Leggo! Studies Presented to Frederick Mario Fales on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday. Edited by Giovanni B. Lanfranchi, Daniele Morandi Bonacossi, Cinzia Pappi, and Simonetta Ponchia. Leipziger Altoriantalistische Studien 2. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2012.
A tartalomból:
Ezio Attardo: Mistake and Misunderstanding in the Development of Linear Scripts
Alessandra Avanzini: The Sabaean Presence in Jawf in the Eighth-Seventh Centuries BC. Notes on the Oldest Phase of Ancient South Arabian Culture and Its Relationship with Mesopotamia
Luc Bachelot: À propos du poème d’Agušaya : note sur la fonction du double
Nicoletta Bellotto: Osservazioni sui testimoni e sul loro ruolo nei documenti medioassiri della pratica
Giorgio Buccellati: Aten in Amurru?
Paola Corò Capitanio: By the Written Order of the rab ša reš ali ša Uruk: towards an Understanding of the bit ritti System in Hellenistic Uruk
Eleonora Cussini: What Women Say and Do (in Aramaic Documents)
Lorenzo D’Alfonso: Tabal: An Out-group Definition in the First Millennium BC
Stefano de Martino: La lettera IBoT 1.34 e il problema dei sincronismi tra Hatti e Assiria nel XIII secolo a.C.
Roswitha Del Fabbro: The Roads from and to Aleppo: Some Historical-geographical Considerations in Light of New Archaeological Data
Giuseppe Del Monte: Finanza creativa in Nippur medio-babilonese
Jean-Marie Durand avec une contribution épigraphique de Michaël Guichard: La guerre ou la paix ? Réflexions sur les implications politiques d’une prophétie
Massimo Forlanini: Geographica Diachronica 2: dall’alto Eufrate all’alto Tigri
Salvatore Gaspa: The Accountant’s Job: Professional Numeracy and Record-keeping in the Assyrian Administrative Practice
Markham J. Geller: Late Medical Prescriptions for the Nose
Christoph Gerber: When Did the First Assyrian Arrive in Anatolia?
Marco Iamoni: Toggle Pins of the Bronze Age: A Matter of Style, Function and Fashion?
Felice Israel: La radice hapak tra lettura politica dell’iscrizione di Ahirom e testi economici assiro-aramaici
Michael Jursa: Ein Beamter flucht auf Aramäisch: Alphabetschreiber in der spätbabylonischen Epistolographie und die Rolle des Aramäischen in der babylonischen Verwaltung des sechsten Jahrhunderts v. Chr.
Giovanni B. Lanfranchi: An Empire Names Its Periphery: the Neo-Assyrian Toponym for Damascus
André Lemaire: La réforme du roi Josias et les cultes araméens à Jérusalem (VIIe s. av. n. è.)
Mario Liverani: From Melid through Bastam to Megiddo: Stables and Horses in Iron Age II
Maria Grazia Masetti-Rouault – Olivier Rouault: “Tutte le strade portano a Roma (ed a Assur)” : dernières nouvelles de l’empire néo-assyrien dans le Bas Moyen-Euphrate syrien
Paolo Matthiae: Subject Innovations in the Khorsabad Reliefs and Their Political Meaning
Piotr Michalowski: On Early Mesopotamian Epistolary Pragmatics
Lucio Milano: Reflections about City Administration, Record-keeping and the Management of Primary Resources at Tell Beydar / Nabada
Clelia Mora – Silvia Balatti: Stelae from Tuwana
Daniele Morandi Bonacossi: Ritual Offering and Termination Rituals in A Middle Bronze Age Sacred Area in Qatna’s Upper Town
Davide Nadali: Interpretations and Translations, Performativity and Embodied Simulation. Reflections on Assyrian Images
Cinzia Pappi: Assyrians at the Lower Zab
Simo Parpola: The Neo-Assyrian Royal Harem
Fabrizio A. Pennacchietti: Scirocco, un relitto del lessico marinaresco cartaginese?
Francesco Pomponio: Un motivo per cui le tavolette amministrative neo-sumeriche sono così numerose
Simonetta Ponchia: On Violence, Error and Royal Succession in Neo-Assyrian Times
Barbara Nevling Porter: Audiences for the Cyprus Stela of Sargon II
J. Nicholas Postgate: Assyrian Percentages? Calculating the Birth-rate at Dur-katlimmu
Karen Radner: The Seal of Tašmetum-šarrat, Sennacherib’s Queen, and Its Impressions
Julian Reade: Visual Evidence for the Status and Activities of Assyrian Scribes
Monica Rigo: L'abbigliamento degli Assiri: una nota sull'abito del re
Robert Rollinger: From Sargon of Agade and the Assyrian Kings to Khusrau I and Beyond: on the Persistence of Ancient Near Eastern Traditions
Elena Rova: “Themes” of Seal Images and Their Variants: Two New Examples from Tell Beydar
Michael P. Streck: The Pig and the Fox in Two Popular Sayings from Aššur
Karl Strobel: „Kimmeriersturm“ und „Skythenmacht“: eine historische Fiktion?
Luigi Turri: Bit-Tenne and Tunanat
Carlo Zaccagnini: Maps of the World
Ran Zadok: Kannu
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