2014. augusztus 30., szombat

Prague Egyptological Studies

A Prague Egyptological Studies, amely eddig csak csehül jelent meg, 2015-től angol számokat tervez:  

Prague Egyptological Studies is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal produced by the Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague. The journal is published regularly since 2002 and informs the Czech and Slovak audience about current Czech research in Egypt and Sudan.
Starting in 2015, an English edition focusing on the Third Millennium B.C. is going to be published annually. The journal will focus on publishing relevant excavation reports and, at the same time, will aim to publish excellent, primary-research studies focusing on selected problems connected with archaeology and interdisciplinary aspects of the Third Millennium B.C. Egypt.

A beküldési határidő folyamatos.

További részletek itt. 

2014. augusztus 29., péntek


Augusztus 29. és szeptember 11. között ókori keletes bejegyzéseink szünetelni fognak - mert pihenek, Törökországban, mégpedig, az aktív pihenés híveként, a hettitológus konferencián (ld. előző bejegyzés).

2014. augusztus 28., csütörtök


Most már hivatalosan, on-line is elérhető a hétfőn kezdődő 9. Nemzetközi Hettitológiai Kongresszus programja, itten lehet böngészni.

Online disszertációk

Jørgensen, Jens Kristoffer Blach: Egyptian Mythological Manuals : Mythological structures and interpretative techniques in the Tebtunis Mythological manual, the manual of the Delta and related texts

Geisen, Christina: The Ramesseum Dramatic Papyrus - A New Edition, Translation, and interpretation

2014. augusztus 26., kedd

Konferenciák a héten

Ma kezdődik Koppenhágában a 31. CIPEG (és tart egészen 29-ig). A programot itt lehet megnézni. A hétvégén (aug. 29 - 31) Münchenben kerül megrendezésre a 10. Ägyptologische Tempeltagung: „Ägyptische Tempel zwischen Normierung und Individualität” címmel. (Program itt.) Würzburgban pedig aug. 31. és szept. 4 között rendezik meg a 12. Internationale Konferenz für demotische Studien c. találkozót (ezen a linken lehet további információhoz jutni).

2014. augusztus 25., hétfő

Cikkek innen-onnan

James F. Osborne, Geoffrey D. Summers: Visibility Graph Analysis and Monumentality in the Iron Age City at Kerkenes in Central Turkey. Journal of Field Archaeology 39 (2014)

Nicholas Reid, Klaus Wagensonner: “My tooth aches so much”. CDLB 2014: 3.

Maynard P. Maidman: An Important New Early-Middle-Assyrian Letter. CDLB 2014: 2.

CDLN 2014: 12-22

  • Lance Allred, Girsu Labor Assignments Revisited
  • Klaus Wagensonner, Some notes on a Middle Assyrian letter
  • Ingo Schrakamp, On the reading of a-dam-DUN{ki}
  • Klaus Wagensonner, Lu2 A Again!
  • Jacob L. Dahl, Correction to J. L. Dahl, “A Babylonian Gang of Potters”
  • Liu Changyu, Notes on Elamites and the date of three Drehem texts
  • Klaus Wagensonner, Elamites in Edinburgh
  • Klaus Wagensonner, A note on the colophon of VAT 9487
  • Camille Lecompte, Suggestions and corrections to Archaic Texts and Fragments from Ur (ATFU) - 1. On goats and sheep during the ED I-II period
  • Camille Lecompte, Suggestions and corrections to Archaic Texts and Fragments from Ur (ATFU) - 2. Addenda and errata
  • Camille Lecompte, Suggestions and corrections to Archaic Texts and Fragments from Ur (ATFU) - 3. Again on EREN2+S. 161b{ki}

Pekka Pitkänena: Ancient Israel and settler colonialism. Settler Colonial Studies 4/1 (2014)

Joshua Berman: Bovine Spatial Intelligence in Hittite and Biblical Literature. Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 40/1 (2014)

2014. augusztus 23., szombat


David Ben-Shlomo, Gus W. Van Beek (eds.): The Smithsonian Institution Excavation at Tell Jemmeh, Israel, 1970–1990. Washington

Federico Manuelli et al.: Arslantepe, Late Bronze Age. Hittite Influence and Local Traditions in an Eastern Anatolia Community. Arslantepe IX. Roma

Jamie Novotny: Selected Royal Inscriptions of Assurbanipal. L3, L4, LET, Prism I, Prism T, and Related TextsSAACT 10. Winona Lake

Aage Westenholz: A Third-Millennium Miscellany of Cuneiform Texts. CUSAS 26. Cornell

Friedhelm Hoffmann, Karin Stella Schmidt (eds.): Orient und Okzident in hellenistischer Zeit. Beiträge zur Tagung „Orient und Okzident – Antagonismus oder Konstrukt? Machtstrukturen, Ideologien und Kulturtransfer in hellenistischer Zeit“. Würzburg 10.–13. April 2008. Verlag PB.

Lena Fijałkowska: Le droit de la vente à Emar. Wiesbaden

Davide Nadali, Jordi Vidal (eds.): The Other Face of the Battle. Impact of War on Civilians in the Ancient Near East. AOAT 413. Münster

Susanne Paulus: Die babylonischen Kudurru-Inschriften von der kassitischen bis zur frühneubabylonischen ZeitUntersucht unter besonderer Berücksichtigung gesellschafts- und rechtshistorischer Fragestellungen. AOAT 51. Münster

Juan Manuel Tebes (ed.): Unearthing the Wilderness. Studies on the History and Archaeology of the Negev and Edom in the Iron Age. ANES Suppl. 45. Leuven

E. Frood, R. Raja (eds.): Redefining the Sacred. Religious Architecture and Text in the Near East and Egypt, 1000 BC – AD 300Contextualizing the Sacred 1. Brussels

2014. augusztus 22., péntek

Les Annales Archéologiques Arabes Syriennes 53-54 (2010-2011) [2014]

A tartalomból:

P. Bordreuil : Hamat la Grande

F. Caramelo : Le canal Sémiramis, étude historique et archéologique

J.-C. Margueron : Fondements méthodologiques de la fouille de la mission française à Emar de 1972 à 1976

J. L. Montero Fenollós et al.: Excavations in tell Qubr Abu al-‘Atiq: from the Early City to the Middle Assyrian Settlement

P. Butterlin : Le massif rouge à Mari, recherches récentes sur le cœur religieux de Mari 2006-2008

2014. augusztus 21., csütörtök

AuOr 32/1 (2014)

A tartalomból:

Lucas Baqué-Manzano, On Cobras and Centipedes: PT 379, PT 392 and PT 399

Krzysztof J. Baranowski, Amarna Letter no. 255 as Diplomatic Correspondence: A New interpretation

Stefan Bojowald, Fünf neue Beispiele für ägyptische Wortspiel mit "icḥ“

Stefan Bojowald, Einige neue Bemerkungen zum ägyptischen Lautwandel zwischen „‘“ und „ś“

Mariano Bonano, La significación de la caverna de Sokar según la relación Ra-Osiris en el Libro del Amduat

Gregorio del Olmo Lete, Nominal Vowel Alternation and Apophony in Ugaritic along with Some Afterthoughts and a Bibliography on Internal Plural

Josette Elayi, Jean-François Voisin, Quelques précisions sur le nāḫiru pêché au sud d’Arwad

Stefania Ermidoro, Food prohibition and dietary regulations in Ancient Mesopotamia

Philip C. Schmitz, Greek Words in Phoenician and Punic: Recently Identified Examples

Gabor Takács, Aegyptio-Afroasiatica XXVI

Jordi Vidal, Julio Martínez Santa-Olalla y la colección de antigüedades mesopotámicas del Seminario de Historia Primitiva del Hombre

Laura Battini, An ugallu, a smiting god and a man with a spear in Sennacherib’s palace reliefs

Laura Battini, Three Neo-Assyrian Bas-Reliefs from the Palace of Assurbanipal

Gregorio del Olmo Lete, Môtu and Baʕlu at Work. Two Lexicographical Notes on KTU 1.82:5-6

Changyu Liu, An Ur III tablet from Southwestern University

2014. augusztus 20., szerda

Új letölthető könyvek a NINO-tól

Egy újabb adag vált elérhetővé, nézelődni errefelé lehet. A link az oldalsó e-könyvtár linkgyűjteményünkben természetesen mindig megtalálható lesz. A mostani feltöltések:

J. Vergote – Toutankhamon dans les archives hittites (PIHANS 12), 1961

R. Ghirshman et al. (eds.) – Dark ages and Nomads c. 1000 B.C. Studies in Iranian and Anatolian Archaeology (PIHANS 18), 1964

M.N. van Loon – Urartian Art. Its Distinctive Traits in the Light of New Excavations (PIHANS 20), 1966.

J.D. Weir – The Venus Tablets of Ammizaduga (PIHANS 29), 1972

Ph.H.J. Houwink ten Cate – The Records of the Early Hittite Empire (c. 1450-1380 B.C.) (PIHANS 26), 1970

R. Harris – Ancient Sippar. A Demographic Study of an Old-Babylonian City (1894-1595 B.C.) (PIHANS 36), 1975

R.J. Demarée, Jac.J. Janssen (eds.) – Gleanings from Deir el-Medîna (Eg. Uitg. 1), 1982

K.R. Veenhof (ed.) – Cuneiform Archives and Libraries. Papers read at the 30e Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Leiden, 4-8 July 1983 (PIHANS 57), 1986

H. Sancisi-Weerdenburg, A. Kuhrt, M.C. Root (eds.) – Continuity and Change. Proceedings of the Last Achaemenid History Workshop, April 6-8 1990, Ann Arbor (Achaemenid History 8), 1994

Schatten uit Turkije:
S. Baykan, J.J. Roodenberg – Schets van prehistorisch Anatolië (Schatten uit Turkije 1), 1986

K.R. Veenhof – Kanesj en de Assyrische handelskoloniën in Klein-Azië (Schatten uit Turkije 2), 1986

Ph.H.J. Houwink ten Cate – De Hettieten. Geschiedenis en cultuur (Schatten uit Turkije 3), 1986

J.F. Borghouts – “Duizend goden van Chatti en duizend goden van Egypte”. De relaties tussen Egypte en de Hettieten (Schatten uit Turkije 4), 1986

J.M. Hemelrijk – De rotsen van Kybele in het land van Koning Midas (Schatten uit Turkije 5), 1986

2014. augusztus 18., hétfő

Call for papers: Current Research in Egyptology (CRE XVI)

Részletek a felhívás szövegéből: 

We are pleased to announce that the theme of the upcoming CRE XVI conference is ‘Travel in Egypt’. Papers may address, but are not limited to, any of the following topics: concrete or abstract travels,
travel in space and time, travel in myths, travel in the afterworld, travel of ideas, travel inside, to, or from Egypt, travel in literature, travel of objects or travel in modern times. We encourage the analysis and discussion of the theme from various perspectives, such as history, art history, archaeology, current fieldworks, geoarchaeology, material culture, philology and linguistics, religion, economy, social studies, and others. We invite abstract submissions for a 20-minute presentation or a poster A1/A0 portrait from all postgraduate, independent, and early career researchers studying ancient Egypt and Sudan, including the
prehistoric/predynastic, Pharaonic, Late, Graeco-Roman, and Islamic periods.

2014. augusztus 15., péntek

Lingua Aegytia 21 (2014)

A tartalomból:

J. P. Allen, Emphatic Sentences and Nominal/Relative Forms in Earlier Egyptian

J. P. AllenThe Name of Osiris (and Isis)

Å. Engsheden, Under the spell of Horapollo’s Hieroglyphika. Guided mistakes in the decipherment of the Egyptian hieroglyphs

R.  Gundacker, Die Eigennamen der Könige der IV. Dynastie. Ihre Struktur und Bedeutung gemäß ägyptischen und griechischen Graphien  

R. Kramer, The Position of Numerals in Middle Egyptian: Evidence from Universals of Word Order 

L. Neven, Remarques sur les variations de genre de certains substantifs en néo-égyptien 

C. Peust,  Bemerkungen zur berberischen Etymologie des spätägyptischen Verbs swn / “wissen”

L. Popko, Von der mittelägyptischen Rang-V-Erweiterung zum demotischen konditionalen 2. Tempus. Belege des Neuägyptischen

K. Ridealgh, Yes Sir! An Analysis of the Superior/Subordinate Relationship in the Late Ramesside Letters

W. Schenkel, Kontingenter Hintergrund. Beobachtungen zum Gebrauch des śč̣m.ı͗n=f in erzählenden Texten

D. A. WarburtonStudying the Earliest Development and Transformation of Written Expression 

2014. augusztus 8., péntek

Homérosz és Anatólia (megint)

Valérie Faranton, Michel Mazoyer (eds.): Homere et l'Anatolie 2. Collection Kubaba. Paris, L'Harmattan

A tartalomból:

Catalin Pavel: Homer and Archaeology: Perspectives from the East Aegean - West Anatolian Interface

Jacques Freu: Les pays de Wilusa et d'Ahhiyawa et la geographie de l'Anatolie occidentale a l'age du Bronze

Fred C. Woudhuizen: Geography of Western Anatolia

Michel Mazoyer,  Paul Wathelet: Telipinu chez les Hittites et Hermes en Grece: essai de comparaison

Raphaël Nicolle: Champions et Grands-Rois sur le champ de bataille: comparatisme hittito-homerique.

Mazoyer Michel: Passif-moyen: comparaison entre le l'Iliade et la langue hittite

2014. augusztus 7., csütörtök

Új Karkamis-kézikönyv

N. Marchetti (ed.): Karkemish. An Ancient Capital on the Euphrates. OrientLab 2. Bologna (letölthető!)

A tartalom:


A Century of Excavations at Karkemish: Filling the Gaps (Nicolò Marchetti)

George Smith’s Identification of Karkemish: From the Account of His Assistant Mathewson (Strahil V. Panayotov)

The British Museum Excavations at Karkemish (1911-1914, 1920): A Summary of the Activities and of the Methods Employed (Giacomo Benati)

Woolley’s and Lawrence’s Expedition House in Karkemish: Preliminary Notes for the History of the Building (Silvia Di Cristina)


Karkemish in the Ebla Texts: Some New Data (Maria Giovanna Biga)

Karkemish nel Bronzo Medio (Gianni Marchesi)

Il ruolo politico di Karkemish in Siria durante il periodo imperiale ittita (Stefano De Martino)

La corte di Karkemish durante il periodo imperiale ittita (Clelia Mora)

Karkemish in the Egyptian Sources (Marco Zecchi)

Karkemish in the Iron Age (J. David Hawkins, Hasan Peker)

Karkemish in età classica (Kevin Ferrari)

Karkemish and Its Region in Late Antique and Byzantine Times (Alessandra Ricci)


A New Stele from Karkemish: At the Origins of the Suhi-Katuwa Dynasty (Ali Dinçol, Belkıs Diçol, J. David Hawkins, Nicolò Marchetti, Hasan Peker)

Some Hieroglyphic Fragments from the 2011 Season at Karkemish (Hasan Peker, Mark Weeden)

The Iron Age II-III Pottery Assemblage from Karkemish and Yunus (Antonio Bonomo, Federico Zaina)

Some Preliminary Remarks on the Iron Age Stone Vessels from Karkemish (Luisa Guerri)

3D Scanning of Sculptures and Inscriptions at Karkemish (Andrea Adamo, Stefano Bassetto, Gabriele Bitelli, Fabrizio Girardi, Valentina A. Girelli)

Georeferencing Karkemish (Gabriele Bitelli, Emanuele Mandanici, Silvia Bernardoni, Raffaele Trojanis)

Ortofoto aerea della Inner Town di Karkemish (campagna 2011) (Massimo Zanfini)

2014. augusztus 6., szerda


Aynur Özfırat (ed.): Scripta. Arkeolojiyle Geçen Bir Yaşam İçin Yazılar. Veli Sevin’e Armağan.A Life Immersed in Archaeology. Essays in Honour of Veli Sevin. Istanbul, 2014

A tartalomból:

Giorgi L. Kavtaradze: Transcaucasia and the Problem of the Uruk Cultural Phenomenon

Antonio Sagona: The Kura-Araxes Culture Complex: A History of Early Research

Arsen Bobokhyan – Ruben Davtyan: From Metsamor to Ugarit: Patterns of Economy and Cultural Contact in Late Bronze Age Armenia

Charles Burney: Some Thoughts on the Origins and Background of the Kingdom of Urartu

Aynur Özfırat: Aktaş: Ağrı Dağı’nın Kuzey Eteğinde Aras Vadisi’nde Bir Urartu Kalesi

Raffaele Biscione – Roberto Dan: Ranking and Distribution of the Urartian Fortifications in Turkey

Altan Çilingiroğlu: Ayanis Kalesi’nde Mısır Mavisi (Egyptian Blue)

Aylin Ü. Erdem: Urartu Kalelerinde Çanak Çömleğin Depolanmasıyla İlgili Uygulamalar

Yervand Grekyan: Helmet and Beard Depicting of Enemies in Urartian Bronze Art

Oscar White Muscarella: Libation “Lion/Hand” Bowls: An Overview

Geoffrey Summers: Of Boats and Biplanes: Enigmatic Doodles at Çarpanak in Lake Van

Stephan Kroll: Notes on the Post-Urartian (Median) Horizon in NW-Iran and Armenia

Hatice Kalkan: Doğu Anadolu’da Bir Post Urartu Formu: Tankard

Hiromichi Oguchi: The Distribution of Nuzi Ware and Its Implication

Gülriz Kozbe: Kavuşan Höyük/Diyarbakır Yeni Assur Dönemi Gömüleri

Aram Kosyan: To The East of Hatti

Şevket Dönmez: Kuzey-Orta Anadolu’da Yeni Bir Arkeolojik Keşif: Oluz Höyük Kubaba (Matar Kubileya) Tapınağı (Kızılırmak Kavsi İçinde Ana Tanrıça İle İlgili Güncel Bulgular)

Eşref Abay: Beycesultan’dan Ayak Biçimli Bir Riton

2014. augusztus 5., kedd

Anatolica 40 (2014)

A tartalomból:

The Craftsmen and Manufacturers in the Urartian Civilization (Çavuşoğlu, Rafet; Gökce, Bilcan; Işuk, Kenan)

John Garstang at Sirkeli Höyük, Cilician Plain, in 1936-1937. Old Photographs and New Evidence from the Renewed Excavations (Ahrens, Alexander)

A New Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscription from Hatay (Dinçol, A.; Dinçol, B.; Hawkins, J. D.; Peker, H.)

«Questions métallurgiques». Un séminaire interdisciplinaire UMR 7044, CNRS Strasbourg (MISHA) - 2009-2012 (2e partie)

Introduction (Mouton, Alice)

Le fer au début du IIe millénaire av. J.-C. Nouveaux apports de l'archéologie anatolienne (Patrier, Julie)

Casting Technologies and Cultural Connections at an Egyptian Harbour Town (Heinz, Sandra S.)

Large Lead Containers from Thonis-Heraclion, Egypt Metal Storage Vessels? (Van Der Wilt, Elsbeth M.)

2014. augusztus 4., hétfő


Cyril Brosch, Annick Payne (eds.): Na-wa/i-VIR.ZI/A MAGNUS.SCRIBA. Festschrift für Helmut Nowicki zum 70. Geburtstag. Dresdner Beiträge zur Hethitologie 45. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz

A tartalomból:

Cyril Brosch: Zu zwei hethitischen Hapax Legomena

Paola Dardano: Šanda e i Hurriti: nota su KBo 3.34 I 24‒25

Alexandra Daues: Stellung und Funktion der selbständigen Personalpronomina der 1. und 2. Person in den hethitischen Gebeten

Matthias Fritz: Eine anatolisch-armenische Entlehnungsbeziehung (Silvae armeniacae II)

José Virgilio García Trabazo: Luwische Zehen oder Zehennägel?

Detlev Groddek: Neue Fragmente zu CTH 585

Massimiliano Marazzi: „Jenseits von Gut“ … aber nicht „von Böse“. Gedanken über hethitisch tameuman

H. Craig Melchert: The Hieroglyphic Luvian Verb PUGNUS.PUGNUS

Clelia Mora: An Interesting Group of Post-Hittite Biconvex Seals

Annick Payne: Zum Herrscherhaus von Karkamiš

Johann Tischler: Hethitische Kleinigkeiten III

Susanne Zeilfelder: Probleme des hethitischen Nominativs: split-ergativity und Casus commemorativus

Sabine Ziegler: Die Ordnung als Gewebe: Kann eine andere etymologische Erklärung für heth. handai- „(durch Semantik) festgestellt werden“?

2014. augusztus 3., vasárnap

JARCE 49 (2013)

A tartalomból:

The Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor and the Rite of Passage (Eltayeb Abbas)

The Treasure of Harage (Robert Steven Bianchi)

Two Late New Kingdom or Early Third Intermediate Period Hieratic Graffiti in the Temple of Khonsu at Karnak (Richard Jasnow, Christina Di Cerbo)

Pedesi, a Chamberlain of the Divine Adoratress (Cairo CG 670 and JE 37031) (Dina Metawi)

Between a Tomb and a Hard Place: Tomb Inscriptions as a Source of Historical Information (Violaine Chauvet)

An Eighteenth Dynasty Writing Board (Ashmolean 1948.91) and The Hymn to the Nile (Fredrik Hagen)

The Writing Hand and the Seated Baboon: Tension and Balance in Statue MMA 29.2.16 (Niv Allon)

New Kingdom Graffiti in Dahshur, Pyramid Complex of Senwosret III: Preliminary Report. Graffiti Uncovered in Seasons 1992–2010 (Hana Navrátilová)

Two Names, One Compound: The rwd anxw itn and the Sunshade of Re at Kom el-Nana (Jacquelyn Williamson)

Un cas de fabrication collective à Saqqâra ? La table d’offrandes de Setjou (Rémi Legros)

The Stela of Hdrwt and Her Two Late Husbands from the Middle Kingdom: Cairo CG 20105 (Rasha Metawi)

A Fragment from the Reign of Tausret Reused at Medinet Habu (J. Brett McClain, W. Raymond Johnson)

Die Gans mit dem scharfen Blick. Zusätzliche Bemerkungen zum Hintergrund des Schülervergleichs in pLansing 3, 5–8 (Stefan Bojowald)

An Unusual Group of Ptah-Sokar-Osiris Figures: Some Reflections on Typology and Provenance (Carlo Rindi Nuzzolo)

The Gendered Individual in Funerary Papyri of the Ptolemaic and Roman Periods (Emily Cole)

2014. augusztus 2., szombat

Konferencia-felhívás: CRE XVI

Current Research in Egyptology (CRE XVI)
April 15–18, 2015
Oxford University

We are pleased to announce that the theme of the upcoming CRE XVI conference is ‘Travel in Egypt’. Papers may address, but are not limited to, any of the following topics: concrete or abstract travels, travel in space and time, travel in myths, travel in the afterworld, travel of ideas, travel inside, to, or from Egypt, travel in literature, travel of objects or travel in modern times. We encourage the analysis and discussion of the theme from various perspectives, such as history, art history, archaeology, current fieldworks, geoarchaeology, material culture, philology and linguistics, religion, economy, social studies, and others.

We invite abstract submissions for a 20-minute presentation or a poster A1/A0 portrait from all postgraduate, independent, and early career researchers studying ancient Egypt and Sudan, including the prehistoric/predynastic, Pharaonic, Late, Graeco-Roman, and Islamic periods.

Abstracts should consist of no more than 200 words and should be submitted by 15 November 2014 to crexvioxford+abstracts@gmail.com

A selection of submitted and peer reviewed papers will be published in the year following the conference.

www.facebook.com/CREgyptology ; twitter.com/CREgyptology