2015. február 28., szombat


B. Perlov , Yu. Saveliev: Administrative Texts from Tello from the Ur III Period. Cuneiform Texts in the Collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts I. Moscow, 2014

Jean-Claude Margueron: Mari: Capital of Northern Mesopotamia in the Third Millennium. The archaeology of Tell Hariri on the Euphrates. Oxford

U. Finkbeiner et al. (eds.): Associated Regional Chronologies for the Ancient Near East and the Eastern Mediterranean. Middle Euphrates. Brussels

Juan Luis Montero Fenollós: Asirios en el Medio Éufrates. La cerámica medioasiria de Tell Qabr Abu al-‘Atiq en su contexto histórico-arqueológico. Ferrol (letölthető itt

Marian W. Broida: Forestalling Doom. “Apotropaic Intercession” in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East. AOAT 417. Münster

2015. február 27., péntek

VI. "Közel, s Távol" Konferencia

A VI. "Közel, s Távol" orientalisztikai konferencia programjában ismét szerepel néhány blogunk profiljába vágó előadás.

A konferencia időpontja: március 6.-8.
A konferencia helyszíne: Eötvös József Collegium, Ménesi út 11-13.

Az idevágó előadások:

Március 7. (szombat)
09.15-09.45 Kövi Franciska: A 2. századi Róma és Egyiptom - Hadrianus, az utazó császár

Március 8. (vasárnap)
09.15-09.45 Hevesi Krisztina: A Hórusz-táblák szimbolikája
09.45-10.15 Pintér Anna Krisztina: Mi volt Akkil?
10.15-10.45 Krén László: Mezopotámia Hérodotoson túl - A Kr. e. V. századi Persika

2015. február 25., szerda

Analog life, digital image (RAI workshop)

Title: Analog Life, Digital Image: recontextualizing social and material lives of Ancient Near Eastern communities.

Where & When: Geneva, Tuesday June 23rd at 9-12.30 and 14-17.30
Deadline for Submission: before 15 March 2015. 

Abstract: Increased access to online textual and visual digital collections have enabled scholars to explore cuneiform corpora using tools and methods not available a mere few decades ago. Drawing on one of the largest bodies of historical documentation known, the application of digital tools to studies of the material and intangible aspects of social life of the Ancient Near East holds the potential to radically transform the way in which we approach and think of topics such as demography, quantity, social relations and the flow of things and ideas.

The aim of this workshop is to bring together approaches to the cuneiform corpus integrating analyses of large, digitized datasets with philological, archaeological, and social research. We invite studies intent on recontextualising the expansive body of cuneiform documentation within analytical frameworks such as spatial mapping, social network analysis and modeling, scale and quantification, artifact reconstruction and related perspectives. Contributions may focus on material as well as social, qualitative as well as quantitative aspects of any part of the cuneiform record. We further welcome approaches traversing disciplinary boundaries.

Interested participants will please send a provisional title and abstract (250 words), along with a short note on academic affiliation and background to the workshop organizers before 15 March 2015. We would like to consider the workshop papers for subsequent publication, and kindly ask contributors to inform us if having any reservations in this regard.

A preliminary version of each paper should be sent to the organizers at least one week before the workshop. We believe that circulating contributions between speakers beforehand will facilitate the ensuing discussions and lead to more productive and thought-provoking sessions. The workshop will accommodate 12 speakers. Each speaker will be given 20 minutes, with an additional 10 minutes for comments, questions, and discussion.

A. Anderson (aganders at fas.harvard.edu), Sh. Gordin (shygordin at gmail.com) 
R. Rattenborg (rune.rattenborg at dur.ac.uk), G. Torri (giulia.torri at unifi.it) 

2015. február 24., kedd

ZOrA 7 (2014)

Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie 7 (2014):

A tartalomból:


Katja Piesker: Göbekli Tepe. Bauforschung in den Anlagen C und E in den Jahren 2010–2012

Sebastian Walter: Ungewöhnliche Tiere in der Kunst des frühesten Neolithikums (PPN A). Zu Arthropoden-Darstellungen aus Südostanatolien (Göbekli Tepe, Körtik Tepe) und Nordsyrien (Jerf el Ahmar, Tell Qaramel)

Theodor Abt: Göbekli Tepe. Kulturelles Gedächtnis und das Wissen der Natur

Rainer Michael Boehmer: Ein frühnächtliches Fest zu Ehren der Stadtgöttin von Uruk, Innana


Sarah Japp: Chronology of Sabaean Pottery. Some Remarks

D´Arne O´Neill: First Millennium BC South Arabian Terracotta Figurines from the Marib Oasis and Sirwah, Yemen

Mike Schnelle: Monumentalbauten des 1. Jahrtausends v. Chr. in Yeha (Äthiopien) und Vergleichsbauten in Südarabien. Architektur als Spiegelbild von Kulturtransfer

2015. február 23., hétfő

Cikkek innen-onnan

European Journal of Archaeology 18/1 (2015)

  • An Overview of the Western Anatolian Early Bronze Age (Erkan Fidan, Deniz Sari, Murat Türkteki)
  • The Hittites and their Geography: Problems of Hittite Historical Geography (Metin Alparslan, Meltem Doğan-Alparslan)
  • Conflict and Interaction in the Iron Age: The Origins of Urartian–Assyrian Relations (Kemalettin Köroğlu)

World Archaeology 46/4 (2014)

  • Invaders or just herders? Libyans in Egypt in the third and second millennia bce (Juan Carlos Moreno García)
  • Yo-ho, yo-ho, a seren’s life for me! (Louise A. Hitchcock & Aren M. Maeir)

2015. február 22., vasárnap

RAI workshop

"Representing the Senses in the Ancient Near East: Between Text and Image"
(RAI Geneva/Bern 2015) 

The sound of the drum, the light of the sun, the scent of the sacrifice. The ancient world was rich with sensation. Over the past two decades, the field of sensory studies has garnered increasing attention from scholars in the humanities. Sensory studies prioritize the human experience of sensation and examine how people have understood the senses differently from one culture to another and in various historical periods. This workshop will highlight the Assyriological research that is currently being conducted in this emerging field. 

We invite participants to explore how the cultures of the Ancient Near East represented sensory phenomena, not only in languages and literature, but also in art and iconography. Drawing on the evidence from textual and artistic sources, we will consider questions like: How did the people of the Ancient Near East understand their senses to operate? What types of sensory phenomena are represented in the sources and why? Can representations of the senses in art shed light on the literary evidence, or vice versa?

We seek to present a variety of approaches to this topic and welcome proposals that: take philological, literary, art historical, or other perspectives; that address the means of sense perception (e.g. vision, hearing, touch) or the objects of perception (e.g. light, noise, texture); and that examine the senses within religious, political, or social contexts.

This specific session is integrated within a general workshop on Emotion and Senses in the Ancient Near East, organized in collaboration with Sara Kipfer (Bern University). It will take place in Bern during the Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale (Thursday June 25th, 2015).

An abstract of approximately 250 words should be sent to the organizers of the workshop, with a short CV, before the March, 1st. The abstract should outline the topic, methodology, and any specific texts or images to be discussed. 

Ainsley Hawthorn (Yale University) ainsley.hawthorn at gmail.com
Anne-Caroline Rendu Loisel (University of Geneva) anne-caroline.rendu at unige.ch 

2015. február 20., péntek

Textilek innen-onnan

Mary Harlow, Cécile Michel, Marie-Louise Nosch: Prehistoric, Ancient Near Eastern & Aegean Textiles and Dress: An Interdisciplinary Anthology. Oxford, 2015

A tartalomból:

Richard Firth. Textiles Texts of the Lagash II Period

Ariane Thomas, Searching for lost costumes. A few remarks about the royal costume in Ancient Mesopotamia focusing on the Amorite Kingdom of Mari 

Matteo Vigo, Giulia Baccelli, Benedetta Bellucci, Elements for a Comparative Study of Textile Production and Consumption in the Hittite Anatolia and Its Neighbours

Valentina Gasbarra, Textile Semitic Loanwords in Mycenaean as Wanderwörter

Agnès Garcia-Ventura, Constructing masculinities through textile production in the Ancient Near East

Caroline Sauvage, Spindles and Distaffs: Late Bronze and Early Iron Age eastern Mediterranean use of solid and tapered ivory/bone shafts

Salvatore Gaspa Golden Decorations in Assyrian Textiles: An Interdisciplinary Approach

Louise Quillien, Flax and Linen in the First Millennium Babylonia BCE: Origins, Craft Industry and Uses of a Remarkable Textile

2015. február 18., szerda

Állásajánlatok egyiptológusoknak (is)

Az elmúlt héten Swansea-ban és Párizsban (itt és itt) hirdettek meg különféle pozíciókat egyiptológusoknak - a PhD a legtöbbnél előfeltétel.

2015. február 15., vasárnap

Az átmenet rítusai az ókori Keleten és Egyiptomban

Alice Mouton and Julie Patrier (eds.): Life, Death, and Coming of Age in Antiquity: Individual Rites of Passage in the Ancient Near East and Adjacent Regions. Vivre, grandir et mourir dans l’antiquité : rites de passage individuels au Proche-Orient ancien et ses environs. PIHANS 124. Leiden, 2014

A tartalom:

I. Becoming someone: the social dimension of rites of passage

De la ville au temple : l’intronisation du haut-clergé babylonien à la fin du IIIe millénaire av. J.-C. (F. Huber Vulliet)

Comment devient-on un autre – un héros, un sage, une épouse (divine) ? Notes sur des possibles rites de passage dans la culture syro-mésopotamienne ancienne (Maria Grazia Masetti-Rouault)

Rites of Marriage, Divorce, and Adoption in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia (Norman Yoffee)

Purification and Liberation of an Individual according to Syrian and Hittite Texts (Robert Hawley, Alice Mouton and Carole Roche)

The Enthronement of the Hittite King as a Royal Rite of Passage (Amir Gilan and Alice Mouton)

Royal Rites of Passage and Calendar Festivals in the Hittite World (Susanne Görke and Alice Mouton)

Kingship and Liminality: Rites of Passage in a Babylonian akītu Festival (Julye Bidmead)

The Coronation Ritual of the Sacred Living Falcon at Edfu: A Divine, Royal and Cyclical Rites of Passage (Carina van den Hoven)

Intégration du mort dans la vie sociale égyptienne à la fin du IIIe millénaire av. J.-C. (Juan Carlos Moreno García and Sylvie Donnat)

II. Real Life, Symbolic Life: Ritualized Life and Death in Rites of Passage

Une lecture anthropologique des rites de naissance mésopotamiens (Sophie Laribi-Glaudel)

Iconographie et archéologie des rites de passage de la petite enfance dans le monde romain. Questions méthodologiques (Véronique Dasen)

The Cyclical Character of Human Life in Ancient Egypt and Hittite Anatolia (Marie-Lys Arnette, Christian Greco and Alice Mouton)

Funerals, Initiation and Rituals of Life in Pharaonic Egypt (Christopher Eyre)

Les dépôts alimentaires dans les tombes du Proche-Orient ancien d’après les témoignages archéologiques. Études de cas (Marie-Lys Arnette, Julie Patrier and Isabelle Sachet)

‘His Wind is Released’ – The Emergence of the Ghost. Rite of Passage in Mesopotamia (Dina Katz)

III. Liminality and Impurity: The Dangers of Transformation

Liminarité, impureté et franchissements rituels en Anatolie hittite (Alice Mouton)

Rites of Passage and Purification in Greece and the Aegean: 2nd-1st millennia BC (Daniela Lefèvre-Novaro and Ian Rutherford)

Itinéraires initiatiques et poésie rituelle en Grèce ancienne : rites de passage pour adolescentes à Sparte (Claude Calame)

Existe-t-il une « homosexualité initiatique »? Pour une anthropologie de la sexualité antique (Sandra Boehringer)

Rites de passage en Mésopotamie : le rôle d’Inanna-Ištar (Jean-Jacques Glassner)

First Glimpses of the Liminal Hero (Gregory Mobley)

2015. február 14., szombat

Az ÓT februári ülése

Az Ókortudományi Társaság 2014. február 20.-án pénteken, du. 17 órakor tartja következő felolvasó ülését, amelynek programja:

Simon Zsolt

Tabal északi határa
Történeti földrajzi és módszertani problémák a késő-hettita Anatóliában


Adamik Béla,

A latin dialektológia régi-új útjain: a vulgáris latin magánhangzó-fúziók, a szinkópa és a hangsúly korrelációja

című előadásai.

Helye: ELTE BTK Kari Tanácsterem, Múzeum körút 4/A, magasföldszint

2015. február 12., csütörtök


N. Koslova, E. Vizirova, G. Zólyomi (eds.), Studies in Sumerian Language and Literature. Festschrift Joachim Krecher. Babel und Bibel 8. Winona Lake, Eisenbrauns, 2014

A tartalom:

N. Koslova, G. Zólyomi. Joachim Krecher: An Appreciation
Schriftenverzeichnis Joachim Krecher

V. Afanasieva. Zu einigen literarischen Mitteln im Text é-u6-nir

P. Attinger. Iddin-Dagan A

Th. Balke. Some Observations on the Old Sumerian Onomasticon

B. Böck. Die Hymne Ninisina A Z. 30–42 mit einem Exkurs über ša3 ‚Bauch, Magen-Darm-Trakt‘ als Sitz der Gefühle

G. Farber. Aspect Distribution in the Sumerian Verb ‘to Give Birth’

W. Farber. Schnell mit der Rechten, vorsichtig mit der Linken!

D. Foxvog. Ellipsis in Sumerian

I. Kaneva. Parenthetic Clauses in Sumerian

F. Karahashi. Sumerian Construction of Finite Verb + -(a)-am3/6: Explanation and Focus

J. Klein. A New Look at the Sumerian Proverb Tablet from Geneva

N. Koslova. Zu den Anfangszeilen einiger Edubba’a-Kompositionen

M. Krebernik. Prä-Fāra-zeitliche Texte aus Fāra

C. Mittermayer. Der Wettstreit zwischen Dumuzi und Enkimdu

M. Molina. From Court Records to Sammelurkunden: A New Tablet from Umma and TCL 5, 6047

J. Oelsner. Bemerkungen zum Edubba’a in Uruk

G. Selz. Considerations on Narration in Early Mesopotamia

C. Wilcke. Gesetze in sumerischer Sprache

A. Zgoll. Der Sonnengott als Transporteur von Seelen (Psychopompos) und Dingen zwischen den Welten im antiken Mesopotamien

2015. február 11., szerda

UF 45 (2014) (Gs. Loretz)

A tartalomból (magyar szerzővel!):

Alexander Ahrens: Pharao Haremhab und die nördliche Levante. Bemerkungen zu einem Skarabäenabdruck aus Tall Mišrife / Qatna

Amnon Altman: The Struggle among the Lebanese Port-Cities to control Seaborne Trade in the Mid-Fourteenth Century BCE

Nissim Amzallag / Shamir Yona: The Unusual Mode of Editing of KTU 1.65

Stefan Bojowald: Ps 50,7–14 im Lichte ägyptischer Parallelen

Stefan Bojowald: Die Spreu im Wind und ähnliche Formulierungen als Sinnbild der Vergänglichkeit nach dem Zeugnis hebräischer und ägyptischer Textquellen

Meindert Dijkstra: The Hurritic Myth about Šaušga of Nineveh and Hašarri (CTH 776.2)

Betina I. Faist / Josué-Javier Justel / Ferhan Sakal / Juan-Pablo Vita: Bibliografía de los estudios de Emar (6)

Avraham Faust: Highlands or Lowlands? Reexamining Demographic Processes in Iron Age Judah

Israel Finkelstein: Settlement Patterns and Territorial Polity in the Transjordanian Highlands in the Late Bronze Age

Meik Gerhards: Noch einmal: Heiliger Fels und Tempel

Mauro Giorgieri / Juan-Pablo Vita: Zum Graphem-Gebrauch und sprachlichen Hintergrund des alphabetischen Wirtschaftstextes RS 17.141 (KTU3 4.277)

Dylan Johnson: Redemption at Ugarit. KTU 3.4 in Light of Akkadian Legal Traditions at Ugarit

Giuseppe Minunno: A Note on ýp w npš

Pekka Pitkänen: Ancient Israel and Philistia. Settler Colonialism and Ethnocultural Interaction

Boglárka Ress: The jmny.t Inscribed Bread Offering Model from Beth-Shean and its Context

Christoffer Theis: Inschriften zum Schutz der Grabstätte im Raum Syrien-Palästina

Jordi Vidal: Ugarit at War (6). A Military Standard in Ugaritic Iconography (RS 4.129 = AO 15771)

Wilfred G. E. Watson / Nicolas Wyatt: KTU 1.124 Again: Further Reflexions

Jonathan Yogev / Shamir Yona: Epigraphic Notes on KTU 6.1

Ugarit und Kanaan. Kulturelle, sprachliche und wirtschaftliche Beziehungen zwischen der nördlichen Levante und Phönizien-Palästina
(Münster, 13.–15. Februar 2013)

Pierre Bordreuil †: Quelques éléments méridionaux dans les textes cunéiformes alphabétiques de Ras Shamra / Ougarit

Joachim Bretschneider / Greta Jans / Anne-Sophie Van Vyve: Once Upon a Tell in the East. Tell Tweini Through the Ages

Johannes C. de Moor: Concepts of Afterlife in Canaan

Manfried Dietrich: Beschreibungen transzendenter Wohnstätten von ugaritischen Gottheiten. Die Paläste Yammus und Baals und die Schreine Anats

Hartmut Matthäus: Ugarit, Zypern und die Ägäis. Spätbronzezeitliche Kulturkontakte, Grundlagen und Wirkungen

Giovanni Mazzini: The Ugarit Terms cšty and t'nṯt in the Light of Ancient South Arabian

Joaquín Sanmartín: Ist „Altsyrisch“ eine Sprache? Und wenn ja, wie viele? Eine linguistische Reise

Rüdiger Schmitt: Astarte in Ugarit, Kanaan und Ägypten

Paolo Xella: Dieux et cultes en Syro-Palestine. Idéologies «religieuses» entre Ugarit et le monde phénicien

Manfred Weippert: dElkunirša. Randbemerkungen zu UF 44 (2013) 201–216

2015. február 9., hétfő

Giza Plateau Mapping Project - blog

A Giza Plateau Mapping Project ugyan nem egy új projekt, de érdemes megemlékezni róla, hiszen ebben az évben magyar taggal bővült, akinek a blogját itt lehet követni. (Itt pedig a hivatalos blog).

2015. február 7., szombat

Syria 91 (2014)

A tartalomból:

R. Dolce, Equids as luxury gifts at the centre of interregional economic dynamics in the archaic urban cultures of the Ancient Near East

B. Couturaud, L’image et le contexte : nouvelle étude des panneaux figuratifs incrustés de Mari

A. Zukerman, Baking trays in the second millennium BCE Levant and Egypt: form, function and cultural significance

J.-C. Margueron, Notes d’archéologie et d’architecture orientales 17 - De la strate à la « couche architecturale » : réexamen de la stratigraphie de Tuttub/Khafadjé II - Les temples

V. Matoian, Une statuette ou un vase en forme de déesse-hippopotame dans le palais royal d’Ougarit

2015. február 6., péntek

Cikkek innen-onnan

Miscellanea Anthropologica et Sociologica 15/3 (2014) és 15/4 (2014) [szabadon letölthető]
  • The influence of creation and pursuit of immortality on human status in Mesopotamia (Krzysztof  Ulanowski)
  • Divine boats má dnin-líl-la and má-gur8 mah dEn-líl-lá dNin-líl in the light of Sumerian literary texts (Marcin Z. Paszke)
  • Le culte d’Ištar/Eštar dans les textes paléo-babyloniens de Mari. Bilan des dernières recherches (Jarosław Maniaczyk)
  • Gods and temples of Palmyra (Michał Gawlikowski)
  • The genealogy of Artabanos II (AD 8/9–39/40), King of Parthia (Marek Jan Olbrycht)
  • Mesopotamian Divination. Some Historical, Religious and Anthropological Remarks (Krzysztof  Ulanowski)
  • Alexander the Great in the Persian legends: from the Pseudo-Callisthenes’s Greek Romance about Alexander of Macedon to the Sikandar of Firdousi’s Shah-Nameh (Dan-Tudor Ionescu)

International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 44 (2015)
  • Did Ancient Egyptian Ships have Keels? The evidence of Thonis-Heracleion Ship 17 (Alexander Belov)

Historiae 11 (2014)
  • The Smallest Neo-Assyrian Combat Unit (Fabrice de Backer)

2015. február 5., csütörtök

Múmiamaszkok és papiruszok

Az elmúlt hetekben többször is volt hír (a magyar médiában is, például itt), hogy egy nagyon korai példányát találták meg Márk evangéliumának. Bár mindez jó hírnek hangzik, valójában nem az: a papiruszt egy múmiamaszk szétcincálása során találták meg. Amerikában néhány milliárdos új hobbijává vált sajnos, hogy az Újszövetség legkorábbi példányának keresése ürügyén múmiamaszkokat vásárol fel a fekete piacon, hogy teljesen szétszedje őket (első lépésként szappanos vízben kell áztatni egy óráig, majd ugyanennyi ideig dörzsölgetni a maszkot). Ha valakinek erős az idegzete, és további részletekre kíváncsi a Palmolive Indiana Jonesokról, Roberta Mazza (University of Manchaster) blogján tovább olvasgathat.

2015. február 4., szerda

Egy kutatástörténeti könyv

Rocío Da Riva, Jordi Vidal (eds.): Descubriendo el Antiguo Oriente: Pioneros y arqueólogos de Mesopotamia y Egyipto a finales del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX. Barcelona

A tartalomból:

Reflexiones historiográficas sobre el Orientalismo Antiguo (J. Vidal)

Los primeros exploradores del Desierto Occidental Egipcio: Evidencias del Neolítico Sahariano (R. Marsal)

La década 1893-1903 y el nacimiento de la historiografía sobre los orígenes de Egipto (J. Cervelló)

Un mito tenaz: el Egipto antiguo o el paraíso perdido en la obra de los egiptólogos de finales del siglo XIX y comienzos del siglo XX (J. C. Moreno)

Mortimer Wheeler, Leonard Woolley y John Bryan Ward-Perkins. De El-Alamein a Túnez. La protección del patrimonio arqueológico en el norte de África durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (F. Gracia)

El descubrimiento arqueológico de la antigua Ugarit: Análisis de un relato eurocéntrico (J. Vidal)

André Parrot y el renacimiento de Mari en el valle del Medio Éufrates sirio (J. L. Montero)

Ernest Renan (1823-1892) (M. E. Aubet)

Robert Koldewey y las excavaciones de Babilonia (R. Da Riva)

2015. február 2., hétfő

Études et Travaux 27 (2014)

A tartalomból (absztraktok erre):

Olga Białostocka: A Nome Procession from the Royal Cult Complex in the Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari

Olga Białostocka: Palace or Slaughterhouse? The Function of the Room with a Window in the Hatshepsut Temple at Deir el-Bahari

Andrzej Ćwiek: Old and Middle Kingdom Tradition in the Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari

Mariusz Drzewiecki, Tomasz Stępnik: Fortified Sites at the Mouth of Wadis. Case Study of Abu Sideir and Abu Mereikh in the Fifth Cataract Region

Jadwiga Iwaszczuk: The Legacy of Senwosret I During the Reign of Hatshepsut and Thutmose III

Mahmoud Kassem: A Fragmentary Statue of Ramesses II with a Scarab on the Head

Edyta Kopp: Two Funerary Cones of Padineith Found in the Theban Tomb MMA 1152

Kamil O. Kuraszkiewicz: The Tomb of Ikhi/Mery in Saqqara and Royal Expeditions During the Sixth Dynasty

Roman Łopaciuk, Bogusz Wasik, Marcin Wiewióra, Aneta Cedro: Architectural Studies of the Fortresses in the Third Cataract and Southern Dongola Reach Region

Maciej Makowski: Terracotta Equid Figurines from Tell Arbid. New Evidence on Equids, their Equipment and Exploitation in North Mesopotamia During Third and First Half of Second Millennium BC

Teodozja I. Rzeuska: Pottery from an Early Old Kingdom Terrace Quarry in West Saqqara (Egypt)

Anastasiia Stupko-Lubczyńska: Inscribed Vessels Represented in the Chapel of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari?

2015. február 1., vasárnap

Az 57. RAI aktái

Alighogy véget ért 2011 nyarán a Rencontre Rómában, már meg is jelennek az aktái most februárban:

A. Archi (ed.): Tradition and Innovation in the Ancient Near East. Proceedings of the 57th Rencontre Assyriologique International at Rome, 4-8 July 2011. Winona Lake

A tartalomból:

Opening Lectures

Rückwärts schauend in die Zukunft: Utopien des Alten Orients (Stefan M. Maul)

Law and Literature in the Third Millennium B.C. (Claus Wilcke)

The Soul in the Stele? (J. David Hawkins)


Myth and Ritual through Tradition and Innovation (Dina Katz)

A Tale of Twin Cities: Archaeology and the Sumerian King List (Petr Charvát)

Where are the Uruk Necropoles? Regional Innovation or Change in Tradition for Northern Mesopotamia (Jesús Gil Fuensanta - Eduardo Crivelli)

Changes Through Time: The Pit F Sequence at Ur Revisited (Giacomo Benati)

Reading Figurines from Ancient Urkeš (2450 B.C.E.) (Rick Hauser)

Wooden Carvings of Ebla: Some Open Questions (Rita Dolce)

The Aesthetic Lexicon of Ebla’s Composite  Art during the Age of the Archives (Marco Ramazzotti)

DUGURASU = rw-??wt (Alessandro Roccati)

More on Pre-Sargonic Umma (Salvatore F. Monaco)

Professional Figures and Administrative Roles in the Garden (geškiri6) Management of Ur III Girsu (Angela Greco)

Tradition and Innovation in Šulgi’s Concept of Divine Kingship (Ludek Vacín)

Bemerkungen zur Entwicklung der Beschwörungen des Marduk-Ea-Typs: Die Rolle Enlils (Manuel Ceccarelli)

Prophecy in the Mari Texts as an Innovative Development (Herbert B. Huffmon)

Mathematical Lists: From Archiving to Innovation (Christine Proust)

Die lexikalische Serie á=idu (Frauke Weiershäuser)

The Rituals of Power: The Akkadian Tradition in Neo-Assyrian Policy (Krzysztof Ulanowski)

Innovation and Tradition within the Sphere of Neo-Assyrian Officialdom (Melanie Groß)

Tradition and Innovation in the Neo-Assyrian Reliefs (Nicolas Gillmann)

Une Armure Expérimentale du Premier Millénaire av. J.-C. (Fabrice De Backer)

A Group of Seals and Seal Impressions from the Neo-Assyrian Colony Tell Masaikh-Kar-Assurnasirpal with More Ancient Motifs (Paola Poli)

Spätbabylonische Urkunden: Original, Kopie, Abschrift (Jürgen Lorenz)

Traditional Claims of an Illustrious Ancestor in Craftsmanship and in Wisdom (Daniel Bodi)

New Phraseology and Literary Style in the Babylonian Version of the Achaemenid Inscriptions (Parsa Daneshmand)

Aspects of Royal Authority and Local Competence: A Perspective from Nuzi (Anne Löhnert)

Continuity and Discontinuity in a Nuzi Scribal Family (Paola Negri Scafa)

Mission at Arrapha (Dave Deuel)

Geopolitical Patterns and Connectivity in the Upper Khabur Valley in the Middle Bronze Age (Alessio Palmisano)

Writing Sumerian in the West (Maurizio Viano)

Territorial Administration in Alalah during Level IV (Alvise Matessi)

Reciprocity and Commerce in Bronze and Iron Age Anatolia (H. Craig Melchert)

Hittite Clitic Doubling as an Innovative Category: Its Origin (Andrej V. Sideltsev)

Memory and Tradition of the Hittite Empire in the post-Hittite Period (Maria Elena Balza Clelia Mora)

Fortifications and Arming as Analytical Elements for a Social-Policy Evolution in Anatolia in the Early Bronze Age (Tommaso De Vincenzi)

Amurru in der königlichen Ideologie und Tradition: von Ebla bis Israel (Pavel Cech)

The Assyrian Tree of Life and the Jewish Menorah (Christos G. Karagiannis)

The Ponderal Systems of Qatna (Luigi Turri)

French Excavations in Qasr Shemamok-Kilizu (Iraqi Kurdistan): The First Mission (2011) (Olivier Rouault, Maria Grazia Masetti-Rouault)

The Present in Our Past: The Assyrian Rock Reliefs at Nahr El-Kalb and the Lessons of Tradition (Ann Shafer)

Oriental Studies and Fascism in Spain (Agnès Garcia-Ventura, Jordi Vidal)

Workshop: From Parents to Children

From Parents to Children: Ebla (Alfonso Archi)

Family Firms in the Ur III Period (Steven J. Garfinkle)

A Chip Off the Old Block: The Transmission of Titles and Offices within the Family in Old Babylonian Sippar (Michel Tanret)

The Tradition of Professions within Families at Nuzi (Jeanette C. Fincke)

Crafts and Craftsmen at Ugarit (Wilfred van Soldt)

Hereditary Transmission of Specialized Knowledge in Hittite Anatolia: The Case of the Scribal Families of the Empire Period (Giulia Torri)

The Transmission of Offices, Professions, and Crafts within the Family in the Neo-Assyrian Period (Heather D. Baker)

Families, Officialdom, and Families of Royal Officials in Chaldean and Achaemenid Babylonia (M. Jursa)