2014. február 27., csütörtök

SOMA 2012

Ez a konferencia-sorozat közismerten széles merítésű, mind témában, mind minőségben, s úgy kell kibányászni belőle az embernek a saját témájába illőt. Most kiválogattam a legutóbbi kötetből a blogunk profiljába illeszkedő cikkeket:

Luca Bombardieri et al. (eds.): SOMA 2012. Identity and Connectivity. Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, Florence, Italy, 1-3 March 2012. BAR IS 2581 (I). Oxford, 2013

Near Eastern Identities

Francesco del Bravo: The Luristan-Hamrin Cultural Sphere (4th - 3rd Millennium BC). Pottery Identity as Intra-Societies Interactions

Francesco M. Benedettucci: The Archaeological Activities at the Site of Tell al-Mashhad, Jordan (1999-2011)

Johnny Samuele Baldi: Ceramic Technology at Tell Qarassa North (Southern Syria): from ‘Cultures’ to ‘Ways of Doing’

Leigh A. Stork: The Social Use of Metal at the Beginning of the Early Bronze Age in the Upper Euphrates Valley

Rita Dolce: A Special Commodity in Mesopotamia and Syria during the 3rd Millenium BC. Economic Implications and the Display of Luxury

Dorota Lawecka: Walking on Slippery Grounds: the Issue of Ethnicity in Early Dynastic Northern Babylonia

Sara Pizzimenti: Symbols as Expression of Cultural Identity and Connectivity. The Case of Mitannian, Cassite and Middle-Assyrian Symbolic Heritages in Late Bronze Mesopotamia

Maria Forza: Crematory Practices in Upper Mesopotamia in Iron Ages I and II: an Indication of Collective and Individual Identity. A Comparative Hypothesis between Bordering Regions and their Cultural Links

Federico Zaina: A Functional and Morphological Analysis of the Iron Age Pottery Assemblage from Taşlı Geçit Höyük, Turkey

Andrew Jamieson: Processes of Assyrianisation: Identity and Connectivity Manifested in Neo-Assyrian Ceramics and the Tell Ahmar Area C Pottery

Levant, Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean

Łukasz Niesiolowski-Spano: The Philistines in Jerusalem? The Use of Archaeological Data as the Ethnic Marker: the Case of the Philistines, Other ‘Sea Peoples’, and Judah

Ada Nifosi: Childbirth Practices and Beliefs in Ancient Egyptian and in the Ancient Near Eastern Documents, in the Talmud and in the Bible: a Comparative Study Based on Written Sources and Material Artefacts

Dalit Regev: Egyptian Stone Objects from Miqne-Ekron.Canaanite-Phoenician Trade in Egyptian Cult-Objects and their Mediterranean Distribution

Maria Gabriella Micale: Inquiring into Diversity. The Persian Clay Figurines in Syria

Gabriele Carenti - Giuseppe Minunno: The Role of Birds in Tell Afis (Syria): Sacrifices and Rituals in a Temple Area during the Iron Age

Andrea Polcaro: The Stone and the Landscape: the Phenomenon of Megalithic Constructions in Jordan in the Main Historical Context of Southern Levant at the Beginning of the 3rd Millennium BC

Marta d'Andrea: Of Pots and Weapons: Constructing the Identities during the Late 3rd Millennium BC in the Southern Levant

Angela Massafra: Interconnections between Palestine and Egypt in the Early 2nd Millennium BC: a View from Jericho

Krzysztof Ulanowski: God Reshef in the Mediterranean

Erika Fischer: Niqmaddu of Ugarit and his Consort. A Reassessment of the so-called Marriage Vase

Silvia Festuccia - Lucia Mori: From the Sahara to the Mediterranean Coast: Stelae and Offering Tables as Examples of Connectivity between Different Identities in Funerary Practices

Anatolia between the Early Bronze and Iron Ages

Roberta Crisara: Diets Reconstruction and Domestic Behavior at Arslantepe, Turkey, during the Early Bronze Age I (3000-2750 BC) as Inferred from Vessels Function

Murat Türkteki: The First Use of Wheel-made Pottery and its Distribution in Western and Central Anatolia

Özlem Tütüncüler Bircan: ‘Swastika’: A Symbol Known to be of Indo-European origin in the Early Bronze Age Anatolia

Chiara Mallegni - Agnese Vacca: Connections between Syria and Anatolia in the Second Half of the 3rd Millennium BC: the Tarsus Sequence

Neyir Kolankaya-Bostanci: The Decline of Chipped Stone Industry during the Second Millennium BC: Evidence from Panaztepe

Geoffrey D. Summers: Connectivity and Cultural Isolation at Kerkenes, an Iron Age Capital in Central Turkey

Baptiste Vergnaud: A Phrygian Identity in Fortifications?

Atilla Batmaz: A Lion-Headed Shield from Ayanis: An identifier of the Urartian Culture?

Aegean and Anatolia during the Late Bronze and Iron Age Periods

Veli Ünsal: Relations between Anatolia and Greece (in 1st and 2nd Millennium BC)

Çiğdem Maner: Corbelled Vaults in Hittite and Mycenaean Fortification Architecture

Konstantinos Giannakos: Aegean Type Swords and Finds in Anatolia, Technology of Metals and Structures,
Written Sources and the Dating of Trojan War

Ancient Egypt

Angelo Colonna: The Unification of Ancient Egypt: Founding a State, Creating an Ideology, Establishing an Identity

Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska: Identity of the Old Kingdom Egyptian Ruler. Image Based on Archaeological Sources

Massimiliano Franci: Being a Foreigner in Egypt, between Maintenance and Loss of Cultural Identity: the Archaeological Data

R. Gareth Roberts: Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg? And what on Earth Does this Have to Do
with Identity and Connectivity in the Ancient Mediterranean?

Philippe Quenet et al.: New Lights on the Lapis Lazuli of the Tôd Treasure, Egypt

Beth Ann Judas: 'Mingle with the Courtiers': The Concept of the 'Good' Foreigner in New Kingdom Egypt

Egypt: Persian and Hellenistic Periods

Alessio Corsi: The Songstress Diesehebsed in the 'Chapel of Osiris-Onnophris in the Persea Tree' in Karnak

Květa Smoláriková: Persian Kings and their Strategy towards the Egyptians. Interpretation of Recent Archaeological Finds from the Saite-Persian Cemetery at Abusir

Ilaria Cariddi: ‘God Loves the Silent One’: the Value of Silence in Ancient Egypt through Temple Interdicts and Autobiographical Inscriptions

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