2009. június 13., szombat

Festschrift Simo Parpola

Simo Parpola a legnagyobb élő assziriológusok egyike (csak annyit mondok Helsinki és az a bizonyos újasszír corpus) - itt tekintsünk el jóindulatúan a moszkvai Rencontre-on elkövetett előadásától -, akinek Festchriftje most jelent meg. Tartalmát küldjük mindenkinek, aki az újasszírokat szereti.

Of God(s), Trees, Kings, and Scholars: Neo-Assyrian and Related Studies in Honour of Simo Parpola (Studia Orientalia 106). Edited by M. Luukko, S. Svärd and R. Mattila. Helsinki, Finnish Oriental Society, 2009. xxiv + 503 pp. Bővebb info


Bibliography of the Publications of Simo Parpola

Claus Ambos, Eunuchen als Thronprätendenten und Herrscher im alten Orient, pp. 1-7.
Sanna Aro, The Origins of the Artistic Interactions between the Assyrian Empire and North Syria Revisited, pp. 9-17.
Zack Cherry, Aramaic Loanwords in Neo-Assyrian: Rejecting Some Proposals, pp. 19-25.
Frederick Mario Fales, “To Speak Kindly to him/them” as Item of Assyrian Political Discourse, pp. 27-39.
Sabrina Favaro, Osservazioni sull’orticoltura di epoca neo-assira, pp. 41-50.
Eckart Frahm, Assurbanipal at Der, pp. 51-64.
Grant Frame, A “New” Cylinder Inscription of Sargon II of Assyria from Melid, pp. 65-82.
Salvatore Gaspa, “Wiping the Pot Clean”: On Cooking Pots and Polishing Operations in Neo-Assyrian Sources, pp. 83-98.
Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila, The Camels of Tiglath-pileser III and the Arabic Definite Article, pp. 99-101.
Karlheinz Kessler, Informationen aus der assyrischen Provinz Dūr-Šarrukku im nördlichen Babylonien, pp. 103-109.
Theodore Kwasman, A Neo-Assyrian Royal Funerary Text, pp. 111-125.
Giovanni B. Lanfranchi, A Happy Son of the King of Assyria: Warikas and the Çineköy Bilingual (Cilicia), pp. 127-150.
Alasdair Livingstone, Remembrance at Assur: The Case of the Dated Aramaic Memorials, pp. 151-157.
Raija Mattila, The Chief Singer and Other Late Eponyms, pp. 159-166.
Jamie Novotny & Jennifer Singletary, Family Ties: Assurbanipal’s FamilyRevisited, pp. 167-177.
Bradley J. Parker, Ašipâ Again: A Microhistory of an Assyrian Provincial Administrator, pp. 179-192.
Olof Pedersén, Neo-Assyrian Texts from Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon: A Preliminary Report, pp. 193-199.
Barbara Nevling Porter, Noseless in Nimrud: More Figurative Responses to Assyrian Domination, pp. 201-220.
Karen Radner, The Assyrian King and his Scholars: The Syro-Anatolian and the Egyptian Schools, pp. 221-238.
Julian Reade, Fez, Diadem, Turban, Chaplet: Power-Dressing at the Assyrian Court, pp. 239-264.
Wolfgang Röllig, Die Inschriften des Ninurta-bēlu-uşur, Statthalters von Kār-Salmānu-ašarēd. Teil I, pp. 265-278.
Saana Svärd & Mikko Luukko, Who Were the “Ladies of the House” in the Assyrian Empire? pp. 279-294.
Greta Van Buylaere, I Feared the Snow and Turned Back, pp. 295-306.

Tzvi Abusch, Maqlû III 1-30: Internal Analysis and Manuscript Evidence for the Revision of an Incantation, pp. 307-313.
Amar Annus, Some Otherworldly Journeys in Mesopotamian, Jewish, Mandaean and Yezidi Traditions, pp. 315-326.
Muhammad Dandamayev, The Diverse Enterprises of Šumu-ukin from Babylon, pp. 327-332.
Manfried Dietrich, “Armer Mann von Nippur”: ein Werk der Krisenliteratur des 8. Jh. v. Chr., pp. 333-352.
Veysel Donbaz, Two Middle Assyrian Contracts Housed in Istanbul, pp. 353-360.
Markham J. Geller, Two Bilingual Incantation Fragments, pp. 361-366.
Tapani Harviainen, Wilhelm Lagus: A Pioneer of Cuneiform Research in Finland, pp. 367-376.
Martti Nissinen, Wisdom as Mediatrix in Sirach 24: Ben Sira, Love Lyrics,and Prophecy, pp. 377-390.
Antonio Panaino, A Mesopotamian Omen in the Cycle of Cyrus the Great, with an “Appendix on Cuneiform Sources” by Gian Pietro Basello, pp. 391-398.
Simonetta Ponchia, Some Reflections on Metaphor, Ambiguity and Literary Tradition, pp. 399-407.
Beate Pongratz-Leisten, Reflections on the Translatability of the Notion of Holiness, pp. 409-427.
Robert Rollinger, Altorientalisches im Buch Judith, pp. 429-443.

Bibliography, pp. 445-501. Abbreviations, pp. 502-503.

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