A prágai Károly Egyetem egyiptológiai intézetének egyik nagyszerű (és követendő) tulajdonsága, hogy évente szeptemberben kis, tematikus konferenciákat szervez. A most soron következő témájánál izgalmasabbat aligha találhattak volna:
Egypt and the Near East - The Crossroads
Egypt and the Near East - The Crossroads
International Workshop on the Relations Between Egypt and the Near East in the Bronze Age
2010. szeptember 1-3.
The main objective of the workshop is to enhance our understanding of the historical processes and the development of the abundant and complex relation of Egypt with the Near East during the period defined by the end of Chalcolithic and the dawn of Iron Age. In light of this special attention will be given to the region of Syria-Palestine. In order to obtain a well-balanced insight, we would like the subject to be discussed both from an archaeological and philological point of view. We believe that bringing together archaeologists, philologists as well as historians and other experts is not merely highly desirable, but a necessity for gaining a deeper insight into the particular historical, social, cultural and economic developments of this region at this particular moment in time. During the workshop a particular section will be devoted specifically to the subject of the Amarna letters. We hope that this discussion will not only provide a new view on and understanding of the corpus itself, but we also intend to focus on the character of the political and social organization of the region and the impact Egypt, Hatti and the other Great Powers had on its cultural development.
Absztraktleadási határidő: 2010. május 1. (a konferencia nyelve meghökkentő módon csak az angol)
Minden további információhoz ld. a konferencia honlapját.
The main objective of the workshop is to enhance our understanding of the historical processes and the development of the abundant and complex relation of Egypt with the Near East during the period defined by the end of Chalcolithic and the dawn of Iron Age. In light of this special attention will be given to the region of Syria-Palestine. In order to obtain a well-balanced insight, we would like the subject to be discussed both from an archaeological and philological point of view. We believe that bringing together archaeologists, philologists as well as historians and other experts is not merely highly desirable, but a necessity for gaining a deeper insight into the particular historical, social, cultural and economic developments of this region at this particular moment in time. During the workshop a particular section will be devoted specifically to the subject of the Amarna letters. We hope that this discussion will not only provide a new view on and understanding of the corpus itself, but we also intend to focus on the character of the political and social organization of the region and the impact Egypt, Hatti and the other Great Powers had on its cultural development.
Absztraktleadási határidő: 2010. május 1. (a konferencia nyelve meghökkentő módon csak az angol)
Minden további információhoz ld. a konferencia honlapját.
1 megjegyzés:
Hát azért az izgalmasság relatív. Engem speciel a tavalyi Social and Religious Development konferencia jobban lázba hozott. :)
De természetesen erre is kimennék, mégha csak hallgatóságnak is, hiszen viszonylag közel van...
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