Mindenekelőtt következzék az egyik legviccesebb kritika, amelyet életemben olvastam:
Billie Jean Collins, Mary R. Bachvarova, Ian Rutherford (ed.), Anatolian Interfaces: Hittites, Greeks and Their Neighbours: Proceedings of an International Conference on Cross-cultural Interaction, September 17-19, 2004, Emory University, Atlanta, GA. BMCR 2009.12.14.
A kritika szerzője, a jónevű régész, Brendan Burke, azon szenveleg, hogy "Likewise Miller also has a great deal to say in the next chapter, entitled, 'Setting up the Goddess of the Night Separately', and makes great demands on his reader by not providing background for those not trained in Near Eastern languages. This is not an uncommon problem for this volume; many contributors refer to topics obliquely, thinking that the topic is well-trodden. For example, Miller begins his contribution with, "Local hypostases of supra-regional deities are well known to any student of the ancient Near East" (p. 67) and later, "The hermaphroditic character of Ishtar need not be further detailed" (p. 69)." Ad 1. A kötet közönsége szakemberek, nem középiskolások, így még jó, hogy feltételeznek az olvasóról háttértudást. A ZA-ban sem kezdi el az ember magyarázni, ki az a Suppiluliuma.
Ad 2. Már BA-szinten is röpülnek azok az ókori keletes hallgatók, akik nem tudják azt, amit Burke kifogásol, ennél közhelyesebb ókori keleti vallástörténeti megállapítást aligha lehetne tenni (talán még a "sok isten volt ottan" lehetne ilyesmi).
Summa summarum, jobb lett volna, ha egy olyan ember ír erről a kötetről, aki még ért is hozzá...
Most következzék a többi:
1. Timothy Howe, Jeanne Reames (ed.), Macedonian Legacies: Studies in Ancient Macedonian History and Culture in Honor of Eugene N. Borza. BMCR 2009.12.16. Recenzens: Chr. Baron.
A kötet a következő, számunkra érdekesebb tanulmányokat tartalmazza:
Mark Munn: Alexander, the Gordian Knot, and the Kingship of Midas
Stanley M. Burstein: Alexander's Organization of Egypt: A Note on the Career of Cleomenes of Naucratis
Timothy Howe: Alexander in India: Ptolemy as Near Eastern Historiographer
2. Peter van Dommelen, Carlos Gómez Bellard: Rural Landscapes of the Punic World. Monographs in Mediterranean Archaeology; v. 11. BMCR 2009.12.09. Recenzens: É. Guillon.
3. Stephanie Dalley: Esther's Revenge at Susa: From Sennacherib to Ahasuerus. RBL. Recenzens: A. Koller.
4. Joseph Azize, Noel Weeks (eds.): Gilgamesh and the World of Assyria: Proceedings of the Conference Held at the Mandelbaum House, The University of Sydney, 21-23 July 2004. RBL. Recenzens: Michael Moore. (Nem az a Michael Moore).
5. Richard S. Hess, Gerald A. Klingbeil, Paul J. Ray Jr. (eds.): Critical Issues in Early Israelite History. RBL. Recenzens: L.-S. Tiemeyer.
6. Richard S. Hess: Israelite Religions: An Archaeological and Biblical Survey. AJA Online. Recenzens: C. Meyers.
7. Beth Alpert Nakhai (ed.): The World of Women in the Ancient and Classical Near East. BMCR 2009.10.60. Recenzens: St. L. Budin.
Az idevágó tanulmányok:
Mary Ann Eaverly, "Dark Men, Light Women: Origins of Color as Gender Indicator in Ancient Egypt."
Aubrey Baadsgaard, "A Taste of Women's Sociality: Cooking as Cooperative Labor in Iron Age Syro-Palestine."
Jennie R. Ebeling and Michael M. Homan, "Baking and Brewing Beer in the Israelite Household: A Study of Women's Cooking Technology."
Elizabeth Ann R. Willett, "Infant Mortality and Women's Religion in the Biblical Periods."
Kevin McGeough and Elizabeth Galway, "'Working Egyptians of the World Unite!': How Edith Nesbit Used Near Eastern Archaeology and Children's Literature to Argue for Social Change."
8. Seyed Mohammad Reza Darbandi, Antigoni Zournatzi (eds.): Ancient Greece and Ancient Iran: Cross-Cultural Encounters. 1st International Conference (Athens, 11-13 November 2006). BMCR 2009.10.48. Recenzens: M. C. Miller.
9. Dominique Lenfant (ed.), Les histoires perses de Dinon et d'Héraclide. Persika; 13. BMCR 2009.10.46. Recenzens: M. Weiskopf.
10. Billie Jean Collins: The Hittites and Their World. RBL. Recenzens: D.-P. Mielke.
11. Nicola Laneri (ed.): Performing Death: Social Analyses of Funerary Traditions in the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean. RBL. Recenzens: A. Maeir.
12. Andrea Primo, La storiografia sui seleucidi: da Megastene a Eusebio di Cesarea. Studi ellenistici 10. BMCR 2009.10.35. Recenzens: M. Weiskopf.
13. Hadrien Bru, François Kirbihler, Stéphane Lebreton (ed.), L'Asie mineure dans l'Antiquité: Échanges, populations et territoires. Histoire. BMCR 2009.10.33. Recenzens: M. B. Bittarello.
14. Ian Morris, Walter Scheidel (eda.), The Dynamics of Ancient Empires: State Power from Assyria to Byzantium. BMCR 2009.10.14. Recenzens: Chr. J. Tuplin.