A Journal of Associated Graduates in Near Eastern Studies (Berkeley), vagyis a JAGNES szeretettel várja az ókori keleti és modern közel-keleti témákban végzett kutatásaik eredményeit publikálni óhajtó egyetemi hallgatók írásait:
JAGNES (the Journal of Associated Graduates in Near Eastern Studies) is now accepting submissions! JAGNES is an interdisciplinary, multi-field student journal with an international circulation. JAGNES publishes graduate student research on topics dealing with the Ancient Near East, modern Middle East and related areas. Send your research, seminar, or thesis paper and see it published in a reputable journal just for graduate students. Submission deadline for the current issue is June 15th, 2009. For additional information and submission guidelines, please visit us at www.jagnes.com.
A honlap részletes leírást tartalmaz a beküldés mikéntjéről, a korábbi számokról, stb. A szerzők bármely országból származhatnak!
JAGNES (the Journal of Associated Graduates in Near Eastern Studies) is now accepting submissions! JAGNES is an interdisciplinary, multi-field student journal with an international circulation. JAGNES publishes graduate student research on topics dealing with the Ancient Near East, modern Middle East and related areas. Send your research, seminar, or thesis paper and see it published in a reputable journal just for graduate students. Submission deadline for the current issue is June 15th, 2009. For additional information and submission guidelines, please visit us at www.jagnes.com.
A honlap részletes leírást tartalmaz a beküldés mikéntjéről, a korábbi számokról, stb. A szerzők bármely országból származhatnak!
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