Archéologie et Histoire de la Syrie I: La Syrie de l'époque néolithique à l'âge du fer
Orthmann, Winfried; al-Maqdissi, Michel; Matthiae, Paolo
Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz
Danielle Stordeur: Le Néolithique précéramique en Syrie
Peter M.M.G. Akkermans: Northern Syria in the Late Neolithic, ca. 6800–5300 BC
Jörg Becker: Northern Syria in the Ubaid Period, ca. 5300–4200 BC
Joan Oates: The Proto-Urban (Uruk) Period in Northeast Syria
Dietrich Sürenhagen: Die Uruk-Periode im syrischen Euphrattal
Alfonso Archi: History of Syria in the Third Millennium: the Written Sources
Jean-Claude Margueron: Le royaume de Mari durant la première moitié du IIIe millénaire : stratigraphie et architecture
Elena Rova: The Ninivite 5 Period in Northeast Syria
Marc Lebeau: La Syrie du nord-est à l’époque Jezireh Archaïque III
Alexander Pruß: The last centuries of the 3rd millennium in the Syrian Ǧezīra
Jan-Waalke Meyer, Winfried Orthmann: Die westliche Ǧezīra in der Frühen Bronzezeit
Jan-Waalke Meyer, Ralph Hempelmann: Das dritte Jahrtausend im Gebiet des Mittleren Euphrats
Paolo Matthiae: The IIIrd Millennium in North-Western Syria: Stratigraphy and Architecture
Frances Pinnock: Sculpture and Minor Arts of the Early Dynastic and Akkade Periods and Their Relation to Mesopotamian Art
Heike Dohmann-Pfälzner: Siegel des dritten Jahrtausends v. Chr. in der syrischen Ğezīra
Jean-Marie Durand: Histoire du royaume de Mari
Jean-Claude Margueron: La Ville III de Mari : la dynastie des Šakanakku et l’époque amorite
Lauren Ristvet, Harvey Weiss: The Ḫābūr Region in the Old Babylonian Period
Jan-Waalke Meyer: Die Mittlere Bronzezeit am Euphrat und in der westlichen Ǧezīra
Paolo Matthiae: North-Western Syria in the Old Syrian Period: Stratigraphy and Architecture
Marguerite Yon: La Syrie côtière entre le 16e et le 12e siècle av. J.-C. : Stratigraphie et architecture
Dennis Pardee: Ugaritic Culture and Religion
Horst Klengel: Syria 1350–1200 BC
Mirko Novák: Upper Mesopotamia in the Mittani Period
Dittmar Machule, Felix Blocher: The Late Bronze Age in the Middle Euphrates Valley Region: Stratigraphy and Architecture
Paolo Matthiae: Stone Sculpture of the Second Millennium BC
Helga Seeden: Metal Sculpture of the Second Millennium BC
Gabriella Scandone Matthiae: Egyptian Statuary of the IIIrd and IInd Millennia in Syria
Annie Caubet, Jacqueline Gachet-Bizollon: L’ivoire en Syrie à l’âge du Bronze
Dominique Beyer: Sceaux et empreintes de sceaux du second millénaire
Eva Cancik-Kirschbaum: The Middle Assyrian Domination of Northeast Syria: The Written Sources
Wolfgang Röllig: History of the Neohittite and the Aramaean States and the Assyrian Conquest
Hartmut Kühne: State and Empire of Assyria in Northeast Syria
Winfried Orthmann: The Neo-Hittite Period in Northern Syria: Stratigraphy and Architecture
Kai Kohlmeyer: The Temple of the Storm-God of Aleppo
Winfried Orthmann: Stone Sculpture of the Iron Age in Northern Syria
Winfried Orthmann: Assyrian Wall Painting in Northern Syria
Dirk Wicke: Elfenbeinschnitzereien in der Eisenzeit
Stefania Mazzoni: Seals and Seal Impressions of the Iron Age
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