2010. november 7., vasárnap

Új könyvek

Sh. Noriyuki: The archaeology of the first farmer-herders in Egypt: new insights into the Fayum Epipalaeolithic and Neolithic. PhD dissertation. Leiden, 2010

Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie Bd. 12. Lieferung 5.-6. Berlin - New York, Walter de Gruyter, 2010

A. Kleinerman - J. M. Sasson (eds.): Why Should Someone Who Knows Something Conceal ItCuneiform Studies in Honor of David I. Owen on his 70th Birthday. Bethesda, CDL Press, 2010

B. Horejs, R. Jung, P. Pavúk (szerk.): Analysing PotteryProcessing - Classification - Publication. Studia Archaeologica et Medievalia X. Pozsony, Comenius Egyetem, 2010

W. Will: Die Perserkriege. Beck Wissen. München, Beck, 2010

St. Bierling: Geschichte des Irakkriegs. Der Sturz Saddams und Amerikas Albtraum im Mittleren Osten. München, Beck, 2010

A. H. Podany: Brotherhood of Kings. How International Relations Shaped the Ancient Near East. Oxford, University Press, 2010

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