1. Ma kezdődött s a héten tart a 31. Uluslararası Kazı, Araştırma ve Arkeometri Sempozyumu, vagyis a törökországi régészetben a tavaly végzett kutatásokról beszámoló konferencia, Pamukkaléban. A konferencia honlapja, részletes programmal itt.
2. Megjelent az első kritika a friss hettita nyelvtanról, Philomen Probert tollából a BMCR-n:
Harry A. Hoffner, Jr., H. Craig Melchert: A Grammar of the Hittite Language 1-2. Languages of the Ancient Near East 1-2. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2008.
Ez nyilván csak nyitánya a recenziók hosszú sorának, amiről még eddig tudomásom van: Alwin Kloekhorst is ír egy recenziót róla a Kratylos számára, továbbá engem is felkértek egy folyóirattól.
3. Megjelent a teljes urartui korpusz új kiadásának első három kötete:
Mirjo Salvini: Corpus dei testi urartei. Le iscrizioni su pietra e roccia. Vol. I - I testi. Vol. II - Thesaurus. Vol. III - Fotografie ricostruzioni e di segni. Documenta Asiana VIII/1-3. Roma 2008. Tervezett kötetek: Vol. IV - Testi su bronzi, argilla, altri materiali. Lista dei segni (in preparation, to be published in late 2009). Vol. V - Dizionario, Schizzo grammaticale (in preparation, to be published in 2010).
Leírásuk: The corpus of the Urartian inscriptions, already announced years ago,will now be in five volumes. The first three, published in December 2008, collect the cuneiform inscriptions on stone: stele, rock inscriptions and inscriptions on worked stones.
Volume I presents all the texts in transcription, ordered in chapters organized according to the chronological sequence of Urartian kings. Every chapter is preceded by a map showing the localization of the texts and is followed by a specific glossary, presenting the Urartian lexicon, the sumerogrammes, the akkadogrammes and the lexicon of the Assyrian texts. A long introduction explains the structure of the corpus, that differs from the previous similar publication. A chronological table follows, with the Assyrian synchronisms. This volume also includes general concordances with the previous publications, the list of the place of origin of the texts and the places where they are kept, the concordance of the old and new place-names and the bibliography of the editions of the text on stone and rock.
Volume II includes a general Thesaurus of the texts on stone and rock that was obtained by means of a programme specially conceived for this purpose. All the occurrences of a word are registered; they are organized according to their languages (Urartian, Sumerian, Akkadian[Akkadograms], Assyrian) and each one is followed by the indication of the text and by a line of context.
Volume III gives photographs of the texts (most of them previously unpublished) and some reconstruction of the most problematical monumental texts. For the first time are presented here 38 satellite maps covering the whole Urartian territory (Eastern Turkey, Armenia, region of Nakhichevan, northwestern Iran, northeastern Iraq), with mention of all known find-spots.
Volume IV, in preparation, will include the texts on metal (mainly on bronze objects), on clay (tablets, bullae and pithoi), with a Thesaurus and the photographic documentation. Published there will also be palaeographical list of the Urartian cuneiform signs, with all the variants connected with the neo-Assyrian ductus and the references to the texts of volumes I and IV.
Volume V includes a general dictionary and a sketch of the Urartian grammar. The linear (so called ‘hieroglyphic’) writing of the administration of the storerooms will also be studied. A supplement will include all the texts discovered and published after volume I.
További információ a Diffusion De Boccard-nál, itt. (A link hol működik, hol nem, némi türelem szükségeltetik hozzá.)
2. Megjelent az első kritika a friss hettita nyelvtanról, Philomen Probert tollából a BMCR-n:
Harry A. Hoffner, Jr., H. Craig Melchert: A Grammar of the Hittite Language 1-2. Languages of the Ancient Near East 1-2. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2008.
Ez nyilván csak nyitánya a recenziók hosszú sorának, amiről még eddig tudomásom van: Alwin Kloekhorst is ír egy recenziót róla a Kratylos számára, továbbá engem is felkértek egy folyóirattól.
3. Megjelent a teljes urartui korpusz új kiadásának első három kötete:
Mirjo Salvini: Corpus dei testi urartei. Le iscrizioni su pietra e roccia. Vol. I - I testi. Vol. II - Thesaurus. Vol. III - Fotografie ricostruzioni e di segni. Documenta Asiana VIII/1-3. Roma 2008. Tervezett kötetek: Vol. IV - Testi su bronzi, argilla, altri materiali. Lista dei segni (in preparation, to be published in late 2009). Vol. V - Dizionario, Schizzo grammaticale (in preparation, to be published in 2010).
Leírásuk: The corpus of the Urartian inscriptions, already announced years ago,will now be in five volumes. The first three, published in December 2008, collect the cuneiform inscriptions on stone: stele, rock inscriptions and inscriptions on worked stones.
Volume I presents all the texts in transcription, ordered in chapters organized according to the chronological sequence of Urartian kings. Every chapter is preceded by a map showing the localization of the texts and is followed by a specific glossary, presenting the Urartian lexicon, the sumerogrammes, the akkadogrammes and the lexicon of the Assyrian texts. A long introduction explains the structure of the corpus, that differs from the previous similar publication. A chronological table follows, with the Assyrian synchronisms. This volume also includes general concordances with the previous publications, the list of the place of origin of the texts and the places where they are kept, the concordance of the old and new place-names and the bibliography of the editions of the text on stone and rock.
Volume II includes a general Thesaurus of the texts on stone and rock that was obtained by means of a programme specially conceived for this purpose. All the occurrences of a word are registered; they are organized according to their languages (Urartian, Sumerian, Akkadian[Akkadograms], Assyrian) and each one is followed by the indication of the text and by a line of context.
Volume III gives photographs of the texts (most of them previously unpublished) and some reconstruction of the most problematical monumental texts. For the first time are presented here 38 satellite maps covering the whole Urartian territory (Eastern Turkey, Armenia, region of Nakhichevan, northwestern Iran, northeastern Iraq), with mention of all known find-spots.
Volume IV, in preparation, will include the texts on metal (mainly on bronze objects), on clay (tablets, bullae and pithoi), with a Thesaurus and the photographic documentation. Published there will also be palaeographical list of the Urartian cuneiform signs, with all the variants connected with the neo-Assyrian ductus and the references to the texts of volumes I and IV.
Volume V includes a general dictionary and a sketch of the Urartian grammar. The linear (so called ‘hieroglyphic’) writing of the administration of the storerooms will also be studied. A supplement will include all the texts discovered and published after volume I.
További információ a Diffusion De Boccard-nál, itt. (A link hol működik, hol nem, némi türelem szükségeltetik hozzá.)
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