Bojowald, St.: Noch einmal zum Personennamen t3'3mtw in Urk. IV, 11, 9
Bretschneider, J. / Van Vyve, A.-S. / Jans, G.: War of the lords. The battle of chronology. Trying to recognize historical iconography in the 3rd millennium glyptic art in seals of Ishqi-Mari and from Beydar
De Backer, F.: Evolution of War Chariot Tactics in the Ancient Near East
Dietrich, M. / Loretz, O.Der ugaritische Parallelismus mn dbb (KTU 1.4 I 38-40) und die Unterscheidung zwischen dbb I, dbb II, dbb III
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Dietrich, M. / Loretz, O.: Praeventiv-Beschwörung gegen Schlangen, Skorpione und Hexerei zum Schutz des Praefekten Urtnu (KTU 1.178 = RS 92.2014)
Dietrich, M. / Loretz, O.: Urbild und Abbild in der Schlangenbeschwörung KTU3 1.100. Epigraphie, Kolometrie, Redaktion und Ritual
Dietrich, M. / Loretz, O.: Die keilalphabetischen Briefe aus Ugarit (I). KTU 2.72, 2.76, 2.86,2.87, 2.88, 2.89 und 2.90
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Galil, G.: The Hebrew Inscription from Khirbet Qeiyafa/Neta'im. Script, Language,Literature and History
Gillmann, Ni.: Quelques remarques additionnelles sur le siege de Lachish
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Kassian, A.: Hattic as a Sino-Caucasian Language
Keetman, J.: Die Triade der Laterale und ihre Veraenderungen in den aelteren semitischen Sprachen
Matoan, V. / Vita, J.-P.: Les textiles a Ougarit. Perspectives de la recherche
Mazzini, G.: On the Problematic Term syr/d in the New Old Aramaic Inscription from Zincirli
Melchiorri, V.: Le tophet de Sulci (S. Antioco, Sardaigne). Etat des etudes et perspectives de la recherche
Murphy, K.J.: Myth, Reality, and the Goddess Anat. Anat's Violence and Independence in the Ba'al Cycle
Nahshoni, P. / Ziffer, I.: Caphtor, the throne of his dwelling, Memphis, the land of his inheritance. The Pattern book of a Philistine offering stand from ashrine at Nahal Patish. (With an appendix on the technology of the stand by Elisheva Kamaisky)
Natan-Yulzary, Sh.: Divine Justice or Poetic Justice? The Transgression and Punishment of the Goddess 'Anat in the 'Aqhat Story. A Literary Perspective
Shea, W.H.: The Qeiyafa Ostracon. Separation of Powers in Ancient Israel
Staubli, Th.: Bull leaping and other images and rites of the Southern Levant in the sign of Scorpius
Strawn, B.A.: kw'rwt in Psalm 68:7, Again. A (Small) Test Case in Relating Ugarit to the Hebrew Bible
Sturm, Th.Fr.: Rabbatum - ein Ort der Textilmanufaktur für den altassyrischen Fernhandel von Assyrien nach Zentralanatolien (ca. 1930-1730 v.Chr.)
Zadok, R.: Philistian Notes I
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