational programmes, sacrificial economies, trade in cultic paraphernalia, systems of tithing and temple taxation, and the relationship of priests to royal administrations. We are also interested in the relationships between temples, such as the temples in Jerusalem, Elephantine, Leontopolis, and on Mount Gerizim (and elsewhere), and how much their interaction may have been aided or hindered by economic aspects.

Depending on received submissions, sessions will be structured in chronological order with the days divided as follows:

Friday, 23 May 2014: Early First Millennium (to the Neo-Babylonian Period)

Saturday, 24 May 2014: From the Persian to the Seleucid Era

Sunday, 25 May 2014: Roman Period (from the reign of Herod the Great to the end of the Bar Kokhba Rebellion)

We invite abstracts of no more than 500 words to reach us by email at hekhal.dublinia at gmail.com by 28 February 2014.

Please note, presentation of papers at this conference will be 40 minutes within a one-hour slot, allowing time for ample discussion after each paper.

2013. október 24., csütörtök

Letöltögetős / online olvasgatós

K. Demuss: Dsr-s.t - Studien zum Kleinen Tempel von  Medinet Habu. Doctoral thesis, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 2007

H. Junker: Die Stundenwachen in den Osirismysterien nach den Inschriften von Dendera, Edfu und Philae, Wien, 1910

H. Junker: Das Götterdekret über das Abaton, Wien, 1913 

2013. október 23., szerda

Le statut du musicien dans la Méditerranée ancienne

Sibylle Emerit (ed.), Le statut du musicien dans la Méditerranée ancienne : Égypte, Mésopotamie, Grèce, Rome. BiEtud 159. IFAO, 2013.

A tartalomból: 

D. Collon: The Social Status of Musicians based on their Depictions in Mesoptamian Art

R. Pruzsinszky: The Social Positions of NAR-Musicians of the UR III-Period at the End of the IIIrd Millenium BC

N. Ziegler: Le statut social des musiciens à l’époque paléo-babylonienne

D. Shehata: Status and Organisation of the Babylonian Lamentation Priests

S. Emerit: Le statut du «chef des chanteurs-hesou» (ỉmy-rȝ ḥsww) dans l’Égypte ancienne,de l’Ancien Empire à l’époque romaine

V. Chrysikopoulos: Nespaqashouty, musicien égyptien de la Troisième Période intermédiaire (cartonnage ANE 3412)

G. Pierrat-Bonnefois: Musiciens de Thèbes

2013. október 22., kedd

Könyvajánló (egyiptológia)

A. Azzoni: The Private Lives of Women in Persian Egypt. Eisenbrauns, 2013

U. Effland  -  A. Effland: Abydos. Tor zur ägyptischen Unterwelt. Verlag Philipp von Zabern, Darmstad/Mainz 2013

E. Goulding: What did the Poor Take with Them? An investigation into Ancient Egyptian Eighteenth and Nineteenth Dynasty grave assemblages of the non-elite from Qau, Badari, Matmar and Gurob. Golden House Publications, 2013.

Th. Schneider: Ancient Egypt Investigated: 101 Important Questions and Intriguing Answers, London: I.B. Tauris, 2013.

R. Schmitt - G. Vittmann: Iranisches Personennamenbuch, Band VIII: Iranische Namen in Ägyptischer Nebenüberlieferung, Verlag der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2013.

S. Voss: The history of the Cairo department of the DAI [German Archaeological Institute] in the field of tension of German political interests. Volume 1, 1881-1929. Verlag Marie Leidrof, 2013.

2013. október 21., hétfő

AoF 39/2 (2012)

Making the Deaf Hear: Hurrian Nouns in =ikkonni (Campbell, Dennis)

The ‘Song of Release’ Twenty-nine Years after its Discovery (de Martino, Stefano)

A New Early Dynastic IIIb Metro-Mathematical Table Tablet of Area Measures from Zabalam (Feliu, Lluís)

MARV IV 119 – ein Vertrag? (Freydank, Helmut)

The Emperor’s New Clothes: Textiles, Gender and Mesopotamian Foundation Figurines (Garcia-Ventura, Agnès)

Pronominal Morphology in the Anatolian Language Family (Kloekhorst, Alwin)

The Stele of Adad-nērārī III and Nergal-ēreš from Dūr-Katlimmu (Tell Šaiḫ Ḥamad) (Radner, Karen)

On the Lexical Background of the Amarna Glosses (Vita, Juan-Pablo)

Writing in Anatolia: The Origins of the Anatolian Hieroglyphs and the Introductions of the Cuneiform Script (Waal, Willemijn)

Very Cordially Hated in Babylonia? Zēria and Rēmūt in the Verse Account (Waerzeggers, Caroline)

The Reading of Luwian ARHA and Related Problems (Yakubovich, Ilya)

2013. október 20., vasárnap

IAA Prize for Recent Article

IAA prize for first articles after the Ph.D.

The IAA awards a prize for the best first article written after the Ph.D. Please observe the following rules and regulations (see also the IAA website: Prizes & Subsidies):

1. The article should be available in one of the official RAI languages, French, German or English.
2. The article should be published or should have been accepted in final form for publication within the last two years and no more than five years after the PhD.
3. Applicants must be members of the IAA.
4. A person can apply only once. There is no age limit.
5. The winner receives €1,000, the runner-up will receive €250.

1. The committee will consist of three persons, one from the IAA Board and two from among the other members of the IAA.
2. The committee members will serve for three years, after which a new committee will be chosen.

Time table
1. Articles should be delivered as a PDF with embedded fonts to the IAA Office in Leiden no later than March 1. The office shall then forward them to the committee members before March 10.
2. The three members of the committee will evaluate the articles and make a preliminary ranking.
3. The committee will submit its selection report to the IAA Board no later than May 1.
4. During the following Rencontre the conclusions will be discussed at the Board meeting.
5. The prizes will be awarded during the general meeting.

Please send your article to:

International Association for Assyriology
c/o Prof. Dr. W.H. van Soldt
Email: w.h.van.soldt at hum.leidenuniv dot nl

2013. október 19., szombat

Workshop on Luwic dialects

Universitat de Barcelona
Section of Indo-European Linguistics - 'Luwic' Dialects Project 

'Luwic' Dialects: Inheritance and Diffusion
Barcelona, October 23, 2013 

9.45 – Opening

10.00 –  José-Virgilio García Trabazo – Luwian morphology: some remaining problems

10.30 – Ilya Yakubovich – Reflexes of the Anatolian -hi conjugation in Lycian

11.00 – Coffee break. 

11.30 –  Miguel Valério – Linear A -du-pu2-re and the Luwic relatives of Hittite Tabarna-/Labarna-: a reassessment 

12.00 – Mariona Vernet – The Lycian inscription N322 from Pinara revisited: a new reading

12.30-13.30 –  Discussion. The ‘Luwic’ Dialects of Indo-European Anatolian Group: Genetic and Areal Approaches (I)

16.30 – Ignasi-Xavier Adiego – Consonant clusters and syllable structure in Caro-memphite 

17.00 – Zsolt Simon – The position of Sidetic 

17.30 – Coffee break 

18.00 –  Alwin Kloekhorst – Lycian qã- and a new Proto-Anatolian sound law

18.30 –19.30 Discussion: The ‘Luwic’ Dialects of  Indo-European Anatolian Group: Genetic and Areal Approaches (II)

19.30-20.00 Conclusions

Lecture Hall: “Sala de Professors”, 5th floor of the  “Edifici Josep Carner”, in the Faculty of Philology (“Historical building of the Universitat de Barcelona”, Plaça Universitat, Barcelona)

2013. október 18., péntek

Call for papers: The Crossroads II

“The Crossroads II, or There and Back Again” – Call for Papers
Prague, 15th – 17th September 2014

The main objective of the conference is to enhance our understanding of the historical processes and the development of rich and complex relations between Egypt and the aforementioned regions during the period defined by the beginning of the Middle Bronze Age and the turn of the Eras. In order to obtain a well-balanced insight, we would like the topic to be treated both from an archaeological and a philological point of view. We believe that bringing together archaeologists, philologists, as well as historians and other experts, is not merely highly desirable, but also a necessity for gaining a deeper insight into the historical, social, cultural and economic developments of the respective regions (the Levant and the Sudan) at this particular moment in time. The Aegean and Anatolia will be treated as further international players of that time. During the conference special interest will be given to the topic of technologies and mechanisms of communication between “centres” and “peripheries”. We hope that this discussion will not only provide a new view on, and understanding of, the problems themselves, but we also intend to focus on the character of the political and social organization of these regions and the impact Egypt and the other Great Powers had on their cultural development.

The Crossroads II Conference organising committee invites proposals for papers and posters relating to all aspects of the relations between the aforementioned regions. The official language of the conference will be English and each lecture should be 20 minutes long with an additional 10 minutes allowed for discussion. In order to assess your paper proposal you are expected to submit an extended abstract of your presentation (300–400 words) by February 1st, 2014. All proposals will be reviewed by the scientific committee and the authors will be notified of the results by March 1st, 2014. The deadline for submitting your paper to the proceedings is set for two months after the conference. The volume will be published in 2015.

We are looking forward to receive the proposal of your paper. Please submit your proposal by email to Crossroads.conference.2014 at gmail.com.

Organising Committee
Jana Mynářová (Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague)
Pavel Onderka (National Museum – Náprstek Museum of Asian, African and American Cultures)
Peter Pavúk (Institute of Classical Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague)

2013. október 17., csütörtök

Lingua Aegyptia 20 (2012)

R. A. D. Hernández: „Ser“ und „estar“ im Älteren Ägyptisch

S. Donnat: Une éthique de la partialité ou un nouvel exemple de question rhétorique dans deux lettres aux morts ?

R.  Gundacker Hypomnemata Naufragea. Die grammatische Struktur von Schiffbrüchiger lin. 183–186

C. Manassa: From Wool to Basketry. Materials, Contact Linguistics, and tḫbs(t) in Ancient Egyptian

M. Müller: Greek Connectors in Coptic. A Contrastive Overview II:Semantically subordinating Connectors

R. Nyord: On (Mis)conceptions of the Body in Ancient Egypt

M. Panov: Die Stele des Pascherenptah

C. Peust: The stemma of the story of Sinuhe, or: How to use an unrooted phylogenetic tree in textual criticism

C. Peust: On the subgrouping of Afroasiatic, or: How to use an unrooted phylogenetic tree in historical linguistics

S. Uljas: Begging the Question. Earlier Egyptian WH-Questions and the Marking of Information Structure

L. Baqué-Manzano: Some Comments on PT 551 and Its Translation

J. F. Quack Philologische Bemerkungen zu den Dokumenten vom Atmen im British Museum

Az absztraktok ezen a linken elérhetőek.

2013. október 16., szerda

9th International Congress of Hittitology

The 1st circular of the IXth International Hittitology Congress which will be held at Çorum during September 2014 is posted at http://www.hittitology.org.tr/

We have the honor to invite you to attend the IX. International Congress of Hittitology, which will be held between September 8-14, 2014, in Çorum.

This meeting will continue the tradition that began with the first International Congress of Hittitology organized in 1990 and with this meeting the Hittite Civilization will be discussed in full with participants from around the world.

The Congress reports will be presented in English, German, Italian, French or Turkish.

According to the congress excursion program trips will be held to Ortaköy-Sapinuwa on 13th September 2014 and Boğazkale (Hattusas)-Alacahöyük on 14th September 2014. The registration fee is 100 Euros (70 Euros per accompanying person; 50 Euros for students) and the dinners will be hosted by City of Çorum. Each participant will cover his/her own accommodation expenses.

Those who wish to participate in the congress need to either download and fill in the aplication form that can be found on the website of Congress (http://www.hittitology.org.tr/) and e-mail it to hititkongresi2014@gmail.com or fill in the form that can be found at the end of the 1st Circular and send it to this address: Prof. Dr. Aygül SÜEL, A.Ü. Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi, 06100 Sıhhiye-ANKARA/TÜRKİYE, no later than November 25, 2013.

Details about the Congress can be found on the website.

The 2nd circular will be sent to participants who fill out the form by February 25, 2014.

2013. október 15., kedd

Akkadica 134/1 (2013)

K. Zajdowski: Transformation of the Mesopotamian Banquet Scene into the Presentation Scene in the Early Dynastic, Akkadian and Ur III Periods

D.A. Warburton: A Rejoinder in Favour of an Ultra-Low Chronology

T. Janssen: 1579 oder 1499 - wann fiel Babylon?

J.S. Baldi: What was Missing on the Surface: Time, Chronological Perturbations and Some Retrospective Considerations on the Surface Exploration at Tell Feres Al Sharqi (North-Eastern Syria)

U. Gabbay, M. Sigrist, R. Hobson: Bricks with Cuneiform Inscriptions, Probably from Tell al-Wilaya

C. Liu, C. Lecompte: The Cuneiform Tablet Collection of Truman State University

2013. október 14., hétfő

BiOr 70/3-4

A Bibliotheca Orientalis legújabb számának tartalomjegyzéke online elérhető ezen a linken. A szokásos recenziók mellett a következő tanulmányokat tartalmazza:

A Ritual for a Flourishing Bordello (S. V. Panayotov)

Legal Interactions The mišpāṭîm and the Laws of Hammurabi (W. Morrow)

The Name of the Author of ŞIRZI: a Text Collation. Notes on the Corpus of Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions (M. Dillo)

2013. október 12., szombat


Leonhard Sassmannshausen (ed.): He Has Opened Nisaba's House of Learning Studies in Honor of Åke Waldemar Sjöberg on the Occasion of His 89th Birthday on August 1st 2013. Cuneiform Monographs 46. Leiden

Listen to the Roaring Ox: K 7674+, On Some Proverbial Sayings from the Neo-Assyrian Period. Studies in Bilingual Proverbs III (Bendt Alster)

IAS 298 und IAS 328 (Josef Bauer)

Vizir, concubine, entonnoir … Comment lire et comprendre le signe SAL.ḪUB2? (Antoine Cavigneaux, Frans Wiggermann)

A New Piece of an Inanna/Dumuzi Lamentation (Mark E. Cohen)

Diorite and Limestone: A Sumerian Perspective (Benjamin Foster)

Slaves and Strangers (William W. Hallo)

Two Lullabies (Margaret Jaques)

Zum altassyrischen Eherecht (Burkhart Kienast)

The ”Stars (of) Heaven” and Cuneiform Writing (Jacob Klein, Yitschak Sefati)

The Rejected Sheep (Erle Leichty, Ann Guinan)

Un modèle culturel sumérien: l’élevage (Henri Limet)

Zur Archäologie der Schrift: Die Erfindung des Rebusprinzips in protoschriftlicher Zeit (Ludwig D. Morenz)

Überlegungen zu den „Graeco-Babyloniaca“ (Joachim Oelsner)

Die kassitischen Herrscher und ihre Namen (Leonhard Sassmannshausen)

Dumuzi(d)s Wiederkehr? (Gebhard Selz)

(TS)Š 302, eine Importtafel aus Uruk in Šuruppak? (Horst Steible, Fatma Yıldız)

Four and a half “Quasi-Hüllentafeln” (Karel Van Lerberghe, Gabriella Voet)

The Sumerian Debate Poems: A General Presentation, part III (Herman Vanstiphout)

The Early Dynastic Kiš Tradition (Niek Veldhuis)

The Ear and its Wisdom (Joan Goodnick Westenholz)

Dreams as Gods and Gods in Dreams. Dream-Realities in Ancient Mesopotamia from the 3rd to the 1st Millennium B.C. (Annette Zgoll)

2013. október 11., péntek


Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy 24/2 (2013) - a tartalomból:

Stephanie Dalley: Gods from north-eastern and north-western Arabia in cuneiform texts from the First Sealand Dynasty, and a cuneiform inscription from Tell en-Naṣbeh, c.1500 BC

Peter Stein: Palaeography of the Ancient South Arabian script. New evidence for an absolute chronology 

A. J. Drewes et al.: Some absolute dates for the development of the Ancient South Arabian minuscule script 

Rivista di Studi Fenici 39/2 (2011) [2013] - a tartalomból:

Oded Tammuz: Disintegration from Above: A Case Study of the History of Southern Phoenicia and Philistia

Paolo Bernardini: Urbanesimi precari: la Sardegna, i Fenici e la fondazione della città

2013. október 10., csütörtök

Gyorshír: Az elfeledett királyság

Ha valaki megbízható és szenzációmentes munkát akar olvasni az ókori Izrael bármely történeti aspektusáról, amely mentes a Bibliát történelemkönyvnek tartó módszertanilag erősen kifogásolható (ez most egy understatement volt) megközelítésektől, az I. Finkelstein műveit fogja keresni. Íme a legújabb, egy igazán hasznosnak tűnő munka:

Israel Finkelstein: The Forgotten Kingdom: The Archaeology and History of Northern Israel. Atlanta, sajtó alatt

A hátsó borító ajánlója:

"Although Israel was dominant for most of the time the kingdoms of Israel and Judah coexisted, it has remained in Judah’s shadow in both the Hebrew Bible and consequently in the attention of modern scholarship. This book presents the first comprehensive history of the northern kingdom and description of the archaeology of northern Israel from the Late Bronze Age (ca. 1350 B.C.E.) until the kingdom’s fall in 720 B.C.E. and beyond. It tells the story of the northern kingdom primarily in its formative phases. The narrative is based in archaeology and makes use of the most updated field research, with the addition of what is known from ancient Near Eastern and biblical texts. Finkelstein’s thirty years of fieldwork in the northern kingdom have paved the way for a new understanding of the history and archaeology of ancient Israel."

Apropó, a könyv (legálisan) letölthető pdf-ben itten.

2013. október 9., szerda

WdO 43/1 (2013)

Spencer L. Allen: Rearranging the Gods in Esarhaddon’s Succession Treaty (SAA 2 6:414–465)

Klaus Beyer: Die aramäischen Inschriften aus Assur, Hatra und dem übrigen Ostmesopotamien

Michele Cammarosano: Hittite Cult Inventories – Part One: The Hittite Cult Inventories as Textual Genre

Hans-Werner Fischer-Elfert: Stolz auf seine Fachbibliothek oder Die thaumaturgischen Hände des Dr. Nefer

Jared L. Miller: Vier hethitische Tontafelfragmente im Antikenmuseum Basel

2013. október 8., kedd

Hettita történeti földrajzi konferencia

A hettita földrajz nyárs a hettitológus húsában, egy régi latinista kifejezést parafrazeálva. Ez azt jelenti, hogy elképesztően kevés biztosat tudunk e kérdésben. Így nem csoda, hogy e kérdés folyamatos vita és kutatás tárgya, például jelenleg Lengyelországban e témakörben egy disszertáció íródik, Törökországban pedig az Isztambuli Egyetem egy kutatási projektet hozott létre, ez a "Hittite Historical Atlas" (amelynek volt egy honlapja is, de az már nem él). Ennek keretében kerül sor hamarost egy műhelyre, melynek programja a következő (ott sem minden egyetemnek erős oldala az események meghirdetése, a program csak egy régészeti magazin honlapján érhető el, de az Önök bloggere természetesen tud róla):

The Cultural Heritage of Hittite Anatolia: An International and Interdisciplinary Project for a Historical Atlas

International Workshop “Places and Spaces in Hittite Anatolia I: Hatti and the East”

Istanbul University, Kuyucu Murat Paşa Medresesi ‐ Vezneciler

Friday 25.10.2013
10:00‐10:30 Opening
10:30‐11:10 Nestor’s Speech: Massimo Forlanini: The Ancient Land of "Northern" Kummaḫa and Aripša "Inside the Sea”
11:15‐11:35 Christoph Forster: Possible Technical Implementation of the Projected Research Platform "International Network Repository for the Hittite Historical Geography

11:55‐12:15 Dirk Mielke: Hittite Settlement Policy
12:20‐12:40 Andreas Schachner: The Urban Geography of Hattusha – the Hittite Capital
12:45‐13:05 Özlem Sir Gavaz: The Location of the City of Matilla: A New Look

15:10‐15:30 Müge Bulu: A New Look at the Periphery of the Hittite Empire: Re‐evaluation of the 2nd Millennium BC Settlement Patterns of the Amuq Valley in the Light of Ceramics
15:35‐15:55 Eric Jean: Places and Spaces in Hittite Cilicia: Mersin as a Meeting Point Between East and West?
16:00‐16:20 Ahmet Ünal: Cilicia Between the Empires
16:25‐16:45 Çiğdem Maner: First Season of the Konya‐Ereğli Survey: Searching for Hupishna

Saturday 26.10.2013
10:00‐10:20 Karl Strobel: From Tawiniya to the East: Aspects of Routs and Commerce
10:25‐10:45 Stefano de Martino: The Region of Ankara in the Hittite Time
10:50‐11:10 Erkan Konyar – Rıza Gürler: Kahramanmaraş in the Hittite Empire

11:35‐11:55 Federico Manuell: Hatti and the Euphrates. An Assessment of the Archaeological Data: Places, Spaces and Artifacts as Evidences of Connection
12:00 ‐12:20 Atilla Engin: Settlement Patterns of the Second Millennium BC in the East Part of the Upper Halys Basin
12:25‐12:45 Metin Alparslan –Meltem Doğan‐Alparslan: The Upper Land: Borders and Places of a Political and Geographical Landscape

14:00‐14:20 Şevket Dönmez: The Contribution of New Research to Hittite Historical Geography of Amasya Province
14:25‐14:45 Aslıhan Yurtsever Beyazıt: The Amasya Province During the Hittite Period in the Light of New Evidence
14:50‐15:10 Jörg Klinger: Some (new) Evidence for the Localization of Nerik

2013. október 7., hétfő

Portálajánló: Ókori gazdaságtörténet

A PTE BTK Ókori Gazdaságtörténeti Kutatócsoportja  szerkesztésében már hozzáférhető az "Ókori gazdaságtörténet" elnevezésű portáljuk, amelyre folyamatosan töltik fel az anyagokat. Önjellemzésük szerint

"Weboldalunk fő témája a a legtágabb értelemben vett ókori gazdaságtörténet. Felfogásunk szerint ebbe a körbe tartozik a környezeti régészet, a történeti ökológia, a történeti földrajz, a történeti demográfia és a humán geográfia, vagyis csupa olyan szakterület, amelyek nálunk eddig nem igazán kerültek az ókorkutatás látóterébe. Célunk, hogy a felsorolt témák iránt érdeklődő szűkebb szakma és a szélesebb közönség (egyetemi hallgatók, középiskolai tanárok, a modern gazdaságtörténet kutatói) értesüljenek az ókori gazdaságtörténeti kutatások legfrissebb eredményeiről. Honlapunkon olyan cikkeket, bibliográfiákat, linkeket, forrásszövegeket, tananyagokat igyekszünk közzétenni, melyeket e témák magyarországi kutatói munkájuk során is hasznosítani tudnak."

A honlap az ókor egészét célozza meg, így az egyes szekciók mezopotámiai, egyiptomi, római, görög és bizánci részekre vannak felosztva. A honlap itt tekinthető meg.

2013. október 6., vasárnap

Cikkek innen-onnan

David I. Owen: Of Dogs and (Kennel)Men. CDLB 2013:2

Kalla Gábor - Raczky Pál - V. Szabó Gábor: Ünnep és lakoma a régészetben és az írásos forrásokban. Az őskori Európa és Mezopotámia példái alapján. In: Déri Balázs (szerk.): Convivium. Budapest, 2013, 11-46.

Henryk W. Witas et al.: mtDNA from the Early Bronze Age to the Roman Period Suggests a Genetic Link between the Indian Subcontinent and Mesopotamian Cradle of Civilization. PLoS ONE 8/9 (2013)

Arkadiusz Sołtysiak - Marta Bialon: Population history of the middle Euphrates valley: Dental non-metric traits at Tell Ashara, Tell Masaikh and Jebel Mashtale, Syria. Homo – Journal of Comparative Human Biology 64 (2013) 341–356.

J. M. Kenoyer - T. D. Price - J. H. Burton: A new approach to tracking connections between the Indus Valley and Mesopotamia: initial results of strontium isotope analyses from Harappa and Ur. Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013) 2286–2297.

2013. október 5., szombat

Előadás: új dokumentumok Vámbéryról

A KRE BTK Történettudományi Intézete tisztelettel meghívja Önt az alábbi előadásra:

Sárközy Miklós

Az ismeretlen Vámbéry - új dokumentumok a nagy keletkutató életéről

Hely: KRE BTK Díszterem (1088 Reviczky u. 4.)
Idő: október 7., 18.00.

2013. október 4., péntek

Göttinger Miszellen 237 (2013)

D. Arpagaus: Die Schwarzmilane von Avaris

A. Dodson: On the burials and reburials of Ahmose I and Amenhotep I

E. M. Y. El-Kilany: Monkeys in the Daily Life Scenes of Ancient Egypt

L. Evans: The goddess Renenutet: Why did a cobra symbolise abundance?

D. Falk The products of Hatshepsut’s trade mission to Punt: An alternative translation of the Punt reliefs at Deir el-Bahari.

S. Mastropaolo: Le problème du mot ng3

A. -L. Mourad: Remarks on Sinuhe’s Qedem and Yaa

L. Prada: On a Ghost Hieratic Narrative from the Late Period and Re-invent(ori)ed Papyrus Fragments: PBerlin P. 23058 + 23212A–B

J.-G. Olette-Pelletier: Sokar et la sehenet de Min: une association inhabituelle en contexte funéraire

D. Stefanović: A Note on the Middle Kingdom Potters

D. Sweeney: The vizier Amenemhat at Wadi Hammamat – a Macbeth moment?

2013. október 2., szerda

Konferencia: Ókori történeti földrajz

Reméljük senki sem felejtette el, hogy pénteken ókori történeti földrajzi konferenciára kerül sor Pécsett. Sajnos a konferencia honlapja nincs frissítve, így az ottani előadó-lista már jócskán módosult; a szervezők még szeptember elején küldtek egy programot (ott már időpontok is vannak), de mivel már ez is módosult, ezért most csak azt listázom ki, ki az aki a tudomásom szerint ókori keletes vagy egyiptológiai előadást fog tartani (címmel, természetesen). A konferencia 09.45-kor fog kezdődni.

FRISSÍTÉS: a végleges program elérhetővé vált a honlapon

Buhály Attila: Államiság és tájszerkezet Urartuban

Csabai Zoltán: A kamat Babilóniában a késő Akhaimenida és Szeleukida korban

Földi Zsombor: A Lagas-régió az óbabilóni korban

Grüll Tibor: Gazdasági és környezeti változások a késő-római Palaestinában

Hodossy-Takács Előd: Mindennapi élet és gazdálkodás a periférián: a vaskori Móáb és Edóm államai

Kóthay Katalin: Központi hatalom, helyi hatalmak és gazdaság Egyiptomban az Óbirodalomtól a Középbirodalom végéig

Pálfi Zoltán: Wahšušana az óasszír térképen

Priskin Gyula: Egyiptom földjének leírása Edfuban: az ország tényleges felmérésének bizonyítéka vagy a szimbolikus geográfia dokumentuma?

Simon Zsolt: A hieroglif luvi kulului ólomcsíkok, mint gazdaságföldrajzi forrás

Szántó Zsuzsanna: P.Mich.inv. 4062: Új töredék az egyiptomi borkultúrához

Vér Ádám: Áttelepítések és urbanizáció az újasszír kori Zagroszban

2013. október 1., kedd

Konferencia: David in Cultural Memory

David in Cultural Memory 
Pázmány Péter Catholic University (Budapest, Hungary) 
Faculty of Theology, Budapest, Veres Pálné str. 24. 
9-10 October 2013 

A program:

Wednesday, October 09, 2013 

09:00 – 09:10 Opening Words - Ida Fröhlich (Pázmány Péter Catholic  University, Piliscsaba) 

09:10 – 09:40 Daniel Bodi (Universite Paris-8): King David and his wives in light of Amorite matrimonial practices

09:50 – 10:20 Előd Hodossy-Takács (Debrecen Reformed Theological University): „Let her lie in your bosom” – The topos of the elderly king in Kings 1 

10:30 – 10:50 Coffee Break 

10:50 – 11:20 Bob Becking (University of Utrecht): The image of David in the Prophetic Books 

11:30 – 12:00 Kåre Berge (NLA University College, Bergen): The Psalms as a "site of memory" of David 

12:10 – 13:00  Lunch

13:00 – 14:30 Dolores Kamrada (Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Piliscsaba): Tales from David 

14:40 – 15:10 John Jarick (University of Oxford): Seven things that the Chronicler wants you to remember about King David 

15:20 – 15:40 Coffee Break 

15:40 – 16:10 Ida Fröhlich (Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Piliscsaba): The changing faces of David in biblical historiography 

16:20 – 16:50 David Hamidovic  (University of Lausanne): Messianic expectations and memories of  David in the Qumran Manuscripts 

17:00 – 17:30 Géza Xeravits (Sapientia College of Theology, Budapest): The image of David in late antique synagoges  

Thursday, October 10, 2013 

09:00 – 09:30 József Zsengellér (Károli Gáspár Reformed University): The Figure of David in the Liber Antiquitatum Biblicarum 

09:40 – 10:10 Sándor Fodor (Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest): AL-NABI DAWUD (The prophet David in arabic magic) 

10:20 – 10:40 Coffee Break 

10:40 – 11:10 Károly Dobos (Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Piliscsaba): The Psalms in Jonah Rapa’s polemical work, entitled Pilpul al Zeman, Zemanim, Zemanehem 

11:20 – 11:50 Ferenc Raj (Rabbi Emeritus, Congregation Beth El): King Davids’ after-life in contemporary Jewish culture and thoughts 

12:00 – 13:00  Lunch 

13:30 – 16:30 Visit at the Kaufmann Collection of the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences