Harald Maier-Metz: Entlassungsgrund: Pazifismus. Albrecht Götze, der Fall Gumbel und die Marburger Universität 1930–1946. Academia Marburgensis 13. Marburg
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Karen Focke: Der Garten in neusumerischer Zeit. AOAT 53. Münster
Rita Dolce: “Perdere la testa”. Aspetti e valori della decapitazione nel Vicino Oriente Antico. Studi Archeologici 3. Espera
Jack M. Sasson: From the Mari Archives. An Anthology of Old Babylonian Letters. Winona Lake
Jacob Lauinger: Following the Man of Yamhad. Settlement and Territory at Old Babylonian Alalah. CHANE 75. Leiden - Boston
F. Baffi, R. Fiorentino and L. Peyronel (eds.): Tell Tuqan and Regional Perspectives. Cultural Developments in Inner Syria from the Early Bronze Age to the Persian/Hellenistic Period. Proceedings of the International Conference May 15th – 17th 2013 Lecce. Galatina-Lecce
Irving Finkel, Jonathan Taylor: Cuneiform. London
R. F. Docter, Ridha Boussoffara, Pieter Ter Keurs: Carthage: Fact and Myth. Oxford
Elisabeth Rieken: Einführung in die hethitische Sprache und Schrift. 2., aktualisierte Auflage. Münster
J. Elayi, A.G. Elayi: Arwad, cité phénicienne du nord. Gabalda
Juan Luis Montero Fenollós: Asirios en el Medio Éufrates. La cerámica medioasria de Tell Qabr Abu al-'Atiq en su contexto histórico-arqueológico. Zaragoza
Juan Luis Montero Fenollós (ed.): Redonner vie aux Mésopotamiens. Mélanges offerts à Jean-Claude Margueron à l'occasion de son 80e anniversaire. Zaragoza
Tzvi Abusch: The Witchcraft Series Maqlû. Atlanta
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