1. D. A. Barreyra Fracaroli, G. del Olmo Lete (eds.): Reconstruyendo el Pasado Remoto. Estudios sobre el P. O. A. en homenaje a Jorge R. Silva Castillo. Reconstructing a Distant Past. A.N.E Essays in Tribute to Jorge R. Silva Castillo. Aula Orientalis Supplementa 25. Barcelona, Sabadell, 2009. Itt lesz majd további info. Addig is a tartalomból:
Daniel Arnaud, Le roi perse, les oblats et le clergé en Babylone d’après une lettre de Larsa
Daniel Arnaud, Le roi perse, les oblats et le clergé en Babylone d’après une lettre de Larsa
Diego A. Barreyra Fracaroli, Fear of Census. State policies and tribal ideology in the Mari Kingdom during the period of Samsi-Addu
Alberto Bernabé, El extraordinario embarazo de Kumarbi
Marcelo Campagno, Parentesco y Estado en los conflictos entre Horus y Seth
José Carlos Castañeda Reyes, En torno a algunas obras literarias “pesimistas” del Medio Oriente Antiguo
Miguel Civil, The Mesopotamian Lexical Lists: Authors and Commentators
Gregorio del Olmo Lete, Los persas en la Biblia Hebrea
Jean-Marie Durand, Un conflit diplomatique évité
Luis Feliu – Adelina Millet, An Old Babylonian Text Concerning Acrobats and Wrestlers
Daniel E. Fleming, The Heavens Were Not Enough: Humanity and God’s Home in the Book of Genesis
Florence Malbran-Labat, Aperçu sur la stratigraphie du vocabulaire akkadien
Ignacio Márquez Rowe, Pain,bière et la culture d'Uruk. De Gilgamesh au bol à bord biseauté
Susana B. Murphy, The Thinking of Marc Bloch and a New Survey of Ancient Eastern Studies
Gonzalo Rubio, Scribal secrets and antiquarian nostalgia: Tradition and scholarship in Ancient Mesopotamia
Joaquín Sanmartín, La construcción social del pasado en la Época Tolemaica: Entre el recuerdo y la historia
Jack M. Sasson, The Trouble with Nūr-Sin: Zimri-Lim’s Purchase of Alahtum
Jordi Vidal – Juan-Luis Montero Fenollós, The Fortification System in Tell Abu Fahd (Syrian Euphrates Valley)
Juan-Pablo Vita, Hurrian as a living language in Ugaritic society
2. S. L. Sanders: The Invention of Hebrew. University of Illinois Press, 2009.
3. P. Bienkowski (ed.): Studies on Iron Age Moab and Neighbouring Areas in Honour of Michèle Daviau. Ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplement 29. Louvain, Peeters, 2009.
4. J. Elayi - A. G. Elayi, The Coinage of the Phoenician City of Tyre in the Persian Period (5th-4th Century BCE). OLA 188. Studia Phoenicia 20. Louvain, Peeters, 2009.
5. E. Lipinski, Resheph. A Syro-Canaanite Deity. OLA 181. Studia Phoenicia 19. Louvain, Peeters, 2009.
A következő négy könyv a római Herder kiadónál jelent meg (bővebb informáicó itt található róluk):
6. F. N. H. al-Rawi - F. D'Agostino - J. Taylor: Neo-Sumerian Administrative Texts from Umma kept in the British Museum IV. NATU IV. NISABA 24.
7. Palmiro Notizia: I testi dei messaggeri da Girsu-Lagaš della Terza Dinastia di Ur. NISABA 22.
8. F. N. H. al-Rawi - L. Verderame: Neo-Sumerian Administrative Texts from Umma kept in the British Museum III. NATU III. NISABA 23.
9. Andrea Anastasi - Francesco Pomponio: Neo-Sumerian Girsu Texts of various content kept in the British Museum. With an appendix of Stefania Altavilla. NISABA 18.
10. Andreas Schachner: Assyriens Könige an einer der Quellen des Tigris. Archäologische Forschungen im Höhlensystem von Bırkleyn und am sogenannten Tigris-Tunnel. Mit Beiträgen von Karen Radner, Uğur Doğan, Yvonne Helmholz, Birgül Öğüt. Istanbuler Forschungen 51. Tübingen, Wasmuth, 2009.
11. Michel al-Maqdissi, Daniele Morandi Bonacossi, Peter Pfälzner (Hg.): Schätze des alten Syrien. Die Entdeckung des Königreichs Qatna. Stuttgart, Theiss, 2009.
12. Nicoletta Bellotto: Le Adozioni a Emar. HANEM 9. S.A.R.G.O.N. Editrice e Libreria, 2009.
13. Cl. Doumet-Serhall: The Klat Collection: Near Eastern Terracotta Models/Figurines. New Edition. Lebanese British Friends of the National Museum, 2009.
És a lényeg:
14. Maciej Popko: Arinna. Eine heilige Stadt der Hethiter. StBoT 50. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2009.
2. S. L. Sanders: The Invention of Hebrew. University of Illinois Press, 2009.
3. P. Bienkowski (ed.): Studies on Iron Age Moab and Neighbouring Areas in Honour of Michèle Daviau. Ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplement 29. Louvain, Peeters, 2009.
4. J. Elayi - A. G. Elayi, The Coinage of the Phoenician City of Tyre in the Persian Period (5th-4th Century BCE). OLA 188. Studia Phoenicia 20. Louvain, Peeters, 2009.
5. E. Lipinski, Resheph. A Syro-Canaanite Deity. OLA 181. Studia Phoenicia 19. Louvain, Peeters, 2009.
A következő négy könyv a római Herder kiadónál jelent meg (bővebb informáicó itt található róluk):
6. F. N. H. al-Rawi - F. D'Agostino - J. Taylor: Neo-Sumerian Administrative Texts from Umma kept in the British Museum IV. NATU IV. NISABA 24.
7. Palmiro Notizia: I testi dei messaggeri da Girsu-Lagaš della Terza Dinastia di Ur. NISABA 22.
8. F. N. H. al-Rawi - L. Verderame: Neo-Sumerian Administrative Texts from Umma kept in the British Museum III. NATU III. NISABA 23.
9. Andrea Anastasi - Francesco Pomponio: Neo-Sumerian Girsu Texts of various content kept in the British Museum. With an appendix of Stefania Altavilla. NISABA 18.
10. Andreas Schachner: Assyriens Könige an einer der Quellen des Tigris. Archäologische Forschungen im Höhlensystem von Bırkleyn und am sogenannten Tigris-Tunnel. Mit Beiträgen von Karen Radner, Uğur Doğan, Yvonne Helmholz, Birgül Öğüt. Istanbuler Forschungen 51. Tübingen, Wasmuth, 2009.
11. Michel al-Maqdissi, Daniele Morandi Bonacossi, Peter Pfälzner (Hg.): Schätze des alten Syrien. Die Entdeckung des Königreichs Qatna. Stuttgart, Theiss, 2009.
12. Nicoletta Bellotto: Le Adozioni a Emar. HANEM 9. S.A.R.G.O.N. Editrice e Libreria, 2009.
13. Cl. Doumet-Serhall: The Klat Collection: Near Eastern Terracotta Models/Figurines. New Edition. Lebanese British Friends of the National Museum, 2009.
És a lényeg:
14. Maciej Popko: Arinna. Eine heilige Stadt der Hethiter. StBoT 50. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2009.