2012. augusztus 30., csütörtök

Olvasnivaló egyiptológusoknak (is)

Claude Obsomer: Ramses II. Pygmalion

Kerry Muhlestein - John Gee: Evolving Egypt: Innovation, Appropriation, and Reinterpretation in Ancient EgyptOxford

Gael Cartron: L’architecture et les pratiques funéraires dans l’Égypte romaine. Volume I Synthèse. Volume II Catalogue. Oxford

Jaromir Malek: Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings VIII. Objects of Provenance Not Known. Part 4: Dynasty XVIII to the Roman PeriodOxford

J. F. Borghouts: Ancient Egyptian Magical Texts. Leiden - Boston (reprint)


Kedves Olvasóink bizonyára észrevették, hogy július és augusztus folyamán megritkultak a bejegyzések. Megnyugtatok minden esetlegesen aggódó olvasót, ez szigorúan átmeneti volt, a korlátozott internet-hozzáférésem okozta, de ez a mai nappal megváltozott, így hamarosan visszaáll a bejegyzések régi sűrűsége.

2012. augusztus 29., szerda

Tanulmányok a XII-X. századról

Gershon Galil, Ayelet Gilboa, Aren M. Maeir, Dan´el Kahn (szerk.):

The Ancient Near East in the 12th–10th Centuries BCE: Culture and History.Proceedings of the International Conference held at the University of Haifa, 2–5 May, 2010. AOAT 392. Münster, 2012

A tartalomból:

Reinhard Achenbach: Divine Warfare and Yhwh’s Wars: Religious Ideologies of War in the Ancient Near East and in the Old Testament

Michal Artzy: Continuation and Change in the 13th–10th Centuries BCE: Bronze-Working Koine?

Yigal Bloch: Assyro-Babylonian Conflicts in the Reign of Aššsur-rēša-iši I: The Contribution of Administrative Documents to History-Writing

Walter Dietrich: David and the Philistines: Literature and History

Frederick Mario Fales: Ḫanigalbat in the Early Neo-Assyrian Royal Inscriptions: A Retrospective View

Avraham Faust: Between Israel and Philistia: Ethnic Negotiations in the South during the Iron Age I

Gershon Galil: Solomon’s Temple: Fiction or Reality?

Yosef Garfinkel, Saar Ganor, Michael G. Hasel: The Iron Age City of Khirbet Qeiyafa after four Seasons of Excavations

Moti Haiman: Geopolitical Aspects of the Southern Levant Desert in the 11th–10th Centuries BCE

Larry G. Herr: Jordan in the Iron I and IIB Periods

Victor Avigdor Hurowitz: Yhwh’s Exalted House Revisited: New Comparative Light on the Biblical Image of Solomon’s Temple

Dan´el Kahn: A Geo-Political and Historical Perspective of Merneptah’s Policy in Canaan

Aaron Koller: The Kos in the Levant: Thoughts on its Distribution, Function, and Spread from the Late Bronze to the Iron Age II

André Lemaire: West Semitic Epigraphy and the History of the Levant during the 12th–10th Centuries BCE

Mario Liverani: Melid in the Early and Middle Iron Age: Archaeology and History

Aren M. Maeir: Insights on the Philistine Culture and Related Issues: An Overview of 15 Years of Work at Tell eṣ-Ṣafi/Gath

Alan Millard: Scripts and their uses in the 12th–10th Centuries BCE

John P. Nielsen: Nebuchadnezzar I’s Eastern Front

Troy Leiland Sagrillo: Šîšaq’s Army: 2 Chronicles 12:2–3 from an Egyptological Perspective

Itamar Singer: The Philistines in the North and the Kingdom of Taita

Ephraim Stern: Archaeological Remains of the Northern Sea People along the Sharon and Carmel Coasts and the Acco and Jezrael Valleys

Christoffer Theis, Peter van der Veen: Some “Provenanced” Egyptian Inscriptions from Jerusalem: A Preliminary. Study of Old and New Evidence

Assaf Yasur-Landau: Chariots, Spears and Wagons: Anatolian and Aegean Elements in the Medinet Habu Land Battle Relief

Ran Zadok: The Aramean Infiltration and Diffusion in the Upper Jazira, 1150–930 BCE

Wolfgang Zwickel: Cult in the Iron Age I–IIA in the Land of Israel

Wolfgang Zwickel: The Change from Egyptian to Philistine Hegemony in South-Western Palestine during the Time of Ramesses III or IV

2012. augusztus 22., szerda

Studia Asiana 6

Mazzoni S., Pecchioli Daddi Fr., Torri G., D'Agostino A. (eds.):
Ricerche Italiane in Anatolia: risultati delle attività sul campo per le età del Bronzo e del FerroStudia Asiana 6. Roma 2011

A tartalom:

L'alto Eufrate tra III e I millennio a.C.: sistemi d'insediamento e popolamento del territorio (Gian Maria di Nocera)

Le età del Bronzo Tardo e del Ferro ad Arslantepe (Federico Manuelli)

La ceramica del Bronzo Medio II a Tilmen Höyük (Antonio Bonomo)

Ricognizione archeologica a Yassıhüyük (2004-2009) (Stefano de Martino, Frederik Mario Fales, Simonetta Ponchia)

Yassıhüyük (Yozgat): dati di survey sulla ceramica dipinta dell'età del Ferro (Elisa Toniolo)

Il passaggio dall'età del Tardo Bronzo all'età del Ferro in Cappadocia meridionale (Lorenzo d'Alfonso, Clelia Mora, Bianca Tomassini Pieri)

La survey nel territorio di Uşaklı Höyük (Stefania Mazzoni, Franca Pecchioli Daddi)

Uşaklı Höyük: i materiali della ricognizione (Anacleto D'Agostino, Valentina Orsi)

2012. augusztus 16., csütörtök

A törökországi régészet helyzetéről

Blogomban korábban már utalgattam arra, hogz elég furcsa lett manapság a régészeti kutatások helyzete Törökországban. A minap megjelent erről egy nagyon jó cikk Edhem Eldem tollából a Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitungban, amely itt olvasható. Megjegyzendő, Eldem az egyik legkiválóbb kortárs török történész, akinek a szakterülete a modern ottomán időszak és a török(országi) régészet történetét illetően olyan kulcsmunkák fűződnek a nevéhez, mint az Osman Hamdi Bey-lexikon vagy a Scramble for the Past. A Story of Archaeology in the Ottoman Empire, 1753-1914.

2012. augusztus 15., szerda

Fs. Van Lerberghe

The Ancient Near East, A Life!
Festschrift Karel Van Lerberghe
Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 220
Editors: Boiy T., Bretschneider J., Goddeeris A., Hameeuw H., Jans G., Tavernier J.
Leuven, Peeters, 2012

Kathleen Abraham - Uri Gabbay: Expenditures by the gu-za-lá Official at Maskan-sapir from the Time of Rim-Sin of Larsa

Michel al-Maqdissi - Eva Ishaq:: Notes d’archéologie levantine XXXIII: Tête d’un dignitaire en basalte de Tell Sakka

Tom Boiy: The Birth of an Era

Joachim Bretschneider et al.: The ‘Ochre’ Room: Shedding Some Light on a ‘Dark’ Period of Transition. Tell Tweini in the Early Iron Age

Guy Bunnens: Sealing Practices at Neo-Assyrian Til Barsib. Cylinders – Stamps – Sissiktu – Seal Box

Dominique Charpin: Une lettre d’un roi inconnu: Nouvelles données sur le début du règne de Zimri-Lim

Petr Charvat: Uruk mater urbium: The Sign URU in Proto-Cuneiform Writing

Geert de Breucker: Berossos’ Babyloniaca: Purposes and Interpretations

Patrick Degryse et al.: Lead Isotopic Analysis of Copper Alloy Artifacts from Tell Tweini. Changing Ore Sources from the Early Bronze Age to the Iron Age?

Elena Devecchi: The Amarna Letters from Hatti. A Palaeographic Analysis

An de Vos: Remarks on Equative and Comparative Degree in Hittite and Akkadian

Manfried Dietrich: The Chaldeans. The Leading People in Babylonian History and Historiography during the First Half of the First Millennium BCE

Jean-Marie Durand: Vengeance d’un exilé

Gertrud and Walter Farber: The “Gibson Collection” at the Oriental Institute, Chicago

Alhena Gadotti - Alexandra Kleinerman: Unfulfilled Destinies. Yet again on the Old Babylonian Sumerian
Scribal Curriculum

Anne Godderis: Sealing in Old Babylonian Nippur

Elynn Gorris: The Clay Rattles from Tell Tweini (Syria) and their Contribution to the Musical Tradition of the Ancient Near East

Eric Gubel: Episème de bouclier ou égide (sam’alite?) à inscription ouest sémitique

Hendrik Hameeuw: 1947: Two Tablets as a Christmas Gift to a Leuven Assyriologist

Caroline Janssen:  The Guard Who Molested Gentlemen… A Letter ana awile, from the Ur-Utu Archive

Theo J. H. Krispijn: An Old-Babylonian Version of the Tribute List

Marc Lebeau - Marie-Eve Sténuit: The Restoration of Temple D at Tell Beydar/Nabada (Field N, Seasons 2004 and 2005)

René Lebrun - Jan Tavernier: Deux objets inscrits de Tell Tweini

Edward Lipinski: Dagan, the Master of Ploughing

Elena Marinova et al.: Middle Bronze Age Ritual, Subsistence and Environment at Tell Tweini Inferred from Bioarchaeological Evidence

Valérie Matoian: Images de faïence de Tell Tueini et de Ras Shamra (Syrie)

Paolo Matthiae: Une nouvelle image de l’Ishtar eblaitu paléosyrienne

Rudolf H. Mayr: Seal Impressions on Administrative Tags from the Reign of Su-Amurru

Piotr Michalowski - Gary Beckman: The Promulgation of the Name of the Third Year of Rim-Anum of Uruk

Hans Neumann: Einige neusumerische Texte aus Umma über (Opfer-)Lieferungen (sá-du11)

David I. Owen: Three Early Old Babylonian Accounts

Jeroen Poblome: Word versus Dirt. History and Archaeology Applied to Proto-Historical Sagalassos

Alexander Pruss: A Closure Ritual at Tell Beydar?

Mervyn E. J. Richardson: Baring the Essentials of a Dictionary: Some Precursors of CDA

Arlette Roobaert: Libbali-Sharrat or Naqia? On Queens Portrayed on Assyrian Reliefs

Saraa Saleh: The Ancient Theatres of Syria in their Regional Setting

Jack M. Sasson: ‘Nothing So Swift As Calumny’: Slander and Justification at the Mari Court

Antoon Schoors: The Ambiguity of Enjoyment in Qoheleth

Johanna Spaey: The Secret of Gilgamesh

Marten Stol: Renting the Divine Weapon as a Prebend

Michel Tanret: Of Wills and Bills… On Inherited Debts in the Ur-Utu Archive

Véronique van der Stede: De l’usage des figurines et statuettes anthropomorphes dans les sépultures du Bronze ancien et moyen en Syrie

Wim van Neer - Bea de Cupere: Bird Feathers for Ceremonial Use in Hellenistic Times at Tell Beydar, Syria?

Klaas R. Veenhof: An Old Babylonian Lawsuit on the Property of a Priestess

Juan-Pablo Vita: The Scribal Exercise RS 16.265 from Ugarit in its Near-Eastern Context

Caroline Waerzeggers: Happy Days: The Babylonian Almanac in Daily Life

Tony J. Wilkinson - Emma Cunliffe: The Archaeological Landscape of the Tell Beydar Region: An Update Using Satellite Imagery

2012. augusztus 14., kedd

Ancient and Modern Contexts of Egyptian Art

Art and Society. Ancient and Modern Contexts of Egyptian Art
Proceedings of the International Conference held at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, 13-15 May 2010. Edited by Katalin Anna Kóthay.
Budapest, Museum of Fine Arts, 2012

A tartalom:

Discourses about Works of Art in Ancient and Modern Times (Maya Müller)

Theban Tomb Graffiti during the New Kingdom. Research on the Reception of Ancient Egyptian Images by Ancient Egyptians (Alexis Den Doncker)

Egyptian Pyramids in an East European Landscape (Joachim Śliwa)

Interaction of Three-dimensional and Two-dimensional Art (Helmut Satzinger)

The ‘Four Schools of Art’ of Senwosret I. Is it Time for a Revision? (David Lorand)

Handmade Terracotta Figurines with Hands Secured behind the Backs. The Potential Use of an Art Historical Method in the Research of Egyptian Minor Arts (Máté Petrik)

Privatplastik im Wandel der Zeiten. Skulpturen als Kunsthistorisches Bildmedium (Edith Bernhauer)

Kunst und Gesellschaft in der Libyerzeit. Beobachtungen an Königsstatuen der Dritten Zwischenzeit (Helmut Brandl)

Stratégie d’épure et stratégie d’appogiature dans les productions dites « artistiques » à l’usage des dominants. Le papyrus dit « érotique » de Turin et la mise à distance des dominés (Pascal Vernus)

„Eine Frage des Geschmacks“ – Anmerkungen zur Grabdekoration auf dem Teti-Friedhof von Saqqara (Gabriele Pieke)

Hierarchy of Women within Elite Families. Iconographic Data from the Old Kingdom (Vera Vasiljević)

Theban Tomb Painting during the Reign of Amenhotep II (1427–1400 BC). Investigation into an Artistic Creation in its Historical and Sociocultural Context (Maruschka Gathy)

Behind the Mirror. Art and Prestige in Kha’s Funerary Equipment (Marcella Trapani)

‘The Bull Coming out of the Mountain’. The Changing Context and Connotations of an Iconographic Motif (Éva Liptay)

sS qdwt – The Attestations from the Middle Kingdom and the Second Intermediate Period (Danijela Stefanović)

Tracking Ancient Egyptian Artists, a Problem of Methodology. The Case of the Painters of Private Tombs in the Theban Necropolis during the Eighteenth Dynasty (Dimitri Laboury)

Pour une approche matérielle et expérimentale de la peinture thébaine (Hugues Tavier)

Thebanische Totenstelen der 3. Zwischenzeit. Zur ihrer Produktion und Verwendung 
(Marc Loth)

The Gamhud Artisans (Katalin Anna Kóthay)

The Burial Ensemble of Tasenet from Gamhud and the Ptolemaic. Coffin style in Northern Middle Egypt (Gábor Schreiber)

Imitation of Materials in Ancient Egypt (Manuela Gander)

Könyvismertetés, Horváth Zoltán tollából, itt.

2012. augusztus 11., szombat

New Carian Texts and Literature since Adiego 2007

Though the annual Epigraphische Mitteilungen (compiled by Markus Egetmeyer) in Kadmos provide an excellent bibliographical overview of the yearly growth in Carian studies, in order to improve the accessibility of Carian studies I share this compilation of the literature published after the handbook of Adiego 2007. It consists of two main parts: first, references to the newly found texts in geographical arrangement; second, discussions of Carian linguistic problems, arranged in the alphabetic order of the authors (don`t mind the * after the titles). Note that this compilation will be continuously updated (last updated 22/07/2015).

1. Text editions

1.1. Turkey

1.1.1. Hydai (Damlıboğaz)

Türkteki, Sinem - Tekoğlu, Recai (2012): Une inscription carienne sur oenochoé au Musée de Sadberk Hanım. Kadmos 51: 99-113.

1.1.2. Kaunos
Kunnert, Ursula – Schürr, Diether – Zingg, Emanuel (2010): Eine neue karische Mauerinschrift aus Kaunos. Kadmos 49: 169-180. Three graffiti (4th c.), only photos:
Piras, Daniela (2009): Der archäologische Kontext karischer Sprachdenkmäler und seine Bedeutung für die kulturelle Identität Kariens. In: Rumscheid, Frank (ed.): Die Karer und die Anderen. Internationales Kolloquium an der Freien Universität Berlin. 13. bis 15. Oktober 2005. Bonn, 229-250 (here 242 Figs. 21-23).* Kaunos in general
Marek, Christian (2006): Die Inschriften von Kaunos. Vestigia 55. München*

Weiß, Peter (2007): Nichts Karisches, sondern ein spätes Litrengewicht aus Stein (IKaunos K 6; 51*). ZPE 160: 272-274.

1.1.3. Labraunda C.La 1
Karlsson, Lars – Henry, Olivier (2008): A Carian Graffito from Labraunda. Kadmos 47: 171-176. Two (or more?) graffiti, one letter each
Herda 2009: 96 n. 268. (§1.1.3 below)
Hellström, P. (1965): Pottery of Classical and Later Date, Terracotta Lamps and Glass. Labraunda II.1. ActaAth. (Ser 4.) 5. Lund, 47-48, 56-57, Cat. 38 (mid-4th c.), 50 (2nd half of the 4th c.), pl. 6-7.*
May be more graffiti, see Karlsson – Henry 2008: 171 n. 3 (on pls. 6-7 / Cat. 50, 51, 53, 54) (§. above)

1.1.4. Miletus

Herda, Alexander – Sauter, Eckart (2009): Karerinnen und Karer in Milet: Zu einem spätklassischen Schüsselchen mit karischem Graffito aus Milet. AA: 51-112.

Blümel, Wolfgang (2010): Zu einem Graffito aus Milet. Kadmos 49: 194.

1.2. Greece

1.2.1. Karabournaki 

G 3 and G 4.
Adiego, Ignacio J. – Tiverios, Michalis – Manakidou, Eleni – Tsiafakis, Despoina (2012): Two Carian Inscriptions from Karabournaki / Thessaloniki, Greece. In: Koray Konuk (ed.): Stephanèphoros. De l’économie antique à l’Asie Mineure. Hommages à Raymond Descat. Bordeaux, 195-202

1.3. Egypt

Ray, John D. (2006): Inscriptions and Ostraca in the Nicholson Museum. Hieroglyphic, Hieratic, Demotic and Carian. In: K. N. Sowada – B. G. Ockinga (eds.): Egyptian Art in the Nicholson Museum, Sydney. Sydney, 211-223.*

2. Secondary literature

Adiego, Ignacio J. (2007): Greek and Carian. In: A.-F. Christidis (ed.): A History of Ancient Greek. From the Beginnings to Late Antiquity. Cambridge, 758-762.

Adiego, Ignacio J. (2010): Recent Developments in the Decipherment of Carian. In: Riet van Bremen – Jan-Mathieu Carbon (eds.): Hellenistic Karia. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Hellenistic Karia. Oxford, 29 June – 2 July 2006. Bordeaux, 147-176.

Adiego, Ignasi-Xavier (2013): Carian identity and Carian language. In: Olivier Henry (ed.): 4th Century Karia. Defining a Karian identity under the Hekatomnids. Varia Anatolica XXVIII. Istanbul, 15-20.

Adiego, Ignasi-Xavier (2013): Unity and Diversity in the Carian Alphabet. In: Patrice Brun - Laurence Cavalier - Koray Konuk - Francis Prost (eds.): Euploia. La Lycie et la Carie antiques. Dynamiques des territoires, échanges et identités. Actes du colloque de Bordeaux, 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2009. Bordeaux, 17-28.

Blümel, Wolfgang (2007): Die Erforschung des Karischen. In: J. Cobet et al. (eds.): Frühes Ionien. Eine Bestandsaufnahme. Mainz, 429-435.

Blümel, Wolfgang (2009): Zu Schrift und Sprache der Karer. In: Rumscheid, Frank (ed.): Die Karer und die Anderen. Internationales Kolloquium an der Freien Universität Berlin. 13. bis 15. Oktober 2005. Bonn, 221-228.*

Bresson, A. (2007): Les Cariens ou la mauvaise conscience du barbare. In: G. Urso (ed.): Tra Oriente e Occidente. Indigeni, Greci e Romani in Asia Minore. Colloquium Cividale del Friuli 2006. Pisa, 209-228.*

Chaniotis, A. (2007): Thynnara: Ein neuer karischer Ortsname. In: U. Fellmeth et al. (eds.): Historische Geographie der Alten Welt. Grundlagen, Erträge, Perspektiven. Festgabe für Eckart Olshausen. Hildesheim, 83-85.*

Descat, R. (2008): Note sur l’émigration carienne en Égypte à l’époque archaïque. In: A. Bouet (ed.): D’Orient et d’Occident. Mélanges offerts à Pierre Aupert. Bordeaux – Paris, 87-91.*

Duhoux, Yves (2007): Le vocabulaire carien de la „tombe”. À propos d’une possible isoglosse étrusco-carienne (suθi/śuθi “tombeau” ~ carien sδi/siδi “tombe”). Kadmos 46: 53-107.

Ehrhardt, N. (2006): Die karische Bevölkerung Milets. In: R. Biering et al. (eds.): Maiandros. Festschrift für Volkmar Graeve. München, 81-89.*

Henry, Olivier (2007): Quelques remarques sur des inscriptions funéraires cariennes de Carie. In: Patrice Brun (ed.): Scripta anatolica. Hommages à Pierre Debord. Bordeaux, 93-101.

Kloekhorst, Alwin (2008): Studies in Lycian and Carian phonology and morphology. Kadmos 47: 117-146.

Konuk, Koray (2007): Orou, dynaste de Carie. In: Patrice Brun (ed.): Scripta anatolica. Hommages à Pierre Debord. Bordeaux, 107-111.

Konuk, Koray (2009): The Coinage of Hyssaldomos, Dynast of Mylasa. In: Ralph Einicke et al. (eds.): Zurück zum Gegenstand. Festschrift für Andreas E. Furtwängler 2. Langenweißbach, 357-363.

Konuk, Koray (2009): Kasolaba. A New Mint in Karia? In: Stella Drougou et al. (eds.): Kermatia philias. Timetikos tomos gia ton Ioanne Touratsoglou. Athens, 177-183.

Konuk, Koray (2009): Erbbina in Caria? In: Oğuz Tekin (ed.): Ancient History, Numismatics and Epigraphy in the Mediterranean World. Studies in Memory of Clemens E. Bosch and Sabahat Atlan and in Honour of Nezahat Baydur. Istanbul, 193-199.

Lebrun, René (2009): Notes cariennes. Res Antiquae 6: 365-367.*

Meier-Brügger, Michael (2006): Karische Notizen. In: R. Bombi et al. (eds.): Scritti linguistici in onore di Roberto Gusmani. Alessandria, 1145-1151.*

Meier-Brügger, Michael (2006): Zur Bildung von griechisch θεός. Incontri Linguistici 29: 119-125.

Meier-Brügger, Michael (2009): Karer und Alt-Anatolier aus sprachwissenschaftlicher Sicht. In: Rumscheid, Frank (ed.): Die Karer und die Anderen. Internationales Kolloquium an der Freien Universität Berlin. 13. bis 15. Oktober 2005. Bonn, 1-6.*

Melchert, H. Craig (2010): Further Thoughts on Carian Nominal Inflection. In: Riet van Bremen – Jan-Mathieu Carbon (eds.): Hellenistic Karia. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Hellenistic Karia. Oxford, 29 June – 2 July 2006. Bordeaux, 177-186.

Schürr, Diether (2006): Karische Berg- und Ortsnamen mit lykischem Anschluß. HS 119: 117-132.

Schürr, Diether (2009): Lykisch und karisch un-. HS 122: 100-110.

Schürr, Diether (2010): Spätkarisch: Regionalisierung und Lautentwicklungen. In: Riet van Bremen – Jan-Mathieu Carbon (eds.): Hellenistic Karia. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Hellenistic Karia. Oxford, 29 June – 2 July 2006. Bordeaux, 187-205.

Schürr, Diether (2013): Kaunisch-Karisches in Krya: Revision der Grabinschrift und Vergleiche. In: Olivier Henry (ed.): 4th Century Karia. Defining a Karian identity under the Hekatomnids. Varia Anatolica XXVIII. Istanbul, 21-32.

Simon, Zsolt (2011): Die Fortsetzung der Laryngale im Karischen. In: Thomas Krisch – Thomas Lindner (eds.): Indogermanistik und Linguistik im Dialog. Akten der XIII. Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft vom 21. bis 27. September 2008 in Salzburg. Wiesbaden, 538-547.

Simon, Zsolt (forthcoming-a): Against the identification of Karkiša with Carians. In: Nicholas Stampolidis – Çiğdem Maner – Konstantinos Kopanias (eds.): Proceedings of the Conference „Nostoi – Indigenous Culture, Migration & Integration in the Aegean Islands & Western Anatolia during the Late Bronze & Early Iron Age”. Istanbul

Simon, Zsolt (forthcoming-b): Zur vorgriechischen Geschichte von Imbros aus philologischer Sicht. Ancient West & East.

Vernet Pons, Mariona (2012): The etymology of Goliath in the light of Carian PN Wljat/Wliat: a new proposal. Kadmos 51: 143-164.

Waerzeggers, Caroline (2006): The Carians of Borsippa. Iraq 48: 1-22.

Yakubovich, Ilya (2005): Carian monument. In: N. N. Kazanskij (ed.): Hrdā mánasā. Sbornik statej k 70-letiju dnja roždenija professora Leonarda Georgieviča Gercenberga. Sankt-Peterburg, 240-251.

Yakubovich, Ilya (2009): Sociolinguistics of the Luvian Language. Leiden – Boston

Zadok, Ran (2005): On Anatolians, Greeks and Egyptians in ‘Chaldean’ and Achaemenid Babylonia. Tel Aviv 32: 76-106.

Unpublished talks:

'Luwic' Dialects: Inheritance and Diffusion (Barcelona)

  • Adiego, Ignasi-Xavier: Consonant clusters and syllable structure in Caro-memphite (23/10/2013)

Karia Arkhaia - La Carie des origines à la période pré-hékatomnide (Istanbul)

  • Adiego, Ignasi-Xavier (2013): 'Archaic' Carian: an epigraphic and linguistic assessment (16/11/2013)
  • Carless Unwin, Naomi: Multilingualism in Karia and the social dynamics of linguistic assimilation (16/11/2013)
  • Oreshko, Rostislav (2013): Geographical position of Karkisa and its place in the political structure of the LBA western Anatolia (16/11/2013)
  • Schürr, Diether (2013): Zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte des Karischen (16/11/2013)

3. Reviews of Adiego 2007
Gusmani, Roberto (2008): IL 31: 219.*
Rieken, Elisabeth (2010): ZDMG 160: 469-470.
Schmitt, Rüdiger (2008): BNF 43: 75-85.*
Schürr, Diether (2010): Krat 55: 134-142.
Simon, Zsolt (2008): ActaAntHung 48: 457-463.

2012. augusztus 7., kedd

JCS 64 (2012)

Reading Sumerian Names, II: Gilgameš (Gonzalo Rubio)

The Economic Status of Governors in Ur III Times: An Example of the Governor of Umma (Marek Stępień)

Three New Nippur Manuscripts of the Ur Lament, I (Nili Samet - Selim F. Adali)

Droit et divination: deux manières de rendre la justice. À Propos de dīnum, uṡurtum et awatum (Jean-Jacques Glassner)

A Musicological Interpretation of the Akkadian Term siḫpu (Leon Crickmore)

Spinning and Weaving Wool in Ur III Administrative Texts (Richard Firth - Marie-Louise Nosch)

Hittite dammeli-: Jurare in Verba Magistri? (Jaan Puhvel)

Esarhaddon’s Succession Treaty at Tell Tayinat: Text and Commentary (Jacob Lauinger)

Building XVI and the Neo-Assyrian Sacred Precinct at Tell Tayinat (Timothy P. Harrison - James F. Osborne)

Zu den vor-Ur III-zeitlichen Keilschrifttexten des World Museum, Liverpool (Ingo Schrakamp)