2013. január 31., csütörtök

Januári könyvhírek / January book news

W. H. Ph. Römer: Die Sumerologie. Einführung in die Forschung und Bibliographie in Auswahl. Dritte, aktualisierte Auflage. AOAT 262. Münster

J. Tropper: Ugaritische Grammatik. Zweite, stark überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. AOAT 273. Münster

J. M. Loorius: Sethi Ier et le début de la XIXème dynastie. Editions Pygmalion

H. Rechenmacher: Althebräische Personennamen. LOS II/1. Münster

T. Muraoka: An Introduction to Egyptian Aramaic. LOS III/1. Münster

P. Adam-Veleni - E. Stefani (eds.): Greeks and Phoenicians at the Mediterranean CrossroadsThessaloniki

M. Chavalas (ed.): Women in the Ancient Near East. A Sourcebook. Routledge

H. Crawford (ed.): The Sumerian World. Routledge

L. T. Doty: Cuneiform Documents from Hellenistic Uruk. Yale Oriental Series: Babylonian Texts XX. Yale University Press

C. Shafer-Elliott: Food in Ancient Judah: Domestic Cooking in the Time of the Hebrew Bible. Acumen

G. Goldenberg: Semitic Languages: Features, Structures, Relations, Processes. Oxford

V. A. Troconso - E. M. Anson (eds.): After Alexander. The Time of the Diadochi (323-281 BC). Oxbow

2013. január 29., kedd

Iranica Antiqua 47 (2012)

Early Bronze Age, New Migrants and the Beginning of Township in Azerbaijan, NW Iran (B. Omrani - H. Khatib Shahidi - A. Abedi)

The Discovery of a Neo-Assyrian Rock-Relief at Mishkhas, Ilam Province (Iran) (S. Alibaigi - A-M. Shanbehzadeh - H. Alibaigi)

The Iron Age 'Zagros Graveyard' near Sanandaj (Iranian Kurdistan). Preliminary Report on the First Season (Sh. Amelirad - B. Overlaet - E. Haerinck)

'Panik' im Heer. Dareios III., die Schlacht von Gaugamela und die Mondfinsternis vom 20. September 331 v. Chr. (R. Rollinger - K. Ruffing)

The Location of the Partian City of Bagistana in Bisotun, Kermanshah. A Proposal (S. Alibaigi - K.-A. Niknami - Sh. Khosravi)

Ahura Mazda or Shapur II? A Note on Taq-i Bustan I, the Investiture of Ardashir II (379-383) (B. Overlaet)

Narseh, König der Könige von Ērān und Anērān (U. Weber)

Classical Elements in Sogdian Art. Aesop's Fables Represented in the Mural Paintings at Penjikent (M. Compareti)

On the Age of the Zoroastrian Sages of the Zand (Sh. Secunda)

Archaeo-Metallurgical Reconnaissance of Ancient Mines and Slag Sites on the Northern Edge of the Dasht-e Kavir Desert, Iran (K. Roustaei)

Hebrew Graffiti on Ardashir I's Relief at Naqsh-i Rustam (Th. Kwasman)

2013. január 28., hétfő

Könyvajánló (egyiptológia)

Masquelier Loorius, J.: Sethi Ier et le début de la XIXème dynastie. Editions Pygmalion

Petersmarck, E.: Die Kemit Ostraka, Schreibtafel und ein Papyrus, GM Beihefte no. 12

2013. január 27., vasárnap

Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan 43 (2011)

A tartalomból:

Water and caves in Ancient Iranian religion: Aspects of archaeology, cultural history and religion. Workshop in the “Kunstsammlungen” at the University of Bochum, 2008.

Stöllner, Th., Introduction of the results of the Vešnave Project

Abar, A., Glances at rural religiousness in pre-Islamic Central Iran. Reconstruction of aspects of ritual activities deduced from the pottery deposition in Čale Ğār Mine 1, Vešnave, Iran

Bagherpour-Kashani, N., Iranian jewellery and small finds in religious context

Bagherpour-Kashani, N., Roustaie, K. and Stöllner, Th., Iron Age amber beads from Vešnave/Iran

Huff, D., Problems of votive offerings in Zoroastrian Iran

Overlaet, B., Čale Ğār (Kāšān Area) and votives, favissae and cave deposits in pre-Islamic and Islamic traditions

Rose, J.,In Praise of the Good Waters: continuity and purpose in Zoroastrian lay rituals

Kreyenbroek, Ph. G., Some remarks on water and caves in pre-Islamic Iranian religions


Pollock, S., Bernbeck, R., Excavations at Monjukli Depe, Meana-Chaacha Region, Turkmenistan, 2010. 

Sardari, A. R. et al., Northern Fars in the Bakun period: archaeological evidence from the Eghlid District

Kaniuth, K., Tilla Bulak 2010 - Vorbericht über die vierte Grabugnskampagne.

Luneau, E. et al., Production céramiques de la culture du Vakhsh (Tadjikistan, âge du Bronze): de nouvelles perspectives chrono-culturelles

2013. január 25., péntek

IAA hírlevél / newsletter

Az International Association for Assyriology elektronikus hírlevelet indított Mār Šiprim néven, amely itt tekinthető meg (van Facebook-profiljuk is) és évente négyszer fog megjelenni. A link igazából egy honlapra mutat, amely a hírlevél mellett tartalmazza a hírlevelek különböző rovatokba (például "A terepen", "Friss publikációk") illő anyagát tematikus elosztásban is.

2013. január 24., csütörtök

Letöltögetős / Free on-line books

A szokásos: Chicago, on-line, könyvek. Linkek itt (a január 14.-i bejegyzésnél), itt meg néhány cím, ízelítőül:

Changing Watercourses in Babylonia: Towards a Reconstruction of the Ancient Environment in Lower Mesopotamia 1. Hermann Gasche and Michel Tanret, editors. Originally published in 1998.

Dating the Fall of Babylon: A Reappraisal of Second-Millennium Chronology. J. A. Armstrong, S. W. Cole, and V. G. Gurzadyan. Originally published in 1998.

Feasts for Pharaohs & Kings: A Cookbook by the Oriental Institute Museum, The University of Chicago. Edited and compiled by Anne S. Blomstrom. Originally published in 1983.

Old Babylonian Contracts From Nippur: Selected Texts From the University Museum University of Pennsylvania. Catalogue by Elizabeth C. Stone. Photos by Paul E. Zimansky. Originally published in 1976.

Studies Presented to A. Leo Oppenheim, June 7, 1964. R. D. Biggs and J. A. Brinkman, editors. Originally published in 1964.

The Sumerians: Their History, Culture, and Character. Samuel Noah Kramer. Originally published in 1963.

Third Century Iran: Sapor and Kartir. Martin Sprengling. Originally published in 1953.

A Study of Writing. I. J. Gelb. Originally published in 1952.

The Persepolis Expedition. Erich F. Schmidt. Originally published in 1941.

A Political History of Parthia. Neilson C. Debevoise. Originally published in 1938.

They Wrote on Clay: The Babylonian Tablets Speak Today. By Edward Chiera. Edited by George G. Cameron. Originally published in 1938.

2013. január 23., szerda


A 9. ICAANE-re 2014. június 9. és 13. között kerül sor Baselben, Svájcban. A konferenciának az ásatási eredményeket bemutató mellett öt másik szekciója lesz: 

1. Egypt and Ancient Near East - Perceptions of Alterity
2. Travelling Images - Transfer and Transformation of Visual Ideas
3. Ancient Near Eastern Traditions vs. Hellenization/ Romanization
4. Reconstructing Ancient Eco-Systems
5. Dealing with the Past: Finds, booty, gifts, spoils, heirlooms
6. Excavation Reports and Summaries in Near Eastern and Islamic Archaeology

Előadásokkal, műhely-javaslatokkal, és poszterekkel 2013. július 31.-ig lehet jelentkezni.

Még mielőtt valaki belelkesedne: a részvételi díj immár hagyományosan udvariatlanul magas és indokolatlan: 2014. március 31-ig 240, utána 300 svájci frank.

Minden további részletes információ megtalálható a konferencia honlapján.

2013. január 22., kedd

Könyvajánló (Egyiptológia)

Harrington, N.: Living with the Dead : Ancestor Worship and Mortuary Ritual in Ancient Egypt, Studies in Funerary Archaeology, vol. 6,  Oxbow Books

Stadler, M. A.:  Einführung in die ägyptische Religion ptolemäisch-römischer Zeit nach den demotischen religiösen Texten (Einführungen und Quellentexte zur Ägyptologie, vol. 7), LIT Verlag,Münster

Steder, D.:  Hyäne oder Hyänenhund. Untersuchungen anhand der Zooarchäologie sowie der Darstellungen und Textzeugen aus dem alten Ägypten, Internationale Archäologie 117, Verlag MarieLeidorf

2013. január 21., hétfő

On-line disszertációk (Penn)

Ezen a linken hozzáférhető néhány kurrens ókori keleti és egyiptológiai disszertáció a Pennről:


The Splintered Divine: A Study of Ištar, Baal, and Yahweh Divine Names and Divine Multiplicity in the Ancient Near East (Spencer L. Allen)


Landscapes of Achaemenid Paphlagonia (Peri Johnson)

Modeling the Mechanics of Temple Production in the Middle Kingdom: An Investigation of the Shena of Divine Offerings Adjacent to the Mortuary Temple of Senwosret III at Abydos, Egypt (Vanessa E. Smith)

2013. január 20., vasárnap

Cikkek innen-onnan / Miscellaneous articles

R. Firth: Notes on Year Names of the Early Ur III Period: Sulgi 20-30. CDLJ 2013/1.

J. Vidal: Assyrian military camps during the reign of Shalmaneser III. Gladius 32 (2012) 7-24.

Hephaistos 28 (2011) [2012]:

Themenband: "Persönliche Frömmigkeit". Funktion und Bedeutung individueller Gotteskontakte im interdisziplinären Dialog. Akten der Tagung am Archäologischen Institut der Universität Hamburg. 25.-27. November 2010. Herausgeber: Wiebke Friese et al.

Maria Michaela Luiselli: Die 'persönliche Frömmigkeit' in der Ägyptologie. Definition(en), Themen, Terminologie, Forschungsansätze, Ausblicke

Terence DuQuesne: Individualism in Private Religion during the Egyptian New Kingdom. The Question of Amarna Influence on Votive Stelae from Asyut

Margaret Jaques: "Mein Gott, was habe ich nur getan?" Die Formen der privaten Frömmigkeit in den altorientalischen Gebeten und Ritualen

Sabina Franke Persönliche Frömmigkeit im Alten Orient am Beispiel des Kultsockels des Tukulti-Ninurta von Assyrien

Rivista di Studi Fenici 39/1 (2011) [2012]:

Tatiana Pedrazzi – Fabrizio Venturi: The Aegeanizing Pottery in Northern Levant (12th-11th Century BC): Aspects and Problems

Nicolas Carayon – Nick Marriner – Christophe Morhange: Geoarchaeology of Byblos, Tyre, Sidon and Beirut

Sami Ben Tahar – Myriam Sternberg: Fishing in Jerba during the Punic Age: the Contribution of Archaeology

2013. január 19., szombat

Ókori kelet Örményországban (cikkek) / ANE in Armenia (papers)

Pavel Avetisyan - Arsen Bobokhyan (eds.): Archaeology of Armenia in Regional Context. Proceedings of the International Conference dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography Held on September 15-17, 2009 in Yerevan. Yerevan, 2012

A tartalomból:

A comparative technological study of Kura-Araxes ceramics and their derivatives: Project design and first results (Raffi Greenberg, Mark Iserlis)

Archaeological investigations in Trialeti (Goderdzi Narimanishvili)

A new indication for the specific dating of Trialeti culture (Konstantin Pitskhelauri, Rolan Kiladze)

Recent methodological and technical advances in the archaeology of Late Bronze Age residential complexes, Tsaghkahovit Plain, Armenia (Ian Lindsay)

The Iron Age fortress of Aramus, Armenia: Archaeological evidence of the East and North Forts (Sandra Heinsch, Walter Kuntner, Hayk Avetisyan)

The surroundings of the Khaldi temple: Preliminary results of a new program of research on the Urartian fortress of Erebuni (Stephane Deschamps et al.)

Rattling and clapping Urartian girls: Idiophones in Urartu (Ursula Seidl)

The silver rhyta from Erebuni revisited (David Stronach)

Beniamin (5-4th centuries BC): A palace and its dependencies during the Achaemenid period (Felix Ter-Martirosov et al.)

Armenians depicted on Achaemenid monuments (Michael Roaf)

2013. január 18., péntek

Göttinger Miszellen 235 (2012)

A tartalomból:

Eaton-Krauss, M.: Mut and Tutankhaten

Guglielmi, W.: Zur Identifikation der cnd(w)-Bäume auf den Reliefblöcken des Sahure

Jones, P. L.: A New Interpretation for a Kagemni Wall Scene

Konrad, K.: Tutanchamun und sein Papyrusglätter: Miszelle zu Kairo JdE 62095 oder “zm3-t3.wj” einmal anders

Kurth, D. / Waitkus, W.: Noch einmal zur Verborgenheit des Mythos (“Osiris als Geflügelpastete in Letopolis“)

Moje, J.: Zur spätzeitlichen Uschebtifamilie eines mendesischen Priesters

Morenz, L. D.: Der erste ägyptische Territorialstaat und seine neue Hauptstadt. Versuch einer Annäherung

Peust, C.: Survey ägyptologischer Dialekte. (4) Ägypten

Roeten, L.H.: Some remarks about the development of the pyramids of the 3rd and 4th dynasty and the initial orientation of the pyramid complex of Maidum. Part I

Wirsching, A.: Wie die Memmnonkolosse transportiert und aufgerichtet wurden. Teil 2: Das Aufrichten vor dem Tempel

Witthuhn, O.: Als Hermann Kees den “Sinuhe” nach Göttingen holte

2013. január 17., csütörtök

Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 21 (2012)

A tartalomból (a 2009. évi ásatások jelentései):

Tell el-Retaba: season 2009. With appendix: Tell el-Retaba: archaeobotanical studies (Sławomir Rzepka, Jozef Hudec, Claire Malleson)

Tell el-Retaba 2009: the pottery (Anna Wodzińska)

Tell el-Farkha (Ghazala). Season 2009 (Marek Chłodnicki, Krzysztof M. Ciałowicz)

Saqqara 2008–2009. With appendix: conservation work in Saqqara (2008–2009) (Karol Myśliwiec, Zbigniew Godziejewski)

Saqqara 2008–2009: the pottery (Teodozja I. Rzeuska)

Conservation work in the Hatshepsut Temple in Deir el-Bahari (2009) (Rajmund Gazda)

Sandstone sphinxes of Queen Hatshepsut from Deir el-Bahari: preliminary remarks (Agata Smilgin)

Temple of Tuthmosis III in Deir el-Bahari in 2008 and 2009: work in the stores and field (Monika Dolińska)

The Temple of Tuthmosis I rediscovered (Jadwiga Iwaszczuk)

Dakhleh Oasis Project. Petroglyph Unit: rock art research, 2009 (Ewa Kuciewicz, Michał Kobusiewicz)

Dongola 2008–2009. With appendix: Conservation of wall paintings inside the former Throne Hall of the Makurian kings in Dongola (2009 season) (Włodzimierz Godlewski, Cristobal Calaforra-Rzepka)

Dongola 2009: Pottery from Building I (Kom A) (Katarzyna Danys-Lasek)

Wall inscriptions in a burial vault under the Northwest Annex of the Monastery on Kom H (Dongola 2009) (Adam Łajtar, Jacques van der Vliet)

Crypts 1 and 2 in the Northwest Annex of the Monastery on Kom H in Dongola: report on the exploration in 2009 (Włodzimierz Godlewski, Robert Mahler, Barbara Czaja-Szewczak)

The pottery from four tumuli graves in el-Zuma (2009) (Edyta Klimaszewska-Drabot, Ewa Czyżewska)

Research in the PCMA UW concession on the Fourth Cataract (Hamdab Dam Rescue project). interim report 2009 (Marek Chłodnicki)

Rock art research in the Fourth Cataract region, season 2009 (Ewa Kuciewicz, Andrzej Rozwadowski)

Excavations in 2009 in the environs of El-Ar village (Fourth Cataract reg, Sudan) (Anna Longa)

El-Ar 31: excavations of late/post-Meroitic tumuli. preliminary report (Artur Buszek, Michał Kurzyk)

Tell Arbid 2008–2009. Preliminary report on the results of the thirteenth and fourteenth seasons of Polish-Syrian excavations (Piotr Bieliński)

Adam Mickiewicz University excavations in Sector P (spring 2009) (Rafał Koliński)

Adult burials of Ninevite 5 date on Tell Arbid (2007–2008) (Dariusz Szeląg)

Chariot terracotta models from Tell Arbid (Mattia Raccidi)

New Protodynastic serekhs from the Nile Delta: the case of finds from Tell el-Farkha (Mariusz A. Jucha)

Animal bone remains from Sheikh Abd el-Gurna: issues and opportunities (Urszula Iwaszczuk)

Animals in rock art. Results of archaeozoological research at the site of el-Gamamiya 67 (Fourth Cataract, Sudan) (Marta Osypińska)

2013. január 16., szerda

Scienze dell'Antichita' 17 (2011) - ICAANE és RAI workshopokkal

E kötet tartalmazza a párizsi, 55. RAI (2009) egyik műhelyének és a londoni, 7. ICAANE (2010) egyik műhelyének anyagát is, egy gazdag egyiptológiai rész mellett.

A tartalomból:

I. Dal deserto al mare. Il paesaggio antico in Egitto e nei territori limitrofi dalla preistoria al periodo romano 

B.E. Barich, La missione archeologica italiana nell’oasi di Farafra: realtà e ruolo del deserto occidentale tra Vii e Vi millennio a.C.

G. Mutri, La Middle Stone Age dell’area di Sheikh el Obeiyid nel quadro dell’occupazione tardo pleistocenica del Deserto occidentale egiziano

G. Lucarini, Il paesaggio antico di Sheikh el Obeiyid (Farafra). La playa e il villaggio tra tecnologia e aspetti simbolici

R. Buongarzone – S. De Angeli, L’oasi di Farafra. Documentazione storica di età faraonica e realtà archeologica di età romana e bizantina. Studi preliminari e risultati della I missione archeologica dell’Università degli Studi della Tuscia

S. Finocchi – S. Medaglia, Primi dati sulla cultura materiale dell’Oasi di Farafra in età romana e bizantina: le ceramiche e le anfore

M. Kenawi, Regional and Interregional Economy in the Western Delta of Egypt: Ancient Schedia

E. Mariotti, La ricostruzione del paesaggio in ambiente desertico. L’utilizzo del dgps a Dionysias e Farafra

L. Sist, Kôm el-Ghoraf. Un antico insediamento del Delta occidentale

S. Lanna, Ricerche per un modello insediativo del Delta occidentale del Nilo in epoca tolemaica, romana e bizantina

R. Fattovich – K.A. Bard, Il porto di Mersa/Wadi Gawasis (Mar Rosso): indagini archeologiche e paleoambientali

A. Manzo, Mersa/Wadi Gawasis in its Regional Setting

A. Falcone, Il limes egiziano: vecchie problematiche, nuove prospettive

C. Alvaro – J. Bajeot, Il Delta orientale del Nilo, un territorio di frontiera tra il II e il I millennio a.C.

II. Tra supporto, scrittura e testo
1. Produzione, composizione e analisi della tavolette cuneiformi

B.R. Foster, The Clay Tablet

B.R. Foster, An Old Babylonian Tablet Blank

M.G. Biga, An Angry Scribe of the Third Millennium B.C.

G. Selz, “Medium and Message”: Beyond the Written Text

J. Taylor – C. Cartwright, The Making and Re-Making of Clay Tablets

M. Tanret, The Wonderful Thing about Tablets...

I.L. Finkel, Drawings on Tablets

M. Ramazzotti, Aesthetic and Cognitive Report on Ancient Near Eastner Clay Figurines, Based on Some Early Syrian and Old Syrian Records Discovered at Ebla - Tell Mardikh (Syria)

2. Archaeometric papers

C.E. Watanabe, Tablet Analysis in the Context of Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction

E. Uchida – T. Sasaki – C.E. Watanabe, Non-destructive Analyses Applied to Mesopotamian Clay Tablets

A. Tuji – K. Ogane – C.E. Watanabe, Methodology for Detecting Diatoms on Tablets: a Biological Tool for Paleoenvironmental Analysis

J.H. Sterba et al., Naa and xrf Analyses and Magnetic Susceptibility Measurement of Mesopotamian Cuneiform Tablets

III. További tanulmányok

A. Campus, Iscrizioni fenicie sui beni di prestigio.Tre esempi occidentali

L. Nigroet al., The Bronze Age Palace and Fortifications at Tell Es-Sultan/Jericho. The 6th-7th seasons (2010-2011) by Rome “La Sapienza” University and the Palestinian Mota-Dach

A. Cazzella – A. Pace – G. Recchia, The Late Second Millennium B.C. Agate Artefact with Cuneiform Inscription from the Tas-Silg Sanctuary in Malta: an Archaeological Framework

P. Vannicelli, La parata dell’esercito achemenide a Dorisco (Erodoto VII 61-99): problemi storici e storiografici

2013. január 15., kedd

Cikkek innen-onnan / Miscellaneous articles

K. Borojevic - R. Mountain: Microscopic identification and sourcing of Ancient Egyptian plant fibres using longitudinal thin sectioning. Archaeometry 55/1 (2013) 81-112.

A. M. Maeir - L. A. Hitchcock - L. K. Horwitz: On the Constitution and Transformation of Philistine Identity. Oxford Journal of Archaeology 32/1 (2013) 1-38.

I. F. Ortega: Colonial Representations and Carthaginian Archaeology. Oxford Journal of Archaeology 32/1 (2013) 53-72.

J. Anderson: An Ur III messenger text from Umma in the Haldar collection. CDLN 2013/1.

L. Weissbrod et al.: The urban ecology of Iron Age Tel Megiddo: using microvertebrate remains as ancient bio-indicators. Journal of Archaeological Science 40/1 (2013) 257-267.

A. Quiles et al.: Bayesian modelling of an absolute chronology for Egypt's 18th Dynasty by astrophysical and radiocarbon methods. Journal of Archaeological Science 40/1 (2013) 423-432.

P. Gostner et al.: New radiological approach for analysis and identification of foreign objects in ancient and historic mummies. Journal of Archaeological Science 40/2 (2013) 1003-1011.

E. Frahm - J. M. Feinberg: Empires and resources: Central Anatolian obsidian at Urkesh (Tell Mozan, Syria)  during the Akkadian period. Journal of Archaeological Science 40/2 (2013) 1122-1135.

2013. január 14., hétfő

Ásatási blogok és egy szomorú hír

A British Museum Amara West projektjéről itt , a Michigani Egyetem el-Kurruban folyó ásatásáról pedig itt lehet olvasgatni. 

És egy szomorú híradás Dahsúrból, amellyel az elmúlt napokban különböző internetes fórumokon már valószínűleg sokan találkoztak: a Tört Piramis (Sznofru) ill. a Fekete Piramis (III. Amenemhet) környékén illegális ásatások és építkezések folynak: részletesebb beszámolók itt és itt (ill. lásd még az El-Lahun blogot)  találhatóak.

2013. január 13., vasárnap

Iconoclasm in the Ancient Near East

Egy ígéretes könyv jelent meg a napokban Chicagoban:

Natalie N. May (ed.): Iconoclasm and Text Destruction in the Ancient Near East and Beyond. Chicago

A kötet elméletileg le is tölthető, de nekem minden böngésző alatt azt írta ki, hogy a pdf sérült, nem javítható, így a letöltés sikertelen.

A tartalomból:

1. Iconoclasm and Text Destruction in the Ancient Near East (Natalie N. May)

Section one: “Iconoclasm Begins at Sumer” and Akkad
2. Mutilation of Text and Image in Early Sumerian Sources (Christopher Woods)
3. Gudea of Lagash: Iconoclasm or Tooth of Time? (Claudia E. Suter)
4. Damnatio Memoriae: The Old Akkadian Evidence for Destruction of Name and Destruction of Person (Joan G. Westenholz)

Section Two: Iconoclasm as an Instrument of Politics
5. Death of Statues and Rebirth of Gods (Hanspeter Schaudig)
6. Shared Fates: Gaza and Ekron as Examples for the Assyrian Religious Policy in the West (Angelika Berlejung)
7. Getting Smashed at the Victory Celebration, or What Happened to Esarhaddon’s so-called Vassal Treaties and Why (JoAnn Scurlock)

Section Three: How the Images Die and Why?
8. Ali-talimu – What Can Be Learned from the Destruction of Figurative Complexes (Natalie N. May)
9. The Hypercoherent Icon: Knowledge, Rationalization, and Disenchantment at Nineveh (Seth Richardson)

Section Four: Iconoclasm and the Bible 
10. What Can Go Wrong with an Idol? (Victor A. Hurowitz)
11. Text Destruction and Iconoclasm in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East (Nathaniel Levtow)

Section five: Beyond Mesopotamia
12. Episodes of Iconoclasm in the Egyptian New Kingdom (Betsy M. Bryan)
13. Killing the Image, Killing the Essence: The Destruction of Text and Figures in Ancient Egyptian Thought, Ritual, and ‘Ritualized History’ (Robert K. Ritner)
14. Hittite Iconoclasm: Disconnecting the Icon, Disempowering the Referent (Petra M. Goedegebuure)

Section six: Classical Antiquity and Byzantium 
15. Performing the Frontier: The Abduction and Destruction of Religious and Political Signifiers in Greco-Persian Conflicts (Silke Knippschild)

Section seven: Reformation and Modernity
19. A Partially Re-cut Relief from Khorsabad (Eleanor Guralnick)

2013. január 12., szombat

Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie 5 (2012)

A tartalomból:

D. Lau: Ein älter Frühdynastisches Siegel aus K/L XII/XIII in Uruk-Warka

M. van Ess et al.: Excavations in the city of Arbil, 2009-2011. The Neo-Assyrian Tomb

F. Höflmayer: Ägyptische Imitationen zyprischer Base-Ring-Krüge im östlichen Mittelmeerraum. Ein Beispiel für Kulturkontakt im zweiten Jahrtausend v. Chr.

A. Ahrens - H. Dohmann-Pfälzner - P. Pfälzner: New Light on the Amarna Period from the Northern Levant. A Clay Sealing with the Throne Name of Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten from the Royal Palace at Tall Misrife/Qatna

2013. január 10., csütörtök

ENiM 2012

Az ENiM - Égypte nilotique et méditerranéenne online folyóirat indulásáról 2008-ban már szó esett a blogon (illetőleg oldalt, a folyóiratok között megtalálható a közvetlen linkje), azonban nem árt újból megemlékezni róla, hiszen minden évben egyre több cikket tölthetünk le róla ingyenesen: 2012-ben összesen 17 írást töltöttek fel, többek között: 

D. Klotz: Articulata Forma Dei. A Cosmic Epithet from Esna and Medinet Habu

S. Lippert: L'étiologie de la fabrication des statuettes osiriennes au mois de Khoiak et le Rituel de l'ouverture de la bouche d'après le papyrus Jumilhac

B. Menu: Le papyrus du Brooklyn Museum n° 35.1446 et l’immigration syro-palestinienne sous le Moyen Empire

2013. január 8., kedd

Call for papers

A Vatikáni Múzeum konferenciát szervez harmadik átmeneti kori koporsókról. Részletek a kiírásból: 

The Egyptian Department of the Musei Vaticani, in collaboration with the Egyptian Departments of the Musée du Louvre in Paris and the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden in Leiden, are pleased to invite you to attend the ‘First Vatican Coffin Conference’. The ‘Vatican Coffin Project’ itself is the impulse for this conference.


• Historical background, Burial practices, and Coffin technology during the Third Intermediate Period
• Restoration of TIP coffins
• Technologies applied to the study of materials and conservation of coffins

A részvételi szándékot (előadóként vagy hallgatóként) 2013. március 30-ig kell jelezni. A további részleteket itt lehet elolvasni.

2013. január 6., vasárnap

BMSAES 19 (2012)

Visualizing the size and movement of the portable festival barks at Karnak temple (Elaine Sullivan)

The ploion hellenikon of Roman Egypt: What was Greek about it? (Emad Khalil)

British Museum Expedition to Elkab and Hagr Edfu 2012 (W. Vivian Davies and Elisabeth R. O’Connell)

2013. január 5., szombat

Ägypten und Levante 21 (2011)

A tartalomból:

H. Franzmeier et al., Radiocarbon Evidence for New Kingdom Tombs: Sedment 254 and 246

C.E. Köhler and M. Ownby, Levantine Imports and their Imitations from Helwan

D. Collon and M. Lehmann, Report on the Sealings Found in the 2009 Excavations at Tell el-Dab`a

Andrea Manzo, Punt in Egypt and Beyon

N. Moeller and G. Maround with a contribution by N. Ayers, Discussion of Late Middle Kingdom and Early Second Intermediate Period History and Chronology in Relation to the Khayan Sealings from Tell Edfu

J. Mynàrovà, Expressions of Dates and Time in the Amarana Letters

S. Rzepka et al., New Kingdom and the Third Intermediate Period in Tell el-Retaba

Y. Yasouka, Neuerwägungen zu den memphitischen Säulen

T. Dothan and D. Regev, An Inscribed Baboon Statuette from Tel Miqne-Ekron

A. Faust and H. Katz, Philistines, Israelites and Canaanites in the Southern Through Valley during the Iron Age I

I. Finkelstein et al., Phoenician "Torpedo" Amphores and Egypt: Standarization of Volume Based on Linear Dimensions

D.M. Master. L.E. Stager and A. Yasur-Landau, Chronological Observation at the Dawn of the Iron Age in Ashkelon

T. Mühlenbruch und H. Mommsen, Neuronenaktivierungsanalysen an mykenischer Keramik aus Kusakli-Sarissa und Sirkeli (Türkei), Kamid el-Loz-Kumidi (Libanon) und dem Fayum (Ägypten)

T. Mühlenbruch, Kayalpinar - ein hethitisches Zentrum mit "Palastbezirk". Die Red Lustrous Wheelmade-Ware aus "Gebäude B" und ein Ansatz für die "soziale" Deutung der "Libationsräume"

D. Vieweger, The Transition from the Bronze to the Iron Age in Northern Palestine. Archaeological and Archaeometric Investigations on Tall Zira'a

2013. január 4., péntek

Két folyóirat

A Sokar (25) folyóirat tartalomjegyzéke itt, a KMT (23/4) folyóiraté pedig itt tekinthető meg. 

2013. január 3., csütörtök

Világhálós könyvek Chicagoból / On-line books from Chicago

A tavalyi év végén a chicagoiak ismét újabb, régi publikációikat tették a világhálón is elérhetővé, többek között az alábbiakat (letölthetőek a szokásos helyen):

"Heartland of Cities: Surveys of Ancient Settlement and Land Use on the Central Floodplain of the Euphrates. Robert McC. Adams. Originally published in 1981."

"Letters From Mesopotamia: Official, Business, and Private Letters on Clay Tablets from Two Millennia. A. Leo Oppenheim. Originally published in 1967."

"Ancient Mesopotamia: Portrait of a Dead Civilization. A. Leo Oppenheim. Revised edition completed by Erica Reiner. Originally published in 1964; revised edition in 1977."

"Most Ancient Verse. Selected and translated by Thorkild Jacobsen and John A. Wilson. Originally published in 1963."

"Land Behind Baghdad: A History of Settlement on the Diyala Plains. Robert McC. Adams. Originally published in 1965."

"City Invincible: A Symposium on Urbanization and Cultural Development in the Ancient Near East Held at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, December 4-7, 1958. Edited by Carl H. Kraeling & Robert McC. Adams. Originally published in 1960."

"History of the Persian Empire. Albert Ten Eyck Olmstead. Originally published in 1948."

"The Intellectual Adventure of Ancient Man: An Essay on Speculative Thought in the Ancient Near East. Henri Frankfort, H. A. Frankfort, John A. Wilson, Thorkild Jacobsen, and William A. Irwin. Originally published in 1946."

"The Expedition to Luristan. Erich F. Schmidt. Originally published in 1941."

"The History of Early Iran. George G. Cameron. Originally published in 1938."

"Service in the Memory of James Henry Breasted. Originally published in 1936."

"Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia Volume 2: Historical Records of Assyria From Sargon to the End. Daniel David Luckenbill. Originally published in 1927."

"Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia Volume 1: Historical Records of Assyria From the Earliest Times to Sargon. Daniel David Luckenbill. Originally published in 1926."

"History of Assyria. Albert T. Olmstead. Originally published in 1923."

2013. január 2., szerda

Hettita epigráfiai térkép / Hittite epigraphic map

Egy új hettita honlap/portál/adatbázis/térkép:

A honlap célja:

"The present web-site has been developed with the purpose of creating a general geographic map of the epigraphic findings belonging to the Hittite Kingdom (1600 – 1150 BC). The findings listed here concern texts, seals, and inscribed objects written either in Akkadic or Hittite. Data come from more than 70 archaeological sites spread over a territory extending from the Western Anatolian coast to the Tigris valley and from the Northern Anatolian coast to the Syro-Lebanese border."

2013. január 1., kedd

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