2012. szeptember 30., vasárnap

Szeptemberi könyvajánló (ókori Kelet)

I. Madreiter: Stereotypisierung - Idealisierung - Indifferenz. Formen der Auseinandersetzung mit dem Achaimeniden-Reich in der griechischen Persika-Literatur. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz

D. Stronach - A. Mousavi: Ancient Iran from the Air. Mainz am Rhein, Philipp von Zabern

J. Naveh - Sh. Shaked: Ancient Aramaic Documents from Bactria. Oxford, Oxbow

A. Jamieson: Tell Ahmar III: Neo-Assyrian Pottery from Area CAncient Near Eastern Studies Supplement 35. Leuven, Peeters

R. Da Riva: The Twin Inscriptions of Nebuchadnezzar at Brisa (Wadi Esh-Sharbin, Lebanon). A Historical and Philological StudyAfO Beiheft 32. Wien

L. Barberon: Archibab 1. Les religieuses et le culte de Marduk dans le royaume de Babylone. Mémoires de NABU 14. Paris

A. Schuele: An Introduction to Biblical Aramaic. Westminster John Knox Press

A. De Groot - H. Bernick-Greenberg: Excavations at the City of David 1978-1985 Directed by Yigal Shiloh VII. VIIA. Area E: Stratigraphy and Architecture (Qedem 53) / VIIB. Area E: The Finds (Qedem 54). Jerusalem

Y. Gadot - A. Yasur Landau: Qiryat Shemona (S). Fort and Village in the Hula Valley. Tel Aviv

A. Faust: Judah in the Neo-Babylonian Period: The Archaeology of Desolation. Atlanta, SBL

M. Lubetski - E. Lubetski: New Inscriptions and Seals Relating to the Biblical World. Atlanta, SBL

2012. szeptember 29., szombat

Orientalia 81/1 (2012)

A tartalomból:

A. Archi - F. Venturi: Hittites at Tell Afis (Syria)

J. Bauer: Drei sumerische Rechtsurkunden der vorsargonischen Zeit aus Umma

W. R. Mayer: Zwei Wirtschaftstexte der mittelbabylonischen Zeit aus dem Museo Nazionale d'Arte Orientale in Rom

2012. szeptember 28., péntek

Call for papers

Conference, Liège (Belgium), Feb 6-8, 2013
Call for papers

Részletek a felhívás szövegéből: 
Tradition is central to Egyptology, yet individual traditions in textual, artistic and material production still await critical treatment, and methodological frameworks for micro-analysis are emergent. This conference seeks to address these issues in highlighting diachronic, diatopic and socio-cultural aspects of ancient Egyptian traditions.
The notion of (re)productivity offers a simple conceptual framework as a means of dealing with tradition, and the model adopted by Egyptological text criticism distinguishes between different kinds of transmission: productive or open traditions are in a state of flux that stands in dialectic relation to shifting social and historical circumstances, while reproductive or closed traditions are frozen at a particular historical moment and their formulations are thereafter faithfully passed down verbatim. While a narrow binary structure may be a little restrictive, a continuum between the two poles of dynamic productivity and static reproductivity is by all means relevant to and useful for the description of various types of symbolization, and probably all types of cultural production.
Methodologically speaking, scholars in textual analysis have made good use of the so-called “Textkritische Methode” for structuring (e.g. via stemmata) the description of reproductive traditions, but approaches to productive traditions could benefit from more organized frameworks. This applies equally to the fields of art-history and archaeology, where well-developed practices of typology and seriation often do not alone do justice to the complex unfolding of tradition that produces image and artefact. It is an aim of this conference to investigate common parameters for talking about the production of material, artistic and textual culture in ancient Egypt.

Confirmed Speakers

A number of invited speakers (specialists in text, art-history and material culture) have been confirmed for the conference.
Tamás Bács (Budapest) - Traditions old and new: artistic production of the late Ramesside period
Whitney Davis (UC Berkeley) - Ancient Egyptian Illusion
Christiana Köhler (Vienna) - Non-elite funerary culture in early Memphis
Gabriele Pieke (Berlin) - Lost in Transformation: Artistic Creation between Permanence and Change
Pascal Vernus (Paris) - The dialectic of productivity and reproductivity as a conceptual framework for refining the (socio)linguistic concept of égyptien de tradition
Hans-Werner Fischer-Elfert (Leipzig) - If A, then B - Cross genre correspondences in early wisdom, medical, mathematical, and dream texts

Organising committee

Todd Gillen
Dimitri Laboury
Stéphane Polis
Jean Winand


Please send all abstracts to tjgillen@ulg.ac.be
Abstracts should be no more than one page in length (incl. bibliography, if needed) and will be reviewed by a selection committee. Deadline for submission of abstracts is 15th October 2012, with notification of acceptance by the end of October.

2012. szeptember 26., szerda

ANES 49 (2012)

A tartalomból:

G. Bourogiannis - Chr. Ioannou: 'Phoinikeia Grammata' at Cos. A New Case of Phoenician Script from Archaic Greece

A. Zukerman: A Re-Analysis of the Iron Age IIA Cult Place at Lachish

J. Birkett-Rees: Power and Presence.Landscape and Tenure in Middle Bronze Age Central Transcaucasia

A. H. Nobari et al.: Excavation at Lavin Tepe in Northwest Iran

A. Sinclair: The 'International Style'. Colour and Polychrome Faience

Y. N. Youssef: A New Witness of a Copto-Greek Hymn - Poiekon

T. Bryce: The Nişantepe Archive and the Hittite Royal Dynasty

2012. szeptember 25., kedd

WdO 42/1 (2012)

Esther Hamori: Gender and the Verification of Prophecy at Mari

Erik van Dongen: The Hittite Song of Going Forth(CTH 344): A Reconsideration of the Narrative

Marco Stockhusen: Babylonische Astralwissenschaften im römerzeitlichen Ägypten: Das Beispiel Medînet Madi

2012. szeptember 24., hétfő

Konferencia Luxorban

Aki éppen Egyiptomban van, és esetleg nem hallott volna róla: 

South Asasif Conservation Project Conference
October 1-4
Mummification Museum, Luxor

The main focus of the conference is current archaeology and research on tombs and temples of the Twenty-fifth – Twenty-sixth Dynasties in the Theban area. The conference is organised by the South Asasif Conservation Project team as the first event in a series of regular conferences on Egypt in the First Millennium BC. We expect it to become a place for Late Period scholars to share information on the latest archaeological discoveries and research. The amount of work done in this area is growing every year and we feel the need for a regular gathering place where scholars can bring their questions, ideas, and suggestions, which will encourage discussion. Therefore, the format of the conference combines presentations with discussion panels to give more room for communication. The conference will be accompanied by field trips to archaeological sites related to the period.

A konferencia részletes programja ill. az absztraktok (magyar előadóval!) itt tölthetőek le. 

2012. szeptember 23., vasárnap

PhD lehetőség Frankfurtban

A Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main egy-egy doktori ösztöndíjat kínál az ókori keleti filológia, ill. régészet területén (és emellett számos más ókortudományi területen). A doktori programban kifejezetten várnak külföldi hallgatókat. Természetesen németül és angolul kell tudni, jelentkezési határidő november 30. Részletek itt.

2012. szeptember 22., szombat

Eothen 20

Lucio Milano (ed.): Mangiare divinamente. Pratiche e simbologie alimentari nell'antico Oriente. Eothen 20. Firenze, 2012.

A tartalom:

Massimo Maiocchi, Il dolce sapore della morte: simbologia delle offerte rituali nella Mesopotamia protodinastica

Lucio Milano – Maria Vittoria Tonietti, Cerimonialità alimentare ad Ebla: offerte, pasti, sacrifici

Simonetta Ponchia, Cerimonialità e gestione delle risorse alimentari negli archivi di alta Mesopotamia

Sabina Crippa, Magici alimenti o alimenti del magico?

Annamaria Polvani, Il banchetto nei testi mitologici ittiti

Stefano de Martino, Il banchetto nell’Anatolia ittita

Stefania Ermidoro, Il banchetto nei testi letterari della Mesopotamia

Salvatore Gaspa, La cucina del dio e del re nell’alimentazione dell’impero assiro

Frederick Mario Fales, Sul ruolo delle sostanze alimentari nei testi medici, mesopotamici

Simonetta Graziani, I topi sono un cibo divino!

Paola Corò, Galateo e offerte alimentari nella Babilonia di I millennio a.C.: la preparazione della tavola

Carlo Lippolis, Il banchetto di Mitridate: cerimoniali alla corte arsacide

Alfredo Criscuolo, Il mrzh nel Vicino Oriente antico

Riccardo Contini, Pasti e banchetti comunitari nell’Arabia antica: appunti sull'evidenza epigrafica e letteraria

Romolo Loreto, I luoghi del banchetto nell’Arabia meridionale antica.

2012. szeptember 20., csütörtök

Állás egyiptológusoknak

A bécsi egyiptológiai tanszék a 2012. október 15-től 2013. július 31-ig terjedő időszakra egy posztdoktorandusz állást hirdetett meg. A pályázat leadási határideje: 2012. szeptember 27. 
A tanszék honlapja itt, a felhívás szövege pedig itt tekinthető meg.


Örömmel jelentem be, hogy új szerkesztőt-szerzőt köszönthetünk az Agyagpapon, Végh Zsuzsanna egyiptológus doktorandusz személyében (aki nem teljesen új, hiszen volt már vendégszerzőnk). Szándékaim szerint ez azt is jelenti, hogy a blog egyiptológiai fele kissé meg fog erősödni (s gondolom, ez nem lesz olvasóink többségének ellenére).

Új hieroglif luvi kötet

Az SBL "Writings from the Ancient World" sorozata már eddig is sok hasznos szöveggyűjteményt bocsájtott az ókori Kelet és Egyiptom iránt professzionálisan vagy csak laikusan érdeklődők számára (gondoljuk csak a hettita mítoszokra, imákra, történeti dokumentumokra, levelekre, vagy az Ahhiyawa-szövegekre), és most egy igazi csemege jelenik meg: a vaskori luvi feliratok antológiája, mégpedig a téma egyik legjobb szakértője tollából. Kötelező olvasmány minden ókori keletesnek.

Annick Payne: Iron Age Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions. Atlanta, 2012

2012. szeptember 19., szerda

Dolgozzon az ásatásokon Urban!

Az Ur városában 1922 és 1934 között lezajlott brit - amerikai ásatások dokumentációja máig nincs digitálisan feldolgozva. A régészek most önkénteseket keresnek, akik egy világhálós felület segítségével részt vehetnek a feldolgozásban. Ezen a honlapon lehet további információt találni és regisztrálni - s már lehet is dolgozni.

2012. szeptember 18., kedd

IAA Prize (fiatal kutatói díj)

IAA prizes for first article after the Ph.D.

The IAA awards a prize for the best first article written after the Ph.D. Please observe the following rules and regulations (see also the IAA website).

1. The article should be available in one of the official RAI languages, French, German or English.
2. The article should be published or should have been accepted in final form for publication within the last two years and no more than five years after the PhD.
3. Applicants must be members of the IAA.
4. A person can apply only once. There is no age limit.
5. The winner receives €1,000, the runner-up will receive €250.

1. The committee will consist of three persons, one from the IAA Board and two from among the other members of the IAA.
2. The committee members will serve for three years, after which a new committee will be chosen.

Time table
1. Articles should be delivered as a PDF with embedded fonts to the IAA Office in Leiden no later than March 1. The office shall then forward them to the committee members before March 10.
2. The three members of the committee will evaluate the articles and make a preliminary ranking.
3. The committee will submit its selection report to the IAA Board no later than May 1.
4. During the following Rencontre the conclusions will be discussed at the Board meeting.
5. The prizes will be awarded during the general meeting.

Please send your article to:

International Association for Assyriology
c/o Prof. Dr. W.H. van Soldt
Email: w.h.van.soldt at hum.leidenuniv.nl

2012. szeptember 17., hétfő

Tanulmányok innen és onnan

M. Walton et al.: Analysis of Late Bronze Age Glass Axes from Nippur - a New Cobalt Colourant. Archaeometry 54 (2012) 835-852.

L. Crewe: Beyond Copper. Commodities and Values in Middle Bronze Age Cypro-Levantine Exchanges. OJA 31 (2012) 225-243.

  • W. Horowitz: The Shofar and The Ancient Near East
  • A. Uchitel: Two New Neo-Elamite inscriptions on Silver Rhytons
  • F. Vukosavovic: A Nebuchadnezzar II Barrel Cylinder: The Restoration of Ebabbar in Sippar
  • J. G. Westenholz: A Glimpse into Everyday Life in Syria in the 24th Century BCE

Biblical Archaeology Review 38/3 (2012):
  • Chr. A. Rollston: What’s the Oldest Hebrew Inscription?
  • G. Leval: Ancient Inscription Refers to Birth of Israelite Monarchy

S. Krämer - E. Cancik-Kirschbaum - R. Totzke (szerk.): Schriftbildlichkeit. Akademie Verlag, 2012
  • E. Cancik-Kirschbaum: Phänomene von Schriftbildlichkeit in der keilschriftlichen Schreibkultur Mesopotamiens
  • S. J. Seidlmayer: Ägyptische Hieroglyphen zwischen Schrift und Bild
  • J. Assmann: Schriftbildlichkeit: Etymographie und Ikonographie

B. H. Menze - J. A. Ur: Mapping patterns of long-term settlement in Northern Mesopotamia at a large scale. PNAS Plus 2012.

A. Kelly: A neo-Assyrian relief in the Weingreen Museum of Biblical Antiquities - a case study in artefact acquisition. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 112C (2011) 1-33.

2012. szeptember 15., szombat

JAEI 4/3 (2012)

A tartalomból:

Synchronisms and Significance: Reevaluating Interconnections Between Middle Kingdom Egypt and the Southern Levant (Susan Cohen)

The Miners Who Invented the Alphabet – A Response to Christopher Rollston (Orly Goldwasser)

The Importance of Imports: Petrographic Analysis of Levantine Pottery Jars in Egypt (Mary Ownby)

Egypt and Israel: The Ways of Cultural Contacts in the Late Bronze Age and Iron Age (20th – 26th Dynasty). (Bernd Schipper)

2012. szeptember 11., kedd

Call for papers: Res Antiquae

A Res Antiquae c. folyóirat felhívása:

Call for papers

Submissions are solicited for the 10th Volume (2013) of the journal Res Antiquae, that will be a special issue around the theme:

"The rural World during the ancient Mediterranean Culture: Right/Laws, Religion, Trade, Practices"
"La ruralité dans la Méditerranée antique: droit, religion, commerces, pratiques"

We enthusiastically invite scholars in fields associated with Antiquity to present their research. We accept papers from a variety of disciplines and welcome comparative and interdisciplinary approaches. It can be given in English, French, Italian or German.

The deadline for submissions is 1st March 2013. Articles must be submitted electronically as email attachments to editions at safran.be, with illustrations, abstract, keywords, full name, affiliation and contact information. Authors should follow the regular guidelines, which are detailed here.

Potential participants are asked to send a concise description to Rene.Lebrun at uclouvain.be until 15 December 2012.

2012. szeptember 10., hétfő

Sakralsprachen im Alten Orient und benachbarten Gebieten

Nem találtam linket, úgyhogy ide másolom, aki október elején Mainzban jár, ne hagyja ki:

Sakralsprachen im Alten Orient und benachbarten Gebieten / Linguaggi sacri nel Vicino Oriente antico e nelle aree limitrofe

Johannes Gutenberg Universität, Mainz
2012. október 9-11.


10:00. Doris Prechel (Mainz) & Giulia Torri (Florenz): Begrüßung / Saluti di apertura del convegno

10:15. Albrecht Greule (Regensburg): Sakralsprachen auf der Spur / Alla ricerca dei linguaggi sacri

11:15. Walther Sallaberger (München): Sprachen der Götter und Sprachen des Kults. Religiöse und kulturelle Grenzen in den Keilschriftkulturen / Le lingue degli dei e i linguaggi del culto. Confini religiosi e culturali nelle culture cuneiformi

13:00. Andreas Gipper (Mainz): Vertikales und Horizontales Übersetzen. Vom Translatorischen Umgang mit Sakralsprache /Traduzione verticale e dorizzontale. Dell'approccio traduttivo ai testi sacri

13:45. Stefano Seminara (Rom): Politik und Religion in der Sprache der altsumerischen Königsinschriften / Politica e religione nella lingua delle iscrizioni paleosumeriche

14:45. Manuel Ceccarelli (Mainz):Das Wort Enlils / La parola di Enlil

15:30. Anne Löhnert (München): Was reden die da? Sumerisch und Emesal zwischen Sakralität und Alltag / Che dicono quelli? Sumerico ed Emesal trasacralità e quotidianità

16:45. Workshop


10:00. Daniel Schwemer (Würzburg): Funktionen poetischer Sprache in akkadischen Beschwörungen / Funzioni del linguaggio poetico negli incantesimi accadici

10:45. Elisabeth Rieken (Marburg): Zur Sprache der hethitischen Beschwörungsrituale / Sul linguaggio degli incantesimi nei rituali ittiti

11:45. Christine Walde (Mainz): Sakralsprache in der römischen Kultur – eine Annäherung / Linguaggio sacro nella cultura romana – un approccio Mittagspause

13:30. Sebastian Grätz (Mainz): Hebräisch – die Sprache des Elfenbeinturms? / L'Ebraico – la lingua della Torre d'Avorio?

14:15. Paola Dardano (Siena): „Halte (dein) Ohr geneigt und höre mir zu!“: zur hethitischen Phraseologie der Kommunikation zwischen Menschen und Göttern /„Porgi l'orecchio e ascoltami!“: la fraseologia ittita relativa alla comunicazione tra gli uomini e gli dei

15:15. Franca Pecchioli (Florenz): Boten der Götter: NIN.DINGIR und Zintuhes / Messaggeri degli dei: NIN.DINGIR e Zintuhes

16:30. Workshop


10:00. Podiumsdiskussion / Discussione. Leitung: Susanne Görke (Mainz) & GiuliaTorri (Florenz)

2012. szeptember 9., vasárnap

Antiguo Oriente 9 (2011) - Fs. Daneri Rodrigo

A tartalomból:

Manetho’s Twenty-third Dynasty and the Legitimization of Kushite Rule over Egypt (Mathew J. Adams)

Egipto bajo los reyes y jefes de origen libio (Tercer Período Intermedio): Algunas observaciones respecto de sus prácticas político-ceremoniales (Celeste Crespo)

De la teoría al análisis de los Sistemas-Mundo: perspectivas y consideraciones sobre su aplicabilidad a dinámicas históricas del ámbito nilótico-levantino (c. 1950-1640 a.C.) (Roxana Flammini)

Ramesside, Late Nubian and Christian Pottery from Serra West in the Museum of Natural History, La Plata (Perla Fuscaldo)

El escarabajo de Nefertiti y el barco naufragado en Uluburun (Graciela Gestoso Singer)

The Pottery Assemblage of Jerusalem’s Neo-Babylonian Destruction Level: A Review and Discussion (Juan Manuel Tebes)

2012. szeptember 8., szombat

Könyvajánló mindenkinek

Folytatva (és lezárva) a könyvajánlóbéli adósságom, íme az augusztusi hírek:

J. Swinton: The Management of Estates and their Resources in the Egyptian Old Kingdom. BAR S2392. Oxford

D. Elkowicz: Tempel und Kultplätze der Philister und der Völker des OstjordanlandesEine Untersuchung zur Bau- und zur Kultgeschichte während der Eisenzeit I–II. AOAT 378. Münster

Sh. Z. Aster: The Unbeatable Light. Melammu and Its Biblical Parallels. AOAT 384. Münster

H. A. Schlögl: Nofretete. Die Wahrheit über die schöne Königin. München

A. Langdale: In a Contested Realm: An Illustrated Guide to the Archaeology and Historical Architecture of Northern Cyprus. Glasgow

J. MacGinnis: The Arrows of the Sun: Armed Forces in Sippar in the First Millennium BCBabylonische Archive 4. Dresden, Islet-Verlag

Z. Meshel: Kuntillet 'Ajrud (Horvat Teman). An Iron Age II Religious Site on the Judah-Sinai Border. Jerusalem

Th. Richter - S. Lange: Das Archiv des Idadda. Die Keilschrifttexte aus den deutsch-syrischen Ausgrabungen 2001–2003 im Königspalast von QatnaQatna-Studien. Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen 3. Wiesbaden

G. Barjamovic - Th. Hertel - M. T. Larsen: Ups and downs at Kanesh. Chronology, History and Society in the Old Assyrian Period. Old Assyrian Archives, Studies, Volume 5. PIHANS 120. Leiden

S. Anastasio - G. Conti - L. Ulivieri: La collezione orientale del Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Firenze I. I materiali di Qasr ShamamukRoma

M. Iamoni: The late MBA and LBA pottery horizons at Qatna. Innovation and conservation in the ceramic tradition of a regional capital and the implications for second millennium Syrian chronologyStudi archeologici su Qatna 2. Udine

2012. szeptember 7., péntek

Mariners and traders: Connections between the Red Sea littoral, Arabia and beyond

Ez a kötet azt hiszem több otthoni kutató érdeklődésére is számot tarthat (a dolgozatok a megadott linken letölthetőek):

BMSAES 18 (2012): Proceedings of the 2011 Annual International Egyptological Colloquium: Mariners and traders: Connections between the Red Sea littoral, Arabia and beyond

Egypt’s trade with Punt: New discoveries on the Red Sea Coast (Rodolfo Fattovich)

Glassware from Roman Egypt at Begram (Afghanistan) and the Red Sea trade (Rachel Mairs)

From the sea to the deserts and back: New research in Eastern Sudan (Andrea Manzo)

Ras Budran and the Old Kingdom trade in Red Sea shells and other exotica (Gregory Mumford)

Ayn Sukhna and Wadi el-Jarf: Two newly discovered pharaonic harbours on the Suez Gulf (Pierre Tallet)

Port communities and the Erythraean Sea trade (Ross I. Thomas)

From the Roman Red Sea to beyond the Empire: Egyptian ports and their trading partners (Roberta Tomber)

Building pharaoh’s ships: Cedar, incense and sailing the Great Green (Cheryl Ward)

A preliminary assessment on the pottery assemblage from the port town of Adulis (Eritrea) (Chiara Zazzaro and Andrea Manzo)

2012. szeptember 6., csütörtök


A nyáron egy kissé elmaradtam a könyvajánlóval, most igyekszem pótolni, ezek még a július hírek lesznek:

D. Pardee: The Ugaritic Texts and the Origins of West-Semitic Literary Composition. Oxford, OUP

S. Ruzicka: Trouble in the West: Egypt and the Persian Empire, 525-332 BC. Oxford, OUP

M. Worthington: Principles of Akkadian Textual Criticism. SANER 1. New York, Walter de Gruyter

K. M. Ahmed: The beginnings of ancient Kurdistan (c. 2500-1500 BC): a historical and cultural synthesis. PhD Dissertation, Leiden University

Chr. Riggs (szerk.): The Oxford Handbook of Roman Egypt. Oxford, OUP

K. L. Wilson: Bismaya: Recovering the Lost City of Adab. OIP 138. Chicago, OI

C. C. Patch: Dawn of Egyptian Art. New York, Met

Th. R. Kämmerer - K. A. Metzler (szerk.): Das babylonische Weltschöpfungsepos Enūma elîš. AOAT 375. Münster, Ugarit

U. Bock: „Von seiner Kindheit bis zum Erwachsenenalter“. Die Darstellung der Kindheit des Herrschers in mesopotamischen und kleinasiatischen Herrscherinschriften und literarischen Texten. AOAT 383. Münster, Ugarit

E. Gehlken: Weather Omens of Enūma Anu Enlil. Thunderstorms, Wind and Rain (Tablets 44–49)Cuneiform Monographs 43. Leiden, Brill

P. Paoletti: Der König und sein Kreis. Das staatliche Schatzarchiv der III. Dynastie von UrBiblioteca del Próximo Oriente Antiguo 10. Madrid, CSIC

J. A. Sauer - L. G. Herr (szerk.): Ceramic Finds: Typological and Technological Studies of the Pottery Remains from Tell Hesban and Vicinity. Hesban 11. Andrews UP

2012. szeptember 5., szerda

Tanulmányok innen-onnan

A. Nissenbaum - S. Buckley: Dead Sea Asphalt in Ancient Egyptian Mummies - Why? Archaeometry (early view)

D. Nadali: L’archeologia di Nabucco: l’Oriente antico in scena. Studi Verdiani 22 (2010-2011) 73-87.

P. Pomey, Y. Kahanov, E. Rieth: Transition from Shell to Skeleton in Ancient Mediterranean Ship-Construction: analysis, problems, and future research. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 41 (2012) 235–314.

C. Beltrame: New Evidence for the Submerged Ancient Harbour Structures at Tolmetha and Leptis Magna, Libya. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 41 (2012) 315–326.

Changyu Liu: Six Ur III Tablets from the Special Collections of the University of Missouri-Columbia. CDLB 2012: 2.

A. Tugendhaft: How to Become a Brother in the Bronze Age: An Inquiry into the Representation of Politics in Ugaritic Myth. Fragments: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Ancient and Medieval Pasts 2 (2012)

2012. szeptember 4., kedd

Call for papers: István Hahn 100

To mark the centenary of his birth a conference on ancient cults and religions will be dedicated to the memory of  István Hahn, the former professor of ELTE University Budapest. The conference takes place on 22–23 March 2013 in the Gólyavár building of the ELTE Campus (4 Múzeum körút, Budapest, H-1088).

Invited readers are:
Thomas Köves-Zulauf (István Hahn Lecturer 2008)
Ioan Piso (István Hahn Lecturer 2010)
Heikki Solin (István Hahn Lecturer 2012)
Gideon Bohak (István Hahn Lecturer 2013)
Marc Mayer (Barcelona, honorary professor of ELTE)
Zsigmond Ritoók (Budapest, professor emeritus of ELTE)
László Török (Budapest, professor emeritus of ELTE)

Colleagues and other scholars are invited to present papers (20 mins) in the field of ancient Greek, Roman, Jewish or Christian religion. The official languages of the conference are English, German, French, Italian and Spanish. The deadline for applications is 21 January 2013. Registrations should be submitted to the following address with title, abstract (5 lines), and indication of the speaker’s institution: nemeth.gyorgy at btk.elte.hu

Non Omnis Moriar Foundation
Department of Ancient History, ELTE University
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Section of Philosophy and Historical Sciences

2012. szeptember 3., hétfő

Fs. Roaf

Heather D. Baker, Kai Kaniuth und Adelheid Otto (Hg.):
Stories of Long Ago. Festschrift für Michael D. Roaf
AOAT 397. Münster, 2012

A tartalom:

Alexander Ahrens: “From a Country Far, Far Away…”. Remarks on the Middle Bronze Age Scarabs from Tomb Ass. 12949 at Qal‘at Šerqat / Assur

Warwick Ball: The End of Tepe Nūshījān

Peter V. Bartl: The ‘Assyrian Venus’ on the Bas-Reliefs of Aššurnasirpal II – an ‘Indecent Posture’ or ‘Assyrian Purity of Taste and Feeling’?

Felix Blocher: Zum Zweck der Bastion Warad-Sins in Ur

Petr Charvát: Fortitudo, justitia, prudentia, temperantia: The Sign NITA/UŠ in Proto-Cuneiform Writing

Reinhard Dittmann: Multiple Sealed Hollow Balls. A fresh look at the Uruk System almost Thirty Years later

Berthold Einwag und Adelheid Otto: Die Torlöwen an Tempel 1 von Tall Bazi und ihre Stellung in der Reihe
steinerner Löwenorthostaten

Frederick Mario Fales: The Eighth-Century Governors of Kalhu: a Reappraisal in Context

Christoph Fink: Gewichte oder bloße Kiesel? Untersuchungen zu Eisenoxidgesteinen aus Tall Bazi, Syrien

Kristina A. Franke: Die zoomorphen Darstellungen auf den Stelen von Hakkâri – ein Deutungsversuch

Martin Gruber: KA2 GIBIL – ein altbabylonischer Hausteilungsplan?

Ursula Hellwag: Die Symbole auf den Siegeln des urartäischen Königs Rusa, Sohn des Argišti. Eine urartäische Bilderschrift?

Michael Herles: Zur Darstellung der Wildschweinjagd im Alten Orient

Georgina Herrmann: Some Phoenician Furniture Pieces

Marion-Isabell Hoffmann: „… I wished several times that the Sasanians had never been born.“ Großbritannien und die Entdeckung der sasanidischen Architektur von 1800 bis 1914

Kai Kaniuth: Another Scot in the East. Robert Wilson on his Way to Persepolis

Stephan Kroll: On the Road(s) to Nowhere: A Re-Analysis of the Hasanlu “Tripartite Road System” in Light of the Excavated Evidence

Anna Kurmangaliev: Darstellung des Sonnenuntergangs

Marc Lebeau: Dating the Destructions of Ebla, Mari and Nagar from Radiocarbon with References to Egypt, Combined with Stratigraphy and Historical Data

Steven Lundström: The Hunt is on Again! Tiglath-pileser I’s and Aššur-bel-kala’s nāḫirū-Sculptures in Assur

John MacGinnis: On the Road to the Rent Farm: Outsourcing the Working of Bow-Land in the Reign of Darius I

Jared L. Miller: The Location of Niḫriya and its Disassociation from Naʾiri

Barbara Muhle und Jürgen Schreiber: Ein römisches Schwert aus dem Gräberfeld von ‘Umm al-Mā’, Qatar

Mirko Novák: The Change of Caliphate Ideology in the Light of Early Islamic City Planning

Astrid Nunn: Wider das Vergessen. Ausbesserungen an Objekten in Mesopotamien

Birgül Ögüt: Eine Sturmgott-Stele aus Aydınkaya / Gaziantep

Christian K. Piller: Neue Erkenntnisse zur Verbreitung der Kura-Araxes-Kultur in Nord- und Zentraliran

Daniel T. Potts: A ‘Scythian’ Pick from Vaske (Gilan) and the Identity of the XVIIth Delegation at Persepolis

Karen Radner: After Eltekeh: Royal Hostages from Egypt at the Assyrian Court

Shahrokh Razmjou: Left Unfinished: The ‘Unfinished Gate’ of Persepolis as Key Evidence for Architectural and Construction Procedure at Persepolis

Robert Rollinger und Josef Wiesehöfer: Kaiser Valerian und Ilu-bi’di von Hamat. Über das Schicksal besiegter Feinde, persische Grausamkeit und die Persistenz altorientalischer Traditionen

Elisa Roßberger: Just a White Elephant? Eine goldbeschlagene Stoßzahnflasche aus der Königsgruft von Qaṭna

Frances Sachs: Die Gefäßzeichen aus der Weststadt von Tall Bazi (Syrien)

Walther Sallaberger und Katharina Schmidt: Insignien des Königs oder Insignien des Gottes? Ein neuer Blick auf die kultische Königskrönung beim babylonischen Neujahrsfest

Andreas Schachner: Assyriens Herrschaft im Norden – Eine Stele aus İdil im südöstlichen Tur Abdin

Ursula Seidl: Ein reliefierter Bronzebecher aus West-Iran

Alexander Sollee: Zur Verteilung und Verbreitung der Lochbodengefäße im syro-mesopotamischen Kulturraum

Katja Sternitzke: Spatel, Sonde und Skalpell. Medizinische Instrumente im Archäologischen Befund

David Stronach: The Territorial Limits of Ancient Media: an Architectural Perspective

Dirk Wicke: Eisenzeitliche Quarzkeramikobjekte aus Nordsyrien – nicht nur zum Stempeln und Rollen

Paul Zimansky: Imagining Haldi