Gabi Hollender (Hrsg.): Amenophis I. und Ahmes Nefertari. Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung ihres posthumen Kultes anhand der Privatgräber der thebanischen Nekropole. Sonderschriften des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Abt. Kairo 23. Walter de Gruyter, 2009
Miroslav Bárta et al. (ed.): Abusir XIII. Abusir South 2: Tomb Complex of the Vizier Qar, His Sons Qar Junior and Senedjemib and Iykai. Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2009.
Renata Landgráfová – Hana Navrátilová: Sex and the Golden Goddess I: Ancient Egyptian Love Songs in Context. Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2009
David Silverman, William Kelly Simpson and Josef Wegner (eds.): Archaism and Innovation. Studies in the Culture of Middle Kingdom Egypt. Yale Egyptological Seminar, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Yale University and University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology 2009.
Ebben a kötetben jelent meg Horváth Zoltán kollégánk tanulmánya El-Lahun régészeti topográfiájáról.
Jan Krzysztof Winnicki: Late Egypt and Her Neighbours. Foreign Population in Egypt in the First Millennium BC. The Journal of Juristic Papyrology Supplement volume 12. Warsaw 2009
Ewa Wipszycka: Moines et communautés monastiques en Égypte, IVe–VIIIe siècles. The Journal of Juristic Papyrology Supplement volume 11. Warsaw 2009
Egy négy kötetes kézikönyv első két kötete:
Anna Wodzinska. A Manual of Egyptian Pottery. Vol 1: Fayum A–Lower Egyptian Culture. AERA Field Manual Series 1.
Vol 2: Naqada III–Middle Kingdom. AERA Field Manual Series 2.
Roger S. Bagnall: The Oxford Handbook of Papyrology. Oxford University Press, 2009
Paula Veiga: Health and Medicine in Ancient Egypt. Magic and Science. Archaeopress 2009
Paula Veiga: Oncology and Infectious Diseases in ancient Egypt: The Ebers Papyrus’ Treatise on Tumours 857-877 and the cases found in ancient Egyptian human material. VDM Verlag, 2009
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