2010. december 18., szombat

Könyvajánló (egy kicsit hosszabb)

B. S. Düring: The Prehistory of Asia Minor. From Complex Hunter-Gatherers to Early Urban Societies. Cambridge, 2010

C. Bonnet - H. Niehr: Religionen in der Umwelt des Alten Testaments II. Phönizier, Punier, Aramäer. Stuttgart, 2010

E. Strommenger - P. A. Miglus: Ausgrabungen in Tall Bi'a/Tuttul V.Altorientalische Kleinfunde. WVDOG 126. Wiesbaden, 2010

E. Lipinski: Studies in Aramaic Inscriptions and Onomastics III. Ma'lana. OLA 200. Louvain, 2010

L. Bricault - M. J. Versluys (ed.): Isis on the Nile. Egyptian Gods in Hellenistic and Roman Egypt. Proceedings of the IVth International Conference of Isis Studies, Liège, November 27-29 2008. Leiden, 2010

P.-L. Gatier - B. Geyer - M.-O. Rousset (eds.): Entre nomades et sédentairesProspections en Syrie du Nord et en Jordanie du Sud. Lyon, 2010

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